Aimless (JJBA)

Por KingSilver47

325 5 0

Updated summary: It's 2011, and we are in the universe where everyone survives Stardust Crusaders, which chan... M谩s

1 Another Night
3 Wasting Time
4 Something To Do
5 Guilt
6 Control
7 What just happened?
8 Over and over
9 Emptiness
10 Want
11 Patience
12 Progress...?
13 Everything Is Going To Be Okay
14 Love
15 Be There
16 One Sided But Needed
17 Disgusting
18 Okay
19 I Deserve Hate
20 Much Better
21 It Hurts
22 Walk It Away
23 I Love You
24 Need It
25 Keep Going
a/n That's It

2 Old Friend

27 1 0
Por KingSilver47

It has been a while since Kakyoin has been in the headquarters in Florida. He only went because recuperating from his ongoing injuries was a must occasionally, and he kept in contact with Jotaro and visited his dear niece Jolyne often. He kept his research on stands and arrows to other places that wasn't covered. That meant he went places Polnareff and Jotaro didn't.

Everything with the stands and arrows cooled down after they defeated Pucci back in 2003. After Polnareff was horribly injured, they got Giorno's input, a few people from Morioh's help and other people they met along the way.

So technically, the world was safe from any harm from resetting the universe and whatnot.

So when Kakyoin got a call from Polnareff about Jotaro needing help, it puzzled him. He listened as Polnareff was trying to figure out what was wrong with Jotaro.

Failed marriage? That was almost 10 years ago. Water under the bridge.

A new enemy? After defeating Pucci, everything has been fine.

Overworking? That could be it.

Kakyoin went into the building, hoping to find Jotaro quickly. Maybe he could drag him home and force him to take a rest.

He was greeted at the entrance of the building. They knew who he was one of the leaders of Speedwagon Foundation.  And he was on the way to Jotaro's office. He had known where it was and where it has always been. He knew Jotaro didn't like change much.

As he walked down the hallway, he saw a few Speedwagon Foundation employees. They were whispering amongst themselves after glancing at Kakyoin.

He nodded a hello, and they did so back.

They seemed excited. One of them was a woman who asked, "You're Mr. Kakyoin, right? The one who help defeat Dio and Pucci?"

He nodded, "Yes, I am."

"Wow," she said, "You are amazing. I've heard stories. You inspire me because how you help defeat Pucci while... You know." She gestured to his cane. "It was so brave."

Kakyoin smiled, "Thank you. I was just doing what I had to." The smile was a bit forced as he was beginning to feel awkward. "Have you seen Jotaro?"

She said, "He's probably in Lab C."

Kakyoin checked his watch. It was around noon. He hoped that Jotaro at least had lunch, or even preparing to have lunch. He said, "Where is that located?"

She answered, "It's down the hall on the left."

"Thank you," he said. And he was on his way. When he arrived to his destination, he found the door was closed. He knocked on it.

A few seconds later, the door opened and there peeked out was a familiar bluish green eye. Under the eye was dark as if he was sleep deprived. The eye widened when he made eye contact with Kakyoin.

The door opened wider to reveal Jotaro.

Jotaro said, "Noriaki! What are you doing here?"

Kakyoin said, "Hello to you too." He pushed his way inside and said, "Can I rest? I've travel quite of ways."

"Sure," he said backing up. He held the door open for Kakyoin. He went and pulled out a chair for him.

"Thanks," Kakyoin said before sitting down.

Jotaro said, "It's been about a year. You didn't tell me you were coming here."

"Yeah," he replied. "Sorry about that. It has been quite a while since I've seen you, but I am here to see how you were doing." He gave Jotaro a supportive smile.

"That's it?" Jotaro scoffed skeptically.

"What's wrong seeing how a dear old friend is doing?"

He said, "You could've just video call as usual and then go on with your life."

"I could be mistaken," Kakyoin said. "But it seems like you are trying to push me away, like with every one else."

Jotaro muttered, "Stop psychoanalyzing me."

"But am I right?"

"It doesn't matter if you are wrong or right," he replied. "Drop it." He pulled his hat down to cast a shadow over his eyes. He turn to face away. He was closing himself off from his friend.

"Okay," Kakyoin said, holding his hands up. "Okay. I'll drop it." He sighed, "It's been a while since we got to talk face to face; how about we catch up with each other?"

Hesitantly, Jotaro turn back to face him. "Okay?"

