Taking A Risk

By TermiaBelle

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"Gen, I'm going to be real with you, Do I want to have sex with you? Fuck yes. You're drop-dead gorgeous and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 5

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By TermiaBelle


I hardly slept last night, I was up until three in the morning my mind consumed with thoughts of one person and one person only Genesis. I'm kicking myself for just sitting there like a fucking mute and allowing her to walk out that door last night. But what was the alternative follow her and do what?

Sure Gen is different she's the only girl that intrigued me beyond a quick fuck in years. But I'm not looking for a relationship and Gen's the type of girl you settle down for.

She was stunningly beautiful, smart, funny, and sexy as hell and she stirred up feelings in me that I haven't felt in a while, if ever. And that alone was reason enough to stay away from her. So when she rushed out my door last night I let her because it was better that way.

I'd put my trust in a girl before that I thought was different and she broke me I can't go through that shit again.

After she left I thought about going downstairs getting drunk and finding some girl to bring back to my room, and fuck the thought of Gen right out of my head.

But I didn't, instead, I stayed in my room all night thinking about her. How easy it was to talk to her, how we just clicked, the look she gave me right before I leaned down to kiss her. What might have happened if Nate didn't interrupt us.

Frustrated and sleep-deprived I descended the stairs the next morning, Entering the living room my eyes surveyed the space. Red solo cups, bottles, and cans were littered across every surface. Fuck the place was a mess.

I might as well start cleaning, after all, they did throw this party to celebrate my birthday last night. And I spent most of the night in my room.

Grabbing some garbage bags from the equally messy kitchen I returned to the living room and began to clean up the mess. The entire house was quiet the guys were probably still asleep or in their rooms nursing brutal hangovers.

Ten minutes later, I heard heavy footsteps descending the stairs. Nate entered the living room a few seconds later looking like someone told him his dick no longer worked.

"Good, someone's finally up," I said tossing him an empty garbage bag. "You can help me clean up this mess."

He grunted out something which I believe was supposed to be good morning before grabbing the bag from my hand.

"What's up with you?" I asked him as I continued throwing trash into the bag.

"Mia and I had a fight," he replied throwing cups into the bag he was holding.

Like that's new, Nate and Mia have fights all the time for two people you are not a couple they sure act like one. Well I know Nate wants to be in a relationship with her but it's Mia who's holding out.

Nate's a relationship type of guy always has been he was never one to fuck around but Mia doesn't want to commit to a real relationship and Nate likes her a lot so he just goes with it.

But I don't voice my opinion because the last time I did, he said to stay out of it. So kept my mouth shut because that shit was not my business.

The mention of Mia has my thoughts flicking back to Gen. Fuck I need help.

We cleaned in silence for a few minutes, but I could feel Nate's eyes on me now and again. I knew what he wants to talk about. Finally, he said. "So Gen, huh, she not exactly your type."

I looked up at him confused. "What do you mean by that, Gen's stunning," I told him and it was the truth. Gen is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met.

"Yeah, Gen's fine as hell, but come on you have a very specific type. Tall, busty and blonde," he said lifting a brow at me. "And I've known you for a long time and I've never seen you with a black girl, well biracial in Gen's case."

Nate's assessment was right Gen's not my usual type and I have a thing for blondes. But what he left out was that I don't hook up with any redheads. I had a strict rule, no fucking any redheads. I stared clear of them ever since Brielle.

"So, you like her, or do you just want to fuck her?" Nate asked capturing my attention, I averted my gaze to him as he continued talking. "Because if you just want a quick fuck, you can get that from anyone. Gen's a nice person and Mia's best friend she doesn't deserve to become one of your castoffs."

I should be offended by his comment but I am not, I do have a reputation and it was well deserved so I can't fault Nate for what he said.

"Sure I like her and what's with the sudden change, last night you were smiling and winking when you found us in my room," I stop my task looking over at him. "And now you're basically telling me to stay away from her."

"I was high as fuck, you know not to take me seriously when I'm high," he explained as he paused his movements giving me his full attention. "So what are you going to do about it?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said shrugging my shoulders.

He looked at me like I'm stupid. "Nothing," he said repeated. "Why the hell not? Brooks if this is about Brielle fuck her, it's been three years you can't......"

"Just drop it," I said defensively cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. I'm not hung up on my ex not after what she did and that's the truth. I've long since realized that Brielle was not the girl I thought she was I don't know if she ever was or she just change over time and I was blind to it.

"Alright," he said raising his hands. "I'll drop it."

Last night was the first time in a long time since just had a conversation girl and sure I like her Gen but I'm not sure what I want with her I barely even know her but last night it felt like I'd known her for a long time.

Gen continued to be the center of my thoughts the entire day. So when I found her inhaler laying on the floor at the foot of my bed later that night. It was the perfect excuse to see her and instead of staying away as I told myself I would. I found myself hopping into my car and driving to Gen's house which was a short drive away from my house.

I'm not some kind of crazy stalker I only knew where Gen lived because I drooped Nate off at their house after practice one day.

Pulling up in front of Gen and Mia's single-story home near campus.

Climbing out of my car I walked up to her driveway and onto her front porch. Lifting my fist I knocked on the twice before stepping back.

Fuck, what I'm doing, I should leave just as I was about to turn around the front door opened.

And there she stood the girl that had my insides tied up in knots ever since she entered my room last night. She was standing in the doorway wearing a Hainsworth Unversity sweatshirt and biker shorts her hair was different tonight she was sporting long box braids that fell to her waist.

"Brooks," she said softly her neatly shaped eyebrows pulling down in confusion as she shifted on her feet nervously.

I like the prospect of me making her nervous because that would mean that I'm not alone in this and she is as affected by me as I'm by her.

My eyes meet hers as she looked at me expectantly from her position in the doorway.

Shit, I guess it's too late to turn back now.

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