Not By Bread Alone

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🌟 Scriptures 🌟

Matthew 4:4
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

🗣️The Message📜

Our God is infinite and the things that He made are also infinite.  There is almost nothing that isn't made up of billions of atoms. He made the oceans so wide and deep that we still haven't explored all of it. He made space immeasurable, they say that it never stops expanding. He is our infinite God I believe His Word also has many different meanings. For example, In John 3:14 it talks about when Moses lifted up the snake and anyone who looked at it would be healed of their disease, they didn't know then that God was also talking about Jesus bringing salvation to the world through simply believing. When Jesus was speaking to the enemy He told him that Man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. This reminded me of when Christ was resurrected and sent us The Holy Spirit our helper who would bring us into all truth (John 15:26). After Jesus died for our sins He sent us The Holy Spirit so He would always be with us. Jesus didn't want us to live by what we saw, but He was and still is calling us deeper. He calls us to live by The Holy Spirit, the scriptures say "For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace."(Romans 6:14) We are no longer commanded to just follow The Law, we are commanded to obey The Spirit of The Living God. The book of James talks about the sin of knowing that something is wrong and doing it anyway,(James 4:17). When we go against our conscious we are sinning because that feeling is usually from The Holy Spirit. Some things may be a sin to you, but not to me, some things may be alright for me but you feel convicted doing it. God didn't call us to just obey The written law but to obey The Spirit, to obey Him, and His Word that comes from His mouth. The curtain has been torn and we can now have a deeper and more intimate relationship with God, He wants us to go deeper in Him, He wants us to understand Him, He wants us to know Him. We do not live by bread alone, we do not live by just what we see, we don't just live by The Law we live by The Word of God, Our living God. We live by His Word and His Words, We live by His Spirit. In John 5:39 Jesus spoke to the religious leaders and told them, "39 You study[] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me," We are not called Just to read God's Word, we are not just called just to serve others, we are not called just to be kind, We are first called to have a relationship with God, to know God, to hear God. Then, we will be able to become all that He's called us to be and we will be living by His Word. When Jesus fasted for those 40 days He was led by The Holy Spirit, He denied what The world said He needed and clung to Gods' truth. During this season of Lent I pray that we all grow stronger in our relationship With The Father, I pray we hear, understand, and obey what The Holy Spirit is telling us, that we will not only follow what we see, but we will deny the culture of this world and follow what we hear The Lord is saying to us.

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