A New Precious

By LoveSmeagol

539 33 0

Sméagol gets a second chance at life, and discovers what is truly precious! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 24

12 1 0
By LoveSmeagol

The next day, after lunch, the three of us arrived at the Ashfolk CHildren's Hospital for our gig. We would be performing in a large showroom. At the front of the room was a Grand Piano. All around, there were chairs set up for the children to sit and watch. All along the wall, there were more chairs for the parents. The room was decorated with beautiful colors. The walls were filled with pictures of teddy bears, hearts, kitty cats, and so many other lovely, colorful shapes, all to set a cheerful mood for the children.

A few minutes before our performance was to start, we watched as the children and parents piled in, and my poor heart was not prepared for the heartbreaking sight of severely sick little ones. So young they were, yet so many of them were barely hanging on. Some were in wheelchairs. Others were very ill, but seemed to have a bit more life in them. Some children had no hair. They were cancer patients. Oh, so hard it was to see so many little ones suffering so, but I managed to find the strength to smile. Awwww, so precious they were. I wanted to hugs them all. I prayed I would be able to at some point. Bless their hearts.

Soon, it was time to start, and Máiréad took a seat against the wall with the other adults. She sat closest to us, and smiled at me as I took my place by the piano. I happily introduced myself and Aaliyah. The children smiled as Aaliyah began to play the accompaniment for our first song, "You've Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story. My heart was all aglow when I saw the children's faces light up with such joy. Throughout the performance, they sang and clapped along with us, and for a moment, they seemed to have forgotten about their illnesses.

At one point, when I sang "Always There" from Lady and the Tramp 2, I saw a little girl wiping tears from her eyes. Poor thing looked so sad. When I finished the song, I walked over to her, and knelt in front of her. "Are you alright, Precious?" I asked.

She didn't speak. She just jumped into my arms, sobbing her poor heart out.

"Awww, Sweetie," I said lovingly as I picked her up, carried her to the front, sat down in a chair by the piano, and held her close, stroking her hair. "What's the matter, Baby?"

"I want my mommy and daddy," she wept.

"Oh, I takes you to them. Where are they?"

"They went away."

"Went away?"

"They don't love me anymore."


"They said they didn't want me anymore, because I'm too sick, and they left without me."

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I held her tightly as she wailed loudly. "Oh, no, Sweetie..." I played with her hair, trying to keep my composure. "I'm so sorry. I know how much that hurts."

"You do?"

"I do. My whole family turned on me, too, a long time ago. So much it hurt."

"Why did they do that?"

"It's a long story, Precious, but I wasn't very nice then. I did some awful things I shouldn't have."

"That's no excuse for your family to turn their backs on you," a lady nearby said. "I did some pretty messed up things when I was a teenager, but my parents never gave up on me."

I smiled at the lady.

"I'm sorry your family did that."

I smiled warmly. "It's alright. I finds people who won't turn on me now. They are my family now." I turned my attention to the little girl. "Sweetie, I'm so sorry your parentses hurt you. Never should they have given up on you, especially now when you needs them the most. So frightened you must be."

THe little girl nodded.

"I'm so sorry."

The little girl hid her face against my chest, sobbing her poor heart out.

"Shhhh, it's alright, Precious," I said softly, caressing her head and backside. "You're not alone. Sméagol is here." I kissed her forehead. "It'll be alright. I promise." I turned my gaze toward Aaliyah, and mouthed the name of the next song I wanted to sing. "This is for you, Sweet Baby," I said as Aaliyah began to play, and I sang my own words for "Baby Mine" from Dumbo. The sweet little angel held onto me tightly as I sang to her. I returned the gesture. So difficult it was to keep from crying myself. This poor little sweetheart was hurting so much, and was more frightened than I could even begins to imagine. All I wanted to do was take her home with me, and take care of her for the rest of her life, however long it might be. I never wanted to leave her side. I wanted to protects her with all I had, and loves her with all of my heart.

When the song finished, the other children approached us, and they all gave her hugs, letting her know she was not alone, and that they would be her friends forever. They remained surrounding me and her for the rest of the performance, and by the end, the little angel had a smile on her face that brightened up the whole room.

"You have the sweetest little smile," I said to her. "Awwwww, look at those cute little dimpleses." I giggled as I gently pinched her cheeks, causing her to burst into a fit of the most adorable giggles I've ever heard. I giggled with her as I continued to play with her. I tickled her cheeks, making her laugh even more, which made me laugh, too. "Awwwww!" I kissed her cheeks. "You're the cutest little munchkin. Such a sweet little angel you are." Her smile filled my heart with such joy, and the other children smiled at us both.

"You're really nice, Mr. Sméagol," a little boy said to me.

"Awww, thank you. I tries to be kind. And, you can just calls me Sméagol."

"I likes the way you talks," another little boy joked.

I giggled and smiled at him. "Thank you, Precious." I could tell he was not mocking me at all. His imitation of my speech pattern was adorable.

"Thank you, Sméagol," a nurse said as she approached me. "You brightened up these kids' day, and their parents, too." She smiled at me. "And, mine as well. You are a truly gifted singer."

"Awww, thank you, Sweetie. I loves to sing. All I wants is to makes people happy."

"Well, you did just that, sir," said a young man as he and his wife approached me.

"Please come back and see us," his wife added.

"Actually," said the nurse, "we'd like for you to come back every Monday. Would that work for you?"

My face lit up. "Oh, so much I would loves that, yes! Thank you so very much!"

The nurse smiled. "Thank you, Sméagol."

Before I could get up to leave, the little girl in my arms held onto me tightly. "Please don't go," she pleaded.

Oh, how my heart broke for her. "It's alright, Baby," I said, kissing her forehead. "Sméagol be back next Monday."

"You promise?" she sniffled

"I promise."

"Okay," she wept.

"Awwww." I gave her another hug and a kiss on her forehead. Then, I hugged the rest of the children. As I turned to leave, the little girl followed me, wanting one last hug and kiss, and I happily granted her wish.

I left the hospital with mixed emotions. Part of me was filled with joy, knowing I could bring smiles to the faces of very sick and frightened children. However, the other part of me was heartbroken. They were only children, yet some of them wouldn't be around for much longer. They were so young and innocent, yet some of them had very little time left to live. So unfair it was. I wished I could heal them all. And, that one little girl, how my heart ached for her. Aaliyah explained to me that her parents had left her at the hospital a few mights before with suitcases of her clothes and toys. They said they didn't want to take care of her anymore, because it was an inconvenience on their lives. They never came back for her. They packed their bags, moved away, and disappeared completely. I could not understands how anyone could turn their back on their own child, let alone when the child was sick. My feelings for the little girl were the complete opposite. I loved her so very much, and I wished there was more I could do for her. I could not wait to sees her again the next week.

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