Prime minister Is My Husband

By trishibooklover

24.7K 1.5K 233

"He is the youngest prime minister of the country. He is single , he is handsome, he is intelligent, he has... More

1 care free life
2 Responsible Bright
3 dream to become romantic poet
4 meeting with brat
5 look at yourself
6 Are you dietecian
7 Thank you
8 Bodyguards
9 i like to look handsome
10 uneasy feeling
11 ready for another lecture
13 Avoiding me
14 I am Gay
15 my dear husband
16 My mysterious husband
17 my sassy husband
18 My crying husband.
19 my shy husband
20. I missed you
21 my hot husband
22 My husband secret

12 my devil husband

825 65 6
By trishibooklover

Win pov

I am sitting in the back seat of the car. Max is driving the car where as tul is sitting in the passenger seat. i am scared about what will happen when i go to the home. I am telling you secret guys i am really scared of him whenever he shows his dark aura. He looks like scary devil from hell with horn. And i don't know how i successfully make him anger each day. Just congratulations win making your husband angry.

"Tul do you have girlfriend or boyfriend" I asked to start conversation. I observed these days they are really good to me. They didn't interfere in my things they do there work carefully. Overall i like them.

Tul choked on saliva after listening my question " No sir" he said

" Why " i asked looking at him curiously. because he is handsome and has good body shape many girls can throw themselves on him.

" sir i am married and my patner will kill me if i try to have  girlfriend and boyfriend" he said looking at me with smile.

" What your partner does" i asked continuing my conversation.

" he is also bodyguard like me sir" He said now facing the road.Ohh god tul has husband. Is he gay or bi.

"Ohh where he works" I asked curiously to know more about his husband.

" Right now he is driving beside me sir" Tul said and both max tul start to laugh loudly. Ohh god today i I myself proving "i am the dumbest person in the world'. So After that i didn't question anything to them.I closed my eyes thinking about how to face my husband.

" sir we are here" max said.

" can we go another round for drive" I asked with fear voice.

They both looked at me questioningly " I am scared about your boss, i don't know how to face him after yelling at him. Do you think he is going to hit me" I asked innocently. Both the boys start to laugh.

" No sir , PM is so good person he will never hurt you. Now i think you should go because Pm is already inside" Tul said and opened the door for me. when i came out i saw my husband car is already there. I went inside the mansion while thinking what to do, to escape from devil.

" Win baby You came" Mom asked me with the smile.

"Yes mom" I said and tried to smile

" Go and freshen up i will make you coffee" mom said and i nods to her. God please save me please save me god i am entering hell. I knocked at the door of my hell. It didn't open. i thought is he taking revenge on me.Then i thought may be he went to take a shower, so i went guest room and freshen up.

" Hi dad and mom" I said , thank god my husband is still not here. I just want to escape from him as much as possible. Before he came here for coffee i should go somewhere.

" Dad can we go in the garden" i said with my pout to make him agree. And it worked.

"then lets go" he said. me  and dad took coffee mug and went to garden and sit on the chair looking at the plants which made me feel really relaxed.

" son what happened you are looking nervous" My dad said. damn i hate when parents always read what going on their kids mind.But my relax mood doesn't last long because i heard voice which i am avoiding since i entered this house. of course that's my devil husband. I didn't bother to look at him. I don't want to see his scary eyes.

" Dad good evening" he said and sit beside me where chair is empty. I suddenly stood up from my chair and said " dad i am going to help mom in cooking" he nods and i rushed inside the mansion.

 I went inside the mansion and saw mom is cooking with the help of maids. I went towards her " mom did you need any help" I asked her. Mom looked at me from head to toe then sighed.

" Baby you should change your dress , you are wearing this since morning. Go and wear something comfortable" Mom is right i am not comfortable in this and they are almost smelling like my sweat. Now my husband is also not in my room. So i run to my room and immediately closed the door slamming it.

"damn that's qite good escape" i mumbled to myself and rubbed my chest with the help of my hand where my heart is doing marathon. Ohh i can't waste time, what if he comes back. before that i have to take a shower and change dress and go for dinner. i can't stand alone with him now.

I briskly went inside the bathroom, i took a shower. Ohh god i never took a shower in this speed in my whole life time. Fuck why i am scaring like this . But the tone when he yelled at me in phone made me shiver, my heart trembled at that moment. I Immediately took a white t shirt but then i remembered what happened last time when i am wearing so i leave that. i wore a black sleeveless t shirt and white colour shorts. It is summer season so they feel comfortable. I  dried my hair clumsily and applied body lotion only on my arms. Then went downstairs to help mom.

I directly went to kitchen, i saw everything is done. " Mom i will set the table" i said.

" That's sweet of you honey but before that can you call bright and dad" Mom asked while washing her hands. No i don't want to go there. I whined internally. i can't say no to mom who is so sweet to me. At the same time i don't want to face devil.I sighed and thought to go. but then i heard dad sound and looked above they are coming towards dining table. I set the table. Mom, dad sit on one side and devil on the other side. i took a deep breath and sit beside dad. I never tried to look at my husband face.

" You should sit beside your husband baby and try to know each other. i know you both are young you have your own dreams about your partner. But now you are married that means you should give time to each other , try to understand each other, fight each other then solve them together.At the end of the day remember you are husbands it's your responsibility to start your relationship" Mom said cautiously like she is trying to penetrate those things in my mind.

" Your mom is right sons.  I can see you both have a ability to become best life partners. But it will take time. Before this you both have different world , now you both should know each other world. And start new life together" this time dad said.

" So now go sit beside your husband" mom said again , i bit my lips contemplating  what to do.

" Its ok mom , i think he is more comfortable with you" my husband said but i didn't dare to look at him. Because i am feeling his piercing gaze on me. I stood up from chair and sit beside him.I served myself and start to eat my food. i never eat my food in my life with this much scary feeling. I want to cry now. I don't know my eyes are burning. I controlled somehow because i can't cry in front of mom dad may be they feel guilty i am crying because they preach me.I finished my eating without any word.

" Baby do you want ice cream" Mom asked me

" no mom " I cleaned my hand and said " Mom dad can i walk in the garden for a minute. I asked.

" offcourse baby, but be careful about insects" she said i nod to her went outside.

Author note

I know chapter is small but please bare with me.

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