"Y/N LIVES" ([REDACTED] x Rea...

By NitroGenGaming

5.1K 67 18

Y/N is not the most luckiest of people. They get kidnapped while sleeping and put in the game show widely kno... More

Extra info to know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 15

137 2 0
By NitroGenGaming

The morning

I wake up in my house once more. 

I woke up letter than usual so I'm a bit more energetic. 

Even though I feel energetic I still feel tired. 

I nice coffee would do won't it? Maybe even that café me and Schmitz went to that day. 

I still remember that day, it was the day I realised that I do intact love (Y/N). 

I get ready to go out to café. 

I just outside the café when I see two quite familiar people. Two people I never thought would meet. 

(Y/N) and Josh. 

I couldn't tell why but I had a wierd feeling in my heart. And it wasn't a good one. 

Like I'm losing something valuable. 

Am I jealous? 

No I can't be, their just talking. 

I look back at them to see (Y/N)'s hand on Josh's shoulder. 

They are too close for comfort right now. My comfort especially. 

I feel that feeling again, of jealousy. I can also feel my blood boiling. 

I see them both close their eyes. I know where this is going. And I'm gonna stop it. 

I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Josh— no, Schmitty. He doesn't deserve his real name spoken after this. 

I see both them jump back as my phone rings, presumably they both heard Schmitty's phone go off. 

Schmitty picks up the phone and stutters

"H-Hey Red!" 

I can tell he's flustered. 

"Hey Schmitty. Do you have time to talk?" 

"Hold on wait a second." 

He mutes and says something to (Y/N). They write something on a piece of paper, probably their number and leaves smiling and saying something back. 

He unmutes and says

"Yes we can talk now." 

"Could you please come to my house for an hour or 2? I need some help with Trivia Murder Party 2."

What a lie from me. I'm proud of myself for that one!

"Oh, yeah! Definetly! See you in like 15 minutes, I'm walking by the way."

Perfect, I'll have more time to think about this. 

"Okay, see ya soon!" 


He seems quite happy from the call but I can tell in real life that he is quite sad he didn't kiss my (Y/N). 

Wait did I just say that? 

Whatever, I need to get to my house pronto. 

Back at my house I get ready to kidna— I mean have a nice, friendly chat with Schmitty about some TMP2 questions and death rooms! 

Since I'm basically the best killer ever known, I have all the tools for kidnapping and killing alike at my disposal. 

Now, I could go all fancy with this kidnapping of what I thought was my best friend but turns to out be a stealing son of a b*tch, or I could do the simple chloroform on the handkerchief trick. 

Yeah I might just do that. 

I grab a handkerchief and my bottle of chloroform and dose the handkerchief with the liquid. 

I've never felt so good kidnapping one of my best friends who is no longer my best friend!

I get the tissue and wait for Schmitty to arrive. 


I open the door and I'm greeted to an empty house. At least I think it's empty. 

I close the door and take off my shoes. 

I wander around a bit until I find a note on the kitchen counter. It reads

'Hey Schmitty! I'm sorry I couldn't greet you at the door but you can find me upstairs. You're probably wondering why I couldn't meet you at the door, but I can explain that to you in my room. 


I wonder why he couldn't greet me. Did something happen? I hope he's okay. 

I leave the note on the counter and head upstairs to Red's room. 

I haven't been in his room in ages! Last time was when I helped test one of Red's contraptions and add some questions TMP. 

I sigh, good times. 

I get to his bedroom door, I open it and I'm greeted with...his normal room. Without him in it? 

Wierd. He said he would be here—

Suddenly I have a handkerchief to my mouth and nose. 

Was some kidnapping me?! Was it Red? 

I try scream out to Red, to anyone, but nothing comes out. 

I feel tired and groggy. 

Red saw me and (Y/N) together didn't he? And now he has me kidnapped because of it. 

I close my eyes. Realising my mistake. I hope (Y/N)'s okay. 


That POV change thoooooooo. 

I never really wanted to incorporate POV changes in my story because then it will become very clunky and difficult to process. 

Where as if you only have one POV the entire chapter. It's a easier to read. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways. 

Also TMP2 should be coming into this story VERY soon. And by that I mean like 3-4 chapters. 


Best regards


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