On An Island In The Sun

Von Irish_Wolves

6K 301 154

Published with permission You don't like the way this country operates? You think its bureaucrats corrupt, it... Mehr

On an Island in the sun part 2
On an Island in the Sun Part 3
On an Island in the Sun Part 4
On an Island in the Sun Part 5

On an Island in the sun Part 1

1.7K 64 29
Von Irish_Wolves

Harry was miserable, it seemed that everything that could go wrong in his life was happening. He'd been entered into a contest that didn't so much have winners as survivors, his best friend Ron along with half the school wasn't speaking to him, the Press was airing a distorted version of his personal life for all to laugh at, and to top it all of a couple of Hufflepuff girls had been giving him odd looks all bloody day.

"What's wrong Harry," Hermione asked sympathetically, "the Prophet again?" She couldn't believe that they could get away with printing such distorted stories about her best friend.

"Let's go to the library," Harry said. He rose from his seat and grabbed his friend by the hand. "Now."

"Okay," Hermione agreed with a shocked look on her face as Harry dragged her out of the Great Hall. "Harry," she said after he'd slowed down. "I'm always happy to go to the library but why are you taking me there now?"

"I just can't stand their looks anymore," Harry replied out of the corner of his mouth.

"Don't let them get you down," Hermione advised, "they don't know the real you. The Harry that I know would never enter this bloody contest. I know the real you and I trust everything you've told me is true . . . and I trust you to have asked for my help if you were planning to do it," she ended with a giggle.

"Not them," Harry groaned, as his eyes darting around the hall.

"Them . . . who?"

"Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones," Harry replied, "they keep looking at me."

"What kind of look?" Hermione asked with a grin. "You are a good catch you know . . . maybe one of them fancy's you," she added a tad nervously.

"I . . . I don't . . . I'm . . . maybe." Harry slowed down as he considered Hermione's idea. 'A good catch? I have most of the magical world against me, the friggin' looneys, how could I be considered a good catch?'

"But you don't think so?" Hermione sighed, maybe they'd manage to avoid any life threatening adventures next year.

"No, I don't," he said sourly. 'Probably some plot. I probably have a mole on my bum that means I'm destined to find and be bitten by some horrible creature while finding Helga Hufflepuff's garter belt.'

Hogwarts own resident seer stood up in her bedroom and began to speak, but slurred her words so badly that no one could have understood them anyway, before passing back out once more, having had far too many sips off her hidden flask with lunch.


The two Hufflepuff in question turned to regard each other with identical looks of mixed anticipation and nervousness. They'd spent weeks talking about it and days gathering up enough courage.

"He noticed us," Susan said calmly.

"Uh huh," Hannah agreed, "did you see the look on his face?"

"Yeah," Susan laughed, "I wonder what he's thinking?"

"Who knows how a boy's mind works," Susan said with a shrug.

"Yeah . . . you sure about this?" Hannah bit her lower lip. "It's an awfully big thing after all."

"I wrote to Aunt Amelia and she said that he's got the power and that Granger has the grades. I thought she was joking till I did a little research and found out it'd been done before."

"We could always go into the muggle world?" she ventured with a look like she'd bitten into something unpleasant. "I've heard that muggles don't care about .. . ah . . ." she trailed off, thinking it best not to admit it when there could be someone listening.

"We could," Susan said reluctantly, "but it would mean leaving behind everything we've ever known."

"Piss on the muggle world," Hannah agreed, "what's good for them is good for them, but I can't live without magic."

"Maybe we could emigrate?"

"Stuff that." Hannah snorted, thinking of how bizarre some countries were, even in comparison to Britain.

"I guess so . . . the way they're pushing Harry, he's gonna do it anyway."

"And with that arse Weasley out on his ear, there's an open spot . . . hopefully two when we tell them we're together. I think this is the time to get in on the ground floor, so to speak."

"So... we go find Harry?"

"I think we'd better."


