The Belieber He Fell For ( Ju...

By TezneyEpicoco

113K 1.7K 178

The Belieber He Fell For . My first FanFic . Don't be too tuff on me please :) . When Faye Aged 17 see's Mr... More

The Belieber He Fell For (Part 1)
The Belieber He Fell For (Part 2) Day 1
Part 3 Day 2
The 2nd Date . Am i your girlfriend ?
This Spells Busted . Day 3 .
Selena Hoemez !
Don't Judge Me
Thank God !
Come Home To Me
Butsy Butler and Little Red Riding Hood
Your Carriage Awaits
Friday Night . . . CRAP !
I think she understands :/
Don't Think I Forgot
I Promise
I Love You .
You What ?!?
Mark's Talk and Girlfriend
You need to leave now
They want you
Our Last Week
Aquarium Madness
2nd Times A Charm
WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday .Sunday!.
The Last Chapter .

The Long Interview

2.5K 45 1
By TezneyEpicoco

*Justin's P.O.V*

We all walk down the same corridor we did last time . Bringing back the horrible memory but that's not going to bring me down . Not today . Scooter is in front of me guiding me my way round with a studio worker guiding him as well . Faye is behind me i can feel her shaking already and it makes my nerve level go up and up . 

"How many of you ?" its a different worker with us now ,a male not the moody bitchy one with curly blond hair who pushed me around . He's a dude with spiked up brown hair with an ear piece in . He actually smiled at me and shook my hand . I like him already :) . 

"Eight of us" Scooter smiles . 

"Right this way , wow you got a big gang then" he smirks . 

We did , everyone came . Scooter and Kenny added on the seven and eight . The tall man led us to an even bigger room , kind of like a hotel room . It was massive , big enough for all of us . It even had a mini basketball court and food this time , so no one had to go out and get some . 

"Enjoy and i will pick you and Faye up in about 20 minutes alright?" he patted me and the shoulder with a smile . 

"Sounds good!" i grin and pat him back . I hear him mumble an 'Alright Then!" and jog off . He was probably in a rush . 

We sat stuffing food and shooting hoops for the past 17 minutes . Kenny frashed us all , cause you know he's so tall . I mean i could of beat him but - . . . Anyway . Ha . Faye joined in and it seemed to calm her nerves a lot . Which made us all at ease . 

"Ok , Justin , Faye . Your on " The tall brunette dude pops through the door , i see Faye shoot up out of her chair and give me a weak smile . I knew as she would say 'Shes Bricking It' but i didn't say anything . I reached out my hand behind me and she clenched on to it and we twiddled our fingers together . Everyone cheers as we leave and i pump my fist as the chant our names "Justin and Faye . Justin and Faye" . 

We sat down waiting just by the opening doors when suddenly the theme music came on and Faye jumped out of her seat in shock . "Hey its alright" i whisper , we're still holding hands and she's holding mine so tight . I kiss her lightly and the cheek and i feel her tense shoulders start to relax . 

The man gives us a gesture to walk up the the entrance to the stage , we stand up slowly wipe down our clothes and wait holding each others hand so tightly . 

When we hear Katy's voice emerge from the screaming audience . "Welcome to-" and the crowd join in with "Wake Up It's Sunday" and start to cheer . "We know you all hate waking up on Sunday so we make it a bit easier for yah hey" . God her voice is to enthusiastic on a Sunday morning . "I'm not going to keep you waiting any longer girls . Let's get the singing pop sensation and his gorgeous girlfriend on stage shall we . Mr Justin Bieber and Faye Mayson!!!" 

We walk through the doors of smoke and appear on stage and the crowd go mental . Boyfriend starts to play as we walk up to Katy . She gives me and tight hug and then moves onto Faye . I have to let go of her hand for the hug but wait for her and then grab it back and sit down on the sofa  . I can feel her shaking like mad . "Hi Justin , hi Faye how are you guys?" she friendly smiles at us both . I knew Faye wouldn't want to answer the first question so i did . 

"We're cool , you know just chillin' and having fun" i feel Faye start to set at ease at the sound of my voice , finally ! 

"That's good to hear , really good to hear and Faye what's it like being in this position i mean . It must be such a huge change for you?" . 

"Yeah , um . It's been amazing these past three weeks and i couldn't of asked for it to go any better" and the whole crowd scream as i slowly kiss her cheek . Faye lets out a giggle and a screams as well . 

"You too are just to adorable . Now lets talk about how you first met . What was that like?" Katy is actually alright . I thought she just wanted my answers like everyone else but she actually really listens . 

"I actually got run over" Faye laughs . 

"Yeah we heard about that one" Katy laughs as well and i add a laugh as well as i mean , come on what couple meet with one of them getting run over . 

"Yeah , it was pretty crazy . I saw him in the car park and i was just like . Oh my god oh my god . You know IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER " and crowd laugh . 

"Yeah your like a huge belieber aren't you ? You were once of these girls in the audience weren't you?" Katy looks so mind blown aha . 

"Yeah i was actually that girl right there" Faye points and everyone laughs and so do i . She's actually really good at this . She looks so computable now . "No" she laughs " I ran after his car and i was like the only one cause . No one saw him , it was just a normal day you know . I didn't even know he was in the UK and yeah . I just ran after his car like 'Justin! Stop' " and she waves her hands around and everyone laughs . "Then he finally stopped and got out and gave me a hug but the car stopped in the exit so they had to move so other people could get out . So Mike the driver at the time reversed and like the car just went crazy just like out of control and then splat" she lets out a giggle and everyone laughs . 

