Scandalous Spotlight

By HP0207

13.7K 1.7K 1.1K

"Knights".!! The famous Boy Band of India.! Consisting of 7 members.! 1 lyricist 2 rappers 4 vocals Out of a... More

The Girl....!
She is different!
Assistant Manager's Approval!
The Interview!
My worst Nightmare!
The Past..
Can't Fall!!
Healthy Flirting!
Best friend who???
You WHAT.???
What did she say?
Cold Hearted Writer!
Rumor Or Reality?
Down the hill..
You & I...
Happy Endings


533 63 43
By HP0207

(The whole crowd went silent all of a sudden when he asked Avneet)

Siddharth: May I?

(They can be seen on the big screen, Avneet was too confused to react, Jannat stepped in to her "BestFriend" mode and kept Avneet's hand in Siddharth's hand and said.....)

Jannat: Ofcourse.. She would love to...

(Siddharth gently holds her hand and with the most beautiful smile took her slowly to the stage and sang his last rap which is a smooth rap making her twirl in small circles while other band members did their dance routine around them..... by the time he finished his part.... They were in the middle of the stage and it was too much for Avneet.!
Lights, Music and above all everyone's attention.!!!!
She was trying to get her hand out from Siddharth's grip but he was not letting go off of her hand.!
The band members were all standing in a line with Siddharth and Avneet in the middle waving to the crowd.!!!

Avneet whispered...)

Avneet: Ummm... Excuse me mister.! If done... Can you let go off my hand.!!!?

(Siddharth was a bit taken aback but didn't let go of her hand.!!! He signaled her to come with them backstage!

She went there as she didn't have any other options left.!
As soon as they went back stage.... Avneet was shocked to see how many people which she assumed as staff came running towards the band members.... All of them were doing something or the other to make the members feel at ease.!

Finally she saw the door and was about to go when someone came in front of her.... She looked at him and saw the most friendly smile.!!!)

: Hello Miss.!!

Avneet: Hello..... umm... that's the way to get out of here right.?

: Yes.! But why are you in such a hurry.?

Avneet: Well all this was very unexpected.! But my friend must be waiting for me.! I need to go.!

: I am Mohsin Khan btw.! MK.??

Avneet: Oh.! Ok... Nice to meet you.! I am Avneet.! And on that note I will take your leave.!

MK: Wait.!!! That's it.?

Avneet: Am I suppose to say anything else.?

(MK just chuckled and handed her an envelope.!)

Avneet: What is this.?

MK: Actually we decided that who ever will be the Armor that will be picked to come on stage.! We will invite him/her to our after party.! So that's for you.!!

Avneet: I am so sorry.! But I am not an Armor.! But my best friend is.....

MK: What.??(he was shocked a bit)
Umm... then bring her too.! Ok.? Will see you soon Miss Avneet.!

(Avneet was confused and made her way to the crowd where she spotted Jaanat.!

Jannat took her away from the crowd..!)

Avneet: Why.???

Jannat: Right now.!! Every girl in this venue is your enemy.!

Avneet: And why is that.??

Jannat: You literally lived any Armor's dream....!!!! Girl.! The leader himself... Our SN himself took you on stage and sang and dance with you.??? How can anyone not be jealous.!!!!
Even I am (she made a small pouty face)

Avneet: Then you should have gone na.?? Why placed my hand in his.?

Jannat: Cz he was clearly asking you.... Not me...!

Avneet: Anyways..... What was his name.... Ummm... ya MK.....??(cut off by Jannat)

Jannat: YOU MET MK.???????

Avneet: Geez girl calm down my eardrums have suffered a lot already.!!!! Anyways...... he gave me this ..... Invite for their After party.!

Jannat: AVNEEEEEEEEEEEEET.!!!!!!!!!!

Avneet: That's it.! I am out.! I don't know you.! Good lord girl everyone is giving us looks.!

Jannat: They are giving you looks honey.! I told you why.! But how come he gave you these.??

Avneet: He mentioned something like it was pre-decided that whoever will be called up on the stage....he/she will be invited.!!

Jannat: Then what are we waiting for.???? Let's goooooo....

Avneet: Why don't you go .! I am so done already.!

Jannat: Crazy lady.! MK invited you.! Knights chose you.! And you chose me to come along.... I can't go there alone.! Plus think about it.... That party might have quite few famous producers.... You might wanna talk with them and show them your work and your passion to become writer.!!!

Avneet: Hmm... Now that you put it in that way.! It won't hurt to check it out .! Let's go....

