Destined Together

De KnyNovel

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Once upon a time, there was a land which was shared by four kingdoms. Each kingdoms has their own benefits an... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
The End

Chapter 27

563 24 3
De KnyNovel

Chapter 27: Overwhelming power

"Kaa chan."

Nezuko was overwhelmed with a ton of emotions surging through her at the same time. The tears welling up in her eyes began to cascade a steady stream down her cheeks. In front of her was her mother which she had thought to never see again. Without hesitation, she ran across the room past her other siblings and hugs her mother very tightly.

"Kaa chan! You're still alive! I thought." Nezuko sobs

"Of course. Wan san had done his best to protect us." The queen looked up and stare at the man. "Thank you, Wan san."

"It's only part of my duty your majesty." Wan calmly replied

"Oh, a visitor." Another figure just popped out of the workshop


"Didn't expect for you to come back here so soon Wan." The man, Hoshi noted

"Well, change of plan. The war tonight will be happening here."

"Wait, here?" Kie was shocked

"In other words, we need to get you out of here as quickly as possible as far as possible. And that duty befalls into my hands." Wan noted seriously

"Right." Hoshi nods

"Are we gonna be alright?" One of the children asks their mother

"Everything is gonna be fine. Especially when Wan san is the one in charge." Kie reassures her children

"Then, lets move quickly out of here."

"Wait." Kie stood up. "Where's Tanjiro?"

"........." Wan stayed silent

"Wan san? Where's onii chan?" Nezuko became suspicious

".........I will tell you. When we're on the way." He hesitantly replied

"Wait, where is he? Did something bad happened?" Kie became more worried

"Wan buddy. Is there something you aren't telling us?" Hoshi became sus as well

"I........I, well. Ehem. I, I." Wan stuttered a lot

"Wan san?"

"He feels guilty." Hoshi blurted

"Huh?" They all looked at Hoshi

"What kind of wrong doing did you do to the prince? Is it personal?" He began to question

"No." Wan quickly answered

"Did you perhaps lost him?" Wan nodded. "And?"

"I, couldn't find him." Wan finally confess. "Please forgive me. The least I could do right now is to bring the rest of you to safety."


"Kojima san?"

"Hoshi! You need to see this!"

As per demand, all of them followed the old blacksmith outside the shop. Most of them didn't realize it. But only the four had their jaw dropped.

"It's night time? Already?!"

"How long were we inside for?"

"The light just faded away and the next thing I saw, it was night time." Old man Kojima explains

"We have no time to lose. Your majesty." Wan quickly conjure up some magic cloud

"Hai. Children." She quickly get them to line up

"We need to get out of h-"


Suddenly, something went flying past Wan's face and it struck into the stone wall. Something that wasn't a physical object. A flame just went out and the stone wall was carved into a round shaped hole. They look ahead to see a figure standing in the distance. The red eyes glows in the dark. A ball a flame lit up the dark figure. Somehow, it looks very familiar.

"It's, onii-"

"It's not him." Wan got serious

"Wan san?"

"You need to get out here. Now!"

Wan without hesitation send the royal family up high to be carry away by the winds. But the figure clearly had other intentions. The puff of cloud the family was on instantly got vaporised into nothing. The family of six fell from the skies and both Hoshi and Kojima quickly catches them whilst Wan faces whoever is at the other end of the street.

"Are you alright your majesty?"

"Hai, I'm fine."

"Hoshi, take them and run. Don't stop and never look back. You hear me?" Wan sternly said

"What will happen to you then?" Hoshi asked feeling concerned

".............. Don't worry about me." Wan gave a stern look. "Just go."

"Um, hai. Lets go your majesty." Hoshi urged them

After Hoshi brought all the royals including his senior, Wan is now facing with the figure. As his cold breath can be seen fogging in front of his face. The figure got closer and his red eyes met with yet another set of crimson orbs. Slitted iris, similar to a cat or a lizard. Those same burgundy tip hair blew in the cold night winds.

"You dare stood in between me and my prey, peasant?"

"I know it's you, Tanjiro sama." Wan simply said

"Tanjiro? Who's that lowlife?" The figure shown himself under the moonlight. "I'm Takagi. Uppermoon zero."

"Zero? A new rank?"

"Zero. That's the number of people left after tonight in this miserable kingdom." Tan- Takagi went ahead and summon another fireball. "After all, I'm here only for the princess's death."

"Your own sister? Then I won't allow it. You want to harm her, you have to past me."

"I won't be wasting my energy on some peasants like you. Sayonara."

