Par Arthur101105

30.5K 535 48

When you have no purpose, your life is empty and meaningless. When I woke up and saw that silver hair man, he... Plus

Chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

Chapter 3

1.7K 36 3
Par Arthur101105

"Naruto" normal Speech.

'Naruto' normal Thought.

"Rasengan" magic/jutsu.

"Kurama" Demon/monster/Bijuu normal Speech.

'Kurama' Demon/moster/Bijuu Thought.

Naruto DxD - Purpose Of Living

Chapter 3.

A year passed after Naruto joined Sirzechs's peerage and a lot had changed since then.

Naruto now had the same type of education as Rias when she was at home during the summer vacation but his tutor was non other than Venelana Gremory, Rias's mother herself. She wanted a member of her oldest child's peerage to have proper education and manners alike and she kept muttering something about the future if things turned for the best with Naruto and Rias. Venelana had proven herself that she was a very strict tutor and wouldn't forgive Naruto if he didn't repeat exactly what she was teaching him and wanted nothing but perfection. But thanks to this Naruto finally learned how to act like a member of high-class society, their ways and what he needed to attend a high-class party, Naruto also remembered the every name of the Seventy Two Pillars of the devils, which he managed to do in just one month.

When the summer vacation reached its end Rias had cried a lot because she had thought that she wouldn't be able to see Naruto for a whole year because she had school she would be really busy and won't have time to play with Naruto anymore. But her parents had calmed her by letting Naruto come with them to their home. The next heiress of the Gremory Clan was a very happy girl that day indeed.

In the same year, Naruto managed to learn much more about Rias. He wasn't that surprised when he found out Rias was an Otaku because he had seen her reading manga before when she had time or when Naruto was busy. She had a big collection of manga, anime and Cosplay costumes. She even made him watch anime with her until midnight and would fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. She even had a few manga and anime children her age shouldn't read or watch. But then again, she was a devil, so he guessed this kind of thing wasn't really important to her.

Naruto was walking through the corridors of the castle while carrying a big box in his hands. This box was something that Lord Gremory wanted to be delivered to the post station, so he asked Naruto if he could do it for him. The box was pretty heavy and it made him wonder what was inside of it. Fortunately, thanks to his new found strength, he could carry the box without any problem. Rias was at school at the moment as she had to attend to some meeting that only high-class devils could attend.

Naruto knocked at the door of Lord Gremory's room before opening it.

"Gremory-san!" Naruto called out to the man who was doing some paperwork at his table. The man looked up and smiled at Naruto, "I delivered the package" Said Naruto.

He had become very comfortable around Rias's parents, they had taken care of him like their own son for a whole year. Venelana had tried to make him call her Okaa-sama a few times, but Naruto would always refuse the generous offer, saying that he still didn't have the right to call her Okaa-sama but she only showed a mysterious smile and said that maybe someday he would call her like that.

"Ah, thank you Naruto-kun!" Lord Gremory smiled at the blonde haired boy. Naruto had become a part of his family in less than a month after he came here, now he saw the boy as one of his own. Naruto was truly a child that anyone would wish for… Kind and full of happiness, the servants at the Castle, especially the maids really like him because he would always help them whenever he had the chance. Watching Naruto made the elder Gremory remember when Sirzechs was still a child, "Your job is done Naruto-kun…However I have one more favor to ask you!"

"What is it Gremory-san?" Naruto asked curiously, Lord Gremory opened a drawer from his desk and took out a letter had the crimson symbols of the Gremory Clan on the back.

"Please deliver this letter to the head of Sitri Clan as soon as possible!" He handed him the letter and smiled, "You can go now Naruto-kun, and I still need to finish all this blasted paperwork!" Said Lord Gremory with a sigh and looked at the massive stacks of paper in front of him.

Trying not to laugh at his predicament, Naruto said his goodbyes and went to the nearest station to go to the Sitri Clan's territory. He still had some problems with the teleport spell, Macgregor had said that he had too much magic reserves inside his body and had little to no control over it. However, it was a different matter when he used his own powers and not devil ones. So he couldn't use the teleport spell not unless he wanted to appear somewhere he didn't knew or worst the Fallen Angels' territory.

Naruto had learned a lot about the Sitri household from Venelana's lesson when she was talking about the Seventy Two Pillars. Sitri was the house that gave birth to the current 'Leviathan', members of the Sitri Clan specialized in water-based magic with the Sitri territory being known for its richness in nature, having the most natural reserves among the territories belonging to high-class devils.

The Sitri clan are also known to be one of the few territories which have advanced medical facilities and has some of the most famous hospitals in the underworld. Even Naruto's brain damage was cured at the most advanced hospital there.

After forty five minutes of travelling, Naruto finally arrived at Sitri territory. It was exactly as he had read about it, this place were filled with so much greenery, he could see the forest from here and a part of him felt that he wouldn't mind living here for the rest of his life. Naruto felt nothing but peace while being here.

From the station Naruto began to walk at the Sitri's castle, hoping that the head of the Sitri clan was at home. Based on what Akeno had told him about the younger daughter of the Sitri Clan, she was a good friend of Rias but also had some kind of rivalry with her. Naruto could still remember the last time he was here and it was while traveling in an ambulance that was driving him to the hospital, the head doctor even said that he needed the best medical attention they could get for him.

After another twenty minutes of walking Naruto finally reached his destination, he could have run and made it there in only a few minutes but Naruto wanted to see the city. He could see that the Sitri Clan was as rich and powerful as the Gremory clan. It was no surprise, seeing that they were, after all one of the most powerful family of the Seventy Two Pillars.