(They reached the venue and were escorted to the party...... Thankfully the music was very mild that was playing in the background so Avneet's music related issue was solved..... )

Jannat: I am gonna check out food and see if I can meet any band members.... Eeeeeeee I am so excited.!!!

Avneet: Hehe.! Have fun girl.!
(They parted ways in the party and Avneet as well started to go around and see if she can meet any producer who can look at her work..... Suddenly she heard someone talking about starting a new show with interesting script..... He was talking about the type of script he wants and what new things can that script improve with one of his friends..... Avneet went there and said.....)

Avneet: Um... excuse me.! Hi, My name is Avneet and I am writer.... I happened to hear what you guys were talking about..! If you don't mind I can show you my story that I am working on recently....

(The producer looked at Avneet a bit surprised but then said..)

Producer: Is that so.?

Avneet: Yes sir.! Would you mind giving it a look.?

Producer: Have got any experience.?
Avneet: No sir.! But need to start somewhere to gain experience.! I have been to made production houses but everyone asks the same.! Experience.!? I agree it's needed.... But at least give me a chance as assistant writer.?? You can see my skills and then give me chance as main writer.!

Producer: Hmm.... So no experience but full of passion!! Impressive...! Why don't we discuss it in detail.?

Avneet: Sure thing sir.! When can I get appointment at your office.?

Producer: Oh nooo..... We are here in this grand hotel.... We can discuss it in one of the rooms you know.! (He said while eyeing her from top to bottom...)

(Avneet understood what he meant and just rolled her eyes in disgust and turned to leave while he grabbed her hand..)

Producer: Oh c'mon.! It shouldn't be a big deal.!!

Avneet: I am warning you.... Leave my hand....

Producer: Is that so..???

(He still didn't leave Avneet's hand, Avneet just took a teaser from her purse and kept it on his hand making him shiver due to electric shock and he jerking off Avneet's hand but in that process due to still the current flowing in his body he shook his head and his wig flew off and now everyone's attention were these two.!!!)
(It was a big insult for him and he changed towards Avneet but someone engulfed him in a hug right before he touches Avneet..... When he spoke... Avneet kind of recognized his voice....)

: Now now Mr. Bishvas.!!!! It's better you leave it right here....! I have seen exactly the whole thing that just happened.! Before you get kicked out mercilessly..... Why don't you call it a night.???

( He said that and broke the hug and then just adjusted his collar.... And before anyone else could say anything.... The producer left from there..... Then the person turned to you and said.....)

: Hello Miss Avneet.!! We meet again.!!

Avneet squinted her eyes as if remembering something and said...)

Avneet: Oh.!  It's you...!! Umm..... oh God.! I am too bad with names..!

(He just chuckled and said forwarding his hand...)

: Mohsin Khan.... MK of The Knights..!!!

Avneet: Ah.!!! I remember now..! We met backstage.!!! You were the one who gave me the pass for this party.!!! Sorry for creating a scene..!

MK: Oh no.! Don't bother.! I am glad that you took a stand for yourself.!!

Avneet: Thanks for coming on time.!!

MK: It's our party.! This is the least I could do..! So you are a writer.?

Avneet: Yup..! Just trying to get some decent work.! But I guess it's harder than I thought.!!!

MK: Don't worry.! As far as you keep trying.!!!Btw.!! Umm...... why don't you go to Room #610 after this party..... I will see and some of my recommendations of producer and you can try and talk to them....

Avneet: Why.????

MK: Well.... Cz i know the struggle.! We started something similar like this.!!

Avneet: Thank you but no.... I will see and try on my own...

MK: Trust issues.??

Avneet: After what happened just few minutes ago...! What do you expect.?

MK: Think about it.! I will take your leave.... I will still inform them.... Just in case you decide to take a chance...
Bye now....

(Saying this he left and Jannat came......)

Jannat: Was he MK.???? God he is so friendly.!!! I love him so much..... But too bad he is taken already.!!!

Avneet: Seriously.??? No concern for me.??

Jannat: You just showed him stars of all galaxies with that shock.... I am concerned about him.!
Btw what was MK talking about.???

(Avneet tells her about her conversation with MK....)

Jannat: I think you should go.... It's MK's recommendation Avneet.!!! I can say one thing for sure is that it won't be something that will put your image at risk.!!

Avneet: I don't know Jannat.!!!

Jannat: Just give it a try.... I will come with you on the 6th floor n will wait in the waiting area.... Give it a try.... I know you can handle any situation.!!!

