Chapter 4: Debriefing

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I wake up and stare at the ceiling for a minute and wonder if what happened was a dream. Then I saw the door open out the side of my eye but I was still too tired to notice who walked through.

"Thank god you're alright, mom would have killed me if I came back without you." Oh, so it was Zenobia. She gave me a large hug and let out a sigh. "How are you, Nick?"

"Well I have a small headache but I think I'll be fine. I thought you would be off trying to fight the guards outside" I let out a small chuckle.

"Well I was earlier, but then I remembered to come to check up on you, you've been out for almost a whole day." A whole day? Damn, the injuries must be serious... wait. Where are my injuries?

"Hey did a blade come and heal me?"

"Oh yeah, Ursula came and used her abilities on you, lucky for us that she was around just after you passed out." Oh yeah, I remember Raye telling about how she went on a mission with Ursula before, but trying to remember hurts a bit.

"Where is Raye?"

"She headed to see the Empress to debrief her of what happened. The damages to the surrounding buildings were minimal and few people were seriously hurt, thankfully. Let's get you ready to be discharged from the hospital" Huh so that's where I am. I get ready to leave the hospital with Zenobia so we can meet up with Raye when I get a strange feeling.

"Hey before we meet Raye can we take a detour?"

"Yeah, where to?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself " We continued to follow where this feeling was taking me and it soon led me to her, walking near the food stalls.

"Hey, it's T-elos," Zenobia asked

"Yea it is" I vaguely remembered what she even looked after I passed out, but there she was. Now she's walking over here.

"Hello, Nick," T-elos said as she walked up to me. So what happened last night was true then. I already knew this but this definitely confirmed it. "I'm guessing you felt the same thing I felt recently."

"Oh yeah, a weird feeling that led me to you."

"Hmm, that is rare for a blade and a driver to sense each other." Zenobia states. Well firstly, I need to digest the fact that I'm now a driver. I never thought this would happen. I took a seat at one of the nearby tables and held my head while gathering myself. "You worry too much Nick, but don't worry. Raye and I will teach you the ropes." That was a bit reassuring, but it is still pretty overwhelming.

"I hope we will become a great duo T-elos." Let's try to be enthusiastic now.

"Hmph. Likewise, I suppose." T-elos replied. She sounded rather cold but I can sense a different feeling from her. I can't really tell what it is though. We all begin to walk towards the royal palace. We entered the palace and took an elevator to the top level where we saw Raye with the man from yesterday and the Empress of Mor Ardain.

"Oh Nick, I'm so glad you're okay." Raye ran over and squeezed me extremely tight.

"Nice to see you, Raye, but it's kinda hard to breathe here." She laughed and let me go. After that near-death experience, she started to introduce me to the other people in the room.

"This is the General Cadman of the Ardanian army and his blade Herald" Woah he was a general, no wonder he seemed so strong. I walk over and shake his hand.

"It's good to see that you're alive, kid. But please call me Cadman, I hate all the titles and such."

"Sure, but why were you on the ship back to Mor Ardain from Leftheria, couldn't you just take a royal ship?"

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