Disarray [H.S.]

By eriesincenewyrk

9.4K 399 1.8K

Have you ever wondered what could have been? She's ready to end it all, say her final goodbye, escape the cru... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
character list
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Nineteen

204 6 3
By eriesincenewyrk

Like when I close my eyes and don't even care if anyone sees me dancing

Like I can fly, and don't even think of touching the ground

Like a heartbeat skip, like an open page

Like a one way trip on an airplane

It's the way that I feel when I'm with you, brand new


Double update! Read eighteen first!


Harry drove to Macey's home on Saturday playing his favorite songs through the speakers of his car. He can't remember a time he's felt this excited in a really long time. But he was also nervous.

When Macey asked him what his plans for today were, he tried his absolute hardest to keep it cool in front of her. He simply kept his focus on the road and told her he wasn't doing anything.

But on the inside, he was trying his hardest to contain a child-like squeal form coming out of his mouth, and he was doing his best to conceal his smile, although he knew he was failing.

The thought alone of Macey being the one to initiate their togetherness made Harry feel invincible, like he was on top of the world. He didn't care what it was they did together, as long as they were together, he was happy. And the fact that it'd be Macey's idea made him that much happier.

He felt like a little kid on Christmas morning.

Harry asked her to tell him what she's got planned, playfully poking at her arm, and her response had him almost choking on the gum he was chewing.

"Not a chance."

He quickly hides his initial reaction, and replaces it with a scowl that eventually turns into a smile instead.

She remembers, he thought to himself. She remembers when he said that to her all those weeks ago.

She remembers.

As soon as Macey got out of the car, and safely into her home, Harry finally let his explosive energy out into the open. He couldn't contain it for a second longer.

Fucking YES! He shouts out. He smacks on his steering wheel a few times as he shouts, and starts bouncing in his seat, so much he ends up locking his seatbelt.

He adjusts the strap, and picks up his phone to switch the playlist he and Macey were listening to, to his more upbeat, turning the music up as loud as it can go and starts his drive home.

As the intro to Crash My Car by COIN starts playing, Harry starts playfully cheering 'We've got a daaaate, we've got a daaaate,' and is swiveling his head from side to side.

Harry dances in his seat and sings his heart out the entire drive home, not running out of energy for even a second. He makes his way inside his house and goes straight into the kitchen to grab a celebratory snack, and when he goes in, he's met with his younger brother filling up a glass with water.

Harry practically skips into the kitchen and up to the pantry, opening the door all while still swaying his hips from side to side, a smile stitched on his lips. Finn just stares and watches as his brother prepares himself a sandwich.

"What the hell has got you in this mood?" Finn asks him.

"Hmmm Hmm hmmh hm hmm," Harry hummed to himself, too lost in head to even register that Finn was trying to speak to him.

Finn walks over to his brother and smacks him on the shoulder. And rather than reacting by smacking Finn back, like he usually would, Harry just spins around and says, "Need something?"

"Yeah, I need to know who put crack in your coffee this morning," Finn says, and Harry's smile just gets even wider.

He's so excited to tell his brother that Macey has a date planned for them, and even more excited to tell Finn how it went afterwards.

He's been keeping his brother very well informed about the crush he's had on Macey, and almost everything they do together.

Finn, being equally excited after hearing their Saturday plans, gives Harry a hug, congratulates him, and then makes his way to his room, and Harry shortly follows.

He gets to his room and immediately opens up his journal, but he's got so much running through his brain that he can't quite seem to focus. He's got too many words in his head and can't put them on paper yet. So instead, he chooses to just put more music on, and continues to dance in his room.

After some time, Harry finally feels as though he's got most of his energy out, but of course the excitement is still there. He plops himself onto his bed, so he's resting on his back with his arms sprawled out.

She's really planned something for us, Harry whispers to himself.

And he can't help but think, I think she's really starting to like me, too.


My hands are shaking, and my legs feel as though they might give out underneath me as I make my way down the stairs to meet Harry at his car.

I get to the bottom of the steps, and before opening up the front door, I shut my eyes and just took a few deep breaths. I didn't want Harry to see how worked up I was, and to be honest, I didn't want to be this worked up either.

I wanted to be calm and collected. A bit of nerves is okay, I tried to keep telling myself that, but I didn't want to be consumed by them.

So with one more breath, I forced a smile, twisted the doorknob, and walked out the door.

You got this Mace.

I shut the door behind me, and spin around on my heel to be met with Harry leaning against the car door.

