The Colour Purple (slow)

By sugakookisses

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There are many shades of the colour purple. All beautiful in their own unique way. Violet, Orchid, Lavender... More

Characters and Character Descriptions
Im So Sorry


92 7 0
By sugakookisses

The looks Namjoon and I are getting in this store are comical. I don't know whether they're looking because of our differences in attire or that I'm pulling him by his hoodie.

Maybe the latter but we are dressed very differently.

I'm wearing a silky Fendi puffer jacket, black skinny jeans and Versace slides while Namjoon is wearing an old blue sweater, ripped jeans and converse. I will change that though.

I had suggested that we go to one of my usual shopping places because they are more private but Namjoon insisted on going to this mall.

The stores here are too plain for my liking and the clothes are way too cheap. Cheap means low quality in my books and Namjoon does not deserve that.

I let him drag me here because I didn't want to seem controlling or to force him into an uncomfortable situation.

We're at a store called Woolworths now which is at least a bit more expensive than the ones he wanted to shop at.

I told him to pick whatever he wanted but he hasn't picked anything at all. My hands, however, are full of everything that he touched and dropped after looking at the price tag.

There's no way we're leaving this store without any clothes for him and I don't care if he doesn't want me spending money on him.

He keeps shyly glancing at the growing pile on my arms but doesn't say anything. I don't think he notices that I keep taking the clothes he touches either.

"Don't you want to see the shoe section?" I ask him innocently, he doesn't need to know that I want him to pick from that section too.

I don't mean to be rude but the shoes he's wearing right now are way too old and seem to be doing more harm on his feet than good. They're not protecting him from the cold either.

"Uh, yeah sure." He mumbles shyly and heads to the direction where the shoe section is. Picking some up, looking at the price and hurriedly putting them down again.

I pick every pair up, in his size because we seem to be wearing the same shoe size so it's easier.

After all of that is paid for, I hand him some of the bags and he looks at them confused. A cute frown on his face.

He looks from the bags to me before realization settles in his eyes, "No. No no, you did not have to do that." He says, shaking his head vigorously while thrusting the bags into my hands.

I ignore them and his protests and head out to the car knowing he's following right behind me.

"Tae," he whines quietly, still trying to get me to take the clothes back, "please take them back. Please."

I glance back at him before looking forward again, "I can't do that Joon. You're shaking right now and that means you're cold." I tell him, noting how his entire frame is shaking as we head to the parking lot.

He keeps quiet after that, following me to the car.

I press the unlock button and put the bags I still have in my hands, in the backseat before turning to him. "Okay, I think you should change in here and then we'll go get something to eat."

We left school during lunch and I know he didn't get to eat anything before the jocks started terrorizing him.

When he starts to protest again, I raise my palm and give him a look that makes him shut up and comply.

When he finally comes out of the car, I appreciatively look at him from head to toe. The clothes he's wearing now show off his great physique and I am having a hard time not checking him out.

Namjoon has changed into a new navy hoodie, navy sweats and a pair of trainers, already looking warmer. He's also wearinga beanie, gloves and new socks on his feet.

He looks good if I do say so myself. I wonder how he would look in more formal clothes because his body was made for them.

I open my trunk and take out the Nike jacket in there and hand it to him, giving him a look when he tries to protest, making him sigh and take the jacket.

"You can keep it. What do you want to eat?" I ask him as I pull him by the hand back to the malls entrance.

He doesn't say anything for a while and when I look back at him, he's looking down at our joined hands with a blush, causing my own cheeks to heat up when I realized I pulled his hand like it's the most natural thing in the world.

I really wish it was skin to skin though.

I clear my throat to get his attention when we get to the food court, making his eyes snap up to meet mine. His blush deepens.

"Uhm, I'll eat anything." He says shyly and I shake my head no, making him sigh before he looks around at all the choices, his stomach growling loudly makes me chuckle.

He blushes in embarrassment before he points at a place that sells tacos, "I've never had those before." He says before he pulls me there.

Wow okay, the roles are reversed I guess.

I follow behind him, a giddy feeling in my body that has been there ever since we skipped school. Well, I made him skip but that's besides the point.

When we get to the taco place, Namjoon makes me order for both of us and I order some tacos and drinks to eat here and an extra serving as takeaway.

We find a table to eat at and chat while we wait for our food.

He's very talkative now and I chalk that up as him being comfortable with me. I listen intently as he tells me about how he would like to collect Pokémon cards but he can't afford them yet.

I'll change that.

He tells me about his favorite music and favorite books. Even after our food arrives, he still talks animatedly about his favorite rappers and singers.

It's endearing how much he can talk when I usually see him being quiet and having his nose buried in a book.

He's also very funny and we laugh throughout our meal, enjoying our time together.

We should hangout more often.
Ugh I enjoyed writing this vmon interaction so much 😂❤ probably too much because now I want to read a book where it's just them.

Leave recommendations for me here y'all.

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