Crimson Heart - George Weasley

By _lxmos

12.1K 193 24

Ellie Gwydion-Black was a year old when her mother was murdered. She was just two years old when her father... More



559 9 1
By _lxmos

As they got back to the castle, Ellie splitted up from the group in search of her Uncle Remus hoping he could have some answers for her as to what has been happening with her magic and with what happened on the train. As she turned the corner of the hall she bumped into someone's chest. With a grunt she looked up to see George smiling at her while holding her up to keep her from falling.

"Ugh I'm sorry George, I wasn't looking where I was going and I'm trying to find my Uncle but I don't know my way around this castle yet", Ellie said shyly as she looked down at her feet. George chuckled slightly, "Its alright El. I was actually just headed to Potions class and your Uncle's office is right next to it so I can show you the way", he said and she nodded her head, blushing at the nickname he gave her, and followed him into a different hall.

"You seemed to be in a rush earlier, is everything alright?", he asked. She looked up at him and noticed how close they were standing next to each other. "Everythings fine, yeah, I just needed to talk to him about something important", she said. Sensing that she didn't want to talk about it George didn't push anymore as they made their way down to the dungeons. George stopped in front of a door, "Well this is me and your Uncle's office is right next door.", he said pointing to a door just down the hall. Ellie sighed in relief and before noticing what she was doing, she turned towards George and wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug. She let go quickly as redness started to form on her cheeks, muttered a thank you, and rushed down the hall and into her Uncles office.

George watched as she went into the office and smiled before entering the Potions classroom.

Ellie shut the door quietly and turned around to jump in shock as she saw Professor Dumbledore and her Uncle. It seemed she had interrupted an important conversation by the looks on their faces. "Oh my I am so sorry for interrupting like that. I really should have knocked", she said shyly.

Albus smiled at the girl, she reminded him so much of her mother in the way she acted. "That's quite alright Ellie. Remus and I were just finishing up here.", he said with a small smile. Remus looked at his niece and noticed the urgence in her eyes, "Is there something you need to talk about dear?"

Ellie nodded her head and looked towards Dumbledore. She didn't know how much the Headmaster knew of her powers. Remus noticed this and reassured her, "Professor Dumbledore knew your mother, Ellie. He knows and he's promised to keep your secret like he's keeping mine", he said.

At the mention of her mother, Ellie perked up and moves towards Dumblemore, "You knew my mom?", she asked quietly. She had only heard stories of her mother from Remus so to be able to potentially hear about her from someone different excited her. Albus smiled and linked his hands together in front of him, "Elisandra Gwydion. Yes, I knew your mother quite well. She was one of the most bravest and kind-hearted witches I have ever met in my life. One of the most powerful as well. Your Uncle has told me that her power has passed on to you, Ellie. I think that your mother knew the day would come where you would inherit the powers of the Scarlet Witch. I see that this seems to be taking a toll on you."

Ellie was surprised that Dumbledore knew of the Scarlet Witch and her powers but of course Dumbledore is a most powerful and knowledgable wizard himself. She nods her head, "That's actually why I'm here right now", she says as she turns towards her Uncle. "Something happened in Hagrid's class today. And before you get on me, I know I said I would try my best to control my temper but I can't just sit there and watch as someone beraits my friends."

Remus looks down at his desk and sighs, "What happened Ellie?"

"Malfoy was being a git thats what happened. He was taunting Buckbeak and I stood up to him. But thats not whats important, when I looked into Buckbeaks eyes I could see my own reflection. My eyes were red and red flashes, like my magic, were in them, I swear.", she explained to both the men. Remus looked up at Albus knowingly, "Have you been reading your mothers book more?"

"Yes, I've read it hundreds of times but nothing mentions red eyes. And earlier when we were on the train and that dementor attacked us. When I blacked out I was seeing these red images, like scenes of something that has happened. I saw a old house in Godric's Hollow and this man in a black cloak hovering over something before he vanished. Something about what I saw felt so familiar but I can't for the life of me remember anything like that happening before.", Ellie explained.

Remus's eyes widened slightly at the mention of what she saw and he looked toward Albus. Ellie didn't know exactly how her mother died and her father wanted to make sure that she never found out for her safety. Albus looked toward the girl, "Well Ellie, dementors have a fascinating way of getting inside people's heads and messing things up. I'm sure this is just the dementors playing tricks on you", he said.

Ellie shook her head, not believing what he said, "No, I know what I saw Professor. I could feel it that I knew that place, like I had been there before. And the same thing happened to Harry! He said he heard a woman scream when nobody else heard anything. This happened to just Harry and I, nobody else, so there has to be some sort of meaning to it."

Ellie was determined to get them to believe her but by the looks on their faces she knew she wasn't getting anywhere. Dumbledore looked at the time and sighed, "I'm sorry to you both but I have to get going now. Meetings and all that, but Ellie, I do hope that you overcome whatever you think this is", he said before nodding to Remus and walking out the door.

Ellie turns to her Uncle with her mouth wide open in shock, "He thinks I'm crazy. I know it."


"No! Lupin I swear I'm not crazy. I know what I saw, you have to believe me!"

