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🌟 Scriptures 🌟

1 Corinthians 1:4 
4 I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus,

🗣️The Message📜
God's grace has and will always cause praise and thanksgiving. When we see the goodness of God in our lives and in the lives of others in spite of our flaws, who wouldn't be grateful. God's grace is amazing, his patience incomprehensible. From the beginning of time Gods, grace has remained the same. Instead of destroying Adam and Eve for their sin, God punished them by banishing them from the garden of Eden and placing a curse on them. But, even in their punishment God still took care of them and made them clothing to wear. Cain killed his brother, God could have also destroyed him, but instead, God gave him a severe punishment and placed a curse on whoever killed him. Jacob took his brother's birthright by deceptive means and then stole Esau's blessing from their father, but after years of punishment God exalted him and he became rich, and he also received forgiveness from Esau. The people of Israel continued to get themselves into trouble because of their sin, but when they cried out to The Lord He delivered them. God even had compassion on Israel's enemies, when the nation of Israel was in the process of conquering Jericho, God spared a prostitute named Rahab and her family not just because she saved the Israelite spies, but because she believed in The living God. David sinned greatly by sleeping with Bathsheba and having her husband killed when he found out that she was pregnant, but when they got married and had a child after the first one died God blessed that child greatly. The Bible says that God loved this child and before he was born God called him His son (2 Samuel 7:14). Then lastly, God's mercy on all of us through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus. He paid for our sins on the cross and washed us clean all we had to do was believe. We have all received God's undeserved grace and mercy and this should cause continual praise and thanksgiving to the Father. Every day of our lives God shows us undeserved grace and mercy through, waking us up, giving us somewhere to rest our heads, giving us the ability to walk and talk, protecting us from harm, and keeping us in our right minds. Today may be Thanksgiving, but every day is a day that we can give thanks to our Father for His Unchanging and undeserved faithfulness.

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