From what he had heard about the current 'Leviathan', he knew that she was a girl around Sirzechs age and the most powerful female in the Underworld. Not only that, Grayfia used to challenge her for the title of 'Leviathan' and their fight had completely frozen the underworld but 'Leviathan' had won in the end.

Naruto had done some research about the Sitri family and found out their specialty was the use of water-based magic, but if Grayfia and this 'Leviathan' had fought and froze the Underworld then that meant that Leviathan's magic was ice-based magic, which is somewhat different than her family's trademark magic.

When Naruto was nearing the gates of the castle, he felt a gust of wind behind him and turned around, only to see a pink blur ran passed him with extreme speed, nearly knocking him to the ground with sheer speed alone, the pink blur going straight to the castle.

"What the hell is that?" Naruto asked, the only person he knew with that kind of speed was Souji.

"SO-TAN!" A girlish scream rang out from the castle, Naruto wondered who was she and assumed that she had a powerful set of lungs to scream that loud. The castle was really big and had a massive garden and yet he could still hear that girl's voice clearly.

When the door opened for him Naruto began to walk inside and inform the guard about the message he had to deliver to the head of the Sitri house. At first they didn't trust him but after seeing the symbol of the Gremory, they let him in.

The castle of the Sitri clan was as big as the Gremory's while inside the Gremory castle was decorated mostly with red, the Sitri castle was mostly blue, even the maids and servants here were wearing a blue outfit with the symbol of the Sitri Clan on their chest.

Speaking about the maids, Naruto could hear a lot of giggles coming that came from them. Also he noticed how they were throwing glances at him and began to feel a little uncomfortable. It was just like the first month at the Gremory castle, all the younger maids there were always glancing at him and would burst out in giggles whenever he looked back. It lasted for a month until Rias had put a stop to it with the help of Akeno. Strangely enough, it was the first time he had ever seen those two actually agree on something.

While Naruto was wondering where the head of the Sitri was he heard someone coming from behind him and jumped at him on purpose. Acting quickly Naruto crouched down and that person flew passed his head harmlessly and fell face first onto the ground. The problem was that the that jumped was a girl wearing a very short skirt, so when she fell to the ground, her skirt was lifted up to her hip, exposing her white panties for Naruto's naked eyes.

"Ouch…That hurt…!" The girl moaned out and trying to stand up, Naruto was trying to look away from the view the girl was giving him.

"Um, are you okay?" Said Naruto trying to look away, he quickly stood up and went to help the girl in question by offering her a hand.

The girl took his hand and stood up, now Naruto finally had a good view of the girl. She was a beautiful girl with long, black hair tied in twin ponytails and violet eyes. She looked no older than him but her breasts were bigger than even Akeno and some of the adult maids at the Gremory Castle. She was dressed in magical girl clothing, the same outfit of the main heroine from Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven, an anime Naruto had watched with Rias three months ago. She was holding a long wand with the same design as the wand in the anime. Her forehead was slightly red from the impact but all in all she looked perfectly fine.

"Hello" Naruto greeted her with a smile, but the girl was glaring at him like he had taken something important from her.

"Where is So-tan~!?" she asked him while looking directly at his eyes, her face was so close to him that if he were to move just a little, his nose would touch her's "you're hiding her aren't you!?" She asked with a glare, that was when Naruto felt that something was not right. The temperature around the castle began to drop at a really fast pace.

"Uh, I don't know what are you talking about!" Naruto tried to defend himself, he took a step back but the girl also moved forward.

"Don't lie to me!" The girl tried to grab him but Naruto had decided to run away from the crazy magical girl. He could hear the girl was running right behind him while shouting for him to stop.

He quickly summoned the tri-prongs kunai in his hand when he realized the blur he saw a few minutes ago was this girl, and she was extremely fast. Before he could throw the kunai, an ice wall had appeared right in front of him and his eyes widen in shock.

A girl, in the Sitri clan had use Ice-based magic. There was only one Sitri that could do that.

"Serafall Leviathan..." Said Naruto stopping dead on his track when he realized who was chasing him.
But he didn't know that Serafall was still running and crashed straight into him when he suddenly stopped. He felt something very soft that contacted to the back of his head but this time he was prepared for it, Naruto quickly regained his balance before he could fall to the ground.

"Huh, you are tougher than I expected~" The magical girl, now named Serafall quickly left his back with a confused look on her face "Well, now spill it out, where is my So-tan!?"

"Leviathan-sama." Naruto turned around and said with a serious voice "I don't know what are you talking about, and I didn't hide your So-tan," Naruto pulled the letter out of his pocket and showed it to the Maou, "I'm here to deliver this message to your father, the head of Sitri clan, Lord Sitri!" Serafall tiled her head to the side and took the letter from him.

This was the first time he had ever seen the Maou Serafall Leviathan and she didn't look like what he had expected. But Naruto knew better than judge a Maou by their appearance. After all, he had learned that the hard way that most of the time that the crazier and weirder people are always the strong ones. Take Sirzechs for example and now Serafall too.

"Okay…~" Her hand the letter back to Naruto with a smile, "But do you know where So-tan is? I had been looking for her everywhere~!"

"Say Leviathan-sama, by any chance this So-tan is your sister?" Asked Naruto getting a nod from here "Then she must be at school at the moment!" said Naruto trying to calm Serafall

"How did you know that So-tan was at school?" Serafall asked again, this time her playful tone was gone "Are you a stalker that follows my sister? I knew it. She is too cute for her own good…" said Serafall but was quickly interrupted by Naruto

"Ah, no, no, Leviathan-sama, my friend Rias Gremory happened to attend the same meeting as your sister!" Said Naruto, the Maou looked at Naruto up and down and finally realizing something.

