Manipulated Minds (BNHAxMaler...

By mehismehz

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Y/n was locked away in his home from a young age. Having slowly grown up, he witnessed his mother killed befo... More

Chapter 1: Y/n's life
Chapter 2: First Mission|1|
Chapter 3: The Aftermath|2|
Chapter 4: The question
Chapter 5: All for one|Symbol Of Peace
Chapter 6: King
Chapter 7: Black memories |1| (Side story)
Chapter 2: Mission Blood-2

Chapter 1|2|: Mission-Blood

123 2 0
By mehismehz

Y/N HAD BEEN called in by the league of villains. He was given an address and was quick to make his way there. When he did, he found himself in front of some sort of warehouse.

'Now, where would be the entrance...' He thought himself as he walked around the building. He finally spotted a door and pushed it open.

There the league was. Some sitting on boxes, others simply leaning on a wall. Either way, they all watched the door open and listened to the sound of footsteps slowly make their way toward them.

"Y/n! How've you been?"

"Well, since schools started again. Shitty." He yawned before going to sit next to Toga.

"Not to mention now I have to deal with everyone asking me questions about where you are. It's a good thing you left and blocked me. Although the police did try to talk to me a few times."  Y/n said looking at Toga.

"How did it go?"

"Not too bad. I just pretended like I was really upset about finding out my best friend was a villain." Y/n shrugged. "But that's not why I'm here, isn't it?"

Shigaraki had been staring at the ground for a few minutes now before he finally looked up. His eyes met with Y/n's.

"We have another mission. But this time, it'll only be you and Toga."

"Why's that?" Y/n asked tilting his head.

"Simple. You and her will be working together to get Izuku Midoriya's blood. Her quirk allows her to change into any other person, but we need you to go and support her. That's why you will be registering as a transfer student to Shiketsu."




"So I have to talk to new people?" Shigaraki nodded. "Fuck that."

"Y/n, this isn't something you can just tell to piss off. We've lost our bar, master, and most of our Nomu's. It's either this, or we wait to hatch another plan. We need to strike now, otherwise there won't be a next time."

Y/n thought for a moment. "Does that mean I get to see Suki again?"

"Yes, I think."

"Ok! It's a deal!"

"Was it really that easy to get you to go?" Dabi narrowed his eyes on the boy. "Yeah. What can I say, I can be very picky."


"Everyone, today we have a student working with us. He was requested by another school to join us for the provisional license." A teacher said as Y/n walked in.

"Hello." He simply said. "My name is Y/n Yumeko. Eyes around the room were all fixed on him as he stared back. "What's your quirk?"

"My quirk is Frost. I can make ice or manipulate it into any shape or form I'd like. I can also control cool air leaving my body if I was to focus hard enough. Or I could just do this."

The boy made a circle with his hands and blew into it as cool air flew through. "Do you have a hero costume?"

"The designers managed to get mine done pretty fast. I can say I'm very proud of the way it turned out." Y/n responded.
'Even if I know I wear it all that much.'

"Okay, seen as you are new and will be working with us, I say it's time to see what you can do. You'll be fighting Inasa Yoarashi."

"Yes!" A boy in the back with short black hair had said as he jumped out his seat. "I'm looking forward to fighting you, Yumeko!"

Y/n cringed slightly at how loud he was being.


Y/n was seen to walk into a large gymnasium, feeling people's eyes bore into the side of his head. Since he was new, he would have to get used to it until he went back to his original school.

'What do you mean you want to go to the provisional license?!'

'After what happened with All Might and All For One, I've realised how important he was to society. People don't have anyone to lean on now that he's gone. That's why I wanna get that license and maybe become a hero of my own.'

The principal seemed surprised by this. 'What is with this change of heart?'

'I literally just said what it is. But if you really want to know, I grew up in a harsh environment where heroes weren't really there for me. I had to look after my self after my dad had gone missing and my mother was killed. Even after my dad was found, he wasn't always there, giving me money to support myself and calling every now and then. That's why I want to be a hero, so people don't have to go through what I did.'

It was silent on the principal's side for a moment before he cleared his throat and made eye contact with Y/n. 'Okay, I will see if I can get you enrolled for the license. If not, then maybe I can advise you to change schools?'

'Thank you so much sir.'

Y/n tsked. 'That guy was so gullible it made me want to burst out laughing.'