Takagi leapt up high on the rooftops and ran towards his targets. But not long after he had passed the man, he was greeted by a kick in the gut and got sent back a couple of building. He lied down but not for long as another set of leg was about to kick him in the head. He kicked himself up and avoided the second kick and jumped back a distance away. He took a moment to look at who the legs belongs to.

"I think I've made myself clear now."

'This guy.' The redhead thought

"You shalt not pass." Wan declared

"If a fight is what you wanted, then so be it."





















"What happened?!"

"It's night time!"

"It's the end of the world!"

Meanwhile, back at the destroyed castle remains, the soldiers are getting restless as the day had suddenly turned into night. The kings had took noticed of it and they were not startled by it. Instead, they took action instead of panicking around like a headless chicken.

"Take the townspeople out of here."

"Set out the plan we've discussed."

"Immediately." Both Kings ordered at the same time

"H-hai!" The officers ran out to spread the orders

"Looks like our opponent is a lot more powerful now." Giyuu noted

"Are you still confident that this plan of yours will work?" Obanai feeling doubtful

"We will have to wait and see about that. For now, the people's lives are the main priority."

"It has always been that way. Don't you think?"

"Yeah. Lets get ready to join them."





















"Huh, was it nigh-"

Meanwhile, somewhere not far from the Sun Kingdom, a certain person is resting in his bed only to realize it's night time. But before he even got to say it, he felt something cold and sharp up against his own neck. The next thing he hears are a child's voice.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?" Tatsuo tried to stay calm

"Tell me the the truth, and the whole truth."

"Truth about what?"

"My family. My old life. Everything!" The knife was pressed harder on his neck

"Huh, alright. Instead of just telling you, maybe I should show you."

"Elemental magic: Reversing memories."

As Tatsuo had casted his magic, green plants began to crawl from underneath his bed and entangled themselves right beside him. These plants merges into a house of some sort. The attacker quickly recognised it.

"That's, the house. I remembered that house from somewhere."

"Of course you do." Tatsuo smiled. "It's where you've grown up in."

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Keep on watching."

The plants began to shapeshift again and a figure suddenly appeared in front of the house. Once again, this triggers the senses of the child.

"Wait, is that?"

"That's him."

The plants began to completely change and this time it showed the interior of said house. Inside it was two young adults and one child. This child seems to be having the exact same appearance as the attacker.

"Who's that?" The child pointed

"That's your twin, Muichiro san. Yuichiro."

"My, twin?"

The three figure was sitting happily whilst eating their dinner for the night. But then, the front entrance was destroyed and an uninvited guest went in. The young man stood in front shielding both his wife and child. They seemed to be shouting at each other about something. Then, Muichiro witness the very moment when the deed was done.

"Wait, no!" Muichiro stared at the injured man and grab hold of his collar. "Tell me. This isn't true, is it?! Tell me!"

"I wished we had known in advance. So that this wouldn't happened the way it did." Tatsuo said in a guilty tone

"This didn't happened! They're still alive somewhere!" Muichiro still denies it

"You want the truth? There it is. The one you've been calling master is actually your worst enemy." Tatsuo concluded

Muichiro let go of the man and crouched down to his legs. He holds his head with both hands and scream his heart out loud. Tears overflowing and cascade down like a waterfall down his cheek to his chin and finally into the ground. Tatsuo retrieves his magic back and stayed silent for a while. After a few moments had passed, Muichiro stood back up with a serious face now.

"I know that face. Believe me, you'll regret it." Tatsuo simply said

"Shut up!" Muichiro shouted. "I know what I need to do now."

"Instead of blindly attacking him, why don't you hear me out first?"

"Why should I trust you?" Muichiro questions him

"Because many lives, including my own parents and sibling were taken by him." Tatsuo tried his best to reach the child's shoulder. "I know what that feels like. The loss of your love ones."

"Then, what are you suggesting?"

"Simple. Now listen closely."





















"It's quiet. Too quiet."

The night is still young as the moon is hanging low in the sky. A giant group of men, some wearing armours, some aren't. Some carrying weapons whilst others are bare handed. They're ready to charge into the infamous Sun Kingdom. But one thing is different about this kingdom. It's utterly silenced with the cold winds blew past them. The demon lord knew something was up.

"You." He points at one of them

"H-hai, your highness." The demon responded

"Go in there."

"As you wished."

The demon stepped forward and swallow a lump inside his throat. He walks slowly into the gate of the kingdom and went past several buildings. He walks until he was a certain distance far away and he felt relieved. He turned around and yelled.

"All good!"