(After some time party came to an end and everyone started to leave.... Avneet finally decided to give it a shot.... Jannat was coming with her anyways.... They both entered the lift and the person in charge of the lift asked the floor number and Avneet told 6th...
Upon hearing the floor he looked at both Jannat and Avneet before asking the name.....)

: You know 5th and 6th floors are for the VIPs.!!! May I get your name...!

Avneet: It's Avneet..!

(Soon he dialed the number of the room #610 and asked if Avneet was really supposed to be going there.... After a short conversation he takes you both to the 6th floor...)

As soon as the lift door opens Jannat took At to the waiting area and gave her a short prep talk...)

Jannat; Listen now.! I trust you and complete faith in you.! Don't stress out okay.? I am waiting here.! You have me on speed dial.! Also I know you can defend yourself pretty well.!! Don't stress too much.! I trust my boys.!!!

Avneet: Your boys.??? (She asked raising her one eyebrow)

Jannat: Tsk.... The Knights Avneet.! And MK told you right.? It's his recommendation.? He is the most friendly and trustworthy person.!! You should be ok..!

Avneet: You are talking as if you know him and all the boys personally.!! Geez.!

Jannat: Hey now.! Us Armors know their idols very well.!!!

Avneet: Ok ok ok.! Don't start again with your Knights and Armor theory.! I am going now... wish me luck..!

(Jannat hugged her and Avneet left.....
She went in front of room #610 and took few deep breaths and knocked...... After few minutes she heard a faint "come in".....
She took it as a sign to open the door and as she opened the door she saw........)

Avneet's POV

(As soon as I opened the door and entered the room I saw 6 guys sitting across the room....... Wow.!!!
They are some extremely good looking men.!! Talk about the testosterones that I have walked in to.!!! Jesus Christ.!! Am I in the room that I am supposed to be.???
I was questioning myself when I saw a familiar figure approaching me..... I smiled in relief to at least know someone here....)

Avneet: MK.???

MK: You remember my name.?? I am honored....!

Avneet: Wait... But you told me that I was supposed to meet the producers of your recommendation.!! But I don't think I am in the right room.....

MK: Hehe.... Avneet meet my second family and brothers from another mother..... The Knights..!!

Avneet: Ow.! So you guys are the famous boy band Knights that my best friend is crazy about..!!! Okay.! Nice to meet you but I need to get going as I have to meet the producers.... MK what was the room number again.? I believe I misheard a number.!

(I could see all the members are looking at me in utter disbelief.! But one of them who was sitting on the sofa leaning back with his legs on the table was looking at me with a smirk.!!
Ow I hate it when guys smirk for no reason.... I looked at him and asked)

Avneet: What.?

(He just stood up from his place and made his way towards me with never leaving smirk, one hand in the pocket while other hand had toothpick in it.....
why is he looking at me with that intense gaze..?? As if it's gonna affect me....
He stood right in front of me...... but didn't say a word....
Really.??? Such a show off....
I folded my hands by my chest and raised my eyebrow this is something that I do naturally.....)

Avneet: I am asking again...... What.???

(As soon as I said that all the other members gasped....)

: No way...!

: Did she just survived his intense stare.!!!

: Tsk bro...... You are loosing your touch..!!!

(I could see he felt a bit irritated.... But hey why would I be intimidated..... I don't know him.! Suddenly he again looked at me and said...)

: SN..! Siddharth Nigam.! Of The Knights.! Nice to meet you Avneet.!

( I looked at MK.! Why did he tell my name to him.?)

: Avneet: So you do know my name.!!! Well.... Nice to meet you too.... Now I will take your leave....

SN: You were right MK.! She is different...!

Avneet: Excuse me...?

SN: You know us right.??

Avneet: A bit.! My best friend is a huge fan of you guys..!

SN: Not you.???

Avneet: No.! I am a writer.! And music and I don't get along.!!!

SN: Hehe...... (did he just chuckled.!!)
Did you like our new song.??

Avneet: Honestly speaking.... I did actually.! I kept on telling my friend that it sounds familiar but ya... I did like it.... Good job....

(As soon as I said that they all again looked at me as if I am an alien..! What's wrong with them.?)

: You know that's your song right.???

(Another member came and stood next to SN...! Wow.! The resemblance these two have..!! Wait are they brothers by any chance....?)

Avneet: Are you both brothers.???

: Aah.! You got it.!! I am Abhishek Nigam...!!  This guy's older brother...

(and he hold his right hand up in air for a high five..! His smile and behavior is so friendly that I responded by giving him a high five within no time....)