Inasa's Hero costume consisted of a thick burgundy suit pinned together with yellow buttons. A cape is draped over his shoulders, the collar lined with thick fur, and it almost conceals the jetpack-like propulsion system attached to his back. His left arm is completely concealed by the thick, brown material and his hand sports a large tan glove with air pipes on it, whereas his right arm is completely exposed other than the skintight blue sleeve that appears to be apart of his undersuit. Similarly to his left hand, are several tubes around his torso and ankles. Plates resembling gas masks pad his knees and left shoulder, and he completes his costume with large brown shoes and a pair of goggles around his head.

Y/n walked up to him activating his white mask. Y/n had a completely different suit on. It consisted of a blue coat with fur on the inside and three bandaged Xs going down both the arms. It seemed to look like it had snow on it with rabbit ears on the hood. He wore the Shiketsu uniform underneath his jacket with white gloves over his hands and black combat pants and boots, his boots were sported with sharp spikes on the bottom to make it easier to stand on ice. He could also disable them if he was going to skate or slide instead.

"Let the battle commence, in three—" Inasa's smile grew larger.

"Two—" Y/n narrowed his eyes on the boy. He still didn't know his quirk.

"One—" Y/n began to crouch down. Which meant he would need to watch what he could do first.

"Go!" He then lunged forward with ice below him, making him skate toward his opponent.

Said opponent had launched himself off the floor with wind. Y/n now had a basic idea of what his quirk was, but didn't know what or how he used it.

Inasa created a gust of wind that was sent to Y/n. The boy simply made cold air leave his own body, making the people watching shiver. He then leapt forward and went to kick Inasa but he jumped back and blew Y/n back.

While Y/n tried to catch himself, he felt himself getting dragged off into the air a sudden tornado had picked him up and threw him away like a rag doll.

"This was the kid that was recommended? I was expecting a bit more..." A boy who had one eye covered muttered but was quick to shut up when Y/n was seen on a large pillar of ice.

"I see no reason on holding back on you,Yoarashi." The boy said as he leapt down. Making it to the bottom of the pillar, he let another pillar fling him toward Inasa.

Inasa tried to dodge but Y/n coated his body in a large body of ice which had knocked the boy back. As he got up he was met by Y/n's face. He side stepped and watched Y/n stomp his foot on the ground, a large Glacier of ice formed on the ground, almost piercing the ceiling.

Everyone seemed to widen their eyes at the pure size of the attack. When they looked back at Y/n, he still kept those tired and lazy eyes on Inasa. Almost like he was bored.

He brought out his fists and covered him in ice before punching Inasa in the stomach and again in the face. Inasa was sent flying as Y/n followed up the attack with sharp ice spikes on the ground following after him. Inasa created a gust of Air to push him higher into the air to avoid falling into them, but the spikes broke off the ground and turned into small floating shards.

"You can run all you want, Yoarashi, but we all know you can't be up there for so long." The boy said putting a hand into his coat pocket and using his other to make strange gestures. Every movement his hand made, the shards of ice followed, before they slowly made a large hammer of ice which went to slam Inasa into the floor.

The boy was quick to react and blew himself away from his original position. This would continue another five times before the hammer finally hit Inasa. The boy created a pillow of wind to catch himself, but when he did, he found himself trapped in a large pillar of ice with only his head out.

"Sorry, you gave me the opening and I took it." Y/n smirked. "Y/n Yumeko, wins!"

Everyone was surprised. All muttering amongst theirselves as Y/n broke the ice and helped Inasa out.

"I don't understand, what's your drawback?"

"Using too much can lead to my body slowly freezing over and giving me hypothermia." Y/n said as he helped Inasa up.

"Yumeko," a student that looked only to be hair called. "Do you have an ultimate move?"
The boy nodded as he walked far off into the gym. He closed his eyes before muttering— "Sub Zero."

Suddenly, an immense shockwave of cold air took over the whole room and towers of ice rose from the ground. The floor beneath him freezing over, turning everything around him into ice that was close enough. The room dropped in temperature significantly.

"That kid's insane!" Someone yelled as they watched the ice break and disappear. Although looking at him he had parts of his body frozen over. "I'll have to wait for this to melt..."


How did Y/n end up in this situation? It was now the day of the provisional license and he had found himself face to face with the one and only U.A. For a second time.

"Plus..." A red head began.

"Ultra!" Inasa joined. Y/n cringed from second hand embarrassment as eyes turned to their school. "Oh for effs sake..."

"You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa." The purple haired male reprimanded. "Oh, no!"

"I am...very... extremely...sorry!" The boy yelled as he put his arms to his sides and bowed so low his head hit the floor. "What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm?!" A blonde with a black streak going through his hair asked.

"Wait, that uniform...!" A girl with purple hair spoke out in realisation. "It's from that famous school in western Japan..."

