Somewhere in the Gray- A Star...

By highlandelf29

2.9K 61 1

The gray Jedi were few and far between but there is one family who keep its ideals alive. The council allows... More

The Phantom Menace Cast
Mood Boards
The Beginning
The Arrival
The Jedi, The Boy, and the Sith
Two Goodbye's and Two Hello's
The Cast of: Attack of the Clones
A Father Lost and Another Found
Ghosts, Children, Jedi's, And Mandaloriens!
Let the War Begin
Cast of: Clone Wars
The Clone Wars: Escape from Kadavo
Clone Wars: The Wrong Jedi
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Revenge of the Sith: Cast
Turn of Tides
The Fall
The Cast of: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Clone Wars: Unfinished Business

59 3 0
By highlandelf29

Inside the war room on Anaxes Ember Starr stood beside Obi-Wan Kenobi as Master Windu gave them Anakin and other commanding officers a run down of the planets battles

"We have more than a dozen active battlefronts on Anaxes, and we are losing nearly every one." All of the Generals frowned looking at the map as he continued "But if Admiral Trench can no longer anticipate our moves, we now have the opportunity to retake the planet."

"I can improve your chances." Ember looked back to find the clone Echo walking towards them, Rex frowned and moved towards his friend

"Eh, excuse me, Generals." As he led Echo a little ways off Ember turned to Windu and spoke lowly

"He may be our best bet.. I would listen to him."

Mace nodded and spoke up "If the trooper has a plan,
I'd like to hear it."

Echo smiled and walked forward "May I?" He asked gesturing to the computer, Ember nodded giving permission and he plugged himself in

"While Master Windu leads a team to retake the assembly complex, the Bad Batch will escort me into Trench's new comm vault, which, according to current intel, is now located on this Separatist Dreadnought above Anaxes.

Once I'm plugged in, I can feed Trench strategies, but this time, you'll know every move before he makes it."

Ember reached through the force to Obi-Wan "What do you think?"

He didnt allow his eyes to stray as he answered "The better question is what do you think? Its your team being put at risk my love."

She considered for a moment "I trust him.. We should do this."

Mace spoke up interrupting their thoughts "And you are certain that if we get you onboard that ship, that you can convince Trench's army to do what you want?"

Echo nodded his face showing his surety "Absolutely. Unfortunately, I've been doing this for a while, but this time I can help bring about a Republic victory instead of a defeat."

Windu looked towards Ember "Master Starr.. Its your team what say you?"

She smiled "I think I would have a mutiny on my hands if I refused sir."

He smiled a little and the meeting commenced soon after as they walked away Ember came up next to Master Windu

"I wish to ask someting of you."

"Name it young one and I will consider it."

Ember bit her lip before she spoke "My padawan is of age, I believe she is ready to take the trials... I wish to send her with you and Master Kenobi so you may observe her in battle."

Master Windy stopped considering this "I see.. Very well, Master Kenobi and I will take her with us.. We will determine her ability and then at the next meeting of the council we will decide."

Ember bowed her head "Thank you master."

She searched for her padawan and found her on the marauder with the rest of the team.

"Raya," the girl turned and smiled at her master "I need to speak with you." Raya nodded and she and her master moved to the small room they shared. After explaining the mission Ember explained why she needed to talk to Raya alone

"You wont be going with us this time." As expected Raya did not react well to his news

"What why?"

Ember raised a hand to calm her padawan "You will be going on the strike team with Master Kenobi and Master Windu.. I think it best and Master Windu agreed with me."

Raya sighed but nodded "If thats what you think best master, then let it be so."

Raya left to meet up with the two generals and the rest of the team started packing up and Ember overheard Techs reservations, after Captain Rex blew over them and left she walked to her tech savvy team member.

"Don't worry Tech, this is part of the reason Anakin and I are going.. We hope to be able to sense any bad feelings off of him."

Tech nodded "And while that makes me feel better i still worry about all of us, General"

She nodded and patted him on the back as they entered the ship together. She stood beside Hunter and nodded as Anakin came aboard. As they took off Wrecker suddenly had a thouht

"Please tell me we are blowing something up!"

