Love me like you do (Gwaine x...

By xFoxtailx

19.5K 806 213

Lancelot should enjoy finally being a knight of Camelot but his previous experience means he's having a tough... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

1.2K 61 11
By xFoxtailx

'Right, hold your leg still Lancelot. ' Merlin said sternly and began running his hands over Lancelot's ankle and whispering something under his breath in a foreign language. His eyes flashed gold for a moment and a feeling of cold ran up Lancelot's leg, he gritted his teeth until the pain ebbed and looked down at his ankle.

'Try and move it.' Merlin requested and the knight slowly twisted his foot to either side, curling his toes as he did.

'Does it feel any better? I'll have to do this everyday for the rest of this week, it won't be a drastic recovery but it will be a little faster than it would have been. '

'Yes it feels...good' Lancelot laughed and swung his legs over the table and placed them on the floor.

'Don't over do it.' Merlin said. 'You won't be able to work without your crutches still but it'll be easier for you.'

Lancelot gave him a grateful nod and placed his weight onto his good foot and made a grab for his crutches.

'And you'll have to take someone with you if you go out as well.' Merlin bit his lip nervously as lancelot swung his head to meet his eyes.


'Well you still won't be able to go very far, stairs are still going to be a struggle and you'll need someone to help you around. '

'Merlin don't be a fool. I'll be perfectly fine.' Lancelot stuck his chin up defiantly, feeling rather childish but determined to release the reigns his injury had in him.

'I'm going to have to insist. ' merlin sighed. 'I don't do this out if spite you know. I just don't want you getting hurt. If you're not careful you could end up breaking your ankle all over again and all your recovery will he wasted.'

Lancelot hung his head and he felt Merlin place a hand on his shoulder. 

'Chin up you, it won't be long now. It'll take a week and a half most to heal and then you can be back out doing what you love best. '

Lancelot looked up to meet Merlins pale blue eyes and smiled.

'I can take you out for a little while now if you like? Arthur won't need me for a bit yet.' Merlin offered and took his hand of Lancelot's shoulder to get the crutches.

'I'd like that. '


With help from merlin, Lancelot stumbled slowly down the stairs and out into the courtyard. Lancelot ducked his head from the sun and Merlin let out a laugh.

'Has it been that long since you've been outside? '

'Well I've been outside, it just hasn't been particularly sunny or I've been dragged back in by Gaius and told I'm a danger to myself.'

Merlin's eyes crinkled at the corners and he grinned. 'That's Gaius. He's only doing what he thinks is best though. '

Lancelot nodded in agreement and Merlin began to lead the way out of the main gates. To the knights surprise it was hard work trying to get very far with crutches. He'd hobbled about on them in Gaius' chambers and around the castle but outside on rough terrain was making things a great deal more difficult.

 Merlin turned and saw him struggling and tipped his head to the side and gave him a sympathetic look. 'Maybe we shouldn't go so far today.'

Lancelot gritted his teeth and pursued. 'If Gaius had let me go outside sooner then I'd be used to it and it wouldn't be so difficult. '

'Well there wasn't always someone available to take you out. Not only could you have fallen over but if you were by yourself Morgana could have got to you.'

Lancelot huffed and paused a moment to rest his arms. 'I wouldn't have gone far. Just around camelot, it would have been better then being stuck inside all day with nothing to do.'

'You had visitors. '

'Visitors don't make your leg heal any faster.' Lancelot slumped down onto the grass and prodded at his ankle.

'I just want to get back out there. I'm just a burden on everyone. '

'Hey don't you dare say that.' Merlin insisted and planted himself next to Lancelot.  'This is hardly your fault.' He assured him but Lancelot turned away.

'I was the one who went and got my foot broken.' He growled. 'Of course it's my fault.'

'That could happen to anyone! Arthur' s been injured or nearly killed more times then I can count. '

Lancelot smiled weakly but his eyes remained dark

'This injury of yours has taken it out on you. You're still not yourself Lancelot, I'm getting worried you know. Gaius has noticed as well.'

Lancelot didn't move and Merlin voice remained laced with concern as he spoke again.

'You still haven't told me what's wrong, the 'things' that have been worrying you. I didn't forget that you didn't tell me I'm just waiting for you to talk.'

The knight sighed and he contemplated on finally telling Merlin. He turned to his friend, his eyes showed concern and Lancelot had to look away.

'Merlin!' The two turned as Gwaine hurdled over a stray bush of brambles and almost crashed into them.

'Careful you clot pole! 'Merlin cried, you almost flattened poor Lancelot. '

'Sorry dear.' Gwaine said shooting a apologetic look at the man on the floor. 'but I had a job to do, Arthur is... a little annoyed right now, he expected you for work little earlier Merlin.'

'Can he not do anything by himself?' Merlin huffed. 'Do this Merlin, do that Merlin, you're an idiot Merlin. Sometimes I just want to kill the man.'

Gwaine patted his shoulder sympathetically with a hand and gestured to Lancelot with the other.

'You should go before he gets any worse. I'll get angel here back.'

