Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Retur...

By HotNovaDragon

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500 years after the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Rex and his team have been labeled as heroes after thei... More

Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2: Welcome to Mor Ardain
Chapter 3: The Awakening
Chapter 4: Debriefing
Chapter 5: Bonds and Upgrades
Chapter 6: Enter Tantal
Chapter 8: A New Nopon Friend
Chapter 9: History and Planning
Chapter 11: True Motivations
Chapter 12: A Night in Argentum
Chapter 13: New Torna

Chapter 7: Strengths and Weaknesses

62 1 0
By HotNovaDragon

Amara then walked into the room some more and that's when I realized that...She was pretty clumsy. She tripped and fell on the ground in front of everybody. She then seemed to jump back up on her feet and continued with her strut into the room. That's when I got a good look at KOS-MOS and saw that she and T-elos seem to be similar in multiple ways.

"I have reminded you that you need to be careful master," KOS-MOS told Amara as they walked closer to us. Amara reacted with a sigh saying that she knew.

"It's not my fault! I told you I have bad luck! Anyway, I'm guessing you're her driver?" I didn't realize Amara was talking to me for a second as I sort of spaced out looking at KOS-MOS.

"Yes, I am! I'm Nick, a mercenary for the Vandham Guild!" She let out a laugh in response. I wasn't entirely sure what was going on at the moment.

"I kinda expected the Driver of the destruction blade to be more fierce. However, I'm glad it's someone who seems rather docile." She said as she put her arm around my shoulder.

"For someone my age you speak very maturely for your age," I replied.

"Master is much more childlike once you spend more time with her," KOS-MOS interjected. Amara to T-elos with what seemed like an embarrassed face. "Furthermore, it's been a while T-elos." As soon as KOS-MOS turned her attention to T-elos, I could feel T-elos get slightly tense.

"I just met you but something tells me we've met before and I suddenly feel annoyed." T-elos abruptly states, which shocks everyone. I didn't expect her to try and start a fight! That's Zenobia's thing! However, KOS-MOS kept her composure when speaking.

"I sometimes believe that you will never change T-elos." T-elos wanted to say something back but I stop her by interjecting into the conversation.

"So Amara, what do you mean when you called T-elos the Destruction Blade?" She then replied that she would show us later. The king then told us that we were free to go on with the rest of our night, and we could come to him if we need any help with our investigation of Mythra's whereabouts. Praxis and Theory were the ones to escort us back to our rooms. However, as I was about to walk in, Theory told me to come back to the castle for blade training tomorrow evening.

"Perun wants to make sure you can handle her power," Praxis said motioning towards T-elos. T-elos then smiles and steps up.

"Heh, so even the royal guard admires my strength, hmph as to be expected." She says that but I think they are more fearful of her strength not being controlled. However, I don't want to control her. Our hotel rooms were split between males and females this time to save money on rooms. This is when I realized that there were only two guys in our group.

"How're you holding up kid?" Cadman says as he sits down at the table with a drink in hand.

"I'm pretty good actually, although everything I'm hearing about T-elos today kind of scares me."

"About her being dubbed 'The Destruction Blade'?" I confirm his question and explain that everybody seems to know T-elos more than me, her actual driver. "Yea that tends to happen when a Blade like her has been around for a while. I've even heard about her and her abilities."

"T-elos isn't like that, sure she can be a bit cold and a bit ruthless while fighting, but I could never see her doing things to warrant a name like that."

"That's probably because you haven't unleashed her full potential yet, but the same goes for you as well. The power between Blade and Driver is much more than just the Blade. Sure they can be powerful on their own, but without being in sync with their driver, they can never be as strong as they can be."

"But we already seem to know how to fight. Well, she knows how to handle herself much more than me." Cadman lets out a chuckle then takes a sip of his drink.

"It's much more than just fighting potential, it's trust and forming an unbreakable bond that brings the best out of any duo. That's how Herald and I were able to be in the Imperial Guard as generals for as long as we have. We were strong together, we learned how to work together without her power going out of control. You and T-elos need to work together if you both want to get stronger."

"You're right, thanks, Cadman." That speech just encouraged me to work hard to help find Mythra. If T-elos and I can get stronger, I won't have to be more of a burden to the others. I get into bed and decided to take a shower before going to sleep and rethink what happened today.

*3rd Person POV*

"So T-elos what do think of Tantal?" Raye asked while sitting in her bed while Zenobia was doing pushups on the ground.

"Tantal is a rather astonishing pace, the architecture is unique compared to Mor Ardain."

"More importantly, the way you fight is also astonishing! I can tell you have a lot of power." Zenobia says as she sprouts from the floor.

"Thank you, my strength is nothing to scoff at," T-elos responded confidently. Zenobia began to get excited at the fact that T-elos is confident in her strength, but Raye's face changed to be a bit more serious.

"How's Nick doing?" Raye asked T-elos. T-elos looked a bit surprised but regained her composure and answered her.

"He seems fine, the injuries he had seemed to fully disappear. Which is surprising for a person who had debris fall on him. I suppose the healing power of blades is amazing as well."