He's wearing a plain white t shirt underneath an opened olive green flannel His arms are crossed over his chest, just below where the pockets on his flannel end while the chain that dangles around his neck reflects the sunlight. Two rings have made themselves home on his right middle and left pointer fingers.

His legs are crammed into a pair of worn out black skinny jeans, which is typical for him, but what's not typical for him is his shoes. Where he usually sports a pair of converse sneakers or vans, he's now wearing a pair of what looks to be Chelsea boots which he of course looks so good in.

He looks so good with his perfectly disheveled chestnut curls, and dimples indenting his cheeks as he smiles wide when his eyes meet mine.

I love his smile. It has enough power to bring sun to the darkest days. Push the dreary clouds away, completely out of the sky, and light up the whole world.

When I realize I've just been standing here staring at him, my cheeks and neck heat up, and I can tell my skin is tinted red. I tear my gaze away from his face, and rather look down at the pavement, counting my steps to distract myself, while I walk closer to his car.

When I know I'm only a few steps away, I lift my head back up, and Harry's already staring right at me, pushing himself off the door and taking a step towards me to meet me on the pavement.

"Hi Mace," he says, and I can hear the excitement laced in his voice.

"Hey Harry," I breathe out shakily, and Harry goes to close the gap between us.

Immediately, he's wrapping his arms around my shoulders, and my arms automatically go around his waist like a natural instinct. I rest my head on his chest, and once again hear and also feel how rapidly his heart is beating.

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose heart is pulsing this fast.

He presses his lips to the top of my head, giving me the softest, quickest kiss before pulling back, and walking backwards towards the passenger side of the car so he could, as per usual, open the door for me.

Once I'm in, he walks back around the car and gets into the already running car. We both put on our seatbelts, but Harry doesn't start driving away.

Instead. He just rests his elbow on the center console, and his other hand rests on his thigh as he looks at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, before I start driving I kinda need to know where it is I'm going."

"Oh, right. Sorry," I say, and dig my phone out of my pocket so I can pull up the address. I quickly type in the name of the place into my maps, and the automated voice starts to spew out the first few directions.

Harry pulls away from the curb, and follows the navigation system. 

"So," he says, but lets his voice linger in the air around us, making me think he's gonna keep talking. But he doesn't; he just drums his fingers on the steering wheel and keeps quiet.

So?" I hesitantly question.

"So you're not gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Oh, it's not so fun being on the receiving end now is it, hm? Now you know how I feel when you don't ever tell me where we're going." I bite back with a laugh. "I think it's only fair."

Harry pinches his bottom lip between his fingers, and shakes his head back and forth, fighting off a smile, but failing.

"Yeah, I suppose that's a fair point," he says. " Can you at least give me a hint? C'mon just one hint?"

Before I can even say sure, or think of a hint to give him, he starts throwing out questions.

"Have I been here before? Have you been here before? Is it something inside or outside? Did I dress right? You look as beautiful as always might I add, in case you didn't already know. Will we be by ourselves?"

I can't help but blush at the compliment he slipped in there, but I don't think he noticed because his eyes are on the road and not me. I don't know how to respond to that, I wanna tell him he looks beautiful too, but I just keep quiet.

But that's exactly what he is. He's so beautiful, and has such an impossibly beautiful soul. And I really hope he knows that. And I hope that maybe after today, I'll have the confidence to tell him so.

But, words can't quite encompass how truly beautiful he is, words can't do him justice. It's unfair, really.

"It's indoors, and yeah there's gonna be other people around. I've been here before, I think? I was too young to remember, but I think my dad has taken me here once, I'm not too sure. And I have no idea if you've been here before," I pause to inhale a breath. "And, yes, you've dressed fine."

Harry's jaw drops and lets a scoff, and for a second I fear I may have done or said something wrong, but I catch a glimpse of the grin that's threatening to take over, I relax and know he's just messing with me.

"Just fine? Ouch," he exaggerates and places his hand over his heart like he's in physical pain to further emphasize how oh so offended he is. "C'mon Mace, don't break my heart. Tell me how pretty I look."

We approach a traffic light, and as Harry slows to a stop, he rolls his head to the side to look at me with squinted eyes and a wide smile, showing off his teeth.

"You look pretty," I deadpan.

His face drops to mirror my expressionless one, and he quickly looks forwards to check the light, and when sees it's still red, he says, "Real convincing there, Bee. You really know how to get a guy going. C'mon darling, feed my ego."