"I'll start," Kakyoin offered. "So I found this house on the beach in here in Florida. I decided that I'm gonna settle down there. My body has finally convinced me that it's time to rest."

A slight inhale got caught in Jotaro's throat. "Nori... Are you-?"

"I'm not dying or anything," he interrupted. "I'm just feel like I should be done with all this by now. I'm glad that all this research is doing the public some good, but I am tired. I ache, Jojo, but I'm alive. I should be living." He gave him a soft smile.

Jotaro could only look back with worry.

"Sorry to make the mood even grimmer than it had to be."

A silence fell in between them.

Jotaro opened his mouth to say something, but it closed without muttering a word.

Kakyoin broke the silence by asking, "Want to go out and drink? I heard that there's a bar nearby."

That bar was a local one that other SPW workers would sometimes hang at after their shift if they had nothing else to do. Jotaro was a regular there as well.

Jotaro checked his watch and said, "Sure. Then you can go back and rest afterwards. That was quite a ways you had to get here."

Kakyoin stretched his arms out. "Yeah. That airplane ride was no joke."

And so, the two of them left to go to the bar nearby. They sat at a table with drinks and snacks as Kakyoin told him about moving into Florida.

Kakyoin sighed, "It feels great knowing I'm going to settle down soon." He turned to fully face Jotaro. "How about for a while, you get some rest with me? It doesn't have to be permanent. Maybe we can spend time with your family, or..." His voice trailed off as he observed his friend.

Jotaro was beginning to seem uncomfortable. He turned away from Kakyoin. "I'll worry about that later."

"But Jojo," he said. "You look like you need it now rather than later. You look exhausted."

Taking a swig of his beer, he glanced at him, but he didn't respond. He sat down his half empty bottle and sighed, "You could mind your own business, Nori."

"I'm just worried," Kakyoin said.

"Everyone's worried," Jotaro replied with a scoff. "You should be focusing on yourself."

Kakyoin sipped his beer. "Polnareff was right. You are pushing us away. Why?"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

Jotaro sucked his teeth and looked away. He muttered underneath his breath, "Give me a break." He sighed and spoke up, "Let's move on from that."

"Then tell me," his friend said. "What has been going on in your life?"

Jotaro opened his mouth to speak.

"That's not about work."

He closed his mouth.

"Jojo, you are working your life away, and you should be spending your time with your family and friends." He reached across the table and placed his hands over one of Jotaro's hands. He brushed a thumb over his knuckles. "Seriously. We miss hanging with you."

He pulled his hand out of Kakyoin's grip. "Is that so?" That was doubt. Skepticism. He was careful. He sat back in his chair with his arms to his sides. "Maybe you should focus your affection to someone else. You all should."

"But why?"

Silence. Not one word from Jotaro.

"Fine," Kakyoin said as he began getting up from his seat. "I'll talk to you when you aren't being such a prick." He got himself together and brushed his jacket off. "See you later."

"Yeah," Jotaro uttered. He didn't so much as look at his dear friend as he left the bar. He stayed at the table to finish his beer.

At this point, he didn't just want to let go of steam. He knew what he wanted. He saw some familiar faces. He got up from his chair and went to the three. "Hey." He wasn't a connoisseur of words, but he got his point across by staring at one of them and pointing at him as if to say 'come here'.

"Oh okay," the man said flustered. He may had been surprised, but he was excited.

Jotaro began walking away, and the man followed suit. That was the upside of being with someone he had already been with. He didn't have to go out of his way to talk and explain what he wanted or why.

Down side: they could get too comfortable around him. He didn't want that. He still wanted a barrier between him and them.

As soon as they arrived to the man's room, the man wrapped his arms around Jotaro's waist from behind. "You seemed upset. Are you okay?"

One of the things Jotaro hated. He sighed and closed his eyes. "Shut up."

"Sorry," he said as his hands lowered to tug his belt open. Once he had an opening, he plunged his hands into his underwear.

Jotaro turned around forcing him to let go. He bent down to reach the man's lips. He whispered his name and said, "Open your mouth for me."

The man did what he was told.

Jotaro leaned forward to connect his lips to his. Their tongues wrestled with each other as he was pushed against the wall. He closed his eyes as he let the man's lips trail from his mouth to the crook of his neck. He exhaled from his nose as he felt the kisses, then the sucking.

Now he could finally let go. His mind didn't need to stay. He could just feel.

And it felt great.

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