Off The Rails (BNHA x Male OC)

By silverowlbells

366K 19.2K 4.1K

Namura Yuji was a normal 15 year old with a pretty crappy quirk. He's quite the trouble maker; a delinquent a... More

1: Introducing...Him
2: Ice To Meet You
3: To Catch An Owl
4: To See A Ghost
5: Test It Out For Yourself
6: I've Got To Go Away
7: Why Is It Always My Problem?
9: Partners In (Not) Crime
10: Irresponsible Parenting
11: Real Deal
12: The Fall From Grace
13: Keep It Clean
14: Good Luck Out There
15: My Dinner With The Problem Child
16: Reunion Tour
17: Ahoy There
18: Calculated Mistakes
19: Surprise?
20: Can You Believe That?
21: Three Trench Coats In A Kid
22: We'll Burn That Bridge When We Get To It
23: Coming In Clutch
24: Get In The Spirit Of Things
25: Your Opinion Is What Matters
26: And So It Begins
27: The Yee To My Haw
28: The 4th Element
29: Take A Chance On Me
30: The Warning Signs
31: Can I Steal That? I Promise To Keep It Safe
32: Where In The World
33: The Great Escape
34: Throw The First Punch-Make It A Good One
35: Enough Hands To Hold Both Of Yours
36: How Many Walls Does A Room Have?
37: Catch 22
38: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 1
39: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 2
40: Do It For The Fame
41: Loose Lips Sink Ships
42: Take On Me

8: Help Me Out Here

9.6K 461 75
By silverowlbells

The sound of the Nomu's was almost as overwhelming as the smell. 

Steady, slow heartbeats. Irregular too. And they were all going at once. Yuji felt slightly panicked the longer he remained around the creatures, even through the warehouse wall. He couldn't count them because of how irregular they were so he had no idea how many were in there. 

His best guess was a number between 'woah' and 'too fucking many'. 

He really wished he had more deadly weapons with him. The closest he had was a pocket knife he used to cut zip ties. If his last fight against a Nomu was anything to go off of, it'd take a lot more than a pocket knife to kill them. 

But as stated before the smell of the place was worse. Normal people would probably think it smelled just as bad as every other abandoned looking warehouse on the street. Some discerning few would say it smelled worse. 

To Yuji it smelled like death. 

Nothing but rotting and decaying flesh. 

Hence his current position. 

"You can do this." He whispered to himself, wiping the vomit off his bottom lip. "Come on Yuji, you've got this.". 

Smacking himself lightly on the cheek he bounced to his feet and took a deep breath. He pulled the mask back down over his nose and mouth before he started climbing the warehouse. 

He finally reached the roof after a few minutes. The fresh air and light breeze was doing him wonders. Yuji slowly crept along the dilapidated and frankly dangerous looking roof until he found a gap. 

His breath caught in his throat. Chambers. Chambers upon chambers filled with growing and fully formed Nomu. The sight was horrifying but slightly reassuring. They weren't conscious. Much easier to get rid of. 

Yuji eyed the grappling hook he had made. It was a combined effort between himself and some random woman on the internet who posted a half assed tutorial to a prop version of the device, really. Taking a deep breath he pointed the device at a metal beam in the ceiling and lowered himself into the lab, sticking close to the roof. 

He looked around the lab to see most people were concentrated in one area, having some sort of phone meeting. 

"The heroes are approaching." One voice, a man, said over the phone. "What do you want us to do?". 

"Release the Nomu.". Yuji shivered when he heard the voice. It was the guy from the mall! It had to be. 

Quickly, the boy lowered himself further to the ground and dropped down. The sound of his boots hitting the floor was luckily drowned out by the conversation happening up ahead. He started hearing other voices too, but they sounded more garbled. They must be further away. 

"They're not finished forming. Someone other than All Might could defeat them in this state. We need more time-no. Yes. I understand. But if we moved locations-". The person stopped. 

Yuji hadn't made any noise, but he could definitely hear someone shuffling around outside. One of the people in that little 'focus group' must have heard them too. 

The boy was about to place a little electrocution device on the first Nomu tank he had the courage to get close too when he heard something. 

"Midoriya, we should head back. There are so many Nomu in there...its not safe.". 

No. What the fuck?! No. Nope. Absolutely not. 

Yuji dropped to his knees slowly and started crawling across the floor. He would be in the sightline of the group of weirdos if he stayed on his face. 

He pressed himself against the wall and listened. 

"But we can't give up now! Not when we've gotten so close." Yep, that was definitely Midoriya. "We need to get Kacchan back now.". 