That smile finds its way back on his lips as he closes his eyes and rolls his head back to lean against the headrest.

"Alright, sunshine. You look really pretty," I say, much more convincing this time, which grants me a satisfied hum from Harry, and an even wider smile if that's even possible.

"Hmmm, say that again," He says with his eyes still closed.

I don't say it again, rather just laugh and tell him the light is green, which makes him snap his eyes open and look down at my phone in the cup holder to see the next direction.

We spent the next five or so minutes in the car talking about nothing interesting, and soon enough, I could see the parking lot. Harry turns in, and is damn near bouncing in his seat when he reads the sign in the front of the building and realizes where we are.

"You brought me to the OMSI Planetarium?" He asks and his voice is the highest pitch I've ever heard.

"Yes?" I question, ready to tell him the GPS took us to the wrong place if he seemed like he didn't want to be here.

"Oh my god," he whispers as he finds a parking spot and pulls into it, putting his car in park and turning his body towards me. "I have been wanting to come here for years, I just haven't found the time, or have had anyone that wanted to come with me. Oh my god, this is so amazing."

He looks like such a child right now, so excited in the most adorable way, and I exhale a huge sigh of relief knowing that he's feeling like this.

"Oh thank god," I say. "I was nervous you'd think it was stupid or weird or something." I avoid eye contact and tug at my bracelet when I feel Harry grabbing my chin with his hands and turning my head to force me to look at him.

His elated expression is replaced with a serious look and he tells me, "Nothing you do will ever be weird or stupid to me, you got that? I genuinely appreciate this more than you know. No way is this even close to weird or stupid, alright?"

I just nod my head and press my lips together in a tight lipped smile. After a few seconds, Harry lets go and switches up his expression one again.

He claps his hands and rubs them together a few times before saying, "Okay, let's go inside."

And with that, we undo our seatbelts and get out of the car, making our way through the parking lot and to the entrance of the planetarium.

He grabs my hand and pulls me along the pavement, opening the door for me once we get to it.

We make our way through the open entrance to where the ticket and information booth is, and I pull up the tickets on my phone so we can be granted access to the showroom.

As we stand at the desk waiting for the lady behind it to scan our tickets, I can feel Harry's hand on my lower back and his chest pressing up against my back, and I find myself just wanting to close my eyes and lean back into his warmth, into his comfort.

I have no idea how I've become so comfortable with someone so quickly, so willing to connect with someone so quickly. He's just so perfect, so perfect for me.

This feeling of comfort is not one that I'm used to, but it's also not one that I would trade for anything. I just hope he feels the same way.

The lady scans our tickets and tells us that we're okay to go ahead into the theater, so Harry grabs my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, and leads us to the theater doors.

Once we get inside, we're met with the screen already lit up with a huge overlook of Earth where there was a red hue radiating off of it, making it look so incredible.

We walked down the aisle that was lit up with blue LED lights to find a good spot to sit, and of course I let Harry choose the seats, since this was all for him.

The theater wasn't too full to begin with, so it didn't take long before Harry found a pair of empty seats towards the left back of the room and guided me to sit.

He let me in the row first, and followed me in, all still while keeping his hold on my hand.

"Do you know what they're gonna be showing?" Harry asked once we got settled in our seats.

"Um, yeah. If I remember correctly, it's about like the phases of the moon I wanna say? I know there's a walk through after the film through those doors over there that displays all the moon phases," I say while pointing to a door different from the one we came in through.

Harry nods his head in acknowledgement, and tilts his head back to look at the screen, and after a second too long of staring at him, I look up too.

The next few minutes are spent in a comfortable silence, before the film finally began to start.

Throughout the film, I could barely focus. Each time the narrator would finish saying a sentence, I would look over at Harry to see his reaction, which always was pure fascination. He looks so intrigued, so compelled by everything that was said and shown on the screen.

I could tell which things captivated his attention more, because he would squeeze my hand. I don't even think he realized he was doing it.

And I'll have to admit, that even though space and astronomy isn't really my thing, knowing it was Harry's, and seeing how amazed he was by all of this made me wanna know everything about the sky just to hear him talk. Just to see the excitement on his face that he has now as he tells me all about it. I wanted him to look like this forever. He was so pretty.

After what felt like a short time, but was actually about thirty five minutes, the film came to an end, and the few people who were in here started to collect their things and head for the door.

"So? What'd you think?" I asked Harry as he stood from the seat, finally letting go of my hand.

