
By HarleyRush

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Marinley is a different kind of Mermaid. She prefers the company of sharks and spends her time protecting se... More

Prologue: Mermaid Money
Chapter 1: Mouth of Teeth
Chapter 2: Shark Ridge
Chapter 3: Speak of the Devil
Chapter 4: Do I Correct Him?
Chapter 5: I Think Mermaids are Overrated
Chapter 6: Marinley Has a Crush on a Human
Chapter 7: Space Cadet
Chapter 8: Illumia Cove
Chapter 9: Green Slime
Chapter 10: Prom
Chapter 11: Fighter
Chapter 12: Fuck You God
Chapter 13: Jessica Alba
Chapter 14: Pirate Ship
Chapter 15: Haha...Tail.
Chapter 16: Seviran
Chapter 18: Be Closer to You and the Sea
Chapter 19: Family Isn't Blood, It's Love.
Chapter 20: For Once, Keep Your Mouth Shut.
Hey Bitch. Get Ready to Get Fucking ROCKED!

Chapter 17: Grow a Fucking Tail

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By HarleyRush


Marinley and I were laying in the hammock in my backyard, talking about random things, listening to music as she showed me the constellations of humans and her people, just at peace being together. These are the moments I live for.

When everything feels okay, even if it's not.

"I know you said you want to be a voice for the sea, which you are, but what do you want to do in the future? Like what are your dreams and goals?"

Marinley smiled, her eyes meeting mine as she thought about her answer.

I want to know everything about her, and knowing what she wants in the future is important. Especially if we're going to be together forever.

"I want to travel the world and meet different pods and learn their languages and their cultures. Meet different animals and learn their languages too and explore every new place that I can. Save some animals along the way. But I want to see what the world has to offer. Make a difference everywhere that I can. Even if it's only a small one."

I swear she really is my soulmate-excuse me-my Lumin.

We both want the same thing. And because of her I really will be able to experience things most people could only dream of. I want to meet other pods and explore the different seas, learn about other animals, save and protect those who need it.

I would go anywhere that Marinley went though, that's certain. I never want to be away from her. Only when she's sleeping in her cave and I'm sleeping on my boat. Hopefully a few nights out of the week she'd be sleeping with me too.

Without her saying it I know she could never give up the ocean and live on land with me, but I would never ask her to do that. Not with how much she loves it, how it's her home. Where she truly belongs. But that didn't mean we couldn't still be together.

Just because we sleep in separate places, it doesn't mean we're not together. And with her magical runes that give me the ability to see and breathe underwater, we'll be able to spend a good amount of time together. We'll be able to explore the world and the oceans and all they have to offer.

Sounds like a pretty good life to me.

"I've always wanted to travel too. And I'd love to meet new pods and experience new animals too. Different languages and cultures. And with you by my side I'll be experiencing a whole new and different world. But I will go wherever you go. For as long as you want me there."

Marinley was still smiling as she looked up at the sky, squeezing my hand tightly in her own.

"I'm pretty sure I won't be letting you go. So I guess that means you'll be there forever. That is, if that's what you want too."

I couldn't believe my ears and I think my heart just gave out.

Marinley admitted she wants me forever.

Holy crap.

I could die happily right now but I don't want to.

Not until I've spent the rest of my life with this amazing woman-Mermaid-next to me.

She is my purpose.

Being with her is my purpose.

I've been saying I want her forever for a while now, and to hear her say she wants me forever too, well, I don't think life can get any better than this. But if Marinley is in my life, it probably will get better. Every day I spend with her makes me feel better and better.

Now I might have her forever.

No I will have her forever.

She's not getting rid of me now. I don't think she wants to get rid of me. And I won't lie and say I've absolutely fallen for her, because I definitely have.

It's official-I love Marinley.

It's too soon to tell her now, but when the moment is right, I'm going to tell her how I feel. And hopefully she'll choose me to be her Lumin. With her by my side I would live the happiest life possible. I'd get to see Illumia Cove at night too.

How amazing would that be?

"Trust me, that's definitely what I want."

Marinley looked into my eyes as she grinned her signature grin, her eyes slowly moving down to my lips and lingering there.

This is it. I'm finally going to kiss her.

And this time nothing is going to stop me.

I leaned in and she did too, and just as it was finally about to happen, I heard an insanely angry voice call my name as the back door flew open.

The angry voice of my mother.

Great. What does she want now?

"Get in right now Sailor! RIGHT NOW!"

I got up in a rush and kissed Marinley's cheek, apologizing profusely.

"It's okay. It'll happen when it's meant to happen. Are you going to be okay? She sounds pretty pissed."

I nodded and told her to go, and that I would see her tomorrow. She kissed my cheek back and hopped the fence and ran away, looking slightly agitated. I was pretty agitated too.

