De Firdosefk

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With no memories of her past, Alice lives a new life with her best friend Tristan, while her ghost squad desp... Mais



9 1 23
De Firdosefk

Knave opened his bedroom door before Alice could even knock. "I saw you leave the lawn!" He said, moving aside so she could step in.

 Knave watched her as she took in his room. Something was bothering her. He could feel it.

Knave cleared his throat. "What did mother say to you?" He asked. She did not reply. Her eyes were stuck on his closet. "Alice?" Knave called out.

"Yeah?" She replied.

Knave broke into a smile, gently tapping on her head. He wished he knew what she was thinking, the same way she always knew everything about him.

"I asked, what did my mother say to you?" Knave asked again.

Alice seemed hesitant. "Your mother just wanted to know all that had happened!" She finally said.

"That's it?" Asked Knave.

Alice closed her eyes. "Yes!"

Knave did not buy it. She was hiding something. "So why do you seem tensed?" He asked.

Alice opened her eyes. "I am just worried about Cora!" She admitted. 

Knave nodded, feeling relieved. That was a problem they had to deal with later. For now, at least things were okay.

 Alice was studying him. "And you?" She asked. "What is bothering you?"

Knave smiled. She did it again. He decided she deserved the truth. He grabbed her hand. "Aria loves me!" He said.

Alice blinked. "Love as in love love, or love as in like, in love?"

Knave guided her towards the bed, making her sit. "I have no idea what you mean, but she is in love with me like how a woman usually loves a man, who she intends to marry and with who she wants to have children with!" He stopped. He did not think he could explain further. "Please tell me you understood, because I don't think I can get more specific than this!"

Alice nodded as if everything made perfect sense. "She told you that?" She finally asked.

"I asked her why she seemed so happy to see me, and then she confessed!" He replied.

"And what did you say?" She asked.

He sat down next to her. "That's just it!" He began. "Aria understood why I don't love her and she let me go, but I cannot get rid of the guilt I feel for hurting her!" Alice did not reply. She was lost in thoughts yet again.

"Alice?" Knave called out in concern, tightening his grip on her hand.

"I understand how hard this must be for Aria!" She said.

Knave understood too, and wanted to do all he could to make things easy for his best friend. "What must I do now?" He asked, hoping she had an answer.

Alice smiled. "Nothing!" She replied. "Everything will be alright after some time."

Knave was not expecting that. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Alice reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't worry about it!" She whispered in his ear. She stood up, yawning. "I am feeling quite tired!" She announced. "Do you mind if I grab some rest?"

Knave felt his earlier worry catch up with him again. However, he did not push. Perhaps Alice just needed some time. "I can take you to a spare room!" He offered. "Or you can sleep here if you like." He said, desperately wishing she would agree.

Alice shook her head. "I think I can find my way." She replied kindly.

He felt disappointed. He wanted to hug her and take all her worries away. He wanted to watch her sleep in peace.

Alice started making her way towards the door. "Goodbye, Knave!" She said.

 Knave watched her go, unable to shake off the feeling that he had lost her.

The dining room was one of the places Knave loved in his house. Not because it was surrounded by glass doors, which gave a view of the whole house, but because it was the only time his family sat together and spent time. Knave remembered how eagerly he used to wait for his next meal, just to be sure that his father would be joining them.

"My son!" Lorine exclaimed, patting Knave on the head, bringing him back to the present. He was sitting in a chair next to a long black table, waiting for lunch to be served. 

Lorine had abandoned her seat and had come to stand behind Knave's chair, making him feel a bit embarrassed.

Knave cleared his throat. "Yes mother, I am your son!"

Lorine chuckled, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. "Can you blame me for not wanting to remove my eyes from you for even a second?" She asked.

"But that doesn't mean you start making his life decisions." Said Mason, in a controlled voice.

Knave looked at his father, feeling a bit surprised. Mason was sitting opposite him, looking down at his plate in contempt. Knave had seen his father in a temper before, and this time that temper seemed to be directed at his mother.

"Is something wrong?" Knave asked, trying to catch his father's eye. His father continued staring at his plate.

"Oh, it is nothing, love!" Said his mother, returning to her seat. "Your father is overwhelmed, that's all!" She added.

Knave was sure that was not the case. He looked around. "Won't the others be joining us?" He asked.

His mother suddenly grew tensed. Still, she forced a smile. "Mendaline is still sleeping, and Aria is out for shopping." She informed.

Knave knew Aria always resorted to shopping to take her mind off things. He hoped she was doing fine. 

"And Alice?" Knave asked, wondering if his mother had intentionally left her out.

Lorine's smile slipped. "She is also resting." His mother replied. Mason grunted.

Knave narrowed his eyes at both of them. "What are you two hiding?" He asked.

His mother began shaking her head violently. "Oh, nothing!" She said, dismissing his worries. She stood from her chair and shouted, "JOHN, BY THE TIME YOU BRING LUNCH IT WOULD ALREADY BE TIME FOR DINNER!"