"So you must be Naruto Uzumaki~Sirzechs-chan's newest pawn~" Serafall said, "It's good that I can finally meet you~, you're so cute!" Then she beginning to do some poses and finished with a wink, and it looked somehow familiar to him, maybe he had seen those movements somewhere before, "My name is Serafall Leviathan~but you could call me Sera-chan~or Levia-tan~. Because I'm the great Magical Girl Levia-tan!~"

That's it! Now Naruto remembered where all those poses came from, it was from the TV show Miracle Levia-tan, Rias had made him watch that anime with her every Saturday and the main heroine was a magical girl who would fight the evil forces to protect justice. While it was a little childish, Naruto knew that the children of the Underworld really love the show, maybe even the adults, considering that the main heroine was really sexy.

"Naru-chan…Mou~, why don't you ask me for my photograph~, everyone always ask for my photograph when they see me~" The Maou suddenly hugged Naruto really tight "Ah~, I always wanted to meet you Naru-chan, you look so cute with those whiskers marks~! Please, just call me Sera-chan or Levia-tan, okay?" She began to bring her hand to his cheeks and caressed his whisker marks.

Naruto's cheeks began to redden, while Sirzechs was childish, he didn't know that someone could be even more childish than him. The strongest female of the underworld was playing with his whiskers with excitement. He wanted to make her stop but was afraid of making her upset so he let her do what she wanted but instantly remembered about his job here, so he took a step back.

"Sorry Sera-chan!" The magical Maou eyes shone with happiness when he called her that, "But I need to deliver this message to your father!"

"Sorry Naru-chan~" Serafall smiled brightly to him "But my father isn't home now, so if you want, you could give the letter to me, I'll give it to my father later~."

"Oh, thank you Sera-chan!" Naruto lowered his head down to thank her and gave her the letter.

Even though Serafall was smiling brightly and didn't look like it, she was eyeing the blond haired boy before her carefully. She had heard about Naruto from Sirzechs and found out a lot about him. After all, she was the Maou in charge of foreign affairs, she had asked everyone about Naruto as carefully as she could but Serafall still didn't found out much about him. This boy before her was full of mysteries not to mention his powers. This boy came out of nowhere and took out the strongest peerage in the underworld with ease.

She had heard that Rias and her peerage had some special feelings for him even though they were still very young. It was really common that adult female devils are always attracted to powerful males and she wasn't an exception. She could see that when Naruto finally grows up, he will be very handsome and attractive, not to mention very powerful with Sirzechs's training and could become an Ultimate-class devil in no time.
Just a few years and she might have to get out this of childlike form and return to her true age to seduce him.

Unconsciously Serafall licked her lips at the thought.

"Sera-chan, Sera-chan!" Naruto called her out loud while clicking his fingers in front of her, pulling her out of her dream "Thank you but I have to go now!"

Serafall looked around, only to see that she had created an ice wall on both sides of the corridor to prevent him getting out. She let a small giggle out and snapped her fingers letting the ice slowly melt down,

Naruto looked at her and smiled, "Thank you Sera-chan, see you later!" Naruto decided it was time to return to the castle, Rias was probably home and he didn't want to upset her because they had planned to do a lot of things together.

As soon as Naruto reached the gate he felt someone's arms were linked with his and turned around only to come face to face with Serafall who was looking at him with her big violet eyes.

"Um, Sera-chan, what are you doing?" While he doesn't mind her presence at all, Naruto still was feeling a little nervous, especially when one of the leaders of the underworld had linked her arms with his. The people that passed by the castle recognized Serafall and thought the kid she was walking with really cute and lucky.

"Mou~ Naru-chan, I want to escort you to the train station, you will let me, won't you?" Said Serafall while small tears were appearing at the corner of her eyes.

"Uh, of course Sera-chan, please don't cry!" Said Naruto panicking, a girl crying was something he didn't want to face ever again, he had learned it the hard way when he forgot Rias's birthday last year, the girl had cried all day and acted like she didn't know him or didn't even acknowledge his presence when they were together in the same room. Naruto felt like he was in hell when it happened...which was quite ironic if you think about it.

"Well then~Let's go~!" The Maou said out loudly with excitement in her voice, completely forgetting about her sister, who happened to just arrive at home and was wondering where her immature sister was.

Naruto and Serafall began to walk through the street of the city heading to the nearest station. When the magical Maou had asked him why he didn't use the teleportation spell for faster transport, he had told her the truth about his magical energy and the girl kind of felt sorry for him. Usually low-class devils couldn't teleport because they had little magical power but in Naruto's case it was the opposite. His magical power was so large and uncontrollable that he would just overcharge the seal.

After Naruto got in the train, he could see that some children began to gather around Serafall asking for her photograph. Even though with so many people around her, she still managed to sent him a wink and a smile when the train began to move. Naruto thought that even with her immature personality, Serafall was just a free spirit, someone who would do whatever she wanted.

Checking the clock Naruto's eyes widened slightly, it was already very late and Rias was probably at home right now and looking everywhere for him. With no other choice, he decided to try and teleport himself to the castle, he had put a kunai in the castle just in case of emergencies, but to use it at such a long distance was gonna be really hard for him.

Sometimes Naruto couldn't understand his magical reserve at all, people always said that he had an enormous reserve and he hardly felt exhaustion when he used his magic with little to no rest but when he used his own magic, the magic that he was born with…He always felt more tired than when using the magic he learned from Macgregor.

Sometimes, when Naruto uses his magic, he can feel that the energy is slightly different from the energy he uses for normal devil magic.