Remus sighed and took his nieces hands in his, "Ellie, listen to me. You must watch what you say and what you do here at Hogwarts. If anything like what happened in class and on the train happens again you must tell me and only me, alright? We don't know who could be listening in at any moment so promise me you will do your best to keep quiet of these happenings.", he pleaded with her.

Ellie knew that all he wanted to do was keep her safe but she had to get to the bottom of this. She had to figure out what was happening to her even if he didn't want to help.

"Ok, I promise."

Later, Ellie finds herself in the Great Hall sitting at a table with Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they watch Draco flaunt his "injury" to his friends. "He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?", Ron says. Ellie rolls her eyes and turns away from the blonde, just looking at him made her angry. "Yeah, but at least Hagrid didn't get fired."

"Draco's father is furios though. We haven't heard the end of this.", Hermione says before someone shouts out, "He's been sighted! He's been sighted". Ellie looks over to her side to see Seamus throwing down a newspaper.


"Sirius Black!", Seamus says as all the students around the table gasp and Hermione leans over to grab the paper on the table, "Dufftown? That's not far from here", she says making Ellie perk up as she looks over at the paper. "Y-you don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?", Neville asked, clearly frightened. Ellie resists the urge to roll her eyes, her father was nothing to be afraid of and she was getting tired of people judging him for something she knew he didn't do.

"With dementors at every entrance?"

"He's already slipped past them once, hasn't he? Who's to say he won't do it again?"

"Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke."

Harry stood over the students sitting at the table and stared at the motion picture of the man called Sirius Black. He looked dissheveled as he held his inmate number sign for Azkaban. Harry's eyes wandered over to where Ellie sat and noticed the sad look on her face as she stared at the newspaper. He hadn't forgotten what he saw in the forest earlier and wanted to ask her about it. Ellie began to get up from her seat, ready to get back to her dorm, and Harry followed her out of the Great Hall.

"Ellie! Wait up!", he called out causing her to turn around and smile at him. "Hi Harry", she said as she hugged her books to her chest. "Listen, I wanted to ask you about something. Back in the forest, when you were in front of Buckbeak, I saw this small red glow behind your back. Did you notice that?", he asked, carefully watching her body language to see how she would react, but Ellie stayed calm and collected.

She put on a confused face before answering, "I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. I think I was too in the moment to even notice anything like that behind me, ya know."

Harry nodded his head, "Yeah, you were pretty upset. Maybe I was just seeing things then. Thanks anyway", he said with a smile before walking back to the Great Hall, completely missing the worried look on Ellie's face.

Ellie made her way back to the Gryffindor common room and put her books down on a table before noticing that she wasn't the only one in the room. Turning around she saw George sitting on the couch holding his wrist with a pained look on his face. She walked over to him and sat down next to him, "What happened Georgie?", she asked without realizing the nickname coming out of her mouth. He looked up at her and saw those beautiful green eyes and red hair that he was quickly becoming to adore.

"Quidditch practice can get a little rough at times but its nothing a quick spell can't fix. If I could just find my wand..", he said looking around the couch and the table to find his wand. She quickly took out her wand and caught his attention, "Let me. I know the charm.", she said before carefully taking his hand and placing his wrist in her hand. George could feel the warmth of her skin on his as he watched her concentrate, "Episkey", she whispered and watched as the yellow light traveled around his wrist.

The light slowly faded as she let go of his wrist. He lifted his hand up and twisted his wrist around and smiled, "Good as new, thanks El", he said. She smiled back at him before putting her wand away and going to get up from the couch to go to her dorm. A hand grabbed her arm pulling her back as she turned and saw George standing in front of her.

"I wanted to ask you something, if it's alright with you", he said and she nodded her head, looking into his eyes.

"There's a Quidditch match tomorrow. Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. I know you said you had no interest in learning to fly on a broom or tryout for Quidditch, but I was hoping that maybe you'd like to come to the match tomorrow?", he asked her with a shy smile.

Ellie smirked at him, "Are you asking me to come cheer you on?", she asked with a smile as a blush rose to his cheeks.

"I mean if you wanted to do that I'm not going to stop you", he said, smirking back at her. Ellie laughed and nodded her head, "I'll make sure to be the best cheerleader I can be."

They both smiled at each other and Ellie saw his eyes move down to her lips as she noticed how close they were standing. Before either could do or say anything more, a loud commotion entered the common room causing them to jump apart as Harry, Ron, Fred, and Hermione entered the coomon room. Hermione, being the quick and smart person she is, noticed the small space and silence between the two.

George watched as Hermione rushed up to Ellie, whispered something in her ear that made her laugh before pulling her up the stairs to the girls dorm. He looked over to Harry and his two brothers who all had teasing smiles on their faces. He shook his head and grabbed his books before going to the boys dorm with the others following, ready to be bombarded with questions.

(Quick question: Im writing these chapters on my desktop so I can insert gifs in the media above each chapter. Can you guys see the gifs when reading the book on the mobile app? I checked on the app and the gifs dont pop up for me and I don't know how to insert them on the app)

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