Hermione bit her tongue to keep from giggling as Harry hyperventilated, she could almost see the different scenarios flashing through his mind.

"You calmed down yet?" Hermione asked. "Or do you want to hide here in the library for a little while longer? Those girls might be up to something and we

can't be too careful, you know how Hufflepuffs are. One second you're fine and the next minute 'BAMN' you're pinned beneath a massive amount of Puffs following their Dark Lord, Pajama The Terror!"

"You're not helping," Harry replied, a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "This is serious." He sounded like he was in some ways trying to convince himself.

"One of them probably just likes you," Hermione continued, "what's more likely? That a girl likes you or that it's some sinister plot to destroy the school?"

"Well . . there was Ginny, so it could easily be both at once," Harry said reluctantly. He'd really rather avoid another death match with a gigantic, ancient, and venomous creature. Snape fulfilled his daily requirement for all of that as far as he was concerned.

"See? You're due for a patch of good luck," Hermione said, voice firm. "Now, do you want to go do something or would you like to study here?"

Before Harry could respond, an unexpected voice butted in.

"Before you do that," Susan cleared her throat, "Hannah and I would like to have a chat with the two of you."

Harry muttered something that sounded a bit like 'oh shit' mainly because it was, but at a low enough volume that Hermione couldn't scold him for.

"Perhaps we could take this to one of the study rooms?" Hannah suggested.

"You had to tempt fate, didn't you?" Harry growled, directing a dirty look in Hermione's general direction.

"I'm sure they aren't planning to destroy the school," Hermione said weakly, "right?"

"Why don't we cover that later?" Susan asked with a grin.

"... sorry, Harry," Hermione said as the group moved to somewhere more private.

"What's this about, then?" Harry asked, all businesses after the door had closed and looking a bit like he expected one of the Puffs to turn out to be the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler.

"Wait a mo..." Hermione commanded. In response to the various startled looks, she put up a couple quick privacy charms.

"...Go ahead." She said.

"We, well, we couldn't help but notice that there's an opening in your little trio, and Susan and I were hoping to fill it," Hannah began, sounding rather hopeful.

"We'd like to fill it . . . if you want another boy then I'm willing to transform and . . ."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione demanded.

"You weren't in a three way relationship with Harry and Ron then?" Susan asked, caught flat-footed.

"NO!" Hermione screamed.

"Huh . . . well, this is awkward," Susan blandly remarked.

"Tell me about it," Hannah agreed.

"What did you mean when you said you were willing to transform?" Harry asked, it was like a train wreck in that he couldn't turn away.

"Hmm?" Hannah snapped back to reality. "Just that if you liked boys or if Hermione liked two at once that I was willing to become a boy sometimes, why?"

"You can do that?"

"Easily," Hannah said with a nod, "didn't you know?" Any number of charms and potions could be used to make a temporary change, permanent was doable but much more difficult.

"Don't . . . just don't tell me any details," Harry said, looking a mite ill. "Please."

"Okay," Hannah agreed, a look of confusion on her face, wondering what the big deal about occasionally switching genders was. Maybe it was a muggle thing?

"You thought that me, Harry, and Ron?" Hermione asked, definitely green around the gills. "You seriously thought that we were all . . ." What kind of deviant behavior was going on in school if that was a plausible rumor?

"Most of the school did . . . well, does," Hannah said with a shrug. "You have to admit that the three of you didn't spend too much time away from each other."

"That doesn't mean that . . ." Hermione trailed off. She shuddered in distaste. "I mean, it's . . . ug . . ."

"We know that," Susan agreed, "now."

"Was there anything else then?" Harry asked. He made a mental note to buy a pensive so that he could more closely observe the look of shocked horror on Hermione's face, he was fairly sure it topped the time someone had suggested that Draco acted like he did because he was attracted to Hermione and jealous of the time that Harry spent with her.

