When love takes of over

By whydoyouwanttoknow

55.5K 353 295

A Danny O'Donoughue and jessie j fanfic, More

Why does love take over
part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Authors Note

Part 11

1K 6 3
By whydoyouwanttoknow

Danny's POV

Another day, more auditions and more fighting talk from other shows (not to mention any names) , its hard not telling Will anything but I will stick to my word I told him when I asked her out but he hasn't mentioned it since, I think he thinks that she said no, but I don't know. We were going to go out for a meal but the day had been long so we decided on a takeaway in the hotel, we picked Jessie's mainly because we knew that hers would be, the cleanest

"Why don't we go to someone else's room, mines messy" she said

"Because yours is most likely the cleanest" Tom Will and I said in unison

Jessie mumbled something under her breath, I smiled at her

When we reached the door, she opened it and then said "excuse the mess"

We entered and I look at Tom and Will, what mess was she on about. We put the takeaway down on the table and we sit down, she put her dead phone on charge.

We just start eating the takeaway when suddenly Jessie's phone starts vibrating, we look at her expectantly but she just ignores it,but the person ringing clearly doesn't get the message. Finally she gets up and answers the phone..

Jessie POV

I decide to answer my phone since the person clearly doesn't understand that I don't want to talk to them.I already know who it is soo I answered it and made my way into the bathroom.

(Phone call)

"Jessie hi"

"What do you want Carlos?"

"You know what I want Jess......I miss you"

"No Carlos you don't, you just miss having someone to boss around" my voice was raising and cracking at the same time

"But come on Jess, you can't say you didn't enjoy it when we were together"

"I didn't enjoy it Carlos, so please just fuck off" I was shouting now,

(End of call)

I ended the call and I slid down the wall until my but hit the floor, then I crumbled before I knew it hot tears were falling onto my leggings, I was trying to stay quite because 3 people I work with are in the other room and 1 of them just happens to be my boyfriend. I didn't even know why I was crying, I didn't have feelings for him any more I was sure of this but something inside me just hurt when I heard his voice

Toms POV

Jessie took her phone into the bathroom and all of a sudden all we could hear was her shouting and then crying, who it was on the phone had hurt her badly, the last time we had saw her cry when during the first series when those papers targeted her, it was untrue but the one story that was true was the one about Danny cheering her up. I look at him and I nod he knows what I'm on about because he nods back and then gets up.

Jessie POV

Tears are falling down my face at a faster pace, then I hear a knock on the door, slowly I get up and open it, Danny stands there with a concerned look on his face, he doesn't give me time to argue he picks me up and carries me to the sofa again, Wills sat next to Tom, and Danny put me down next to him, I cover my tear stricken face with my knees, I feel them looking at me, I wasn't scared of them seeing me cry but I was scared of them seeing me this vulnerable.

(In this convo I'm doing to just the letters next to what their saying to make it more clear e.g. For Danny I will put D and so on so fourth)

"Jess what's up?'

Danny's voice is filled with warmth and concern which makes me even more sad

"Jessie??" (T)

"Come on Jess, what the matter?" (W)

I mumble something but they couldn't hear or understand. After about five minuets someone puts on the radio and "let me love you by Ne-yo" came on I stop crying because I like that song I feel arms pulling me up and I'm dancing with Danny. Will and Tom are also dancing, I turn my attention back to Danny and the look on his face makes me burst out laughing he smiles at me he can tell I'm still sad tho when the song has finished we all sit back down.


"Yeah Jess?"

"Give me a hug"

He laughs and pulls me into a tight hug, then they resume with the questions

"What happened earlier Jess?" (W)





"Jess let the walls you surround yourself down for once please ........ For us"

"When you let people in, they cock it up eventually Dan"

"Will we??"

"Who knows maybe"

Authors note

This chapter took me so long to write and I don't know why, but I hope you enjoyed it the convos are slightly confusing in this chapter so sorry about that. If anyone else is writing a Danny and Jessie fic (janny, or o'J) whatever you call them please tell me because I would love to check it out.

If you enjoyed please vote and tell me what you think in the comment section :-)

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