Once he reached his final destination Naruto took a deep breath preparing himself for what was next to come...Rias. As soon as he opened the main door he was met with a very angry Rias, he was really in trouble now.

"Where have you been?" Rias said slowly but dangerously, her crimson aura began to appear around her and that's what made him worry. If she tried to be angry, the aura won't appear, but when she really was pissed, the aura could be seen by naked eyes.

"I was delivering a message for your father!" He answered her as calm as he could.

"Really?" Rias asked him with an eyebrow rise but when she saw his truthful face, she smiled to him and said excitedly "Okay, let's play Naruto!"
He nodded with a smile and quickly followed her while he felt a little drained by using his technique, but then again watching her smile would make everything worth it.

A month later

"Naurto-kun, I'm home!" Rias blushed slightly at the way she had just said those words, it made her and Naruto look like a married couple, even though the idea always made her happy, "What are you doing?" She asked looking at Naruto who had a lot of his tri-pronged kunai on the table. He was wearing a crimson bracelet in his hand and another one that looked exactly like it was on the table.

"Ah, welcome home Rias-chan!" Naruto stood up and took the bracelet with him, "This is for you Rias-chan." he handed the bracelet to her with a smile on his face, making Rias blushed brightly.

"Really?" Rias asked with excitement and put it on her wrist and found it fitted her perfectly, while it was nothing special, she felt really happy that Naruto had gotten her a bracelet just like his, it made them look even more like a couple than before "But I hope this won't be my birthday present!" She said with a slight glare, she still hadn't forgave him about forgetting her birthday, it's true that she didn't told him that it was her birthday that day but how could he not recognize the atmosphere around the castle that day.

"Don't worry Rias-chan!" Naruto smiled to her "now, I need you to do me a favor" a nodded from the crimson haired girl "I need you to go outside and go wherever you want, then channel your demonic power to the bracelet!"

"Okay!" Rias nodded her head and head out of the room, a little curious about what would happen if she channeled her energy into the bracelet, when she arrived at the garden, she began to channel her energy into the bracelet and saw it shone a little.

"Hello, Rias-chan!" said Naruto from behind her

Rias gasped out loudly and jumped into the air, but she quickly regained her composure and turned around, only to be face to face with Naruto.

"Na… wait… how…!?" Rias asked with a frown on her face while pointing at the castle and then at Naruto, She didn't felt anyone around her at all, the training with her brother had helped her sense others better so now she could be prepare herself if someone wanted to surprise her from behind. Naruto chuckled and took her wrist and pointed to the bracelet.

"This bracelet Rias-chan, works exactly like my tri-pronged kunai, it has a mark that helps me teleport to you whenever I want." Rias eyes widened in surprise at this, "But I had put something extra into the bracelet. Whenever you are in danger or want me here with you, just channel your energy into the bracelet!" Naruto then pointed to his own "And this will alert me immediately and I will be by your side before you know it!" Naruto finished with a smile but quickly fell to the ground because Rias had jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Naruto-kun, thank you!" Rias cried out happily, this bracelet may be the best gift Naruto had ever given to her. With this, he would always know where she is and could always come to her whenever she need him.

"Ara ara, ufufufu… the couples having it bad again!" The usual giggle of Akeno made Naruto's and Rias's eyes open wide and both of them quickly stood up, Rias's queen was standing in front of them with a hand covered her mouth to hide her giggle.

"Akeno…!" Rias groaned out.

"Well, looks like you finally got yourself a very useful artifact isn't it, Rias-sama?" Akeno beginning to make her way to the blond haired boy and snaked her arms around his neck, she whispered seductively in his ear but also loud enough so her king could hear "It's good to see you, Naruto-sama. You know you had spent a lot of time with Rias-sama lately and I'm sure you'll probably bored of her and would want to spend time with someone more… mature than her, don't you think Naruto-sama?"

Naruto gulped nervously, Akeno had been really forward with him lately, the girl always found some way to tease him and Rias. His best friend had told him that her queen had a sadistic personality and it would get really dangerous when she grew up. Akeno had refused to call him Naruto no matter what he tried, always called him 'Naruto-sama' because she didn't mind being dominated by him or under his authority.

Akeno even tried to sneak into his room to sleep with him and Rias before, only to be kicked out by a very angry Rias and after that he could hear Akeno's lightning-magic attack boomed outside of the room together with Rias's power of destruction.

Rias looked at Akeno with her aura flaring out of her body. The fact that Akeno always called her crush 'Naruto-sama' always pissed her off. And no matter how much time had passed Rias's body could never match Akeno's, her breast size was always bigger than her and her queen's hip were much wider than Rias. The crimson haired princess was very proud about her body, but whenever she looked at Akeno, she always wanted to take that Fallen Angel blood away from the girl.

Rias had heard some boys at her school talk about Akeno, while they had accepted that Rias was the most beautiful and cutest girl at school, they also said that Akeno was the sexiest. The thought about her queen taking Naruto away from her made Rias's anger built up slowly inside her.

Maybe she hadn't educated her servants hard enough.

"Akeno," Rias said sweetly, "Followed me please!"

"Oh, why should I? " she began to rub her body against Naruto, his face reddening at the contact, he could feel her rapidly developing breasts rub against his right arm, "I'm sure he wants me to stay with him, isn't that right Naruto-sama?"

Seeing Rias gave him a evil glare, Naruto gulped again and turned to the dreaming face of Akeno.

"Uh, Akeno-chan, you should follow Rias, she might need you or something!"

"Your wish is my command Naruto-sama!" Akeno nodded her head and turned to Rias with a sadistic smile.