Anakin smiled at the big clone "Sorry, Wrecker, this is strictly stealth."

Wrecker groaned "I hate that word."

They drew closer to the Dreadnought and Ember looked to Echo "Echo, you're up."

The cyborg grinned "Don't worry. As soon as I plug in,
I'll send a signal to the command ship."

"What type of signal are you gonna send?" Rex asked

"Nothing that'll give us away, right?" Hunter asked

"As far as the droids are concerned, we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing."

Hunter and Ember shared a look as the Sargent muttered "And the regs think we take risk's"

"Sending the signal... now." Said Echo, and everyone held their breath until permission for landing was given

"I'd still rather blow it up." Groused Wrecker and Ember grinned

"I have a feeling you'll get your chance."

Meanwhile Raya stood beside Master Windu as their landing ships were attacked by the enemies on the ground "Gold Leader, you're cleared for launch." Windu said through his comm, Windu looked to his friends padawan and smiled

"Ready, Raya?" She smiled back "Pretty much born ready Master Windu."


Ember and her team ran through the halls of the Sepratist base and finally came to a comm vault

"Tech, can you rig an interface?" Echo asked

"I assume that's a rhetorical question." Tech asked in an offended tone, Ember grinned and looked to Anakin

"We should make sure this comm vault has no other entrances."

Anakin nodded "I'm on it."

After a few minutes Echo looked up "All right, I have access to everything and good timing. I just scanned a strategy request Trench sent to the Techno Union."

Tech frowned "Wait. You can't just send a signal from here.""

"Why not?" Echo asked in confusion

"We have to make it appear as if your signal is originating from Skako Minor. Otherwise, they'll know we are here."

Ember nodded "Make it happen Tech." She bit her lip wondering how her husband and her padawan was doing.

They came in close to the base and Raya jumped beside Windu and Obi-Wan down breaking glass as they landed in the base. Obi-Wan grinned at the younger Jedi and the two ignited their lightsabers prepared to attack when Master Windu began to address the droids in front of them

"My name is General Mace Windu of the Jedi Order. At this point of the Clone War, I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you type one battle droids." Obi-Wan blinked and exchanged a disbelieving look with Raya as Windu continued "I'm giving you an opportunity to peacefully lay down your weapons so that you may be reprogrammed to serve a better purpose than spreading the mindless violence and chaos, which you have inflicted upon the galaxy."

For a moment Raya thought maybe the crazy older jedi had managed it but then

"Blast them!"

As the three jedi deflected the enemies shots Obi-Wan quipped. "Well, I guess it was worth a try."

Raya laughed understanding why her masters sense of humor was the way it was.


Ember looked up as Hunter and Anakin re-entered the room and Tech spoke up "I'm intercepting a transmission. Trench is ordering all of his droids to the assembly complex."

Ember frowned moving forward as her Sargent spoke

"All right, Echo, what are you trying to pull?"

"Don't worry, that's what I told him to do." Echo reassured but Ember wasnt calmed

"But our troops will be vastly outnumbered!"

"Not when I send them a feedback pulse that shuts down all the droids."

"How do we know that's what you're really going to do?" Hunter asked

"We have to trust him." Said Rex

"Rex is right." Anakin spoke from the doorway looking to Ember knowing it was only her that the Bad Batch would listen to. Ember sighed and nodded

"Echo, we're all counting on you." She spoke through her comm "Master Windu, I know this sounds crazy, but it's about to get a little more crowded where you are."

"We have our hands full as it is." Master Windu replied "What is your plan?"

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, it isn't my plan. Echo is drawing all the droids to your position, so he can neutralize them all at the same time."

Windu blinked and looked to the two that were fighting beside him "Obi-Wan! Raya! Starr just contacted me. She said we've got a lot more droids headed our way."

Obi-Wan chuckled "I see Ember is being as insightful
as ever."

"I was told not to worry. It was all part of their plan."

Raya grinned chopping down another droid "If I know Master Starr, we've got the easy part."

The last droid fell beneath Obi-Wan's lightsaber and he looked around with a smile

"Well, there weren't as many as I thought there were going to be."

Suddenly the doors around them opened up showing battalions of droids entering the room. Master Windu gave Obi-Wan a look

"Does this meet your expectations?"

