you adorn the night | scaramo...

Door ItsRamenista

15.1K 410 283

Just a bunch of Scaramona one shots. Enjoy..? ~ All of the characters in this work originate from the game... Meer

forty-eight minutes
angel of my night
wrath of the balladeer
tales of a not-so-discreet secret admirer
till' we reach the stars
tend to my worries
because you'll leave me for her
rather him than everyone
promise me
the worst possible companion

now you see him

1.1K 40 18
Door ItsRamenista

Notice: This fan fiction was made for the first day of ScaramonaWeek 2022!! The prompt being: Arranged Marriage. Enjoy! <33 (I'll try my best to keep up with the daily schedule for this week)

Mona looked at her reflection in the restroom mirror.

Tilting her head, she analyzed her makeup and hair. She was in the ladies restroom to check up on her appearance, to make sure nothing looked astray. She had to look perfect for this occasion as Scaramouche's aunt, Yae Miko, was the host. Not only were all of the Raiden's attending, but also various important individuals. Mona had been told to be at her best as many of these people were sponsors.

Although Mona tried not to notice, she knew all eyes were on her, watching her every move, waiting for the moment she messed up. It was her second week of being the Raiden Kunikuzushi's wife, she couldn't screw this event up.

There was a lot of pressure on Mona's shoulders to successfully give a perfect image throughout the party, and so far she was doing fairly well. The mullethead should be thankful for her diligence.

So far they'd attended the event for roughly an hour or so. She had to put up with only two more hours, then she could relax and take these torturous heels off.

The Raiden family held high prestige, famed for their international business.

As Inazumans were known for not having many kids, the Raidens only had one male heir to the company, Raiden Kunikuzushi. Kunikuzushi to the public, Scaramouche to his friends, the Balladeer to his enemies, and Scara to Mona. When he came of age, Raiden Ei had declared she wanted him to settle down with a woman. Fangirls who were charmed by his public persona and good looks tried their best to get Ei's attention. But Raiden Ei turned a blind eye to them, claiming they weren't a worthy suitor. However, Mona's adoptive mother just so happened to have connections with Raiden Ei, therefore causing an arranged marriage between the two.

Mona realized her lipstick was fading and fished out her favorite brand of lipstick. Along with its great color, it smelled good too. Reminisce crept up on Mona as she applied the lipstick; reminiscing about the night of her grand wedding.

Mona had been devastated on that day. The old hag was already marrying her off when she had been so young, just barely in her 20s. Mona had dreaded the day for a long time actually, ever since the old hag had announced her marriage proposal. But Mona had always entertained a small hope that maybe, just maybe, the woman wouldn't go through with it. She wanted to stay at the home she knew so well alongside her adoptive mother, studying astrology to its greatest lengths. But then on the day of the wedding, as she sat in her large white wedding gown, embroidered with rhinestones and rich gems, with a long veil trailing feet beyond feet behind her, she sulked. She wanted to cry but feared for the makeup that had taken hours to put on. She didn't want to burden the makeup artists to redo the whole look.

She had met the man she was meant to marry, the widely known Raiden Kunikuzushi. Their first meeting didn't go as expected. He had the audacity to insult her stars; the sole thing she had cared for and cradled within her heart. His public personality was all a facade that he kept up. While in interviews he seemed all gentle men and kind, in person he was arrogant and cocky - Mona hated those types of people. And now here she was, getting married to one.

So when she walked down the long aisle, clutching onto a bouquet of beautiful Cecelia's, her train following behind her and her long tulle-laced veil held by her bridesmaids, Mona had known that this was the day her life would change. That when she looked at the end of the aisle, there was not a man she had loved, nor her light through the dark hall.

Instead, it was a stranger.


Noticing her lipstick was smudged, Mona scrubbed at the edge of her lip to wipe off the stain.

She brushed off any creases on her sleek black gown. The dress was skin-tight and hugged Mona's athletic figure. It had an off-the-shoulder design with comically large amounts of fur sprouting from the hems. She had adorned herself with jewelry, something she was not accustomed to, but for the sake of this event, she had worn them.

Once satisfied with her appearance, she ruffled up her midnight curls one more time so they seemed buoyant and headed for the door. On the other side was the hall which led to the main party.

Mona confidently strode down the fancy hall as if she were a runway model. The hall had golden encrusting rimmed along the white walls with antique oil paintings that hung proudly. Her heels clicked and echoed with every graceful step she took. Her hips rocked from side to side rhythmically. Each of her coiled curls bounced, pacing up and down simultaneously.

She was the Raiden Kunikuzushi's wife, meaning, she could not falter no matter where she was.

