Crimson Heart - George Weasley

Par _lxmos

12.1K 193 24

Ellie Gwydion-Black was a year old when her mother was murdered. She was just two years old when her father... Plus



256 8 0
Par _lxmos

The owlery was quiet except for the occasional hoot and flapping of wings as owls flew to and from out of the tower delivering mail. Ellie looked out of the tower as the stars in the night sky shone bright casting a small light through the owlery. Ellie sighed before looking back down at the blank piece of parchment and quill in her hand before beginning to write her letter. 


I'm hopeful that things are well for at least one of us. I'm sure you've seen the papers by now and I understand if you're mad at me but you have to realize that I couldn't have just stood there and watch the horror that was happening at the World Cup. I have these powers for a reason and if I can use them for anything I want to use them to help people. I know it was dangerous and a risky move to expose myself but can it really be that bad now that it's out there? Keeping this a secret was growing harder and harder for me and now I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

That's enough about that for now though. How are you doing? How is Buckbeak? I miss you both terribly. I hope you're staying safe and hidden. School is getting pretty interesting already. The Triwizard Tournament is being held at Hogwarts this year and I'm interested to see who will be competing. There's also a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Mad-Eye Moody. He's a strange man and I get weird vibes from him but he says he knew mom and of our powers. I'm hoping I won't have many more strange encounters with him. 

Please write back whenever you can and I hope I can see you soon. 



Ellie folded up the letter and placed it in an envelope before walking over to one of the owls and handing it to the creature. The owl took the letter in its beak before flying out of the tower and disappearing into the night. She walked down the spiral staircase of the tower and made her way back to the girl's dormitory. 

The next day classes seemed to fly by as everyone was now gathered in the Great Hall waiting to hear the announcement of who would be competing in the Triwizard Tournament. Students from all three schools were buzzing with excitement as Ellie made her way to the table where Harry, Ron and Hermione sat along with the twins. She smiled at them as she took her seat in between Fred and George immediately feeling a hand grab hers as she looked up and smiled at George. She had noticed that he had been more attached to her lately than normal as he scooted closer to her on the bench leaving little to no room between the two of them. Nonetheless she enjoyed the extra company and being this close to him as she leaned her head on his shoulder. As the students kept bustling into the hall and cramming to find a seat she noticed a hand waving at her as she looked towards and saw Cedric waving at her with a smile. She politely waved back before turning to face the front of the hall as Professor Dumbledore took a stand beside the goblet not noticing the frown on George's face. 

"Now the moment you have all been waiting for...the champion selection!", Dumbledore yelled out as the students began to cheer in anticipation and excitement. The students watched as he lifted his hand and exstinguished all the lanterns that were lit in the hall leaving the only source of light to be from the blue flames of the goblet in the center of the hall. Dumbledore walked over to the goblet and slightly carressed it with his hands before taking a step back as the flame turned a bright orange color and a piece of parchment paper flew out of it and into his hand. 

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!", he announced which earned a loud response of cheers as the students applauded Krum. The flame of the goblet sparked again as another piece of parchemnt flew out and Dumbledore caught it. "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Applause was heard again as the fellow girls from Beauxbatons cheered for their champion. Ellie watched on nervously as it was time for the champion from Hogwarts to be announced. Even though she had a strong feeling that the twins potion didn't work at all, they still put their names into the goblet and as far as she was concerned, anything could happen. The goblet's flame burst out the last piece of parchment paper as Dumbledore caught it and read out the name. 

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!", he announced as all the fellow Hogwart's students cheered for Cedric. Ellie clapped with a smile on her face as Cedric got up from his table and walked up to Dumbledore. As he passed the table Ellie sat at he gave her a warm smile before going up to Dumbledore and shaking his hand. George noticed this and sent Cedric a glare as he leaned down to Ellie's ear, "I didn't know you and Diggory were friends", he said and she could sense a slight tone of jealousy in his voice. She looked up at him with her head slightly tilted, "I barely know the boy so I wouldn't say we're friends. Just being polite", she reassured him before placing a kiss on his cheek and turning back around to pay attention. George sighed as he watched the front where Cedric stood in all his glory alongside the other champions chosen. It wasn't that he was jealous of the attention Ellie was getting from the Hufflepuff boy. He really cared for Ellie and was feeling a bit insecure as he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met and that she could have anyone she wanted. He couldn't help but feel this way as he watched Cedric send another smile Ellie's way. 