"This exceeds my expectations."

Raya groaned "I'm starting to understand why my Master has always said going on missions with you is chaos Master Kenobi."

Kenobi smirked even as he dropped into a battle stance "Oh, she loves it."

The three Jedi's looked around waiting for the droids to attack all knowing that their chances were slim to none. Suddenly the droids started dropping like flies, and the jedi breathed a sigh of relief

"I am pleased to report that we are in control of them assembly complex, and all of the fronts are falling to the Republic thanks to Echo's plan." Mace reported to Ember a little later

"That's good news, Master Windu."

"We're on our way back to the base and as for what we spoke of earlier.. I believe you are correct."

"I'm glad to hear it May the Force be with you."

"Good job, Echo." Anakin told the cyborg

"Well, I guess you actually are on our side." Hunter admitted

"Was there ever any doubt?" Echo asked


"Well, thanks."

"Come on, brother." Said Rex "Unplug, and let's get out of here."

"Wait, I just scanned a new order from Trench." Everyone froze waiting as Echo deciphered it. "He's initiated a countdown. There's a bomb hidden at the assembly complex, but it's big enough to destroy most of Anaxes."

"Can you stop it?" Anakin asked while Ember ran through ideas in her head

"Well, I can try."

Ember shook her head and turned running out the door

"General, where are you going?" Hunter called

"If you can't stop the detonation, perhaps Trench can! Keep working!" She ran down the halls the faces of her husband and her padawan emblazoned in her mind, she passed Crosshair who called out

"Good luck ma'am"

The Jedi on Anaxes headed to the shops to prepare to leave "Continue your sweep, Jesse." Windu told one of the clones

Suddenly the voice of Anakin came through the comm

"General Windu, we've discovered a bomb in the fusion reactor. We need someone to go down there and help disarm it."

The three Jedi looked between each other and Windu made a decision "I'm on my way."

Raya shook her head already running, she jumped on the lift and slammed down the button

"Raya!" Obi-Wan called eyes wide as his wife's padawan began to disappear

"Get the men out of here." She called making the two Generals look to reach other before they

Obi-Wan sighed and turned to the men "You heard Commander Tome. Organize your platoons, and have them
evacuate as soon as possible."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

Windu looked to Obi-Wan in surprise "You seem far to calm about this."

Obi-Wan shrugged "I did spend the majority of my youth alongside Ember Starr and she would have done the exact same thing. She still would."

Windu nodded in agreement, Ember Starr was one of the most self sacrificing people he knew and it seemed her padawan was the same way.

Raya moved through the bottom of the base until she found the bomb, she moved towards the conrtols but was knocked back.

She groaned and looked up as a shining red shield appeared " A ray shield, just great." She spoke into her comm "Echo, its Raya I found the bomb. Tell me the sequence."

Several voices crackled through at the same time, but Hunter shut them all up and allowed Echo to speak

"I'm decrypting it now."

Rex shook his head "You have to unplug. They're going to detect us."

"No, no, we need these codes. The first number in the sequence is three. The next is... one. Eight."

Raya used the force to flip the switches to the numbers Echo called out.


"They're on to us." Tech called out "You need to unplug now!"

"Echo?" Raya asked as no more numbers came across the intercomm "Echo!!! Echo, are you there?"

"Commander, Trench took out Echo. We can't get you the last number in the sequence. Sorry, Commander you'll have to disarm that bomb without us."

Rex looked to the men who usually follwed Raya and saw the worried expressions on their faces a the Commander replied

"Don't worry about me, Captain. Just get my men out of there."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"We got company!" Called Crosshair, tamping down the worry he was currently feeling for his fiance, he knew she could figure it out.


Meanwhile Trench was bragging

"The Jedi lacks the final sequences to stop the detonation. The loss of clones at the shipyard will seal the Republic's fate. Dispatch more units to deal with the infiltrators on the ship, and prepare our landing craft for our next assault."

"As you command." Replied the droid bot next to him

Suddenly a droid came crashing into the room making Trench jump "Huh?"