"U.A. In the east, Shiketsu in the west..." Bakugo muttered. Y/n's eyes widened as he pulled up his mask to make sure he wouldn't be recognised.

"I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A. High School!" Inasa continued. "I am extremely honoured to be able to compete against U.A students! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Inasa, don't you think you should calm down..." Y/n said quietly as he turned his head the other way to look at the other schools.

"Oh, blood." The girl with blonde hair pointed out as she looked at Inasa's head.

"Let's go." The same purple haired male from before said as he made his way in the building. "Blood? I'm fine, I like blood!" Inasa continued.

"You sure you don't want to get it checked out? That looked painful..." Y/n whispered. As much as he hated having to act like he didn't like talking all that much, he had to. To keep up the act.

"I'll be fine! Now let's go!" Y/n gave him back his hat and he plopped it back on his head as they made their way into the yellow and red building.


Teenagers. What was there to like about teenagers? Nothing. So you can imagine what it was like being stuck in a crowded room with a bunch of them in weird as costumes. Y/n was literally being pushed up against a girl's chest and would keep trying move away but would keep getting pushed back into her. 'I HATE THIS PLACE ALREADY!'

Suddenly a blonde with tired and sunken eyes stood up from the front of the room. "Well then, let's do that provisional license thing..." He muttered as he slowly stumbled.

"I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commission." He began, "The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep...nice to meet you..."

"If he doesn't want to be here, why should we?" Y/n whispered to the same blonde girl from before. "Tell me about it..."

Y/n had already been told she was Toga. All they had to do was take Midoriya's blood and it would be smooth sailing from there. It didn't matter if they passed or not.

The man looked like he was about to fall asleep himself as his head wouldn't stop sinking lower and lower into his shoulders as his body tipped over. "I've been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep..." Toga and Y/n looked at each other and had to stifle a laugh from the way the man was talking.

"We're too short-staffed! I'm so sleepy!" He said as he began to rock himself back and forth. "With that conviction, I will give you the Orientation."

"About the content of the provisional license thing..." He started again, in that same exhausted voice, "Frankly all 1,540–"

'There's that many people here?!'

"—-examiners here will have to win through a free for all excercise! Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes, and ever since Stain was arrested, many have shown doubts about the current state of heroes."

"Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is...It's the ruthless story of these modern times...But anyway, whether it's for compensation or for loyalty and courage...the result of may heroes working hard together to help people and  defeat villains is that right now, the time from when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short that it's make you sick. You are all about to receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with that speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed!"

Y/n smirked as large letters and the number 100 appeared on the projector behind the man. Number to pass 1st Test 100 people.

Y/n's eyes widened. There was 1540 participants. It was only the first test, yet only 100 people would be let in?

"The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass." Everyone began to mutter amongst themselves. "Looks like this is going to be harder than I thought..." Y/n muttered under his breath.

"What should we do then?" Toga asked as she looked at Y/n. "Let's see what the rules are first before we think of anything."

"Well, a lot's happened out there in the world, and you know about luck and everything...So anyway, here are the requirements:

The examiner will put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area. You can't put them on the soles of your feet or in your armpits. You will also have six of these balls. The targets are made to only light up if they're hit by these balls, and if all three of your targets light up, then you're out." Y/n watched the man put the red ball against the target and watched the target turn red.

"The person who lights up your third target will have it count as their defeat. You get through this round by defeating two people. That's it for the rules."

"Let's split up. You go find midoriya and see if you can get what we need. If he manages to escape, don't chase after him. Focus on trying to get into the next round. I'll try to find him and contact you if I do. But that'll be after I defeat my first person. Got it?"

She nodded before they both high fived. Suddenly men in suits picked up boxes. "After we open, we'll pass out the targets and balls, and then we'll start one minute after we've gotten to everyone."

"What does he mean by open?" Toga asked as the roof of the building began to open. "Oh."

"Ow! My eyes!" Y/n screeched as the light from the sun poured into the room.

The whole building began to open like some sort of box. When it was opened every was seen to be in some sort of waste land. But once it was completely down, you could see buildings. It was like a toy city. Cities on one side, a bridge on the other. A factory, a mountain side and a large waterfall with a forest.

"I'm going straight to that waterfall!" Y/n squealed once he saw it. "It's so aesthetically pleasing!"

"I believe you all have terrain that you like and dislike. Use your Quirks well and do your best." Y/n continued to look around.

'Okay, but in all seriousness where should I go? The city I could get jumped at any angle. The bridge I have more space and can see where enemies are, the factory is the same as the city and the waterfall is in a forest. I'll just go for the mountain side. I'll be able to get a vantage point from up high and will be able to see people coming in or out. I'll be able to jump them pretty easily too.'

"Anyway, we arranged for the terrain to be announced like that...But yeah, Unnecessary. It's because of this that my sleep was...I hope the developments are speedy so that I can rest as soon as possible..."

Everyone ran into the battle field together. Y/n was with Inasa's group. Y/n had a target on his shoulder and on his chest. The last rested on his left thigh.

"I'll be going on my own now."

"What do you mean?" The hairy man asked. "My quirk isn't exactly suited for team battles. It would be easier for me if it was only me. I'm sorry. Stay safe!" He said before launching himself away.

"First test, start!"

Immediately Y/n had noticed U.A going to the mountain range too. Unfortunately for them, the examinees began to jump them immediately.

"I saw it on TV! The super power that also destroys yourself!" A boy with black hair said holding a ball. He spoke to Midoriya. Y/n's eyes widened. He put a finger on an ear piece.

"Midoriya's at the mountain range!"

"Well, if a nail sticks out, then you've gotta hammer it down!" He yelled as him and a few other students threw the balls at U.A. Two students, A boy with red hair and brown eyes with wolf ears and tail. Howled. All the balls were sent somewhere else.

The light blue haired student had strange wings coming out of his backpack on his costume as he flew upward and shot at people.

The red head had a white beanie on with a black choker. He had a black shirt with white sleeves and green camouflage pants with black boots. The light blue haired male wore glasses and a dress up shirt with brown pants and a tool belt. He had a backpack with blue mechanic wings that were shaped like diamonds coming out of it and was holding two black and blue guns.

"Midoriya, you go ahead!" The red head shouted to Midoriya. "Thank you Ray!"

More balls were sent flying down as Midoriya jumped up and was covered in green electricity. He kicked a ball back and a large shockwave of wind blew the rest away.

As more were sent down at U.A the boy Y/n knew as Tokoyami from the camp now had Dark Shadow on his head and sent an arm up to grab all the red balls in the air. A girl had managed to make herself float over all the balls while another made tape come out of his elbows and knocked some back.

A pink girl was seen to shoot acid out of her hands to get rid of the balls flying her way with three girls hid behind three large shields.

A Boy wearing what looked to be armour was seen running past all of the balls, and a small boy with purple balls on his head for hair had made a whip out of them and used it to knock them away.

"Everyone, let's keep going like this!" Midoriya yelled over his shoulder. "Yeah!" The class responded.

"So that's how it is..." Y/n muttered to himself. "So be it."

A/n: To those of you who weren't here for my original version of this book which was 'Another Quirkless Wannabe' I had added four OCs. Ray, Kit, Rin and Daragon.

Ray's quirk is Werewolf, as you saw. He's a red head and is nice but tends to give attitude to Bakugo every now and then. He can be rude if you say something he doesn't like and/or you're rude to his friends. He's around the same height as Deku maybe slightly shorter.

Kit is the son of the detective Tsukauchi. His quirk allows him to tell what someone's quirk is. He's intelligent and does extra classes. Most on the hero side and the other on support. He has teal/light blue hair and eyes. He's a head smaller than Deku. He's made a few gadgets of his own, as you can see from his backpack and weapons, but he can also remodel Machines. He also has a crush on Tenya Iida.

Rin in the original book used to bully and date Y/n before they made up in U.A. They became good friends. Rin has Snow White hair and purple eyes. His original quirk was gravity manipulation but his new quirk will be Gravity bubble. He can make different bubbles which have different gravity levels. So one, you can barely be able to walk, the other you can float around. He's as tall as Bakugo and just as prideful. Although, unlike Bakugo, he's learned to change. He came from the same middle school as Bakugo and Deku and used to bully Deku. But now they're friends who get along. He's close friends with Ray and Kit and can be very over protective of the two if something was to happen. Almost like a big brother.

Finally, Daragon. Daragon is the number 15 hero. Her quirk being Elementalist. She can make a clock, each number holding different elements or weapons she can use to her advantage. She's good friends with Midnight and is a well known hero. She's kind but can be very serious rather quickly. She has black hair and eyes which change on the element she uses. (Yes I made her a female)

Damn it's only now I realised how long I made this 🥲

But anyway, Heiwa and Konton aren't going to be a part of this story. They were spirits that used to help Y/n but I found them a little too overpowered so decided to get rid of them. Although I would like to bring them back except a little less OP. Anyway, good bye and have a lovely day or night 🥰

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