Abhi: Nice to meet you Avneet...!

SN: You have some kind of biasness..!!!!
(He said looking at me.... Really.? What's with the complaining)

Avneet: Stop whining.... It's what you give that's what you get.! He was friendly so he got a friendly response.! On contrary you were anything but friendly.!

SN: Fair enough.! But you seriously don't know us.??? You should at least remember me... I was the one who came down the stage and took you on stage with me.!

Avneet: ohh.!!! Really.?? No no.... Now I remember..... Jannat did tell me that SN the leader took me up the stage.!!!!
But still...... Why is it so hard to believe.? Anyways if this is all why I am here for... it's getting late.... I am leaving.....

MK: Wait.! Actually these two are the producers I was talking about..!

(Umm.... Excuse me what.??? Abhishek I understand but this Mr. Arrogant Nigam too.???)
(I was thinking this and SN forwarded his hand towards me...!)

SN: Hi.! My name is Siddharth Nigam... also known as SN.... I am the leader of this group and also rapper and producer.!!

(Ok.... Now this is a much formal way of introduction.... Good.! I shook his hand... and introduced myself as well)

Avneet: Hello, My name is Avneet and I am aspiring writer.! Nice to meet you Mr. Nigam.!

SN: This feels so weird.! Have never met someone who is not interested in me or should I say us at all....! You really don't like music or boy bands.??

Avneet: It's not like that.! I do like music and boy bands.... Like 1D...! I was huge 1 directioner... even after they disbanded which broke my heart.! I still love them.! Harry is my personal favorite.! And other boy band of recent times if you ask then it's BTS without doubt.!!!!
Damn they all are so good.!! Especially their leader.! RM.....(I was going to still talk about why I like them when I was cut off by SN....... Rude..)

SN: ok ok ok.! Geez.! You are praising someone else in front of us.?? (He said clearly getting irritated)

Avneet: You asked for it.!! It's not compulsory that everyone likes you.! Well I told before as well..... let me say it again..! I do it know you guys.! I came to know about you 2-3 weeks ago.! I am not one of your what is it called ...? Oh ya.... Armors..!!!

(I could see he was too stunned to speak.!! Well meeting a girl who is not that much into you.!!! Must feel strange I believe .! Oh well.... Everything has first time.!!
But still ....)

Avneet: Why am I here...?

SN: The latest song that we released is.......
(He looked at his members... his brother gave him a assuring nod....)
Well that song is your song.!!

Avneet: Hm... ok.... My s.....(wait what.??? My eyes widened..... )
My song.??? How come.??

(The other member got a diary kind of thing and handed to him.... He showed me that diary and again I was surprised.... That's the diary I lost few weeks ago....)

Avneet: That's my diary..!! How come it's here with you guys.?

SN: One if our friend have if you us....

Avneet: Where did he find it.? I lost it few weeks ago....!

SN: Jay.... As in Sir J if our group sent it to us.....

(I took the diary and started to go through it until I saw my book mark...... when I started reading it...... then it clicked... why their new song sounded familiar..... I was the one who wrote it.....!!!!)

Avneet: Aah.! So guys sang the song that I wrote in my spare time.!! Good.!

All: What.???

SN: You are not mad.?

Avneet: No.! Why I should be.???

Abhi: We released a song written by you under our name.??

Avneet: It's not as if I was going to do anything with it...!! I just wrote it when I wanted to clear my head.....!

SN: What.??? You mean to say it doesn't bother you at all.?? It's your work..!!

Avneet: Jesus Christ.!! I said I was not going to do anything with it anyways.! It's good it was used.!!!

SN: Ehem.! So I want you to write songs for us from now on.!!!

Avneet: Excuse me what.??? Songs.?? Me.??? Are you out of your mind.??? I am a writer.!! I write stories I don't write songs.!!! There is no way I will do it...!

SN: Listen.! One of our band member that used to be our lyricist went missing since last 2 weeks.! But he left this diary for us and told us that you were the one who wrote this song and you are the only one who could help us.!

Avneet: How come he .......... ( wait...... 2 weeks ago...???)
Which member disappeared.? Can I see his picture.?

(MK showed her the picture of Jay... and Avneet was shocked...)

Avneet: He is Vijay.!! My friend from Cafe.!! Who left hai job 2 weeks ago...!!

All: You know him.????

Here it is....

How was it.?
Anyone interested in knowing SN's POV??

Anything you want me to work on.?
How are you liking this story so far.???

Do leave your like and comments.!!
Until next time....

Aadios Amigos...

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