Ember entered with a fierce expression on her face, hood up and lightsaber shining she was woman to be feared. The two battle droids attacked but were cut down with ease and Ember continued with her walk toward trench who tried to throw an electro net at her. She dodged and it hit the droid that had been about to attack her

"Jedi scum." Trench spat as he backed away from the woman and her lightsaber.

"Tell me the sequence to disarm the bomb!" Ember growled out placing her saber near Trenches face

"Never. Dooku would kill me for losing Anaxes."

"And you think I won't?" Ember asked pushing closer

"You're a Jedi. Your nobility..."

Ember laughed coldly before striking, cutting off part of Trenches arms

"I am no jedi.. I have no such weaknesses." She smiled in a way that made Trench shiver "Now, let's try that again."

Obi-Wan spoke through his comm to Raya "Raya, if you can't stop the detonation, you must leave now."

"With all due respect Master, that is not an option, I still have a chance to stop this, even if it's down to my best guess."

"How about I take the guesswork out of it, My Padawan?" Embers voice cut through the comm "Admiral Trench was kind enough to give me the final number himself. Try seven."

Arya took a deep breath and used the force to put in the last number, she watched as the bomb shut down

"Good work, Master. The bomb has been disarmed."

"You both owe me one now." Ember said speaking both to her and Obi-Wan, suddenly Trench used his cane to electrocute her and she fell to the ground with a groan. She saw Trench coming for her again and dodged under him while stabbing him in the chest.

She stood and noticed a remote for the bomb she grabbed it with a grin

"Wrecker's gonna love this." She ran out of the room passing the dying Trench "Admiral, it was a pleasure."

She ran through the ship until she found her men lurking in a hallway "Hope you're not waiting on me." She said as she stopped next to Anakin who grinned at her

"Now all we're missing is Crosshair." Said Hunter just as the sniper came around the corner

"You miss me? How touching." He took a shot hitting a bunch of discs he had attached to the walls his shot ricocheted taking out tall of the droids heading their way.

Wrecker stared in disbelief at the sight and Ember grinned placing a hand on the violent clones shoulder

"Relax, Wrecker. You'll top him next time."

"With all due respect General, no, he won't." Crosshair said as they continued through the ship. They reached the Marauder and climbed inside taking off, Ember looked to Wrecker and handed him the remote

"I've got a present for you, Wrecker."

"Oh, seriously?" The large clone took the remote with tears in his eyes"I get to blow it up? The whole stinking thing? This is the happiest day of my life."

Ember whooped with glee as she watched the ship blow up, it was time to go home.


"Captain Rex, Corporal Echo and Clone Force 99," Mace Windu said standing beside his fellow generals "you have all done a great service for the Republic. Thanks to your courage and effort, Republic shipyards will soon be up and running again."

"You've got some medals coming your way." Obi-Wan said as he turned and walked away winking at Ember as he did. He knew she would leave and they had already said their goodbyes in secret, they had also called Qui-Gon and said hello to him.

"Thank you, General." Rex stated turning to walk away, Echo moved to follow but stopped  and looked to the Bad Batch as they and their Jedi commanders started to move towards the ship "You coming?"

Hunter shook his head "Not really our thing."

"Accolades." Spat Crosshair

"Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill. Yo!" Wrecker yelled

And Ember gave a motherly smile to her team before looking towards Echo "You sure it's your thing?"

"What do you mean ma'am?"

"Your path is different." She said

"Like ours." Said Hunter "If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us."

Ember nodded gesturing to her men as theyoved towards the ship "You'll never find a better bunch, and we would be honored to have you." Echo watched as she turned moving to help pack and shoving her padawan playfully as they reached for the same box.

"Those are some of the finest troopers I've ever fought alongside, and General Starr is a great leader." Rex said coming up behind his friend "Echo. You and I go way back. If that's where you feel your place is, then that's where you belong."

Echo smiled slightly and moves towards Clone Force 99 who looked up and smiled at him. Rex watches and after a moment the team turned to him, Echo raised his hand in salute and the whole team even General Starr followed suit.


A few months later Ember and Raya had been called to the jedi temple, they entered the council room and Ember moved to her seat leaving Raya in the center of the room.

"Raya Tome," Master Windu spoke "you have been brought before us because your master believes it is time for your to take your trials."