"Yeah," Hannah said, "we were hoping to come with you when you made your own country . . . assuming you were willing to agree to the idea that what a girl does in her own home and with whom is her own business so long as it doesn't hurt anyone." She gently squeezed Susan's hand.

"My own country?" Harry now looked a bit like he'd been smacked in the head with a cricket bat - he was blankly parroting.

"All it takes is power and my Aunt Amelia thinks you have enough," Susan prompted, "didn't you know all of this?"

"No," Harry replied, "Hermione?"

"I have no idea what they're talking about Harry," Hermione muttered.

"Ok," Susan began, "you've noticed how . . . screwy the laws are in the magical world right?"

"And how the press gets away with bloody murder," Hannah added, "no libel laws like the muggles have."


"If you don't like it, leave and make your own country."

"That's what they always say when someone complains loud enough for the Ministry to notice," Susan explained, "you get enough people and it's not hard to raise a bit of seabed and make your own island. It's how Atlantis got started, they collapsed the capstone and sank it when the king went mad and thought the world was plotting against him."

"Make it unplottable and bob's your uncle," Hannah continued, "Susan's Aunt Amelia figured that you had enough power to do it and we figured that Granger had researched all the charms to do it."

"Joining the tournament under a fourth school fit too," Susan continued, "as a student of a fourth school the Hogwarts charter no longer applies to you. You can do any magic you want, wherever you want, and whenever you want. We just sort of figured . . ."

At that moment, far to the south, a certain Vernon Dursley shat his pants with an accompanying feeling a bit like someone had just run a steamroller over his grave. Incidentally, at the same moment, Harry got a look in his eyes that would've made Snape's hair turn white.

"Add in the relationship we thought you two had with Weasley," Susan sighed, "made sense that you wanted to find a place that wouldn't judge you . . . like we do."

"Like you judge me or like you want to find a place that doesn't judge you?"

"The second."

"We were thinking about becoming muggles, but when we figured that you were going to make your own island we just sort of . . . we just wanted to keep

using magic."

"Just because I wasn't planning to do it doesn't mean I can't," Harry mused, "it does have a certain appeal doesn't it?"

"Do you want me to start researching how to do it Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," Harry slowly agreed , "that's a plan. Thanks."

"So what about it?" Susan asked, biting her lower lip. "Can Hannah and I join your school and country too?"

"Sure," Harry agreed, "friends?"

"Friends," she agreed.

"Now about you wanting to take Ron's place?"

"Can we talk about that later?" Susan asked with a blush. "It took us two days to work up the courage to approach you two and it's kind of embarrassing to find out that we were wrong about . . . well, you know."

"Drat," Harry muttered, "guess that means no harem for me."

"Harry!" Hermione protested, shocked.

"I've always wanted to lay back on a pillow eating peeled grapes," Harry explained with a snicker.


Harry's chair transformed into a beanbag chair and Dobby handed him a peeled grape.

"The Great Wizard Mr Harry Potter sir will be needing elves in this great and magnificent new Mr Harry Potter Sir land! Elves what is being allowed to be being cleans anything they is wants to be cleans as free elves, yes?"

"...I suppose so. As long you leave the peeled grape feeding to human women, and burn that genie outfit you're wearing."

"Is deal!"


Harry was sitting in the Common Room staring into the fire while his mind was still occupied with the bizarre conversation with the two Hufflepuffs.

It had been a couple of days since the conversation in the Library and even though he didn't want to know, he couldn't stop himself from wondering just what

Hannah meant about being able to switch genders.

Fortunately, that train of thought was derailed by his bushy-haired best friend, who was practically bouncing with excitement as she came through the portrait hole.

Harry smiled at Hermione as she moved to sit down next to him, wondering what she had discovered that had her so excited. He didn't have to wait long as she looked around and saw that there was nobody in listening range, and said quietly, "Harry! You aren't going to believe what I found out as I was researching the charms we need! One of the things you are able to do, since you are establishing your own country, is set your own laws and you can give Snuffles asylum! He can be a citizen of your country and won't have to hide anymore! Isn't that wonderful?"

