Chapter 6: Enter Tantal

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"What's up T-elos?" I said to T-elos as she was staring out the window, after all, I did give her the window seat.

"Nothing important, more importantly, what's the plan about Kai and his blade."

"I don't know, other than that he was stealing core crystals, we don't know much about his plan at all, or if other people are involved. Maybe the plan is power? Who knows." I respond while getting tired. I can feel my head start to rock from side to side until I feel it stop then I am pushed awake.

"Don't use me as your pillow" T-elos says to me as I start to realize what happened.

"Oh, sorry. I'll just lay this way then," For some reason feel kinda anxious, although I know it wasn't coming from my own emotions. Oh well, I'm too tired to think about it anyway. Time for some sleep...


"I'm back"

"Ah Kai, I see you have gathered the core crystals I asked for." says a mysterious figure wearing a lab coat

"Yea, ran into a little resistance, lost a couple of core crystals, but the redhead here dealt with it no problem" Kai replies as he gestures to the woman standing behind him. "Anyway, where did you even find her?"

"There's no reason for you to know. Just do as I say for now Kai. Look on the bright side, at least you get to have an Aegis as a blade."

"Yea her power is insane. So what's next?"

"Well that blade has another half, we would have to find her next. Although her whereabouts are a complete mystery."

"Hmm, I'll start looking," Kai says as he leaves the room.

*Back on the train*

I slowly open my eyes to see that the sun is starting to set. Tantal is pretty much halfway across Alrest after all. I look to my left to see that T-elos fell asleep next to me. I decided to get up and walk around to stretch my legs. Cadman and Herald were asleep as I walked past, however, my sisters weren't in their seats. I decided to go to the caboose and there they were staring into the sunset. "Heh you know if you stare any harder, you might go blind."

"Whaaat? No way! My eyes are totally fine!" Raye retorted! "Anyway, I'm surprised that you're up. You usually sleep the longest out of all of us.

"Yea I know right, but I need to stay on my toes more, so I got to sleep a little less anyway."

"Ah, I see you're learning from when I trained you!" Zenobia exclaimed confidently. "My little brother is the best student!"

"Yea, it's totally because of your training and not from you barging into my room every morning," I say sarcastically, which gets a chuckle out of both Raye and Zenobia. " I never thought that I would be here on this adventure. If it weren't for what happened in Mor Ardain, I would be back in Leftheria probably preparing for my next mission. Which reminds me I should probably write Mom that I'm not coming back for a while."

"Don't worry, we sent a letter to Mom while you were in the hospital. Besides, that means you get to have more fun with us!" Raye says enthusiastically. Speaking of which, I had been wondering about this for a while.

"Hey, did T-elos ever visit me in the hospital?" This brought a surprised reaction from both Raye and Zenobia.

"T-elos was near your side for most of the time you were there. She may seem cold, but she really cares about you." Wow, I never thought she cared about me that much, that's it. While in Tantal, I'll spend more time with her.

"Thanks, guys, I think I'll go back inside, it shouldn't be too long before we arrive at Tantal right?" My sisters stayed outside while I made my way back to my seat to see that T-elos was awake. "Hey, I'm back!"

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