Chapter 17

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As I walk out of the café I finally realise the events that just happened. 

I almost kissed Schmitty. 

I don't know how we got into that situation but if it wasn't for the phone call, I would've had my first kiss. 

God, I'm 22 and I haven't had my first kiss? Jesus I'm lonely. 

Anyways I get home and put my phone on the counter. I seem to have got a notification but ill read it after I finish my nap. 

I get on the couch and take a snooze. 

The late afternoon

I wake up after my power nap. I had a very nice dream, thanks for asking. 

I looks it's just before evening time. I should probably get some food. 

I walk over to the kitchen and grab some leftover pizza from the fridge. 

It's not the best but it'll do. 

I go to the living room, put my pizza on the table and turn the TV on. 

I didn't expect much on TV. Just some people stressing over TMP2 releasing. 

I'm not worried you're worried! Well you is technically me anyway. Why am I talking to myself so much today? Must be Schmitty. 

No wonder. 

I suddenly remember the notification I got earlier. 

I went to my phone which was lying on the counter and I tried to turn it on.

It has no power. Dammit. 

I go upstairs and put my phone on charge. I then head downstairs to watch a movie. 

I decide to watch (Favourite/Movie), an absolute classic! 

I turn on unnamed streaming platform and put on the movie.

I get comfy and watch the movie. 

After the movie ended I get up and get showered, not before turning the TV off. 

After I do that I go to bed. Remembering to answer that notification, it seemed important. 

I slowly close my eyes. Thinking of Schmitty. Is he good for me? Is he 'The One'? We'll find out soon. 

The morning

I wake up normally. That sounded wierd. 

I get changed and grab my phone. 

I check my phone and it is on full charge! I can finally check the notification!

The notif is a text message from a random number. 

I instantly realise that it's probably Schmitty. 

I click on the text and it reads

'Hi (Y/N)! It's me Schmitty. Just checking if you gave me the correct number!' 

Yeah, it's him. 

I add him to my contacts and pop a reply back.

'Hey Schmitty! Yes it's me (Y/N). You do have the correct number!' 

It took a couple seconds but it eventually had the 'read' tag. 

No reply though. 

Why did he leave my on read? Did I do something? Was it the almost kiss, the he have some thoughts after I left? 

"Y/N LIVES" ([REDACTED] x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now