Chapter 23

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I wake up to find I'm in a box. 

Well it's more of a shelf. A dusty, cobweb filled one at that. 

I can still move and leave my designated area if I so wished. 

I have a feeling that wouldn't end well later on. 

I see infront of me a desk with a lamp and a bell. There is also a piece of paper that I can't read from this angle. But I don't want to leave my shelf. 

I can however peer over the edge and see what's below, above and beside me in the other sections. 

I look over to my left to see... 

Book. One book. A singular book. 

I look below me to find...

More books. Two, to be exact. 

I look over to my right not expecting much but to my surprise I find George. 

George is comfortably sitting there, or asleep even. 

That's probably why he's comfortable. 

I then look above me to see nothing. A blank shelf square. Dusty and has a cobweb of course. 

A sigh and sit back in my cubby hole. Waiting for something to happen. 

(Here is a picture of the current situation. Don't mind the names. You're red.) 


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My head perked at the sound of his voice. Red's voice. 

"What do you want." 

"Well, I'm here to tell you that the people at home are about to see the intro."

I, and I assume everyone else, is confused. 

"We now have a cut scene that plays at the start of each episode." 

I nod slightly. He smiles slightly. 

"But while that's happening I need to escort you guys to the elevator. So let's do that." 

I suddenly become motionless. I can't move anything. 

He comes over to me and scoops me up. He also muttered

"I'm sorry." 

What's he sorry for! He put me in this situation! 

Unless he didn't want to..?

Nah he's heartless. 

Him 'loving me' was surely fake and a plot to emotionally kill me before the show. 


"The local residents familiar with the abandoned building's history, simply known as, The Murder Hotel—" 

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