The Word

By MoeshaTaylor1

154 34 8

Hello everyone The Word is a series of short devotionals, they are all God-inspired and I pray that they will... More

Understanding and Obedience
Surrender Your Burdens
The Door
What is Your Temple Built On?
We are Overcomers
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder
The Wide and Narrow Road
What's Temporary to what's Eternal
The Stone
What is That All About?
The New Covenant
What is Man that YOU are Mindful of Him?
The Big Picture
Love Your Enemies
Unseen God
Not By Bread Alone
Trust Me
Seek First The Kingdom of God
Cross Bearers
Be Holy as I Am Holy
A Living Sacrifice
Blood and Water
Love Others as I Have Loved You

Trust and Sacrifice

9 1 0
By MoeshaTaylor1

🌟 Scriptures 🌟

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (NIV )

Psalms 91:1-2

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[]
2 I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

🗣️The Message📜

Trust is a very delicate thing, one thing can happen then it'll be lost. We automatically want to know what's going on we want to know why things are happening. If we didn't we wouldn't have scientists and children would never ask why? We're wired to want to know everything so I think it's funny that God tells us almost nothing. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. We don't know when the vision will come to pass, we don't know what the future holds, we have no idea what's going on in our bodies from day to day, We don't know what's deep in the ocean we've only explored 7% of it and we don't know the far reaches of space, but even so, God is just calling us to trust Him. God reveals certain things in His own time but there are some things that we'll probably never know, even so, God calls us to trust Him in the midst of not knowing. Why? Well, everything The Lord does is for our good. When we trust God it allows His feathers and wings to cover and shelter us, Proverbs even says if we trust and submit to God He will make our paths straight and Psalms says when we trust He will give us rest. Trust is allowing God to work, allowing Him to move on our behalf, allowing Him to be our God, instead of us being our own God. We are so quick to trust people, but people let us down, we even let ourselves down, but God never lets us down. He is worthy of our trust, still, we have trouble giving it to Him. God knows all things and everything He does is for our good so why not trust Him? He is the head He can see the things that are blind to us, He can see the things we can't, but when we decide to rely on ourselves and not trust God that's when we worry, that's when anxiety and fear set in, that's when we fall. We must trust God like Noah did when God told him that he was going to destroy everyone except him and his family, like Abraham did when He was commanded to offer his son as a sacrifice like Joseph did when he was sold off into slavery, like David did when he was on the run from Saul and like Job did when everything was taken away from Him without him knowing the reason. We must trust God because He is the only one who knows everything about us, our past, our future, our inwards and outwards, He holds our lives in His hands and is working for our good.  I've had countless times when I've gotten lost on the bus and my phone died at night, in those moments I had to trust God to lead me home. I've been riding the bus for a little over 2 years and I've never had any serious problems during that time. I've always encountered nice people and drivers and I've always got home. I know it was all because God was with me and I trusted Him. God wants us to surrender our lives to Him, so He can protect us, He wants us to surrender so we can know more about Him, He wants us to surrender so we can know how much He truly loves us. He wants our time, He wants our energy, He wants our love and He wants our trust. So today let's give our all to God and allow Him to have His way in our lives, let's allow Him to have all of us and not some of us so we can do all things for The King and The Kingdom of God. 

Father In Heaven help us to surrender more and more to You so we may grow stronger in our faith and love, help us to trust you and have the boldness to do Your will no matter what happens. In Jesus' Name Amen.

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