A huge smile broke out and spread across his face. "And, if he won't have to hide, I can live with him during the Summers! Hermione, that's brilliant!" And surprising the wits out of Hermione he put his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

'Harry's hugging me! Oh, that feels nice, he's never hugged me before.' Hermione thought, before returning the hug.

They sat there, not really noticing the odd looks they were getting as others came into the Common Room; until Ron came in and made a snide comment.

Looking up they both seemed to realize they were still holding each other and broke apart, blushing.


The next day found them all in the library researching the spells they'd need to create their new home. The fact that a few of the spells could help Harry survive the Triwizard was just a bonus.

"Come look at this," Hannah gasped.

"What are you looking at?" Susan asked. "The rules of the Triwizard, why are you looking at that?"

"To help Harry of course," Hannah replied absently, "but you really need to look at this rule . . . you too, Hermione."

"Harry," Susan began in an odd voice, "I would like to formally request admission in your new school."

"So would I," Hannah was a heartbeat behind her fellow puff.

"I . . ." Hermione's eyes raced over the marked passage. "Would like to request admission also . . . and can I be Headgirl?"

"Okay," Harry agreed, "why?"

"I've wanted to be Headgirl since I read about the position in 'Hogwarts a History' and it's the only way I'll be able to now that we're all leaving Hogwarts,"

Hermione explained.

"I mean, why did you ask to join my school?"

"One of the rules of the Triwizard is that schools are permitted to recruit students from the other schools," Hannah explained her discovery, "the participating schools have no choice but to let their students go."

"As students in your school we're no longer subject to Hogwarts regulations," Hermione added, "though we may still be covered by the house system since it's. . ."

"We get the picture," Susan said gently, "so what are the rules in your school, Harry?"

"What do you want them to be?" was Harry's reply.

The three girls shared a glance and feral grins formed on their faces.

"Well," Hermione began, "to start with . . ."


Minerva smiled as she watched the students file into her room.

"Today we're going to be talking about the four stages of transfiguration," she began, "can anyone tell them to me?" her eyes darted towards her favorite student and she was shocked to see Hermione's hand down. "Nobody?" she asked weakly.

The class progressed and Minerva's sense of wrongness grew and grew until it reached a breaking point.

"Thanks for the help, Harry." Neville said with a pleased look on his face as he looked down at his completed assignment.

"Mr. Potter, five points for helping . . ."

"No thank you, Professor," Harry said politely.

"What?" Minerva gaped at him.

"I would prefer not to receive any house points," Harry explained, "thank you for the thought though."

"You're welcome," she said automatically, "please see me after class, Mr. Potter."

"Of course, Professor," Harry agreed.

Minerva was on autopilot for the rest of the class. A student refusing house points was unheard of in her experience and thus an indication that something was seriously wrong.

Hermione shot Harry a look of support as she walked out of the room.

"What can I do for you, Professor?"

"You refused house points," Minerva stated.

"Yes I did, Professor."

"What are you doing, Mr. Potter?" Minerva asked in confusion.

"Doing my best to insure that Gryffindor doesn't win the House Cup," Harry replied, "why do you ask?"

"But, why?"

"Perhaps they'll learn just how little house points mean if they finish in the negatives." Harry sighed. "And perhaps another group of first years won't be

shunned because they lost a few points to a biased Professor." Harry sighed. "Not to mention how they've treated me since my name came out of the bloody cup."

"I see." Minerva looked at Harry sadly. "Fifty points from Gryffindor for . . ." she looked a bit lost.

"Breathing too loud is one of Snape's favorites," Harry suggested.

"Thank you, Mr. Potter." Minerva made a mental note to go through the records to back up his claim. "For breathing too loudly."

"Will that be all, Professor?" Harry asked.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Potter."


Dumbledore's eyes began twinkling like mad the moment he learned that three of his students had transferred to Harry's school.