Marinley admitted she wants me forever and we were finally going to kiss-finally-and yet again we were interrupted. This time by my mother. She never acknowledges my presence but all of a sudden now she's demanding my presence. Angrily too.

I can only imagine what I did this time.

I huffed and made my way inside when she shouted for me again, running my hand down my face as I entered our mansion. I looked over at her and at first I was going to ask what she wanted.

That is, until I saw who was sitting in front of her.

She was holding Strover by his collar and she was beyond pissed. I want to know what she was doing in my room. Marinley told Strover not to make any noise and I know he understood because she's fluent in dog now, so that means she must've gone into my room and seen him.

But in these past few months, Strover had become my dog too, not just Marinley's. He was an amazing dog and I loved him and I won't give him away or send him back to the shelter.

He's staying with me forever.

Just like Marinley.

"I went to find you to tell you your father wants you to go work with him tomorrow and I found this disgusting mutt on your bed. You know how I feel about dogs. I don't care if you have to dump him outside on the street but you will not have a disgusting animal like this in my house. Get rid of him. Now."

I looked at Strover who was terrified and staring at me, his eyes begging for me to help him-to save him.

I promised to protect and save the animals of the sea, but I think protecting those without a voice extends to the animals on land too.

And Strover will not be thrown away like garbage.

Not if I could help it.

It was time to stand up to my parents.

Well, my mother.

And possibly my father if she calls for him to order me around too.

But I'm tired of them controlling me and berating me and treating me this way. No more. I'm going to do as Marinley says and grow a fucking tail. It's time for me to stand up for myself and for Strover. It's time for me to be strong. And I won't break and give in.

I won't be afraid.

Not anymore.

"No." I replied bluntly, pulling Strover away from her and pushing him behind myself.

"No?" My mother growled out, trembling with anger. "As long as you are under my roof you are under my rule. And you will do as I say. Get rid of the mutt Sailor. Or get out and take the flea ridden monster with you."

I looked into her cold eyes, trying to determine if this was a heat of the moment threat or if she truly meant it.

And I think she did.

I'm eighteen. I can be on my own, without my parents. Legally. I could leave if I wanted to. And honestly...I think I do. I think I do want to leave. I'm tired of the way they've been treating me. For my whole life. I don't have any money, and I definitely won't have any if I leave my parents and the business, but honestly I don't care.

I don't want to take over the family business anyways. I don't want to be mistreated by the people that were supposed to love and care for me any longer. I don't want to follow their rules any longer. I want to do what I want to do. And I'm definitely not getting rid of Strover.

So I guess I'm moving out.

What a night this has been.

I didn't say anything else to my mother, calling Strover as I headed up to my room to pack my belongings and finally leave this hellhole. I didn't know where to go, but I'll figure it out along the way. If I have to I'll sleep outside on the dock and call for Marinley in the morning. She'll be able to help me figure out what I'm going to do. Where I'm going to live.

I'd go to Clary's but she's with her family visiting her grandmother, and I'd go to Willa's but she took her kids to Disneyland so they're all gone too. I literally have nowhere to go. But I'd rather be homeless over staying here any longer.

And tomorrow Marinley will help me figure out what I'm going to do. I just need to power through tonight and tomorrow everything will be better. Everything is always better when I'm with Marinley.

I packed my shells and my stones, my favorite clothes and pajamas, a couple of outfits for the hot days, a couple of outfits for the cold days, my pictures and cameras, my other prized possessions like my stuffed chicken Willa got me as a kid and the shark tooth necklace my uncle Joey gave me before he died, and the magical underwater-breathing rune stones Marinley gave me.

I pulled on my favorite hoodie as I grabbed my blanket and my pillow before attaching Strover's leash to him and stopped at my door, taking a deep breath.

I was doing this.

I was leaving.

I was getting away from the very people who put me on this earth, just to mistreat me and neglect me.

I was slightly afraid as I had nowhere to go, but nowhere was better than here. And again it's just for a night. Just until Marinley can help me figure out what to do next. If I end up sleeping outside I at least have Strover to keep me warm.

"We're getting out of here. I'm not giving you up for anything. I promise you that. No more sitting in my room all day by yourself. We're going to start our life away from here, where we can be free and happy. So just bear with me okay? Tonight might be rough but tomorrow will be better when we see Marinley. Ready Buddy?"

I swear he understood everything I said because he licked my hand and leaned into my side as if to say "I'm with you" and then looked at the door, almost seeming confident too. I opened the door and made my way down the stairs and towards the front door.

I heard someone clear their throat and turned around to find both my father and mother staring at me-angrily of course. I don't think they've ever smiled at me, and they clearly aren't going to start now.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mother snapped, taking a few steps towards me.