"Well then Rias-sama, I think we should settle the final score!" And beginning to show her own aura, which is yellow in color but also had lightning cracking around her body.

"Come with me then!" The two girls said goodbye to Naruto and walked away while glaring at each other.

Naruto just stood there in silence, watching the king and her queen going inside the castle with the most terrifying aura they could create. When they had finally gone away, Naruto suddenly felt a slight movement behind him.

"You know Neko-chan, you don't have to hide when you want to see me!" Naruto said with a smile, and sat down to the ground while leaning his back to the tree behind him. Slowly, the little white hair girl made her presence known and sat down onto his lap with her back facing him "Why didn't you come out, you know you can sit on my lap any time you want!"

"Those two… angry!" She said curtly and pressed her back into his chest more, Naruto smile and beginning to rub her head, making the girl purr and press her head against his hand more.

Koneko Toujou, the normally quiet girl had taken a liking to the blond haired boy, outside of Rias her king, Naruto was the one person she spent her time with. From Sirzechs information, Koneko was a nekomata youkai, and the girl felt attracted to him because of the natural energy inside him. She always wants to sit on Naruto's lap, saying that she always feel more energy this way and it's kind of like her old self, a nekoshou. While Naruto didn't know what had happened to the girl that made her rejected her nekoshou's side, he also didn't want to nose around her personal life and decided to let the girl tell him when she wanted to.

Naruto was beginning to gather the energy around him for the girl on his lap making her sigh happily, her ears nearly popped out on top of her head, but Koneko quickly regained herself and made her ears returned to 'where' it should be. Koneko had said that she could smell various essences coming from him, ten essences in total, but when Naruto gathered the natural energy, the essence of toad became the strongest, Naruto just sat there gathering the energy for the girl to enjoy the great feeling of nature, till nightfall.

One year later

A fourteen year old Naruto was walking around the garden of the Gremory's castle, deep in thought. In his hand was some kind of mission that Sirzechs had assigned specially for him and said only he could do this mission, he didn't know why it was him that should do it, but when Rias found out about the mission, she had forbidden him to go and locked herself in her room when her brother said it had be him or the mission would fail and endanger the world of the Devils.

Right now, the bracelet on his wrist was shining with a crimson light, which mean Rias is calling for him. But Naruto had to refuse her this time or she won't let him go.

The mission is pretty simple but dangerous at the same time…Basically, he had to escort Ajuka, Sirzechs's best friend and the current Beelzebub, the one who invented the Evil Piece system and a lot of powerful artifacts for the Devil world, to heaven for some business with the Seraph Angels there. Sirzechs chose Naruto for this mission because he was still a young devil, and the angels wouldn't think much about him as a threat, so he could go and make sure one of their enemies didn't do something stupid and start an another Great war.

And that's why Rias was worried…even her parents didn't think it was a good idea, Naruto was still too young to go to their enemy's territory. But Naruto knew why Sirzechs believed in him…Only Super-Ultimate class devil could go to Heaven without being effected by the light there. The monstrous energy inside him could protect him from the light, not to mention his super healing factor could protect him against the light, even if it burns him.

Well, it was kind of scary really…He knew that devils' greatest weakness was light-based magic of Angels and Fallen Angels and he had heard that Heavens was filled with light because God had created never ending light for the Angels. So basically his devil's skin would be in contact with the light twenty four seven if he was there. But first, he need to go to the Phenex family to take a box full of Phoenix tears, it would be a gift for the angels to prove that the Devil faction come in peace.

Naruto didn't like the children of Phenex Clan, because as far as he knew, Rias was engaged to the third oldest son of the Phenex, an act to create a new bloodline, to help the higher class society grow stronger. What angered Naruto the most was that Riser Phenex didn't care about love, he only thinks about Rias as a breeding stock, someone that will give him strong children. He likes Rias and wants her to be happy. And if Riser doesn't change the way he is in the future, he might put beat sense into him, no matter the cost to himself.

However, he was a really good friend with Ruval Phenex and respected his power deeply. Ruval was kind, unlike his arrogant brother Riser Phenex. Also, he found that Lord and Lady Phenex were very kind to him and they had the same loving aura like Rias's parents. But he still hadn't forgive them for forcing Rias into something against her will.

If his guess was right, Riser wasn't home around this time, Naruto didn't want to see the smirk on his face when he talked about Rias whenever Naruto was around like a piece of meat. The last time they met was around four months ago, it took both Beowulf and Surtr Second to hold him back before he could punch off that arrogant smile from his face. But then again, no one liked that guy anyway. If Sirzechs had told them about Naruto's status in his peerage, maybe he could make Riser shut up for a few minutes because as far as he knew, he and his sister Ravel Phenex saw him as a lucky low class devil who happened to attend the high-class party.

Using his power, Naruto appeared in a flash of yellow right in front of the Phenex Castle's gate. He could see the castle was as elegant as he remembered.

Stepping inside the castle with his calmest face that he could muster, Naruto began to walk into the castle after stating his intention to the guard. He saw a young girl was waiting for him, her blond drill-like curls hair easy to recognize. It was Ravel Phenex, the youngest daughter of the Phenex Clan, who behaved like a true noble lady.

Ravel is a young girl around Koneko's age with long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Her hair is tied in twin ponytails with large, drill-like curls and a blue ribbon keeping them in place. The front of her hair has several bangs hanging over her forehead with a V-shaped fringe hanging over the bridge of her nose. Her outfit consists of a light white dress with a dark yellow accents and a red bow at the front. At the back, three feather-like extensions mimicking a bird's tail protrude from the dress making it look kind of cute.