"Dude I don't think he's in there." Kirishima-if Yuji was remembering right-said.  

"He isn't." Yuji confirmed despite being completely alone. He didn't even know Katsuki was missing. How long had he been stalking around warehouses? Were his moms worried? 

Okay, the answer to that one was obvious. Yes. 

--------- --------- --------- --------- ------- --------- ---------- 

"But...we can't." Midoriya felt like he was going to cry. They couldn't give up now, not when they had followed the lead this far. 

"Midoriya its too dangerous. All Might is the only person who could defeat those creatures." Yaomomo explained, "And there are already pros stationed around the building.". 

The green haired boy opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of an explosion or something like that a few blocks away. 

"All right kids, party times over." A familiar voice modulated vigilante said, popping out of the shadows. 

"Ghost!" Izuku said, shocked. 

"Good to see you too Deku, Baby Ingenium." He said, sauntering to the center of the group. "You guys need to leave. Like now.". Something was screaming at Yuji, some heartbeat was just a bit off. They had just arrived, but it was like they had completely snuck up on him. 

He didn't like that feeling. 

Right as he was about to say something about it, the warehouse collapsed. Yuji threw himself over Midoriya, hoping that his outfit would stop him from getting impaled or something. 

When the dust cleared there was a strange looking man bound up in Best Jeanists' strings. Every one of Yuji's senses had a violent dislike for the man. 

"This would be about time to get going if you don't want to die!" Yuji said, hurrying the students away from the area. 

"We need a new plan. No more villain fighting. We'll rescue Bakugou and get out." Todoroki said. 

"Good plan, burn cream." Yuji said with a nod. "Anyone got any good ideas? Because mine involves sending you all home to your parents.". 

"I have a better plan." Baby Ingenium interjected. 

-------- --------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- -------- 

"Remind me again how this is a better plan?" Yuji asked, clutching onto Izuku for dear life as they teetered over the edge of the skyscraper. 

"We need your technology and hands for this to work." Baby Ingenium explained. "You've got to be the one to reach out to Katsuki and pull him in with the grappling hook. 

"And to do that we have to jump off this building?!" Yuji asked incredulously. 

"Yes." Midoriya said, very seriously. Yuji didn't laugh, because he was actually serious, but the teen's determined face was so cute. He just wanted to pinch his little freckled cheeks! Maybe kiss them a little, who's to say. 

"We're ready to go, Midoriya." Baby Ingenium said, revving up his...leg engines? That was fun. 

Yuji tightened his grip on Midoriya ever so slightly and waited until he heard just the right amount of lightening crackling and engine revving. "Now!". 

And they were off. 

"Holy shit." Yuji mumbled as they sailed off the ice ramp and into the air. 

The battle below looked completely different from this angle. 

Yuji's eyes zeroed in on Katsuki, who was looking back at them. He heard the explosions charging. "Its going to work." He informed his 'teammates'. 

Katsuki launched himself into the air at top speed and Yuji shot out the grappling hook. The blond teen grabbed the end of it, a wide smirk on his face. Yuji reeled him in and clutched him close to the group. 

They landed in a heap a the end of the second ice ramp Todoroki had made. 

Yuji groaned at the impact, rubbing his forehead through the mask. 

Then he felt someone's breath just above him. 

Katsuki had fallen on top of him. Completely. Like he was barely lifting himself off in a plank position. 

It was interesting to think he could see every detail of Katsuki's eyes and the teen couldn't even see his face. Yuji twitched slightly, disturbed by the clear visage of his own reflection in the other boy's bright red eyes. 

The 'princess' nickname nearly rolled right off his tongue, but Yuji held it in. He wasn't there to out himself just yet. He was actually really flustered by the position (probably because he was VERY attracted to Katsuki). 

So Yuji, in all his flirting prowess said, 

"I can hear that your ribs are broken.". 

Fuck his life, honestly. 


Don't you love it when you publish the wrong version of the chapter and then Wattpad says they didn't save the right version so you panic only to discover it DID save and it just said that for no reason? 

That's me, right now. 

God sometimes I amaze myself with this stuff. 

I really hope the unfinished version wasn't one with different plot points cause that would be awkward 😅

If you guys saw any of that just ignore it lol! 

For a while now I've wanted to give Yuji an awkward moment, because he's always so prepared and collected all the time. Throwing him up in the air was a good way to do that, so was finally flustering the flusterer. 

That's not a word but I'm going to pretend it is. 

Stay Tuned! 

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