As the three champions walked back into a separate room Dumbledore turned to face the rest of the students with his arms raised, "Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory...the Triwizard Cup!", he exclaimed as he pointed to a beautiful chalice that seemed to be glowing in the light. The students cheered in excitement before the sound of the goblet rang through the hall as the blue flames began to grow larger and swirl around as a fourth piece of parchment is thrown out of the flames. 

"Harry Potter...", Dumbledore read quietly before yelling out Harry's name louder for everyone to hear. Ellie sat up straight as she leaned over the table and looked down at Harry. He looked just as shocked as everybody else in the hall as Dumbledore yelled his name once more causing Harry to jump slightly as he got up from his seat and made his way over to Dumbledore. She watched as Dumbledore gave Harry the piece of parchment with his name on it before Harry walked off and into the room where the other champions were. Ellie felt sorry for the boy as she heard students begin to exclaim out that Harry was a cheat and that it was unfair. How could his name have gotten into that goblet? She knew Harry wouldn't have had the nerve to put it in there himself so someone must have put his name in there at some point when no one was watching. 

"How could this have happened? He's not even seventeen yet!", Hermione exclaimed to the group as the hall was filled with chatter while the professors grouped up and made their way to the room where the champions were, including Harry. Ellie shook her head still in shock that Harry now had to endure the three dangerous tasks of the tournament and they didn't even know what they were yet. Footsteps approach their table as the group looks up and sees Dumbledore standing before them. "Ms. Gwydion, if you would be so kind and come with me please?", he asked urgently before turning around and making his way to the room. Ellie looked at her friends before raising from her seat and following Dumbledore. George watched as she walked away before turning to Fred and the others, "What would he want Ellie for?" The others shook their head in confusion as the chatter of the other students in the hall is all they heard. 

Ellie heard as Dumbledore and the other head masters of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons argued as she slowly made her way down the stairs and into the sight of everyone else in the room. Harry looked at her before rushing over to her and standing next to her, "Do you know anything about this?", he asked her urgently and she could tell that he was quite nervous about the whole thing. "What? No. I'm just as shocked as everyone else", she exclaimed before a loud scoff is heard from across the room. Ellie looked over and saw as Igor Karkaroff glared at her with a finger pointed, "She must be lying! If anything she could have been the one to put his name in with that blasted magic of hers!", he accused her as Ellie mouth opened in shock. Before she could step up to him and give him an ear full, a body is placed in front of hers as she now stares at the back of Cedric's head. "I don't think it's right to go and accuse someone of this. I doubt Ellie had anything to do with this", he said as he turned his head and looked down at her as he was quite taller than her. He turned back around and motioned to Fleur and Viktor as they watched along, "Besides, it would be fun to compete with another person, right?"

"This is an outrage! Completely unfair Dumbledore! You must disqualify Harry Potter at once!", Madame Maxime exclaims. Ellie didn't even realize that Moody was also in the room as he stepped up beside Dumbledore who was in front of Harry, "The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth-year", he exclaimed as he looked from Dumbledore to Harry. 

"The rules are absolute.", Crouch says nervously gaining everyone's attention in the room. "The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter has no choice, as of tonight he is a Triwizard Champion."

"Like hell he is!", Ellie exclaims as she shoves Cedric out of the way and faces Dumbledore, "This is too dangerous. You can't let him participate Professor", she pleaded with him as a worried look covered her face. She saw Harry as like a brother and she didn't want him to have to go through with this and risk getting hurt. Before Dumbledore can say anything, Harry calls out to his friend, "It's alright Ellie. You heard Crouch...I have to do this.", he said as everyone turned to stare at him before he took his leave. Ellie scoffed before rushing after him out of the room, "Harry!", she called out to him but he ignored her as she picked up his pace to get away from her. "Oh, you want to play that way", Ellie muttered to herself before she sent a ball of magic at him that rendered him unable to move as she motioned with her hand and brought him over to where she stood. She gently released him from her magic as he was placed back down on the ground in front of her. Harry felt like he was about to be scolded  as he stared down at his shoes. Ellie sighed before she snapped her fingers in his face making him look up at her, "You just can't stay out of trouble, can you?"