Knave heard dishes clattering. A moment later, the glass doors opened and John, their second cook and Jade's husband, appeared with a long sliver tray. He looked nervous as he sat the tray down.

 "Zhe fish was nasty!" John announced, staring at the fish with disgust.

Knave chuckled. He had missed John's dislike for seafood. "And yet you decided to serve the nasty fish!" He teased.

John broke into a bright smile, making it hard to believe he was in his mid-thirties. "Master Knave!" He exclaimed with delight. "It feels like an eternity has passed since zhe last time I saw you!" His eyes started filling with tears.

Knave stood up and hugged the bony man. "I feel the same!" He admitted. "Did you and Jade eat?" He asked, breaking the hug.

On some rare occasions, the house staff usually joined them to eat, and Knave guessed it was a rare occasion now. It was not every day they all got cursed by a witch.

John wiped his tears on his sleeve. "We decided to go out on a date!" He informed, blushing.

Knave clamped the other man's shoulders. "I do not think it is called a date when you're married." He kindly pointed out.

John smiled. "Of course, it is!" He said. "Ask your parents if you do not believe me." He winked. "They are still zhe most romantic couple in the house!"

Knave nodded. There was no doubt about that. It had always been one of his wishes that whenever he would enter a relationship, it would be similar to his parents. Now he had his wish fulfilled. He loved a woman just as his father loved his mother, and Alice cared for him just as Lorine cared for Mason.

"I should be going now!" John said. He gave Knave one last hug before leaving.

Knave returned to his seat. His mother had already cut out a piece of the nasty fish for him. He looked at her, and she smiled at him. His father though, had barely touched his plate.

 "Father, are you sure you're okay?" Knave asked, unable to help it.

His father pushed his plate away and stood up. "I lost my appetite!" He said, and left without saying another word. Lorine looked after him sadly.

"Did something happen?" Knave asked, now worried.

Lorine shook her head. "Mason is not feeling quite well." She informed. "But that doesn't mean you don't eat, son!" She smiled at him. "Do you want me to feed you?"

Knave quickly shoved a piece in his mouth, before his mother went into caring mode again. 

Lorine chuckled, before returning her attention to her plate.

"Wake up, handsome!" Mendaline shouted, shaking Knave violently.

Knave jerked awake. He was lying on his bed. How did that happen? Last he knew he was having lunch with his mother.

"How....," Knave began, sitting up.

"Your mother spiked your food." Mendaline calmly informed, as if that happened every day.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"May I ask, how many times have you been knocked out ever since you started living with me, because seriously, I have lost count!" Mendaline said.

"MENDALINE!" Knave shouted. "What the heck happened?"

Mendaline sat down next to him. "When last did you see Alice?" She asked.

Knave tried to remember. "A few hours before lunch?" He guessed.

"And it's past two now!" Mendaline informed.

"In the night!" Knave realized.

"No way!" Mendaline feigned surprise. "Are you telling me the moon shines during the day too?" She asked, indicating the moonlight peeping through his curtains.

Knave ignored this. "Why are you asking me this?"

Mendaline took a deep breath. "I need you to be calm after everything I am going to tell you!"

Knave's heart thumped faster. "Okay!" He quickly said.

Mendaline nodded in relief. "Your mother made Alice leave in order to protect you!" She said.

 Knave grabbed onto the bed sheets. The world around him was spinning. "Leave me, as in?" He asked, though everything suddenly made sense. Alice's last visit, her tense look. How had he missed it?

Mendaline smacked her forehead in annoyance. "Gosh Knave! A six-year-old would be more clever than you!" She snapped. "Leave as in not meet you again, which means you won't be able to see her, hug her, and....,"

"I get it!" Knave snapped. He bunched the sheets in his hand. Anger filled his veins. "As if I would let Alice go!"

Mendaline nodded. "That is why Lorine sent me here to erase your memories!" She happily announced.

"If you wanted to erase my memories, you would've already done so!" Knave said. Still, he couldn't help but back a little away from her.

Mendaline smiled wickedly. "Exactly!" She shouted, almost in triumph. "I wouldn't be wasting my precious time narrating everything that happened, while you were sleeping like a log!" She winked. "I am here to help you escape!"

Knave narrowed his eyes at her. "I thought you hated love!" He grinned. "Unless someone named Charlie changed that."

Mendaline looked ready to slap him. "I don't give a crap about your love story!" She shouted. "Alice is in a phase where one wrong step could lead everyone to disaster, and you're the only anchor to her human side!"

Knave was now confused. "What do you mean?"

Mendaline sighed. "Alice is emotionally weak, and I fear Cora might use that against her. If she does, there is no telling what she would do." Mendaline grabbed his hand. "Alice is dangling between power and staying human. You Knave, are the only one who could stop her from choosing the wrong side." She looked right into his eyes. "You have to make sure we don't lose Alice forever!"

Knave held her gaze. "Alice would never choose a wrong side." He said, with full belief.

Mendaline looked sad. "Love is beautiful, but it is also dangerous." She said. "Right now, Alice thinks she lost you, which means it would be easy for Cora to take control over her, while her defence is down." She paused. "I hope you understand what I am trying to tell you!"

Knave did. He was about to tell the witch the same, but was interrupted when his bedroom door opened, and his father stepped in. Knave looked at Mendaline in panic.

"I am with you, son!" His father assured.

Knave was not so surprised. "You do not agree with mother." He said, remembering his father's earlier attitude during lunch.

Mason looked as if he did not know what to say. Mendaline used the opportunity and spoke for him. "Your father was my friend before Lorine's husband." She informed. "He may agree with Lorine, but he would never deny what I ask him to do!"

"That is not true Mendy, I wouldn't blindly trust you!" His father replied. Mendaline huffed. Mason continued, "The only reason I am allowing Knave to leave is because I want my son to be happy, and I know his happiness lies with that girl." He came closer and rested a hand on Knave's shoulder. "I would join you but I..., I am not like how I used to be."

"What do you mean, father?" Knave asked concerningly.

"In case you haven't noticed, your father is growing old. He can't do witch hunting anymore!" Mendaline explained. "Which is good, because at least now he does a decent job like a normal human, which in turn relieves me from the burden of providing you and your family with resources!"

Mason shot a resigned look at Mendaline. "You're welcome!" He said.

Knave hesitated. "What job do you do now?" He finally asked, feeling ashamed he had missed so many years of his parent's lives.

"He sells oranges!" Mendaline replied.

"I run a grocery store!" Mason replied, ignoring Mendaline. "It is the only thing I found I was good at, after hunting witches."

"Bad ones!" Mendaline clarified, as if Knave did not already know that.

"Looks like you missed one!" Knave said, indicating Mendaline. Mason chuckled.

Mendaline shot Knave a dark look. "If everyone's life was not at stake, I would've been very pleased to wipe your memories for good!"

"Well shame, seems like you don't have a choice." Knave retorted.

Mason cleared his throat. He looked at his son. "Promise me that you will come back!"

Knave laid a hand atop his father's. "I will do my best, father!" He fought to hide his tears as he said, "I love you!"

Mason closed his eyes, but did not say the words back. He did not need to. The hand that tightened on Knave's shoulder said more than words. Knave and his father were not exactly the type of father and son who bonded in the study room. Their relationship was more of feel but don't show. They hardly sat for a long talk, but on those rare occasions where they did, it filled up the absence of the lost days. Knave would not be the gentleman he was without his father guiding him.

Mendaline cleared her throat, and Mason opened his eyes to look at her. "Give this to Lorine!" She said, producing a small vial filled with an orange liquid.

"What is this?" Asked Mason.

"It will make her forget Knave." Mendaline calmly replied.

"WHAT?" Shouted both, Knave and Mason.

Mendaline held her hands out in front of her. "For the time being!" She assured. "Or do you think you can handle your wife when she finds her son missing and starts throwing a tantrum?" She asked, looking at Mason.

Mason silently took the vial. Mendaline smiled. She looked at Knave. "Now, let's go before Alice falls off a cliff or something!"

"What happened?" Asked Knave, as he looked at the pale faces of everyone in Tristan's room. The twins, Luna, Maria, and even Tristan did not answer.

"Did you all get bitten by a snake?" Mendaline demanded. "What the hell happened?"

"She took her!" Tristan replied. He looked at them. "Cora took Alice!"

 A sudden fear seized Knave. Alice is vulnerable, and thinks she has lost Knave forever. What if Cora harms her now?

"How?" Mendaline demanded.

"She just appeared out of thin air, and then suddenly the ground split open and Alice went underneath it with Cora!" Charlie explained.

"And what is worse, is that our great friend Luna might've told Alice that Cora loves her!" Said Maria, looking at Luna in anger.

"WHAT?" Shouted Knave and Mendaline at the same time, looking at Luna in horror.

Luna had tears in her eyes. "I just got scared when I saw that she could touch Charlie and...,"

"Wait, back up!" Knave said, holding his forehead, which felt like it would burst. He was definitely hearing wrong. "She touched Charlie?" He asked again. Luna nodded. "But how..,"

"That does not matter right now!" Mendaline said, cutting him off. "For now we have to look for Alice."

"We're coming with!" Said Charlie, indicating everyone in the room.

Mendaline shook her head. "No!" She began. "Right now, the only person she needs is Knave!"

Charlie seemed to understand. He nodded his head. The others seemed upset, but did not protest.

"Where could Alice be?" Asked Knave.

"There is only one place where Cora would take her, given her current state!" Mendaline said. She looked at Knave. "We have to get to Alice before it is too late!" 

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