My Guardian Angel

Von Mickey1707

678 29 3

Michelle was living a normal life. She went to school and was doing really well. Then she is forced to work w... Mehr

Definitely Not Human
Safe House
Secrets, Secrets are all fun, until they're shared with everyone
Real Answers

My Guardian Angel

221 4 0
Von Mickey1707

"Class we have a new student today" The voice of Mrs. Carlton rang through the room. She walked over and opened the door and in walked a boy. I looked up from the book I was reading just long enough to see they boy with black hair and brown eyes standing at the front of the room.

"Everyone this is Sam" The class mumbled an unwelcoming hello. "I will be pairing you up for a project that you will all be doing for the rest of this week. Some of the work will be done here at school the rest you will have to meet up outside of school with your partner to finish." She stopped talking and walked to her desk and pulled out a sheet of paper. She began to read off names.

"Ariel and Noah, Jake and Cameron, Alyssa and Max..." I started to tune her out trying to focus on my book, until I heard what I dreaded most. "Michelle and Zander" What!?!? Zander!?! No!! He is the last person I would ever want to be stuck with. He is a total bad boy, not like the really hot ones from the movies that turn good because they fall in love. He is a total jerk, captain of the football team, Mr. Popular, and let's not forget the biggest man-whore in school. "And Sam since you're new I'm going to pair you up with Haley so she can explain what's we've been doing."

"Well hello there" Said a deep voice from above me. I looked up and saw Zander's bright blue eyes staring down at me.

"Hi" I said. He sat on the table and slid right in front of me. I looked right into his eyes, it sent chills down my spine. There was something weird about him, I could feel it.

"Okay class what you are going to do is make a list of all of the parts of a cell and the function which you will do here in school and then you will make some kind of a representation of a cell. It can be either a plant or animal cell but you must choose one and be specific as to which one it is this part will be completed outside of school." Mrs. Carlton said.

"Can you please get off the table so that I could get my books?" I asked looking up at Zander. He slid back over and hopped down. He pulled over a chair and sat down a little to close for comfort. I reached across the table and pulled my science book toward me. I opened it to the page that we needed and looked over at Zander.

"I hope you don't expect me to do all the work myself, because that's not how it works with me. You WILL help me do this project and if you don't I will ask Mrs. Carlton if I can work alone." He rolled his eyes but grabbed his book. We were the first to finish the in school part of the project. When the bell rang at the end of class each group broke up and left the room. I was gathering up my stuff. I could feel someone watching me, I looked up and Zander was standing at the door watching me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not meeting you anytime soon to finish this project, we'll finish it over the weekend" He said and stood there waiting for approval from me.

"That's fine with me, the less I see of you the better" He glared as he turned and walked out the door. I sighed, grabbed my bag, and walked out too. I put my books in my locker and walked to the cafeteria where to my surprise I saw Zander and Sam talking. It was a surprise because Zander hated new kids and never talked to the newbies because they were "uncool". I sat at the table with my friends.

"What's up?" Lexi asked.

"I got paired up with Zander to do a project in Bio"

"That sucks"

"Mmhmm" I took my lunch out of my bag. I only ate half, and barely joined in the conversations of my friends. I was trying to figure out what was different about Zander. His eyes were so cold and dark, there was something almost inhuman about him. It's weird, I feel the same way about Sam though, but instead of being cold and dark his eyes were warm and inviting but there was also that inhuman trait. Something weird is going on and I am going to figure out what it is if it's the last thing I do.
