Chapter 28

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I wake up on a soft material with another soft material on me. 

I quickly realise I'm on a bed. My bed to be precise. 

But the last thing I remember is falling asleep in Red's car. 

He must've carried me to my bed. What a gentleman. 

Speaking of Red, where is he? 

I'd expect him to leave a note or something. 

"Goodness sake, Red." 

I look over to my bedside table to see a note on it. As well as a glass of water. 


I pick it up and read it. 

Good morning sweetie! 

You fell asleep while we were driving back from the hotel. 

I put a glass of water next to this note as a way to freshed up in the morning! 

- Red

I smile. 

For a serial killer he is such a softie. 

A drink the glass of water. As I drink it I realise he could of spiked it and now I might die a horrible painful death and I've once again been tricked and heartbroken by him. 

I think otherwise and finish the glass. 

I do my morning ritual and go outside for a walk. 

It's at this moment that I remember how I acted after I won the first time. 

I didn't leave the house for 3 days? Jesus. 

Maybe Red is helping me not be a crappy outsider who funnily enough stays inside. 

But not against it. 

After walking for some time I end up in Red's area, without even meaning to. 

I guess I should go visit Red. 

I knock on his door, I hear some shuffling behind the door.


Red opens the door with a blank expression but once he sees me he brightens up like a light switch to a disabled bulb. 

"Heya, Red" 

"(Y/N)! Come inside."

I do as he says and sit down on the couch. 

"Well sweetie, what brings you here?" 

I blush at his nickname. I'm gonna have to get used to that aren't I? 

But I like it. 

"Well I was walking through town and ended up here so I decided to come by for a bit." 

He smiles. 

"Well, make you self at home sweetie." 

I blush yet again. 

He smirks and stands up, heading to the kitchen. 

I stand up to look around the house. 

Obviously I can't go to some places. Either they are too private or locked.

His bathroom was ordinary but a bit bigger than mine.

The guest bedroom, since I can't go in his bedroom, is just another bedroom. Grey walls, blank sheets, you can tell he doesn't spend a lot of time here. I did give the bed a comfort test. It passed. 

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