"That's great but that's not really what I meant. Nick tends to doubt himself a lot. That's one of the main reasons our mom made him become a mercenary like me. It was mainly to raise his morale. Now that he has been thrust into this whole situation with us, I've been noticing him alone at times staring into space. I'm sure you noticed it as well." Raye explained as her usual cheery tone was replaced with a sincere tone.

"I have, but I didn't think anything of it at the time," Raye let out a sigh as Zenobia began to float above the bed thinking to herself.

"You're our brother's Blade, so it wouldn't be much to ask that you protect him?" Zenobia asked T-elos. "However, Nick is much stronger than you might think, so you might not need to all the time."

"We are blade and driver, we're supposed to protect each other right?" T-elos asked curiously. Raye and Zenobia smiled and then chuckled to themselves.

"It seems he rubbed off on you. He always wanted a blade ever since he was a kid, so he always imagined what his life would be like with one."Raye exclaimed.

"Blades have been known to inherit some traits from their Driver," Herald interjected. "Perhaps you gained his kindness." T-elos then gained a slight blush on her face.

"Nonsense, there's no way." T-elos retorted. Everybody else shared a laugh at the situation. While T-elos tried to remain calm.

"It would explain why Nick defended you earlier when KOS-MOS and Amara were talking about your past lives. He sees the kindness in you T-elos."

"Still, it would be nice to know what I possibly did in the past," T-elos responded.

"I've heard that the librarian keeps a record of important events in Tantal's history, maybe you're mentioned in there somewhere. Why don't you go with Nick tomorrow and check it out while we go and see if there's any information about our gear." Herald replied in a motherly sort of tone.

"Very well," T-elos said in her usual matter while she began to think to herself. She had a feeling that tomorrow was going to be a big day for multiple reasons.

*Nick POV*

I woke up to see that I was the only one in the room again. I have to try and wake up earlier, this is getting ridiculous! I get out of bed and get ready to head out when I see the door burst open to see Zenobia flying through.

"Nick! I'm glad you're awake. I was planning a sneak attack if you're weren't!"

"I'd expect nothing less of you sis." I sigh and then chuckle to myself. "Where is everyone else?" I ask her.

"Well Raye is with Cadman and Herald in the dining area eating breakfast, but T-elos is out taking a walk. Remember you two have training with Perun today."

"Oh right, wait how did you know that?"

"I'm not only good at fighting you know? I also have a good ear! Now go ahead and eat up, you need the energy.!" She's right, even though I had a full night's sleep, I still felt like I was drained. We both walk into the dining room and sit down to eat with the others, except T-elos wasn't there. I decide to finish my meal before heading into the city to go look for her.

"Now time to use our little sixth sense." I slow my breathing to try and focus on the sense that myself and T-elos share. I follow this "feeling" all around town until I finally see her near the city limits looking over into the vast lands below. "You know Tantal used to be a snowy place year-round because of their titan's lack of ether." Without turning around, she replied in an unusually quiet tone.

"I didn't think you would find me out here." As soon as I heard that, I instantly got concerned.

"Of course, I would, we're connected remember? I'll always be able to find you, that's what a driver is supposed to do right?" This time she turned around and began to speak.

"I want to know more about who I was in the past. I wanted to ask you now beforehand, what will happen if I turn out to be the destructive blade that everyone has me out to be?"

"T-elos, I'll give my word that I will never leave your side, and I won't let you become this weapon of mass destruction they peg you to be, as long as I still have breath in my lungs!" I exclaim with utmost enthusiasm.

"Is that some sort of saying of yours?" She replied in the same tone.

"Hmm nah it's more like...a code. Let's call it a mercenary's code, with that being rule number 1." That grants a smirk from T-elos. "But in all seriousness, if you want to go through with this I'll be here with you, but after we train with Perun. Speaking of which, she's probably waiting for us right now."

"Right, you have to get stronger if you want to stand on my level," There's the T-elos I know.

"Hey! I may be a bit weak but I'll get stronger!"

"What happened to *we'll* get stronger?" T-elos replied.

"Oh right. We'll get stronger. Welp let's head to the palace and find Perun." We then made our way to the palace where we were met by Praxis and Theory standing outside. Theory looked our way first and called out our name. We were then taken to where the royal guard trains to see Perun training a regiment that looked like they could all beat me up. I would be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated.

"Right before we start any true training, I need to see how proficient you are in combat. Let's spar, both of you against me." Perun exclaimed.

"She must be pretty strong if she doesn't need her driver with her," I said to myself. But it seems like T-elos heard me and began to reply.

"Please, I could probably handle her on my own." She says with her arms crossed. "Anyway let's just get this over with." The purple constructs appear around her body as the scythe on my back activates. I sometimes forget that it's there. I pull out the scythe and readied myself as the blue ether line appeared between us again, except I noticed that it was a bit brighter than before.

"Ah I sometimes forget how similar you and KOS-MOS are, T-elos," Perun stated as she readies her weapon, which appears to look like a large lance. T-elos seemed to have ignored that statement as I handed her the scythe to use first. I remember T-elos not seeming to like KOS-MOS very much, so that explains the feeling of agitation I'm getting from her right now. It seems like this match is going to be quite intense. I then hear Theory counting down. 3...2....1...here we go.

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