Chapter Four

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This is the start of something beautiful
This is the start of something new
You are the one who'd make me lose it all
You are the start of something new


Well, sitting on the grass in the middle of a pathway in Peninsula Park is not where I thought I'd be spending my afternoon, yet here I am.

After pulling away from the parking lot of our school, Harry began driving in the opposite direction of town. It had been years since I last left this town, so I honestly have no idea where we could be going. There was no where I could think of that I could even guess that he's taking me, and Harry wasn't giving me any hints either, so that wasn't helpful at all.

I had asked him where we were going, or to at least give me a hint, about fifty times before I realized it was useless and he wasn't giving it up. But, I came to terms with it after driving for about twenty minutes and decided it was just easier to save my breath.

I don't usually like surprises, or mysteries, or anything of the sort, but for some reason I didn't mind this time. There was just something about Harry that felt like this would be fine. I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was, but I for sure could feel it. I wouldn't say I trusted him. I mean, I met him a day ago, there was no way I could ever trust someone in a day, let alone a guy. All guys ever did was disappoint me and betray my trust.

Well, to be fair, not just guys, but most people I met if I'm going to be honest. But, I was willing to give Harry the benefit of the doubt and allow him some time to maybe gain my trust. Like I said, there was just something about him.

When we got in the car, he passed me his phone with his Spotify already opened, and told me to put on whatever I wanted. For some reason, this made me completely freeze up, and I just held his phone in my hand and stared at it. I didn't know being in control of the music we would listen to would give me so much anxiety, but I guess I should have realized that even this type of decision making would be hard for me. Even though something as small as putting on music seems like nothing to most people, it was still stressful to me.

Because what if I play a song that he hates or thinks is stupid? He's gonna think I'm stupid for playing stupid songs. What if he don't have the same taste in music and he makes fun of me for not being into the genre he's into?

After a few moments of just holding his phone and staring at it, I think Harry realized there was something wrong, and that I wasn't going to put any music on. So, he told me that there was actually a playlist already on his phone that he was in the mood to listen to, and he asked me to just play that instead. So I did, and that's how we got on the topic of his and my diverse music taste. That's also how I found out that The 1975 was currently his favorite band, and how he found out The Neighborhood was mine. We talked about different bands and singers we liked for the rest of the drive.

Hearing how diverse his taste in music was definitely made me feel a slight relief. It's good to know that his taste is very broad, just like mine, and we actually do listen to a lot of the same people. I knew the majority of the songs that he had on that playlist, and the few that I didn't recognize, I still enjoyed.

Anyways, before we got to wherever it was he was taking me, we passed a smoothie shop. As we slowed to a stop at the traffic light right out front of the shop, and I stared out the window at the sign, he asked me if liked smoothies and so I told him I loved them and usually always made myself one after school everyday. He just smiled, and nodded, putting on his turning signal.

When the light changed to green, Harry turned into the parking lot of the shop I can now see is called Ellie's. Harry told me he was glad I liked smoothies, and said now he could use it as an excuse to see me more often.

Disarray [H.S.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora