Beste freunde für immer (best...

By kakyoins_hair_noodle

2.1K 170 47

Some times I be like this is shit other times I'm like damn I'm the god of writing it effects the updates of... More

Chapter 1: time to annoy
Chapter 2: I will protect you
Chapter 3: The room too awsome you will perish
Chapter 4: horrible bosses
Chapter 5: I don't want this
Chapter 6: *sniff sniff* was that a lie i smell
Chapter 7: family huh i like it
Chapter 8: if it werent for me...
Chapter 9: nightmare
chapter 10: revenge tastes real different here
chapter 11: do i know you
chapter 12: thats gonna leave a mark
chapter 13: for the best
time skip
chapter 14: strangers
chapter 16: new uniform
chapter 17: joined forces
chapter 18: side quest
chapter 19: farewell
chapter 20: a second chance?
chapter 21: reunited
chapter 22: time together finally
chapter 23: not angry just dissapointed
Chapter 24: heartbreak for a good reason

chapter 15: the man of the hour, ludwig

49 4 0
By kakyoins_hair_noodle

[i dont know about this one its just meh a lil bit of the italy brothers hehe and a bit ot not nice stuff]

its been a few days now

gil has popped in as much as he can which isnt alot.

but germany hes visited me more.

he asks the same questions, who are all the allies?, how many men are there?, etc etc war suff you know the drill.

i refuse to say anything.

but mainly hes so big and intimidating i can barely speak he could kill me so easily or heavily injure me.

he scary.

speak of the devil,

"Guten Morgen, (c/n)."

"yeah hi to you as well."

"zhis is zhe last time im going to be nice. vhat are zhe allies next plans of attack?" he questions again.


"jou know im only giving jou all zhese chances because mein bruder is so fond of jou." germany warns.

"dont bring him into it, he will help me if you do anything, he would totally betray you in a heart beat." i snapped but immediately shut my mouth.

"oh vill he now. how about ve test that theory." germany got up from his seat and grabbed my collar through the cell bars before i could back up.

he yanked me forward my face hitting the metal.

i was shocked to say the least, before i could process what the hell happened i was pushed back and pulled into the bars again.

"GILBERT!" i shouted


into the bars again, i could feel liquid trickle down to my lips.

nose bleed.

"tell me vhat i vant or zhis vill get vorse." he hissed

what have i gotten myself into.

"GILBERT HELP" please dont make me scream like a stupid girl dont embarrassed me... why am i worried about being embarrassed i need help.


another hit.

"seems zhat hes not coming." germany mocked.

i sank to the floor.

concussion fo sho.

stop joking.

"i wont tell you anything." i look up at germany he's let go of me now, i smile and my blood coats my teeth its gone past my lips and drips off my chin.

germany swiftly kicks me forcing my head to fly back. my body follows i'm led on the floor looking at the grim ceiling.

i can see him from the corner of my eye.

"im sorry jour being so difficult. Auf Wiedersehen for now." he storms off im alone again.

my façade slips and i curl up and cry.

this sucks but like x 10

where was prussia when i needed him, he said just call for him.

hes probably been sent off to fight in the front lines.

germany is a sneaky bastard sending the only one who can help away.




"ciao bella ragazza, ive brought you lunch."

nice, italy cooked today that means its good food.

hes always nice to me even when he tries to be like germany.

i pull myself together and put on a smile.

"thank you italy, im glad its lunch time im starving."

i take the plate of pasta but before i can dig in im hit with a question.

"um (c/n), what happned to your face?"

"its nothing just an argument with germany haha you should see how he looks though i really beat him back." i joked

"woah really you must be strong. i really shouldn't... but do you want me to help clean you up?"

he offered.

now my smile was genuine.

"please could you."

he pulled out a mini first aid pack and sat as close as he could to the bars.

i also shuffled closer.

"now this may sting a bit but its going to help veee~"

i closed my eyes as he wipes away the blood with an anti bacteria wipe tears well up, he really wasnt lying about it stinging.

i opened my eyes again as he put a plaster on a cut i didnt know i had on the bridge of my nose.

then he gave it a kiss.

"there all better." he got back up and smiled. "ive got to go now arrivederci"

i really hope he doesn't get hurt.




the day has passed and the next one has arrived.

please let prussia be back before my next meeting with germany.

"oi ragazza breakfast." italy's brother romano not as nice but better than the others

he looked at me for a while then shrugged and muttered "stupid potato bastard" before leaving.

why does everyone seen to not hate me but germany or do they just hate the war.

i ate the food i was given and then sat there, what am i meant to entertain myself with i have nothin. its really quite boring.

especially when ive been isolated from other prisoners if there are any.

"(c/n) jouv'e been asked to meet germany follow us." a few soldiers walk in and unlock the door and cuff my hands, they start pushing me outside directing me to a building far from the others.

im dead.

im literally dead.

aw man i never wrote a will i didnt think id die, so soon at least.

i hang my head and watch my feet comply to being pushed forward.

we've stopped at the door.

the soldiers speak in german i only kow basic words so i have no clue whats going on my name gets mentioned a few times.

i get pushed into the room.

"hallo, nice to see jou again bitte take a seat." germany orders

i sit and he pulls my cuffed arms behind the chair then cuffs my feet to it.

as i said before im dead.

"no more last chances frau, im nice but not zhat nice."

i ignore him and the last statement.

he leans down and grabs my chin.

"look at me vhen i speak to jou."

i could tell he was holding back from shouting.

i bite my lip.

im scared.

i look into his eyes.

"oooh look at me vhen i speak im germany." i mock

why am i like this.

i flinch as he pulls away and puts on some gloves and an apron.

oh no. he looks so stupid. my childish humor is gonna get me killed.

i re bite my lip to hold back a laugh.

he can tell im sure.

"germany hes here should i let him in." a soldier askes through the radio attatched to germany.

"oh good ja let him in" he replied.

saved by the bell.... or well i dont think so.

prussia walks in.

"gil you're here help me please." i beg

he does even acknowledge me.

tears slip down my cheeks and gilbert stands next to germany and also puts on an apron.

"aw man" i say in defeat.

germany asks his questions again.

i dont say anything no jokes nothing.

germany punches me across the face and prussia holds my chair still.

he repeats this action a few times then decides to spice it up with some knuckle dusters.

"aw my beautiful face i wont be getting whistled at anytime soon." i splutter.

i heard prussia stifle a laugh.

germany growled and asked another question.


this time he pulls out a knife and slashes my face. then slashes my thighs.

how am i meant to react to that other than cry and scream. which i did.

he puts the weapon back and prussia uncuffs on of my arms.

i try to grab germany but he takes my arm and prussia grabs a mallet.

"hey bruder vhy dont jou try something." germany offers.

i give prussia a horrifyed look.

"ja...of course" he replies.

he lifts the mallet and down it comes breaking my arm.

i throw my head back and scream.

these events carry on for a couple of hours.

my head hangs limp.

im recuffed and left in the dark room alone other than prussia.

wow germany must really trust him because i really dont.

im not even unconscious the pain is so unbearable.

"frau, i really didnt vant to-"

"shut...up" i force out the words

he starts to hum a tune as he gets closer to me.

"stay away... get away from me." i rock my chair the get as far back as possible but i end up tipping the chair aggravating my wounds.

i blurt out a string of curses i didnt have the strength for.

prussia keeps humming as he lifts me up and places his hands gently on the sides of my face.

i start crying.

he wipes some of my tears and blood away as gently as he can.

his humming somewhat calms me down.

but im still scared.
"Now please bitte listen to me"

he then gets on his knees and i can hear him crying.

"im so sorry i cant help jou. i cant do anyzhing if i try i get sent off to zhe front lines or i get less help protecting mein country im on zhe edge of being dissolved." prussia explains.

i do feel sad for him.


"i hate you." i spit out with as much venom as i can muster up.

prussia's breath hitches and then he starts sobbing.

i struggle to keep my eyes open.

i feel so dizzy.

"i understand i hope jou can forgive me in zhe future."

"i... dont want to...see your face ever... again" i whisper stopping every few words to catch my breath.

prussia gets up and walks out. i feel his eyes take a last look at me.




its been awile ive reganed enough strength to stay awake. i heard talking outside the room.

the italian brothers come in.

from what ive heard theyve been told to clean the room.

what an awful job.

as soon as theyre let in they run to me.

"(c/n) can you hear us." romano asks as he uncuffs me

i nod but dont move from the chair.

"oh fratello look what they've done." italy opens a bigger first aid box and cries as he tries his best to fix me up.

i make sounds of pain and start crying again.

romano cant bear to look at me so he starts cleaning the items on the table while muttering under his breath.

"bella we will get you out of this. i promise" italy says as he wraps me in bandages.

"dont say that." i put my hand on his shoulder.

romano comes back over and puts his jacket over me "we're gonna take you back to your cell now can you walk."

"i cant even see right now sorry."

"no dont say sorry you dont deserve this im stronger than my fratello i can carry you." romano picks me up i dont have the strength to raise me head still it looks as if i was dead in his arms.

"why...are you both being so nice." i ask

"we dont want any part of...this." italy replys.




romano lies me as gently as he could in my cell.

"hey ragazza we will send out a messege to youre allies that youre here in bad condition. i dont think they even know yet." romano says as he reajusts one of my bandages.

"how could i ever thank you guys." i say as i slump down slightly.

but they left my 'room'

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