But…this was the girl had kicked him in the leg and screaming that a servant should go outside, maybe that was his fault for not wearing his normal clothes like the rest of Sirzechs's peerage but she didn't need to shout like that.

"Well, hello there Ravel. Hope you're doing well!" Naruto said with a smile when he passed her and continue walking to the main room, where Lady Phenex was waiting for him with the Phoenix Tears.

"Naruto-sama, wait!" Ravel yelled, making Naruto stopped in his track. Did Ravel, a high, noble lady of the Phenex Clan just called him 'Naruto-sama'.
Ravel tried to run as fast as she could with her short legs, and stopped when she was right in front of him. She bowed as low as she could and started telling him what she always wanted to say all these months ago.

"Naruto-sama, I'm really sorry for my stupid behavior at the party ten months ago. I shouldn't have shout at you or to think you're just a lowly servant like that. I'm really sorry Naruto-sama, and ready to take any punishment you want me to!"

"Uh, Ravel… no need to bow like that!" Naruto put a hand to her shoulder and smiled when she lifted her head up and looked at him with her dark blue eyes, "I'm not angry at you or anything…Really!"

"Thank you Naruto-sama!" The girl smiled brightly and stood up "if you don't want to punish me, then please follow me, my kaa-sama has assigned me to lead you to the main room!"

"Then please lead the way, Ravel!" Naruto smiled and followed the girl.

When they had passed three alleys, Naruto broke the silence

"So, Ravel…Why did you call me Naruto-sama?"

She began to look around making sure they were alone,

"My Kaa-sama had told me about your status as a Pawn of Lucifer-sama. Anyone from the peerages of the Maou had the same or even higher status with the High-class devil like me. So it was pretty normal that I should respect you Naruto-sama!" she said to him as low as possible.

"Wait… how did you…!" She put a finger to his lips and smiled

"Don't worry Naruto-sama!" Ravel smiled and continue to lead the way "my Kaa-sama trusted only myself with this information, after all… you should feel lucky that a noble lady like me showed a good amount of respect to you, Naruto-sama!" She begins to laugh, the same kind of laugh that a high class lady always laughed in some of Rias's anime.

But her smile became lower and lower, until she stops and looked at him with a worried look on her face.

"Naruto-sama, is it true that you're going to Heaven!"

"Yeah, it's pretty scary, isn't it?" Naruto smiled nervously and scratched the back of his head.

Ravel looked at Naruto in surprise, if this mission was assigned to any normal devil, they would be running away before they knew what they had to do.

That day ten months ago, when the party of her family was finally finished. Her mother had explained to her about Naruto's status as a member of Sirzechs Lucifer's peerage, and to say she was terrified when she found out the truth was an understatement. Her pride as a daughter of the Phenex Clan got the better of her and made Ravel acted without thinking.

Her mother had said to Ravel that she had brought great shame to her family and if Naruto wanted to punish her for her stupid action, then she should be gladly accept that. Even if he wanted her to be banished from her family. The thought truly terrified the blonde. she was really surprised when he said that he wasn't angry at her, Naruto was truly kind, warm and forgiving.

She blushed a little when she used to think what would happen if he wanted her to be a part of his peerage when he became a High-class devil. Her mother had planned trading Ravel out of her brother's peerage if Naruto ever wanted her. While she doesn't mind being with someone like Naruto the thought of what could happen if Naruto was a crazy pervert truly scared her.

She might not look like it because her pride usually didn't allow Ravel, but she still cared for his well being when she heard that he was going to escort Ajuka Beelzebub to Heaven and help him do some business there. It was just her nature that she came to care about him.

"Naruto-sama!" She put her hand into her pocket and pulled out a small Phoenix's tear bottle. It wasn't just any original Phoenix's tears. It was her tears, the tears of a full blood Phenex, the tear that could heal the worst wound with just a drop. Ravel had collected these tears since she was a small child and would give it to someone important to her, just like her mother had given her tears to her father when they were young "please take this" Said Ravel handing him the bottle, "This are my tears, the tears of a full blooded Phenex!"

"Wait Ravel, you don't have to…" Naruto tried to refuse her offer. He had heard about the tears of the true Phenex before, and knew they were extremely powerful Phoenix's tears that could heal any wound, but also the tears were really important and special for the members of Phenex Clan, when the Phenex gave it to someone, it meant that they had gaven a part of them to another. To make it short, it was like Ravel was proposing to Naruto.

"Don't worry Naruto-sama!" She took his hand and put the bottle into his palmed "It's just this is the best I could do for you after that party. I know you don't want me to but I want you to have this, to make sure you will be safe when you're there…I'm sure Rias-sama wants the same thing to you, so please accept it, for me!"

"Ravel…!" Naruto suddenly hugged the smaller girl, making her eyes turned wide in surprise and her cheeks redden, "Thank you Ravel, I will respect your tears, so thank you!" He was really grateful that Ravel had given him her tears, the most important thing to her. With her tears, Naruto felt more assured about this mission than before, knowing that if he badly injured, her tears might help him have a second chance. He guessed the only daughter of the Phenex Clan wasn't just a prideful lady.

"N-N-N-Naru-Naruto-sama…Please release me!" She tried to shrug out of his hug but failed as he was a lot stronger than her. Ravel's heart was beating so fast that she found it hard to breath. If he continued to hug her like this, she might just faint.

"Oh, sorry!" Naruto grinned and released her. The girl turned around to hide her blushing face, "But thank you again Ravel, if you want any help, feel free to ask me".

"O-O-Of course, after all, you should feel lucky that you have the tears of Phenex, especially mine!" Naruto just chuckled at her. He really did feel lucky right now. It was not every day that someone like him, high status or not, could get the tears of the daughter of Phenex. With that, Naruto and Ravel just walk in silence in their short journey, the young blonde being too embarrassed to say anything to him.

