Chapter 3: The Awakening

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"Ok, so do you remember when you last saw them?" I asked the tiny Nopon who was in front of me.

"Yes yes, last saw friend near food stalls"

"Ok then, let's start our search there." We walk over to the food stalls and ask around for a nopon that seemed lost. They then led me to an alley down one of the streets. I know that dark alleys usually mean trouble so I told Bobo to stay there while I checked it out. Luckily I brought my gear with me just in case.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" I didn't get a response for a few seconds until someone finally answered back.

'Yes, Nini is here! Please help!" I rush over to the voice and found a nopon cornered by what seemed to be a thief. "He tries to take me away!"

"Shut it! Look here man this is none of your business. If you know what's good for you, you should scram." He was probably right, the man seemed to be bigger than I was. There was no way I could just beat him hand to hand. I took out my sword to give me an advantage.

"Step away from her and walk away. This is my first and final warning." I tried to tell him before he charged at me. Luckily I dodged out of the way in time, but I also sprained my ankle in the process. He moved extremely fast for a big guy. Nonetheless, I tried to stop him with my sword without actually seriously hurting him. I slashed my sword at his thigh to try and immobilize him.

"Ow, you son of a-"

"Halt right there!" A voice echoed from behind the thief near the entrance of the alley.

"Aww man the royal guard." The thief said in horror. Thankfully I was saved by the bell since I don't think I would have won that fight. The guards apprehended him and then addressed me.

"Mercenary, are you alright?"

"Y-yea I'm fine, just a sprained ankle is all. Nothing like some rest to fix that right up!" I told them, although I did have a small limp. After the thief was arrested, Bobo ran up to us.

"Thank you, friend! Bobo is glad Nini is okay" They thanked me and gave me some gold and other items as a thank you. Some of them were Aux cores, which I didn't need, but I kept them anyway.

'After today's series of events, I just want to go to sleep.' I thought to myself as I headed back to my hotel room to rest. I enter the room and threw everything I had into a chair and plopped myself on the bed. Hopefully, tomorrow's mission goes smoothly.

*Timeskip brought by Nopons dancing around Nick*

I wake up and get ready for the day ahead. I leave my bag behind since I'm staying for an extra day after the mission to relax. I head outside the hotel and head to the port I came here from. Now looking at it a second time, this place was much bigger than imagined. There were many ships docked here as well. Well no time to be distracted, I gotta find where I need to be.

"Excuse me, you posted a mission with the mercenary guild?"

"Ah yes, it seems someone has taken the offer." It was an older man with a noticeable black beard. Just go ahead and stack these crates onto the ship and then I can handle the rest from there. This man's ship was much bigger than other ships, so I was slightly intimidated. I picked up the first box and proceeded to place them on the ship. However, except for the shipowner, I was the only one helping out. This was gonna take a while.

*2 hours later*

I have never been more tired in my entire life. I would even say that I would prefer Newt's training over picking up these heavy boxes for hours on end. When I placed the last box on the ship, the owner gave me his thanks and a slip of paper that essentially says that I have completed the commission.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Return of the AegisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