"I'm leaving. You said get rid of Strover or leave, so I'm leaving. And I'm eighteen so you can't stop me." I snapped back, not backing down or showing them how hurt I was.

Because they don't care at all.

They really don't.

And after all this time you think I would be used to it, but I'm not. My parents have never loved me and that breaks my heart. And they both have cold, angry looks on their faces. They don't seem worried or upset at all.

I think they actually look...relieved.

And now my heart hurts even more.

"Well then go. I'm cancelling all of your cards and you will not get a dime from us. And if you leave now, you don't come back. Ever. Once you leave you stay gone. Forever. Do you understand me?" My mother snapped again, stepping even closer.

Like she was a threat.

And to think I've talked about forever twice tonight now.

With Marinley it was a good forever, a happy forever, a perfect forever.

But with my was a cold and cruel and heartless forever.

But you know what? That's fine with me.

I can stay away from them forever easily.

Because the only forever that really matters is the one I'm spending with Marinley.

"Okay. Then I'm gone. I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you to love. And I'm sorry you hate me so much. And I'm sorry that you'll never be there to watch me grow and become an amazing person. But I am who I am because of Willa's love, and your neglect. So thank you for treating me the way you have. Now I know how to be a good parent. To never be like you. And that makes me pretty great already."

I opened the door, leaving my surprised mother and indifferent father behind, starting my new life without their horrible treatment and anger. I'll miss spending most of my time with Willa, so much, but I'll visit her whenever I want. I wish I had a way to pay for her to be free of my parents forever and finally retire like she deserves.

But for now I had to worry about surviving tonight, just until Marinley can help me figure out what I'm going to do.

I'm officially homeless.


Well, technically birth-parentless.

Willa will always be my true mother.

"Come on Strov. Let's go to the dock. We'll sleep there and then Marinley will help us find our new home tomorrow."

Strover's ears perked up at the word "dock" and I know he knows that word because that's where we go to meet Marinley.

As we made our way towards the dock, I felt something wet hit my face and wiped it away.

There's no way it's about to rain.

Not tonight. It can't rain tonight.

Strover and I would freeze sleeping out in the rain. I could care less about myself, but I don't want Strover to suffer because I made us homeless. I mean I really didn't have a choice, but I don't want Strover to suffer or get sick.

Maybe it was mist from the sea.

Yeah. That's it.

It's not going to rain.

The world doesn't hate me that much, right?


Apparently the world does.

Because it did start to rain. Pretty heavily too. Strover and I won't last outside in this weather. But where could I go? It's past midnight so I can't call Willa or Clary, and again they're gone so they couldn't help me anyways. I wasn't sure of what I should do.

I looked around the area surrounding me and saw a boat in the distance, and I got an idea. The boat dock where The Harpoon is is about a twenty minute walk. The Cherié is at the dock behind our house, but my parents would find me there easily. Especially since they'll probably take the boat out tomorrow morning or afternoon.

But after The Harpoon broke down last time, my mother made my father park the boat at the dock across town and away from the mansion and their image. The Harpoon hasn't been touched in months. That would be our best bet. And I know where they keep the spare key too.

"Alright Strover. Let's go. We'll be out of the cold soon okay?"

Strover licked my hand and followed close to me as we made our way down the beach and towards the other dock. I was shivering profusely and my hands and feet were numb so I can only imagine how Strover is feeling.

I started to jog and once Strover was in stride with me I went faster until we were practically running down the sandy beach, so close to the boating docks. When we finally made it I was in so much pain I could barely stand. I could see Strover was shaking just as bad as I was so I was glad we were almost there.

We ran down the dock until we finally got to The Harpoon, just as it started to rain harder too. I found the spare key underneath the floatation device and opened the door that lead to the inside of the cabin and shut the door once Strover was inside to prevent us from getting more wet than we already were. The thunder and lightning started and Strover whined, backing into a corner and trembling even more than he already was.

"It's okay Buddy. Just some thunder and lightning. We're safe in here. Now let's get you nice and warm and dry."

I found a towel and rubbed him down until he was mostly dry and then found a second towel, doing the same thing to myself. I changed out of my soaked clothes and into my warm pajamas before making a bed on the floor for Strover and I.

I laid down and pat the spot beside me, waiting until Strover was cuddled up to my side and covered both of us with my blanket. We were both still shivering but we were definitely starting to warm up now. Strover whined at another crack of lightning so I stroked the fur on his side, doing my best to soothe him.

"It's okay Strove. I'll keep you safe. Everything will be better tomorrow. I promise."

Strover pressed into me more and I released a deep sigh, hugging him against me.

I really wish Marinley was here.

But I'll see her tomorrow and everything will be better.

Just like I promised.

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