"An elegant solution, don't you think Fawkes?" Dumbledore laughed. "It allows Mr. Potter to have the same amount of support given to students from the other schools. It also allows them to avoid serving any detentions," he added as an afterthought, "masterfully played. I sense the hand of Ms. Granger in all of this."

With that, Dumbledore put the matter out of his head. He was sure that they were all intelligent enough not to take things too far. They would be returning to the Hogwarts rolls after the tournament was finished after all and any first year could tell how long their Potions Professor had been known to hold a grudge.


Professor Flitwick frowned in confusion when Hermione's hand did not immediately dart up after he asked his question.

The room descended into an awkward silence as no one else was willing to attempt a question that had apparently flummoxed Gryffindors' resident genus,

even if they thought they knew the answer.

"Ms. Granger," Flitwick called on the girl, "please give us your answer." He knew she knew the answer even if she wasn't volunteering it for some reason.

'Maybe she hurt her arm?'

"According to Nortons Guide to Charms and Charming, the Estus charm is superior to the Flamma charm in domestic settings for three main reasons; the first is lack of an open flame, the second is the lower power requirement, and the third is that the heat is more controllable. Periwinkle disagrees, stating . . ."

"Thank you Ms. Granger, that will be quite enough." The Professor laughed. "Five points to Gryffindor for . . ."

"No thank you, Professor," Hermione replied.

"What?" he asked in shock.

"I'd rather not take any points for my answer if it's all the same to you, Professor," Hermione explained. "Thank you for the offer though."

"You're very welcome, Ms. Granger," he said faintly. 'Minerva needs to know about this,'


Dumbledore swept into the library to find Harry and the girls sitting at a large table covered in books.

"Headmaster Dumbledore," Hermione squeaked.

"Ms. Granger," he said with a grandfatherly smile. He turned to Harry. "If I might have a moment of your time, Headmaster Potter."

"Headmaster?" Harry glanced at the girls with a look of confusion on his face.

"Hermione can't be the Headgirl and the Headmistress," Susan explained with an indifferent shrug. "Is this about the request I made, Headmaster

Dumbledore?" Growing up as she did, near the center of power, had left her with little in the way of awe for authority figures.

"Yes," the Headmaster agreed.

"Wonderful," Susan continued, "when will they be ready?"

"What request?" Harry whispered.

"Hermione found out about a distinguished visitor wing in 'Hogwarts a History.' Hasn't been used for a while," Hannah whispered back.

"They'll be ready for Headmaster Potter, his staff, and students by the end of the week," Dumbledore said with twinkling eyes, "though I would like you to

rethink your idea of housing your students away from their Hogwarts Houses."

"Why?" Hermione asked suddenly. "It's to your benefit after all."


"Two of our students were placed in the same house as your champion," Hermione said quickly, "this is to avoid any hint of collusion between our schools."

"Of course," Dumbledore laughed, "thank you for your time, Ms. Granger, Headmaster Potter, er . . ."

"Deputy Headmistresses Abbot and Bones," Susan said with a grin.

"Of course," Dumbledore agreed. "Now if you'll excuse me . . ."

"Of course, Headmaster Dumbledore." Harry had a grin on his face that caused a matching one on Dumbledore's. "I understand how difficult it is to administer

a school."

"And I can not imagine how difficult it must be to have the duties of a Triwizard champion on top of all that," Dumbledore sympathized, severely amused by

the whole charade.


Two students were hunched over whispering to each other in the Slytherin Common Room.

"It may be a way round the oath," one pointed out, "Potter isn't the sort to carry that bit of baggage with him."

"Better than the alternative," the other agreed, "even a broken tool gets used sometimes."

"How should we approach this?"

"We shouldn't, at least not until he's further along then the planning stage."


That meeting was, strangely enough, unknowingly repeated by others in the Snakes' Den and the words used by the others didn't stray far from the original script.


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