Sunshine, Lollipops, & Rainbo...

By verryberry123

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Shiloh never had much ambition after high school, so never considered going for higher education. Plus, it wa... More



379 29 5
By verryberry123

A blush crept onto my cheeks at the sudden compliment. Did this guy not realize who the pretty one was? He was also another gorgeous being! Catching a glimpse was enough. He was of Asian descent with Black hair touching his shoulders, dark brown eyes, all kinds of earrings on his ears, piercings, and did I catch a tongue piercing? He stood a little taller than me I believe with a slender build.

"Can I come in again? Sorry for scaring you!"

Hesitantly I creaked it open again, this time he took no liberty crashing inside making me stumble. "Sorry again," he then gently closed the door sighing lightly. He wore baggy jeans and a skin-tight black wife beater, one arm was a sleeve of tattoos creeping onto his neck, secret muscle popping up with movement. A silver necklace hung loosely on his neck.

"This must be awfully stressful," he smiled sweetly. He then took a stool in the corner while I sat a little farther on the rim of the bathtub. "At least I'm not in a cell...or dead," I meekly elaborated.

My heart beat frantically. Unsure.

"Well, you're in luck because you ended up in the best possible scenario." Abruptly he stood and stuck out his hand to me, "I'm Aito, that mean-looking man you met before was Rabby his little brother Veer is the kiddo. This is Daisy's home, she prefers seclusion but it's also where she operates."

I took his hand giving it a shake, "I'm Shiloh I worked on cars before well...this."

"Ooh so I bet you're handy with your hands," Aito smirked and went back to sitting on his stool. I gave a small smile to that not knowing which direction he took that information.

"I'm a doctor now in practice," Aito winked and I almost choked. " you must be a lot older than me."

He gasped and I embarrassingly shrank, "Sorry I scared you again!" I laughed trying to keep my nerves relaxed. "I'm 28 and you?" Aito leaned forward.

"21 in a month."

He smiled and I finally felt myself relaxing. He muttered something I couldn't hear.

"I would explain everything but I'm not really good at it. I think the boss man would do it way better. Are you okay with going to the living room?"

I couldn't hide in the bathroom forever, unfortunately.

"Who...who is the boss man?" I stood up with Aito following suit and lifted my bag once more.

"Well technically everyone who is ranked A is a leader, but he talks better. His name is Dawson a blonde haired beauty who still won't let me put a piercing on him..." Aito grumbled in the end.

I paused, "are you a leader?" I was getting chills, is this a cult!?

"Yep and you will be one too I think," swinging the door open he strolled down the hall, and I tentatively followed. I have no idea what Aito is talking about, how would I be a leader? Does that mean I'm ranked A? My thoughts were washed away by a shining figure.

Mid-day sun pierced the windows directly atop a man appearing like a golden halo. His hair was molten gold, his eyes a green forest and his figure was muscular. I froze, he beamed at me with white tiger teeth. Standing beside him was Rabby as perfect as can be with Aito jogging next to him.

Who knows where the other two went, the spotlight was on a trio of majestical beings. I felt like an intruder.

Golden held out a hand which in autopilot I took, "Dawson," he said.

"Shiloh," I blinked.

After the greeting, he clapped and sat down on the couch the other two followed and I reluctantly sat across from them.

"We're an organization that helps Esper's like ourselves."


"We try to help everyone that we can but of course in some cases it's impossible. With the latest technology, it's become very hectic for us, Esper's like you are popping up everywhere but in general, we have it under control."

"We're like a big family!" Aito chimed with a finger. Dawson smiled wringing his hands together, rings dawned on them. "I'm aware that you were pulled over and had to do one of the tests so, therefore, can't go back into human society."

I nodded slowly glancing at Rabby who was already looking at me and quickly turned away.

"We would be happy to take you in, you see, we have our own society although kept secret from humans. I would like to know a little more about you if that's all right?"

Processing the information I stiffly nodded again. "Great," still smiling he turned to Rabby who nodded opened a laptop, and began typing. Nervously I tugged at my skin in a pinching manner under the coffee table.

I was then asked to spell my name aloud and did so.

Dawson asked me my date of birth, age, occupation, then where I was from.

"Tether," I said.

"Where's that?" Aito asked, the other seemed just as unknowing.

"Uh, a small city in the Midwest..." I trailed off pinching my wrist.

They all nodded, typing ensuring. "This next question might be sensitive regarding your guardians..."

"Foster care system, I don't know my blood-related parents, wasn't ever adopted and no one knew of me being an Esper," I explained with a small frown.

"Right, it is quite common for Esper's like you to go unnoticed by our organization due to restrictions in the foster care system. We're still trying to figure out how to breach that wall." Dawson sighed running a hand down his face. He looked a little tired.

"And do you know your rank and what manipulation type or ability type you are?" Rabby interrupted looking up from the laptop.

"I..I don't really know a lot about Esper ranks or Esper's so I don't know about that. But I manipulate water."

"I see," Rabby clicked away.

"Well since you're in our hands we have all the time to teach you." Dawson grinned with Aito nodding along.

A/N- my art of Aito and Dawson

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