"Splat?" Katy grins 

Me and Faye both go "Splat" at the same time and laugh . 

"Justin , that must of been so hard for you i mean seeing one of your fans get run over . I just , i just can't imagine?" her smile fades . 

"Yeah , like i never thought that would ever happen . Like it just happened so fast and i just kind of like feel to the floor and held her in my arms . I just prayed that you know like she wouldn't-" i flopped my head down and pinched the top of my nose , between my eyebrows "Sorry" i smirk . 

"Your alright , don't worry about it hunny" Katy rubs my leg and i feel Faye's arms wrap around my waist and her head lie on my shoulder . I sit back up and wrap my arm around her and hug her tight and make a big smile . 

"Awwh" everyone in the audience crys . Some even crying . 

"You too" Katy grins and slaps me on the leg in a playful way  . 

"It was just so hard you know , i didn't know what to do .I thought she was so beautiful and i just couldn't let her life go . So i sat with Scooter and Kenny in the hospital and you know we waited and like finally she was awake . I told her that she could go anywhere with me you know i was like so heart broken for her . So i invited her home with me and - "

"And that's how it all started" Katy smiles . 

"Yep" Faye giggles . 

"You know i don't like to rub in my beliebers faces or anything . You know id never try to do that . You know what lets get all the beliebers lined up along here and imma hug every single one of you" I stand up bringing Faye along with me by the hand so she can hug them as well . Kenny brings every belieber from the stands and makes them form a line . 

"We'll get right back to you after this commercial break" Katy grins to the camera and we're off air . She come and joins us . 

I see the first girl come running up to me and Faye . "I will support you too through whatever decision you make and i'm so happy for you . Don't let anyone ever bring you too apart ok ?" She  pants in an English accent . Awh i love English accents and she hugs me first real tight and i hug her back and kiss her cheek followed by and thank you whispered in her hear . She turns to Faye and says "What's up Faye?" . . i see Faye look astonished . 

"Talia ?????" she screams who is Talia ? . "Oh my gosh girl iv missed you so much" she hugs her really tight and jumps around . "Go backstage now and ill talk to you then" they're both holding each others hands and jumping around . 

"I wanna watch the show though" Talia pouts . 

"Ok just wait there and ill come get you when our bits over ok ?" Faye grins . 

"Sounds good" she runs back to her seat and the next Belieber comes up to us . I didn't have time to ask what that was all about i guess ill just save it for later . 


"Hey guys and welcome back to-" and the crowd scream again "Wake Up It's Sunday" . "And we're back with Justin and Faye" and the crowd applaud us  . 

"Faye it was your birthday not too long ago wasn't it ?" Katy winks . 

"Yeah it was" she winks back . 

"And" Katy giggles "What did you get?" . 

"Well , i got a new car , a contract to become a Victoria Secrets Model . Nahh I'm just kidding" and the crowd laughs . "I got this" i didn't even know she had the locket on . The crowd let out a gasp . 

"That's beautiful Faye . I wonder who got you that" she winks at Justin . 

"My nan" Faye grins . Where does she come up with these she's so funny . "I'm kidding . Justin got me it" . 

"It is so beautiful , look at that . It's a locket isn't it ?" Katy leans in , so interested . I hear the camera zoom in on it . "What does it have inside . Sorry me being so nosey" Katy laughs . 

"No your alright" Faye grins and she opens it up and the crowd look up to a scream above us and Katy read it out . 

"That's so lovely Justin and so is your new commercial" she winks . 

"Who saw that?" i raise my hands up and grin at the audience . 

"We all did , lets just see a clip of it shall we?" 


The crowd clap and applaud  . "Faye you filmed that didn't you?". 

"Yeah , it was so much fun !" she grins . 

"Why aren't you in it though?" Katy laughs . 

"Oh well , i didn't really want anyone to see my face" she laughs . 

"But your alright now aren't you?" 

"Yeah sure" Faye grins . 

"I really wanted her to be in it and we were talking about it in bed and -" i just realised what i had said and paused and let out a grin . I felt Faye playfully punch me and laugh . I realised we didn't even talk about it in bed it was at the beach . I guess my mind was just thinking about bed aha im so tired . 

"You too were in bed together?" Katy wiggles her eyebrows . 

Me and Faye look at each other and we just burst out a laugh . "Yes" Faye giggles . 

"How old are you too?" Katy raises an eyebrow and laughs . 

"18" we both grin in sync . 

"Well that's ok then , have you ...???" Katy trails off and the crowd let out a blurry giggle . 

"Yes . We . Have!" i shout and i raise up our hands which were twiddled together . Faye throws her head back and laughs . 

"Well then!" Katy chuckles . "I think we're done" . 

"Awh it's been amazing , this was my first interview so thank you so much guys for having us" Faye stands up and waves to everyone . 

"Thanks guys . I love you all . I love my Beliebers!" I scream after i had given Katy a hug and so did Faye . I ran across the first line of the stands full of screaming girls and touched their hands . So did Faye and then she grabbed Talia's hand and brought her back with us . 


A/N - I'm adding one last chapter it will be quite short i know this one has been quite long :) . K thanks guys. 

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