"I didn't put my name in there, Ellie, I swear it! I don't know who did it or how it got in there but I know that I have to compete.", he said to her before turning around and rushing down the hall. Ellie sighed as she watched him run off before she felt a tap on her shoulder making her jump in shock as she turned around quickly. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump", a soft voice said as Ellie now stared at Cedric. He must have followed her and Harry after they left the room with everyone else in it. Ellie relaxed and let out a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair, "It's alright. I didn't hear you come up behind me at all", she said. Cedric nodded his head as he watched her closely and realized how stressed she seemed by this whole thing. "If this makes you feel any better, I can give Harry some tips throughout the tournament. Seeing as we're both playing for Hogwarts anyways", he offered trying to make her feel better in the moment. 

"That boy is going to need as much help as he can get.", she said making them both chuckle. Ellie smiled up at the boy, "Thank you. I care about Harry alot and I don't want to see him get hurt.", she said and Cedric nodded in agreement. The two started walking down the hall and towards their common rooms while chatting about the tournament. When they turned a corner Ellie looked up from laughing at a joke Cedric made and immediately made eye contact with George who stood a few feet away. He was staring at them intently as a sad look washed over his face before he turned around and walked into the Gryffindor common room. Ellie felt her heart plummet at how upset he looked as she said a quick goodbye to Cedric before rushing into the common room. She didn't see George in there which meant he must have already made it into the boy's dormitory. She knew the staircase would turn to a slide if she tried to walk up and into their dorm so she used her powers and gently flew up to the top and landed right in front of the door before knocking gently. She heard someone shuffling around in the room before it got quiet and the shuffling stopped. She knew George was in there and he probably wasn't going to open the door. 

"You had better be dressed in there!", she called out before taking a step back and sending a ball of energy at the door. The door slammed open and she saw George jump in shock as she walked into the dorm. Luckily he was only person in there as she shut the door behind her. He had red plaid pajama pants on with a plain white t-shirt to go with it. "You know you're not allowed to be in here Ellie.", he said gently and she knew something was bothering him since he called her by her name and not one of the cute nicknames she had grown to love. She walked up to where he stood by his bed with her hands crossed, "Well you didn't wait for me in the hall and we always say goodnight to each other every night."

George sighed as he sat down on his bed and faced her, "You seemed pretty occupied with Cedric so I didn't want to bother you.", he said as he moved the blankets over to the other side of the bed. Ellie's eyes widened at his statement as she soon realized why he was so upset, "You're upset because I was with Cedric?", she asked softly as she sat down on the bed in front of him with her legs crossed. George felt his heart flutter at how cute she looked sitting in front of him before he sighed and looked down at his lap, "I know it sounds ridiculous and maybe you just haven't seen it but I've seen the way he looks at you, El. Waving at you, smiling from across the room. When I saw you two walking together and didn't make me feel good at all.", he said to her. Ellie looked at him as her heart swelled at how vulnerable he looked. She quickly scooted closer to him and grabbed his face in her hand before kissing him passionately. She heard him gasp in shock before he quickly kissed her back and grabbed onto her hips as he placed her in his lap. She smiled smiled into the kiss as she heard him groan from her pulling gently at the hairs on the back of his neck. George leaned his forehead against hers as he slowly pulled away, both of them breathing heavily as they stared into each other's eyes. 

"You're feelings aren't ridiculous Georgie. I'm sorry I didn't notice any of this sooner but Cedric and I are just friends. There are no feelings there whatsoever. My heart belongs to you and only you.", she said as her thumb rubbed against his cheek. She felt his warm hands on her skin as he slightly lifted her shirt to rub her back. George sniffled slightly before he nodded his head and looked up at her, "Promise?", he said as a small smirk formed on his lips. Ellie giggles lightly and was happy to see him beginning to feel better. 


(Note: OMG you guys we've reached over 500 reads! Thank you all so much and remember to vote and comment on chapters!) 

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