Finally, Naruto arrives at the main room of the Castle, where an older version of Ravel was waiting for him with an elegant box with the Phenex's crest on it. Lady Phenex looked at Naruto and smiled, she only knew the blond boy for a short time, but she found him really different and judging from her eldest son's information when he befriended the boy, Naruto was an orphan and started his life on the streets, maybe that's why his personality was so different than the normal children his age.

"Lady Phenex!" Naruto bowed.

"Naruto-san, no need to be formal, after all, " she looked Ravel who was trying to avoid her mother's gaze, "My daughter had wounded your pride and embarrassed you in front of everyone!"

"Ah, no need to worry my Lady!" Naruto grinned and patted Ravel on her shoulder, "I'm not angry or anything…Just a little surprised that you had told Ravel about me, that's all!"

"I know, Naruto-san. The information about you're Lucifer-sama's last Pawn was top secret and only the highest class devil know about it" Lady Phenex then looked at her daughter and motioned her hand for the girl come near her. Ravel did as what she had been told and came near her mother, "I told only my daughter, she might be young but she's very intelligent…and would definitely make a good wife!"

"I can see that!" Naruto nodded his head, Ravel sure looked just like a wife, just by looking at how she cared for his well being.

"So, Naruto-san!" Lady Phenex handed him the box "Here are all the things you need for the Angels, it's contains twenty bottles of Phoenix tears inside. I think it would be enough for the Angel to recognize our goodwill!"

"I hope so…" Naruto smiled and took the box and checked the clock, it's almost the time that Ajuka came to the Gremory Castle and he need to be there now, "Oh, it's almost time, goodbye Lady Phenex, thank you for the tears. See you later Ravel!"

"Good luck, Naruto-san!"

"Good luck, Naruto-sama and see you later."

Naruto nodded his head and disappeared in a yellow flash. Ravel just stared to the spot Naruto was standing a few second ago with a dreamy look on her face. Now she knew why the maids at her castle always talked about Naruto and how kind and handsome he is, a few of them even planned quitting their job at her house and move to the Gremory Castle, just to look at him.

"Ravel, what do you think about him?"

"He's kind kaa-sama," Ravel said "And warm too!"

"Did you gave Naruto-san your tears?" Her mother asked with a stern voice.

"Yes kaa-sama!"

"He didn't reject you?"

"No he didn't!"

"Good, now I think I don't need to worry about boys chasing after my little daughter when she grows up anymore. "She said with a mysterious smirk, "Now, what should I name my grandchildren eh?"


Naruto arrived at the garden of the Gremory Castle instantly and saw that everyone was there, even Rias and her peerage were waiting for him. He could see Ajuka Beelzebub, Sirzechs's best friend, chatting with Sirzechs at the corner of the garden.

"Ah, Naruto-kun!" Sirzechs said out smiling when he saw Naruto "Mission accomplished I hope?"

"Yeah Sirzechs-nii san, the tears are here!" Naruto nodded and handed him the box.

"Brilliant Naruto-kun…Now I think it's time to go!" Ajuka grinned brightly and come to stand next to him. A white magic circle appeared under their feet. Naruto looked up at Ajuka in confusion "Don't worry, with my help, you will be able to use this magic…Don't be worried about appearing in the wrong place!"

"Protect him, will you!" Sirzechs glared at his best friend.

"All right, all right!" Ajuka laughed, "Don't worry about it!"

"Be careful up there Naruto-kun!" Sirzechs said seriously to Naruto, "I want to come with you, but two Maous would be too much for them and we don't want to start a new war with them at all."

"Don't worry Sirzechs-nii san!" Naruto smiled.

Naruto looked at his wrist and saw that it was shining. He turned his head and saw that Rias was trying to put as much energy as she could into her own bracelet. He walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Rias-chan, remembered what I tell you about this bracelet?"

Rias nodded her head and looked up

"I will be by your side before you know it…All you have to do is put your magical energy to the bracelet and I will be there for you!"

"Promise?" She asked and smiled a little. Rias brought out her pinkie finger and showed it to him. Even though Rias and Naruto weren't children anymore but the pinkie promise had become something important to both of them, it's always reminded them about the day they met each other, "That you will come back to me?"

"Promise!" Naruto grinned and locked his pinkie with her "Come on Rias, it's just a one month mission, nothing to worry about!"

"Naruto-kun…When you get back, I want you to attend high school with me…Next month, otou-sama will let Kuoh Academy become a co-ed school, I want you to be there with me, to enjoy High school together!"

Naruto looked at Lord Gremory and saw that he was smiling. Naruto grinned brightly and nodded his head, Kuoh academy was still an all girl school at the moment. But if Lord Gremory changed it to co-ed then he could attend it with everyone, included Akeno and Koneko when she was old enough.

"Okay Rias-chan, I will attend Kuoh with you!"

"Thank you Naruto-kun!" Rias hugged him tightly.

When Naruto had said goodbye to everyone and got a kiss to the cheek from Akeno much to everyone's shock and an enraged Rias. Koneko had given to him a small white cat toy which was her favorite toy in order to give him luck for this mission. Sirzechs's peerage had planned to open a farewell and good luck party for Naruto, but the plan was quickly put to end by Grayfia, so all of them just shook Naruto's hand and wished him good luck. Rias's parents wanted Naruto to take care good care of himself when he was up there.

He didn't know why but he had a feeling that he won't see them again anytime soon.