Raya bowed her head "I am honored Master Starr feels I am ready."

"Hmm ready the entire council thinks you are.. Of you proud we are." Stated Yoda "Overcome much you have, death of first master, changes in your life.." Proud of you we are."

"A choice is now set before you young one," Obi-Wan said "your master is a member of the gray and indeed when this council first decided on her as your master that is why. Now you must decided as all padawans of the Starr family have, will you take the cloak of the Gray or the cloak of the Jedi?"

Raya took a deep breath and centered herself in the force, she looked to her master who had her head held up high Ember nodded encouragingly at her before she spoke

"I chose long ago masters, I watched Master Starr and her family since I was young before I ever became a padawan. I realized that while the Jedi have great values the Gray have understanding. So Masters, I respectfully decide that I will take the cloak of the Gray."

The masters all nodded and looked to Ember who stood and walked to the council doors opening them. In walked Galaxy Starr and Damian Jett-So, dressed in their gray robes instead of the blue of the healers or yellow of the temple guard.

They came and stood on either side of Ember as she addressed Raya "Raya Tome, as lead emissary of the Gray Jedi council, I give you permission to finish your trials.. You must travel to the Unknown regions, west of the planet Jakku.. From there you must allow the force to guide you in your way... When your trials are complete you will be knighted by one of the High Masters of the Gray... I pray that the Great One guides you in this.. Go with the Force."

Raya bowed "Thank you Masters." She turned and left the room feeling the weight of her task on her shoulders, but certain that she would not fail.


Ember pulled her son into her arms and sighed happily, "How have you been Qui?"

He shrugged but smiled at his mother "Well enough, Master Yoda says my abilities grow everyday, he thinks I'll be as good as you and Father one day."

He looked up and smiled sensing his father before his mother did, he saw the moment she felt him and it made his heart warm. Her face lit up like she had just seen the best thing in the world, and she stood as Obi-Wan entered the room running into his arms.


"Ember!" He breathed deeply inhaling her scent that he loved so much, vanilla, grease from fixing ships, and chocolate.

He looked beyond his wife towards his son and smiled,

"Qui Gon look at how you've grown." He pulled his son into a hug and pulled back looking into his eyes, still amazed by how similar they were to his own. Still amazed that he had helped create something so wonderful as his son and his daughter.

The small family talked for hours before Qui Gon went to bed, he watched his parents sneak out together wishing they didnt have to sneak around in their relationship. He closed his eyes and focused on his sister she was far away and thinking of him.

 He smiled until suddenly a new thought entered her head their uncle entered the room leading a young boy with brown eyes and suddenly every thought in his sisters head was of some boy named Din Djarin.


Ember laid on Obi-Wan's chest after a long night together, she stared up at his face and smiled, she loved him so much and yet they were rarely together anymore.

She sighed knowing she needed to head back to her own room before morning, she gently shook him awake since they had made a deal never to leave without the other knowing.

He groaned "What?"

"I have to go, I love you." She said as she began to extract herself from his arms, but he grabbed on tighter

"No, stay a little longer." She looked to him and melted under his gaze "Alright, just a little longer."

She curled back up by his side, knowing that they both had nightmares of this war but when they were together the terrors didnt come.

Ember awoke to the sun shining through the window and she sat up with a gasp

"Obi, I have to go!" She exclaimed gathering her clothes and putting them on, Obi-Wan also sat up quickly trying to calm his wife

"Darling, calm down if anyone see's you just act as though you needed to ask me a question or you needed someone to meditate with, all will be well."

Ember nodded pulling on her robe, she kissed her lover before making her way out of the room. She froze when she saw Anakin sneaking into the temple, the two made eye contact.

Anakin looked her over he saw how tousled she was, he had seen her exit his masters room, and Anakin saw the look in hers eyes the look of fesr of being caught. And Anakin knew he understood, because he often had the same look in his own eyes.

"Master Starr."


They nodded at each other and went their separate ways an inderstanding passing between the two. They would never speak of that morning again, but they would never forget it either.


Authors note:

This the last chapter I will write for the Clone wars, next chapter will be the beginning of "Revenge of the Sith" and I am super excited about it...

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC's

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