Lancelot snorted at the name and Gwaine gave him an amused grin.

'Right then, I'll see you later Lancelot. ' Merlin waved and began sprinting across the field.

'Come on then you. ' Gwaine said and helped pull Lancelot to his feet. 'Do you need me to carry you?'

'Carry me? No thank you. ' Lancelot laughed and began to make his way across the field.

'You're gonna fall.'

Lancelot ignored his friend and continued to stumble awkwardly across the field, his ankle occasionally giving in and almost causing him to fall flat on his face.

'Right, I can't watch this anymore. '

Lancelot felt his feet leave the ground and Gwaine's arms move under his knees and round his back.

'You're not carrying me Gwaine.' Lancelot hissed and attempted to tip himself out of the knights arms.

'It's for your own good. It's pitiful to watch you try and walk.'

'And it's less pitiful to watch a grown man having to be carried home because he can't walk straight. '

'Well no one is here to see us.'

'Not now, but when we get into main Camelot they'll be hoards of people and I'll be a laughing stock.'

'Don't be so silly. We'll just act like you've got some grave injury.

'And you, Gwaine, the strongest and brave knight of Camelot came to my rescue.' Lancelot said with mock adoration placing a hand on Gwaine's chest.

'Exactly. '

Lancelot exhaled deeply and laughed. He removed his hand from his friends chest and allowed himself to simply enjoy moving without having to put any work in.

' I'll ask Arthur to give me a bit more free time and I'll go with you on your walks so you can strengthen your ankle up. Has Merlin started using his magic yet?'

'He started today, he said it could take up to a week and a half.'

'Well if I take you out everyday we should be able to whittle that down to a week.' Gwaine smiled down at Lancelot who was staring up at him. Both sets of brown eyes remained locked together before the sounds of people pulled them back to reality.

'It's our shining moment Lance' Gwaine whispered and Lancelot didn't bother to correct him, his gaze remained on Gwaine for a moment more before he turned and saw the gates. He almost squeaked in shock and dropped back in Gwaine's arms dramatically and closed his eyes.

'Make way!' He heard Gwaine bellow, followed by gasps of shock as they passed through the gate.

'What happened? ' A woman's voice asked and he turned himself slightly to bury his face into Gwaine's chest as to avoid their stares.

'He collapsed.' Gwaine replied simply and held Lancelot closer to his body who couldn't help but drink in his friends scent. Unsurprisingly enough he smelt of mead but also laced in there was more the calming smell of apples and wood smoke. 

They made their way up the stairs and headed towards Gaius' chambers, Lancelot could feel Gwaine's toned chest through his shirt and he had to bite his tongue to avoid saying something he'd regret. Gwaine kicked the door open dramatically and let out a roar of triumph.

'We made it!' He laughed and almost dropped Lancelot who hung on to his shirt for dear life.

'Lance if you wanted my clothes off you could have just said so. ' Gwaine smirked and Lancelot tried desperately to think of something witty to respond with.

'We'll have none of that boys.' Gaius' voice came and the knights heads turned to see the physician applying a bandage to Elyans arm.

 Lancelot blushed furiously as he met his fellow knights eyes and he struggled out of gwaines arms. 'Thanks Gwaine.' He murmured and hopped over to the table.

'Well that should be fine Elyan, just take it easy for a few days.' Gaius said and the knight nodded at him.

'Thanks.' He replied and made his way over to the door. 

Lancelot saw Elyan pause as he reached Gwaine and the two shared a quick glance. Gwaine whispered something under his breath and Lancelot guessed that Elyan had replied going by the look that followed.

 Lancelot turned to see if Gaius had seen the exchange but the old physician was busy making up medicine for Uther and was muttering quietly under his breath. When Lancelot turned back round elyan had left and Gwaine was at his side.

'I'll come and get you in the morning yeah? ' He asked and ruffled Lancelot's hair affectionately.

'If you can. Arthur might not let you off.'

'He made three new knights the other day. He can go without me there all day for a week.' Gwaine replied confidently and smiled.

'If you say so.' Lancelot laughed and his gaze lingered on Gwaine for a moment before he forced himself to look away.

'I'll see you tomorrow then. ' Gwaine removed his hand from Lancelot's hair and turned around. 'See you later Gaius.'

'Goodbye Gwaine.' The older man called as the knight exited the room.

 Lancelot continued to stare at the door after he had left and Gaius couldn't help but notice the longing look in his eyes.

'I've seen that look a thousand times you know ' he said wisely and lancelot turned swiftly as if he'd been caught stealing.

'What look?' He asked, but Gaius simply shook his head at the young man who got up eagerly.

'Tell me.' He said, holding on to the edge of the table so that he didn't have to put weight on his bad ankle.

Gaius smiled but shook his head again.

'It's not place to tell you. It's for you to find out.'


Phew! Thanks for reading! Vote and comment if you enjoyed!

I'll try and update again soon, sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes as I'm on my phone.

This took bloody hours to write which should really have been used for revision. ..

Anyway hope you enjoyed and I wish to see you again soon! =^-^=

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