"Ahem, madam," she heard suddenly, causing her to pause and look at the owner of the voice. She turned to see a man, around his mid-twenties perhaps. He had brunette hair and dark blue eyes. He seemed to be from Fontaine from the looks of his accent and clothing. Someone from her homeland, Mona smiled. She enjoyed encountering people she had some sort of familiarity with.

"What is your name?" The man asked. Mona thought perhaps he needed directions.

"Mona, Mona Megistus." Mona knew she should have added in the 'Raiden,' as she was officially (and legally) a part of the family. But she kept herself from doing so, it was still the second week; she was still getting used to the idea.

"Well Mona Megistus, I happen to find you very pretty." The man complimented, idly scratching the back of his head. "My name is Antoine,"

Mona hesitated before giving the man a meek smile. She was appreciative of the compliment, but she didn't know how to respond. If she was still single, she would have thanked him with a compliment and gone about her day. But this time, she was married.

Polite as she is, Mona didn't have the heart to tarnish his confidence, so she decided to give him a subtle hint. "I appreciate your kindness, good sir." She glided her hand up to stroke behind a stray curl, making sure it was the same hand with her diamond ring - her engagement ring. Mona hoped he'd understand by then.

"Of course." He continued. "Would you like to exchange numbers then? I don't want to miss this opportunity with such a gorgeous woman as yourself." Mona gulped, it seemed her attempt at trying to show instead of telling went to no avail.

"I'm afraid I have to decline your offer, I'm actually-"

"I get it." The man interrupted, making Mona sigh in relief. "I know I'm not the best looking out there, but I am still capable of treating you greatly and more or so pleasuring you," Mona swore she had seen the man's eyes darken. She shuddered; the situation was getting worse quickly.

"No sir, but I cannot possibly-" Mona tried explaining, but the man left no room for her words. It felt as if her words fell on deaf ears. "Come on, all you pretty girls want is money. I'm rich, so please." The man raised a suggestive eyebrow. "Just spend a night with me, I guarantee you'll enjoy it." Mona felt his eyes roaming her body.

Mona; uncomfortable with the situation, covered her chest and began walking away. Fleeing was the best option in this scenario - even if she had to put down her pride.

As she made a run for it, she felt his grubby hands paw onto hers, gripping it in a harsh manner. "I tried playing polite, but it seemed pretty women like you don't know how to accept kindness." He snarled. "Seems I'll have to be rougher."

Mona widened her eyes with a disgusted gasp. The man's head turned to the side when she whipped her hand against his cheek. It left a burning red handprint. When the man took in a deep breath, Mona knew something would turn out inevitably wrong. He repositioned himself and looked at her, his nostrils flaring and eyebrows slanting more downwards with every second. Mona swallowed hard.

"That's it. You've spent the last of my patience." He spat, "Miss Megistus, you don't have a choice anymore."

"You don't get to tell me that." Mona protested, she knew it was bold to try and argue with the man, but she could at least try. "Please leave me alone, or I will take drastic measures."

"I'm not scared of that. Try all you want, all people will know is that you're a prostitute." The man smirked. "A good-for-nothing wench, who gets by only through her looks."

This angered Mona gravely. She hadn't climbed her way up through her looks! She had worked hard, studied astrology to its core, and earned her status.

"You are mistaken, let me go at once." Mona raised her voice slightly, getting irritated by the man's remarks. Her eyes were tearing up. She knew she was getting emotional, and this was just a petty response to success, but his words had stung. "Tell me one reason why you're not just a wench." Antoine tested.

"I'm married!" Mona finally exclaimed, bringing up her hand to show him the diamond ring on her index finger as proof. The man paused to look at the ring as if to scan for its authenticity. "Hah, you think you can fool me? It's obvious you're lying. Girls like you go around from man to man, you probably bribed a man to buy you that." He growled, his finger pointed at her offensively. "Why am I excluded from those men? I'll buy you whatever you want, stop being so stubborn. Archons, all you women are the same."

At his statements, Mona had plenty she wanted to say. Much of which was far from polite. But she restrained herself from doing so. Instead, she went with, "I have a husband, if he finds out that you're harassing me, things won't end up good for you," Mona warned, deciding threats might affect the man.

"Where?" The man laughed, each cackle being louder than the previous. He gripped her wrist tighter, slowly creeping his fingers up her arm. "I don't see him?"

"Turn around." A voice suddenly commanded, crisply masculine and familiar.

Antoine sighed and closed his eyes in annoyance. Turning around to face the disruption, he began talking. "Can't you see I'm busy right now? Bother me some other-" When Antoine's eyes opened, he suddenly stilled.

It was none other than Mona's husband himself. The Raiden Kunikuzushi, in the flesh. Mona let go of the breath that she didn't realize she had been holding.

