He's not afraid (a Scott Hoyi...

By fxrnrock

43.8K 1.8K 452

"I fucking love this book. I WISH there were books as good as this, but this book tugged at my heartstrings l... More

Prologue (REVISED APR'22)
Royalty Living (REVISED APR'22)
Burglary! (REVISED APR'22)
Once again (REVISING APR'22)
Teaching and Annoying Part. I (REVISED)
Teaching and Annoying Part. II (REVISED)
Moments (REVISED)
Dialogues & Searches (REVISED)
Agility (REVISED)
He's Not Afraid (REVISED)
Last First Kiss (REVISED)
"My" Prince (REVISED)
Touch My Body (REVISED)
We Cannot Stop (REVISED)
Memories & Memories (REVISED)
Fuck Me! (REVISED)
It Mitch. (REVISED)
Assaulting Love (REVISED)
Pissing off the one I love- Part. I/II (REVISED)
Pissing off the one I love. Part II/II (REVISED)
Sweet Problem (REVISED)
Listen... I love you! (REVISED)
Relax! (REVISED)
Together (REVISED)
Files & Events. Part I/II (REVISED)
Files & Events. Part II/II (REVISED)
Again. (REVISED)
It's Time to Fuck Shit Up! - COUNTDOWN! (REVISED)
Things. - Third from Last (REVISED)
And so it was. - Second from Last. (REVISED)
He's not afraid to be free. - Last Chapter (REVISED)
[Author's Note]
NEW STORY!!!! <3

Sneaky Ninjas (REVISED)

1.3K 50 11
By fxrnrock

I woke up with the sun hitting my face and, as I tried to stretch, I realized I was really sore, but I didn't want Scott to notice. He was still soundly sleeping when I woke up, though, so I got up and, with a certain level of extreme difficulty, I went to the bathroom and locked myself inside. Looking at my sleepy self in the mirror, I noticed my face appeared to have changed: it was brighter, happier. I smiled as I thought of the night we've had and, letting the cold water flow, I entered the shower. I let the cold water run on me and I closed my eyes, thinking about life.

When I finally gained the courage to turn off the water, I did so and stepped off the shower. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around my waist carefully, I was one rough movement away from triggering my horrible pain again. With another towel, I soaked the water from my body and I left the bathroom soaking my hair. I walked towards my Chanel bag, trying to find some boxers.

As soon as I found them and put them on, I went to my side of the bed and I cleaned it up, putting my clothes and Scott's clothes in the laundry basket resting in the other side of the door. I hate messes, I confess. I can't stand living or even being in a pigsty, it's utterly gross. I heard a noise and, looking to my left, I saw Scott moving on the bed, his face still swollen from sleeping. We smiled at each other and I kept doing what I was doing.

"How are you?" he asked me, his voice still pitched down. How adorable.

"Sore." I answered, which made him giggle. "Don't laugh Hoying, I don't think I'll be able to sit properly for weeks."

"It's my fault." he said rubbing his eyes. I questioned his statement. "Literally. I should've stretched you first, but I completely forgot." he relaxed his shoulders. "Whatever, maybe next time."

"Who told you there would be a "next time"?" I asked, smiling at him and at his confidence.

"Yeah, like there isn't going to be a next time." He said getting out of the bed. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, trying not to laugh.


The night fell and I thanked every single God and every saint there was. Staying all day inside a hotel room can be emotionally and physically exhausting because, no matter how many games of Monopoly we'd play or Spongebob Squarepants we'd watch, we'd eventually get bored. Scott left for about an hour during the afternoon but of course I had to stay in the room.

I put on another outfit (1), I didn't even care if it was appropriate for the situation or not. Scott was wearing a plain black shirt, black jeans and his beloved snapback from Joyrich, the leopard-print one. He wasn't saying anything, he seemed extremely focused on the screen of his smartphone.

"Ready?" he asked me. I nodded as I saw him handing me a gun. It was a really cute one, a silver six shooter gun with some art on it. "I had it personalized just for you." he said, putting it on my belt.

"Who has one too, Esther or Dice?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him. He quickly shook his head, though.