"Heh." Muzan scoffed

As he took one step forward, suddenly a bright light and a loud bang was heard. The demon that stood there was obliterated by the explosion that suddenly occured out of nowhere. Nobody had seen that one coming. Not from a mile away.

"Get them."

"But my lord."

"Send them all in!" Muzan shouted

"H-hai. Charge!"

With one shout, every single demons roared their battlecry and ran into the gate fearlessly. Not long after the first one enters, multiple explosion can be heard in the distance. Muzan only watches his subjects running in probably not coming back out alive. But he knew he would win this even without his men.

"Muichiro. Where have you been?" He sensed a new presence right beside him

"You know. Just checking the perimeter." Muichiro nonchalantly replied

"Clearly you aren't doing a great job at it. Gyutaro. Daki."

"Hai." Both siblings responded

"Go and find the last two king and bring them to me."

"As you wished." They vanished

"What about me?" Muichiro questions

"You've always wanted to see true cruelty right? Go and find Takagi. He will show you the way."


"Tonight is the night I will reign the entire island."























































































"Get out of my damn way."

"I will simply not let you."

Back at the rooftops of an abandoned neighborhood, two figures are simply fighting to the death. One side had a target to eliminate and the other is protecting the target with his own life on the line. They fought with every element in existence flying around them. Fire, water, wind, stone, even lightning was presence around them. Both doesn't seem to be wanting to give up anytime soon.

"Sun magic: Full cycle."

Takagi (aka. Tanjiro) unleashed a round of slashes with his bare hands and those slashes are hot enough to burn through metal. Wan exactly dodges each and every one of them with barely a hair width away from getting hit. He landed and were still in the redhead's way which made him even annoyed that before.

"Your magic is getting stronger."

"My magic has always been strong. You're the one who's getting weak."

"Me, weak? I have been living the past decades serving the royal family. Age is just a number for someone like me."

"Old and fragile man like you should've just retired."

"Retirement is merely saying, I'm done with my life."

"Elemental magic: Frost fire."

Wan quickly breath out fire and formed icy conditions with both hands. Both elements combined forming a fiery frost projectile that will freeze and burn everything in its path. The beam went straight towards the demonic figure but was blocked instead of being dodged. He was shocked to see that his magic is doing next to nothing when it came to terms of damaging his opponents. The prince was no different than the other and yet, he was a lot more resilient to his magic than he thought.

'Our magic is not compatible with each other.' Wan thought

Elemental magic users make use of the natural elements around them. The Sun magic users however harness the power of the sun itself. Not only it overpowers most magic, but also will instantly kill those who are not strong enough. The only magic that is compatible and has a chance at defeating a Sun magic user are Moon magic or Water magic.

'Elemental magic also has water element in it. But it does not compare to the water magic users. A thousand times weakerat the very least.' Wan struggles. 'I won't be able to defeat him at this rate.'

Wan kept on struggling to dodge and attack the teenager with red hair. Even for someone at his age, he's quite capable for someone his age. Trying his best to hold off the newly born assassin whilst making sure he's not injuring him.

'This can't be.'

"Sun magic: Crystal waves."

As Wan prepares to dodge yet another attack, he lost focus and tripped onto one of the roof shingles. He felt the mistake sooner but there was nothing he could do now. His speed weren't gonna be enough to outrun the micro waves that will boil him from the inside out when hit. He got hit for just a split second and the pain was almost unbearable. But it didn't last long as the roof underneath him suddenly collapses on itself and he fell through the hole. He landed inside a dark room which had been already abandoned prior to the attack.

"What? Where am I?" He was shocked

"You're still breathing old chap?" A new voice enters his ears

"Who the hell are you?"

"Yushiro the name. No time to waste. Put this on." A piece of paper was floating above his now pale face

"Why should I trust you?"

"Do you want to die first to find out?" Yushiro questions back

Wan hesitates but quickly took the paper. He sticks it onto his forehead and vanished. A split second after, Takagi jumped down into the very same hole to find the room was empty.

"Playing hide and seek are we?" Takagi said in a creepy joyful tone

"Sun magic: Solar burst."

Takagi unleashed numerous rounds of fireballs all over the room. Every wall was hit and some even got holes in them whilst others was charred or are on fire. He was laughing like a maniac, a psychopath having fun toying with his victim. But along with this joyful distraction, he clearly didn't realize as a needle had puncture through his skin and a liquid was injected into his nervous system. The fireball quickly died down as the redhead finally collapses as if he had blacken out. Yet another piece of paper was put onto his forehead and his body vanished as well. The room fell silent once more as the charred remains was what left of their presence inside the room..






















































































"Hold on, Tanjiro sama."

Continue lendo

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