All he could do was shake his head and smile, and look up to the screen that once again showed the same photograph of Earth that was displayed when we walked in.

"That was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. I can't even tell you how happy I am that we came here, that you brought me here," He places his hands on my waist, probably to stop himself from jumping up and down because that's what it looks like he may start doing.

"Thank you, Macey. Really."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I did too. And don't forget they've got that walk-through display as well that we'll have to see," I gesture towards the door with my eyes, and Harry spins his head, glancing around the entire theater. I follow the path his eyes traveled and realize we're the last ones left in here, and I think Harry realizes that too.

When he turns his head back towards me, the smile that once was home on his lips is now gone. His eyes are slightly pinched together and he stares down at me. I've never been intimidated by his eye contact before, but this felt so intense.

The way he was looking down at me made me want to cower away, but at the same time, it felt impossible to look anywhere else, to even hear anything else. It was just him and I. In this moment in this little world, it was just us.

I could barely see the green in his eyes with how dark the room still was, but even still, I held the eye contact, tilting my head back to look up at him through my eyelashes, and I felt my hands gravitate to his forearms, holding onto the exposed skin his rolled up sleeves left as tightly as he was gripping my hips.

Suddenly, staring wasn't enough.

In a moment of pure spontaneity, I lifted my hands off of his arms, and brought them to cup his warm cheeks and not another second went by before I was pulling him towards me and pressing my lips against his.

The way his lips felt against mine is something I'll never be able to fully put into words. The softness of his lips pressing against mine warmed my entire body, making me feel lighter and higher than I ever have. I could get so lost in him. I could feel this feeling forever.

I wasn't planning on kissing him, but god, does this feel so right, so good.

But as I went to move my lips rhythmically against his, I realized he still hadn't moved.

He wasn't kissing me back.

I immediately pulled away and dropped my hands from his face, crossing them over my stomach, wanting nothing more than to just disappear, or go back in time ten seconds ago and decided to not look so desperate by throwing myself at him.

I look down at my shoes, feeling extremely embarrassed that he didn't kiss me back, that he didn't want me.

Starting to step backwards in a panic thinking I just ruined everything, I rush out, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that, I'm just gonna go walk home now. I'm so s-"

"Do it again." He cut me off, and his words have me stopping my tracks.

"What?" I wasn't sure I heard him right. I know he didn't just say to do it again. I just ruined things like I always somehow do, didn't I?

"Am I imagining things, are my dreams becoming reality?" He whispers, to himself I think but we're close enough that I hear him.

"Kiss me again," he smiles and steps closer to me and closes the gap I created between us, now placing his hands on my cheeks and pressing his forehead against mine.

"Kiss me." His voice is a quiet whisper, like if he spoke too loudly he'd shatter the atmosphere around us.

And so I do. I stand up higher on my toes and connect our lips once more, feeling instantaneous relief wash over my entire being, infiltrating my soul and my spirit.

My body melts into his, our lips molding perfectly against each other, like they were two missing pieces that completed a puzzle.  Two halves of one whole. And the feeling of Harry kissing me back this time sent electricity shooting through my veins.

It was like he shocked me back to life.

As we start to become breathless, Harry pulls back and looks down at me with the most gratified look on his face, and I can tell that my face is a reflection of his.

"Been waiting for that," he whispers to me.

"You have?"

"Yeah, I have,"  he says, and leans back down to press one more quick kiss against my lips, pulling away all too soon. "I thought I was just imagining things again."

"Imagining things again?" I question, not knowing what he means by that.

"Those first five seconds you kissed me, thought I was imagining it again," he says while taking a loose strand of my hair and tucking it behind me ear, grinning softly down at me.

"What do you mean again?"

His grin grew into that smirk I knew all too well before he said, "Darling if you thought I've never thought about this moment, about kissing you, about a million times since we've met then you're crazy."

I don't know what to say to that but I guess my body does know how to react cause I can feel the heat on my neck from the hopefully not so obvious blush on my cheeks.

"Now, let's go see that display before we get kicked out of here."

And with that, he grabs my hand, holding it a little tighter than he usually does, and walks a little closer to me than he usually does, and leads me towards the exit.


they kissed finally!

did anyone think it was gonna be macey to make the first move?? shes brave bc imagine making a move on frat harry man i could NEVER thats so scary

anyways heres some pics of the omsi planetarium

what the screen looked like when they walked in

the moon phases display

another shot of the inside seating

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