"Now you see him," Scaramouche said, glaring at the man intently. Antoine widened his eyes, standing as still as a statue still processing the occurrence. Mona wondered where the man's rude way of words went now.

"Apologies, it was rude of me for interrupting you." Scaramouche apologized, evidently sarcastic. "Continue on, I dare you."

"Wh-who might you be?" Antoine asked, trying his best to cover up the shakiness his voice was.

"I'm Mona's husband. Raiden Kunikuzushi pleased to meet you. " Scaramouche folded his arms. Antoine visibly gulped, Mona could tell he was nervous. Why wouldn't he be? Even Mona was getting worried about the ominous tension surrounding them.

"Why aren't you making move, you were doing fine a few minutes ago." Scaramouche cocked his head to the side, smirking. "Go ahead, touch her like she's nothing more than a plastic toy. She's a prostitute, no?" Antoine hesitated and glued his eyes to the floor shamefully. Mona wore a victorious grin, holding her head pridefully high. Ashamed he should be.

Scaramouche's smirk changed to a repulsed grimace. "I have a burning hatred for your kind of people. You disgust me." Antoine stayed silent. He was too cowardly to speak. With a signal of his hands, Scaramouche called over a pair of security guards.

"You're the President of that restaurant, Sieneats, no?" Scaramouche folded his arms.


"Noted. Now I advise you to be cooperative and follow the security officers' orders. If you persist, well," Scaramouche's eyes were rid of its light for a second. "Expect your pathetic Sieneats to go bankrupt."  Scaramouche pierced his gaze to the man. "Understood?"

"Clearly sir, I won't budge with the officers." Antoine whimpered, before getting dragged away.

Scaramouche looked at the man one more time before facing Mona. "Are you alright?" He questioned, tendering his gaze slightly. So slightly that you couldn't notice, but Mona did. "I'm okay." Mona bit her lip, hands still wrapped around her stomach protectively.

"The police may come for a visit soon, they'll ask you some questions about what happened," Scaramouche informed, watching for Mona's reaction. "How'd you find me?" Mona asked, diverting her eyes to look at a crystal glass vase placed precisely in the center of a table. It suddenly appeared to be an awful lot more interesting.

"I noticed your absence after a while, Aunt Miko then began asking where you were." Scaramouche shoved his hands down the pockets of his black tuxedo pants. "Using the restroom doesn't take twenty-eight minutes, you know?"

"Twenty-eight? I was gone for that long?" Mona gasped.

"Twenty-eight minutes and forty-three seconds if we're being exact." Scaramouche teased, earning a playful smack on the shoulder from Mona. "That isn't helping," Mona said with hooded eyes.

"Why are you so concerned over the time anyway?" Scaramouche sighed, fixing the fold on the cuff of his sleeve. Mona pursed her lips. "Rumors, scandalous rumors I wouldn't want to go even a centimeter near."

The indigo-haired man raised a brow. "Elaborate?"

Mona hesitated, but then decided against it. "Being your wife is a perilous task. People would think: 'Oh, look, Mona probably ran off because she can't handle living up to the reputation.' Or maybe even worse: 'She's probably snuck off with another man, she obviously isn't to the taste of the, oh so perfect Raiden Kunikuzushi.'" Mona explained, eyeing the man when she mentioned his name.

Scaramouche laughed. "If they did say such crude comments, I'd personally shut them up."

For some reason, this simple sentence lit something up within Mona's chest. She couldn't quite grasp what it was, but it was a wholesome feeling. A feeling of importance, of warmth, of-

She shook her head mentally. She was getting ahead of herself.

Yet she couldn't stop the smile on her lips.

"Come on, you don't want to be late than you already are," Scaramouche called, interfering with Mona's thoughts. Mona blinked before registering the extended hand, waiting for hers to clasp onto it. She looked up at Scaramouche and saw something different. He wasn't that cocky nor that arrogant anymore.

"Hold on," Mona said, biting the insides of her cheek. "Your tie, it's messed up." He looked down at his tie and mouthed a 'thanks' to her before reaching to fix it.

"Let me do it." Mona then offered. Scaramouche wore a confused expression while staring at her blankly. "You want to fix my tie? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. You said so yourself on the first day we met."

"Yes I do, come here before I change my mind." Mona pouted, rolling her eyes. And so he did, he inched closer to her, so close she could smell his lavender-scented cologne he wore strictly for important occasions. She had never told him this, but she goes crazy over the smell of it. "You smell good." She commented, without realizing it. When realization did dawn upon her, she blushed.

"It is a pretty good smell." He agreed, not digging into her compliment too deep to save her the embarrassment. "You smell nice yourself." He returned the favor as she finished folding the last bit of the tie.

"You ready?" Scaramouche inquired, before holding out his hand for her once more.

"Yes." Mona smiled, latching her hand on his.

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