"For someone who claims they "ain't afraid" you ask a lot of questions, Mitchell." he said looking at me. Then, he pulled me by the hand and drove me out of the room. As we exit the hotel I noticed there was a Range Rover parked there, waiting for us. "What, did you really think we'd walk there?" he asked and I had to slap his arm.


When we got there, the place was deserted: the only thing we could clearly hear was the sound of the sea waves hitting the rocks. It was a surprisingly cold night, and no matter how much I hugged myself, I'd still feel my bones freezing. Scott parked the car a bit far away and we walked to the rendezvous, me following him just a few steps behind.

All the apartments were dark and the only thing lighting us up was a street lamp. It was 12.12am and there was no one in sight, and just in case Scott was focused on finding the person he'd meet up with, I preferred not saying a word to Scott.

He then stopped and turned around. I looked at him a bit scared and he extended his hand, holding mine. Then, he kept on walking with me by his side.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asked while we walked.

"I don't want to distract you." I said. "And because I can bare my pain better if I'm not saying a word." he giggled. Yes, because being in terrible pain is so funny, I should be a fucking comedian.

We then noticed men walking towards us from the distance, but immediately afterwards we realized they were two men and a woman, a beautiful one I might add. And the guy on the front.... what a fucking daddy.

"That's my boss." He pointed at the white guy with golden locks. His eyes were so bright, resembled a cat's eyes, his eyebrows completely arched and an ironic smile on his face. The woman looked like a model, long blonde hair, heavy eye-make-up and black lipstick. She was beautiful. "That's his wife." he pointed at the woman I just described. "They'll call you "the Queen's grandson" for obvious reasons. But don't worry nor be mad about it." I nodded as he let go of my hand. "Hey Jeremy." he said, giving the man a hand-shake. "This is Mitchell." I didn't say a word, but at that precise moment I wanted to punch Scott for calling me "Mitchell".

"The Queen's grandson?" Prophecy fulfilled. Jeremy's voice echoed in the small port and I could tell he had a low voice. Not as low as Avi's, though. I nodded and extended my arm, shaking his hand.

"I'm Kirstin." his wife said, shaking my hand and then Scott's. "So Hoying... is this your man?" I looked at him and I saw him smiling and nodding. How adorable!

"How are things in London?" Jeremy asked while Kirstin's eyes travelled my entire body up and down.

"All is fine, all is under control. No need to worry." Scott said. "I'm just here to get the stuff."

"Oh yes, the stuff." Jeremy said, followed by a snap of his fingers. "Go get them." he said to the security guy behind him. The guy quickly walked away into the fog. "So, why did you come here, prince?"

"Mitch." I smiled. "Because I wanted to, I wanted to be free from all those royal things. Not for me, you know." I said while Jeremy just stared and nodded.

"It's gonna take a lot more than typical teenage angst to convince me, prince..." he said and I looked at him confused. "Scott. Have you thought of the possibility of him being a spy? After all, he is the Queen's grandson and he's got all the powers he wants." I wanted to punch him so badly.

"He isn't like that. Remember Jeremy, I don't make bad choices. Nor do I make wrong choices." he said.

"From what I understood, he came to you. Not you to him, right?" he asked. "But whatever, if you think he's trust worthy then I trust your instincts, Scott." I looked at him with a serious face, controlling myself not to punch him. The security guy arrived and handed Jeremy a huge box, to which he gave Scott. "Your ammo and your group's." Scott nodded. "Have you taken care of Bram and his sheep?" he asked and I looked at Scott.

"Who's Bram?" I asked looking at Scott, but he didn't look back.

"He didn't tell you, Mitch?" Kirstin asked and I looked at her. "There are guys following you around in here." I angrily stared at Scott while he raised his eyebrow. "I'm sure they're looking for you two as we speak."

"Oh. Oh oh of course. I had forgotten. He told me last night, didn't you Scott?" I lied, echoing that last part between my teeth, madly looking at him.

"Yes." he said. "Jeremy, is that it?" he said and Jeremy nodded. "It was a pleasure seeing you again." he said while hand-shaking Jeremy. "Kirstin." he hand-shook her hand as well. I did the exact same thing he did.