"Goodbye everyone, see you later!" Ajuka put his hand onto Naruto shoulder and activated the magic circle, the last thing he saw before everything turning completely white was Rias smiling to him.

"Because we were travelling into different territory, it might take a few minutes for the Angels to open the gate for us!" Ajuka said to Naruto and looked at him "So Naruto-kun, what did you feel when you become Sirzechs's Pawns, good I hope!"

"Of course Ajuka-san!" Naruto smiled and then frowned, he has always wanted to ask Ajuka this question "Ajuka-san, I want to ask you a question!"

"Go on."

"Well, do you think 5 Pawns were a bit too much for me?" Naruto asked, Ajuka turned to Naruto with a surprised look on his face, "I mean, Enku-san used 1 Pawn, Beowulf-nii sama used 2 Pawns. Do you think I used too much?"

"Well Naruto-kun…You know that Sirzechs's Evil Pieces are really strong right?" He got a nod from the blond boy, "It's the first type of Evil Pieces I had created, the prototype Evil Pieces. I was still young and inexperienced back then so I had created four sets of them, prototypies without the limitation. So it only accepted the strongest and turned them into devils or let someone become the King's servant. When the war was over, I had created the second generation Evil Pieces that could accept anyone. I'm the creator, yet sometimes even I don't understand how it works somrtimes. But…Let me tell you the truth Naruto-kun, your Evil Pieces… All five of them were Mutation Pieces!"

Naruto's mouth dropped to the ground in shock. If all five of his Pieces were Mutation Pieces then that meant…

"You are worth more than only Five Pawns Naruto-kun, remember that!"

Naruto opened his eyes again when he felt a funny feeling on his skin and realized they finally arrived in Heaven, territory of the Angels.

Naruto looked around and gasped in awe, Heaven was truly a paradise…Naruto had heard about some places in the world that couldn't be described by words alone, and Heaven was definitely one of them. Everywhere was filled with sunlight and the castle up here was so beautiful. Up in the sky, some angels were flying with a smile on their face. This place was truly amazing.

"Welcome to Heaven, Ajuka-sama!"

A soft voice pulled Naruto back from his observations though and he nearly dropped his mouth in shock. Standing before him and Ajuka was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. She had curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure. She was wearing a long dress made of some sort of light material. However, it showed a lot of her large bosom, making Naruto nearly have a nosebleed at her charm and beauty.

"Gabriel, it's good to see you!" Ajuka smiled to her.

"And who is this young man?" Gabriel asked with a kind voice when she looked at Naruto and nearly gasped in shock. Even though she knew this boy was a devil, she could feel his heart and soul were pure, very pure. There was no such thing called hatred or negative emotions in his heart, she had never met a devil like him before, even some of the humans who followed God's teachings didn't have a soul or heart like him. 'Oh my...' Gabriel felt her cheeks redden a little when she continued to enjoy the pure feeling of his heart.

"This young man's name is Naruto Uzumaki, a member of Sirzechs Lucifer's peerage!" Gabriel's eyes turned wide at the information. She had fought the current Lucifer's servant before and understood their power but to think that this boy, no older than fifteen, could be a member of the strongest peerage in the underworld.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Gabriel-san!" Naruto smiled and offered his hand to her. Gabriel looked at the boy with curiosity in her eyes and finally took his hand into her own, the feeling was truly amazing.


'Again with the '-sama' thing' Thought Naruto.

Gabriel flashed him a smile, "The pleasure is mine Naruto-sama, I hope we could get to know each other better while you are staying here!"

Ajuka looked at the nervous Naruto and a blushing Gabriel and smirked, Sirzechs had been right when his best friend wanted Naruto to escort him here, his monstrous energy and the healing factor weren't the only reasons he was brought here. The main reason was because of his heart and soul, his truly pure heart and soul. If even the most powerful angelic beings are attracted to him like this, then Ajuka didn't need to be worried about his work here.

"Um… Gabriel-san, if you don't mind!" Naruto said out suddenly and motioned his head to their hands. Gabriel looked at his hand and quickly released it.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The beautiful Angel laughed innocently and looked at Ajuka, "Ajuka-sama, please followed me, my brother is waiting for you!"

Ajuka nodded and flared out his wings, Naruto quickly doing the same. Gabriel smiled and flared out her ten white wings and shot up to the sky, the two devils quickly followed the blonde Angel, drawing a lot of attention from the Angels around them.

When they arrived at the big building , Naruto had to wait outside while Gabriel lead Ajuka inside to meet with her brother, the leader of the Angels, Micheal. A minute later, Gabriel came out and sat down at the bench Naruto was sitting.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Gabriel asked when she saw the look on Naruto's face when he looked around.

"Yeah…In all my life, this is the first time I have ever seen something like this!" Naruto nodded his head, Heaven was truly amazing, he couldn't use words to describe it. Gabriel looked at the blond boy with a curious look on her face and decided to stay silent for the time being and let him enjoy the beauty of Heaven.

After all, she has a lot of time to get to know him. But then, after a while, Naruto turned his head when he heard Ajuka's footstep behind him and turned around facing a wide eye Ajuka.

"Naruto-kun, I think we have a new problem here!"

"What happened?" Naruto stood up, but Gabriel was still sitting on the bench with a sad look on her face.

"We have to stay here longer than I thought…!"

"How long Ajuka-san?" Naruto asked suddenly, the crimson bracelet suddenly became tighter around his wrist.

"I don't know…Maybe one or two years," A shocked look appeared on Naruto's face. The situation has changed now. Rias was going to kill him.

"But …Why?"

"Because Naruto-kun...God...he's dead"

End chapter 3.

An: sorry for not updating im busy in my school

Continuer la Lecture

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