As we left the place I started speeding up my steps, giving me terrible pain but I didn't slow down.

"Mitch! Wait!" Scott loudly whispered, running in my direction. "You weren't supposed to know!"

"What do you mean by that?!" I stopped, facing him. "I'm one of you now, you can't hide these things from me. Let me guess, I was the only one unaware of this." I exclamed.

"Yes, the boys are aware." he quickly said.

"And why did you hide it from me, Hoying?" he laughed at my question.

"I wanna protect you." he said. I wanted to interrupt him but he kept going. "Even being one of us, I still think you're rushing things and..." I looked around as I heard footsteps. "Are you paying attention??"

"Do you think Jeremy and his people are still here?" I asked, still looking around.

"No, they already left." Scott said and I looked at him. "Why?" I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him as I walked towards the car. "Say something already, Mitch!" he said pulling out his gun from his belt and staying behind the car.

"We're not alone in here." I said and Scott looked at me. "Come with me." I pulled him to the other side of the street and placed my back against the wall.

"You can't hide like that." he said. "What if someone..."

"Shut up, Scott! For fuck sakes!" I said between my teeth. Then, I saw a shadow and I shot it, hearing runsteps afterwards. I shot my gun twice and leaned down with Scott as he ran towards the back of the car again. "Shoot them, Scott!" I yelled while I pulled the trigger towards a guy's leg. He immediately fell and I looked at Scott just to see a guy sneaking behind him with his gun pointed at his head. I decided to keep quiet and ran towards the car, entering it and starting the engine. The pain on my behind was almost unbearable and I couldn't stay still in the seat, but I had to do this. As I drove past the guy, I quickly aimed to his forehead, but I failed and shot his shoulder instead. Scott got up and ran towards the car, entering it and I drove away.

"Mitch, are you fucking insane?! You could've died, you idiot!" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You're an ignorant idiot!" I said putting my hair in a top knot. "You're the one that could've died!"


We finally arrived at the hotel. As I got out of the car, I accidentally moaned as I felt all that pain go away after bearing with it for more than fifteen minutes. I turned around and I didn't see Scott outside, but already going upstairs. When I got to the room, I saw Scott lying in bed watching the news, so I decided to go take a quick shower.

When I got out, Scott was in nothing but boxers and I bugged my eyes.

"Sorry." he said.

"No problem, I guess." I said while putting on my open shirt. I had put my boxers on while on the bathroom to avoid any type of idea from him. While I put on my shirt, I saw him looking at me, making me arch my eyebrow. "What?"

"Smile." he said, getting out of the bed and walking towards me. I positioned myself in front of the mirror, checking myself out as I felt his arms wrapping around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. "C'mon. Smile." he said, hugging me. "You could've died, I was so worried I wouldn't be able to see you smiling again. Please Mitch, smile" he said and I obeyed. I leaned my head down and I smiled, trying not to burst in laughs. "Esther and Dice never risked their lives for me. Maybe their "I love you" isn't the same as yours."

"I don't love you."

"Oh yeah I forgot, you like me so fucking much." I smiled, agreeing with him. He giggled a bit and kissed my neck, hugging me tight. "Ah Mitch... you're becoming my favorite bandit."

"And you're becoming my favorite criminal." I smiled, looking at his reflection in the mirror as he looked at mine. "If only you knew how much I wanted to punch that dick Jeremy..."

"I feel you, but don't stress about it." he kissed my cheek. "Tonight will be forever in my memory."

"We're such sneaky ninjas." we laughed together.

"That sounds a lot like something a crappy band would sing." he said.

"Ah, true." I rolled my eyes as he let me go and I walked towards the bed. Before I could lay down, he hugged me again. "After tonight, all I want to do is sleep and rest my ass." I could hear his giggles. "For fucks sake Scott, I hope you bottom someday."

"We both know that's not gonna happen." He said, smiling.

"Probably won't, I wouldn't trade it for anything." I got on the tip of my toes and I reached his lips, kissing them slowly. Then, we both laid down on the bed, to which I cuddled up next to him and almost immediately fell asleep.


(1) http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=155955425

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