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By aestheticxdreams

26.8K 865 360

A zombie apocalypse breaks out in a high school, now students are trapped and trying to escape. A couple who... More

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868 36 11
By aestheticxdreams

Day 4: Continued

"Lift your arms up please."

Eun Kyung sat there, not making a move.

"I said to-"

"She just lost someone really special on our way here just a few moments ago. She won't respond." Suhyeok explained

They were being examined and checked thoroughly, making sure none of them were infected.

"Well I need you to cooperate with me. We've all lost someone dear to us." The examiner said

"Did you lose them while running for your lives from eating corpses? You're aren't from Hyosan. Don't tell me how to fucking feel." Eun Kyung spoke up

Her face was emotionless but did as told.

Once it was over they were all sent to their own cell. Eun Kyung sat on her bed and looked out the window.

"Why...why...We we're supposed to live together. How..."

Tears slipped from her eyes and fell to the floor. She wanted to yell, she wanted to throw a tantrum but she didn't have the energy for it.

On the other side of the prison, Suhyeok was talking to one of the guards.

"My cousin, Lee Eun Kyung, is pregnant. Please make sure she eats. She will lose that child and regret it. Her long-term boyfriend just died. Please, take care of her." Suhyeok pleaded

"We can't promise anything."

With that they left him alone. He banged the walls, frustrated from everything.

"She's not going to keep the baby." Suhyeok muttered

His head hung low, staring at the ground.

"Please exit the room, you will now be asked questions." The guard explained

The group was met up once again.

"Do you know the teacher, Lee Byeong Chan?" The investigator asked

"He was my science teacher." Eun Kyung replied with a monotone

"Do you know about the virus he created?"

"It killed my friends."

"Can you provide more detail?"

"Why didn't you save us? Answer me." She looked up and glared at the woman across from her

"We cannot-"

"You can't tell us? My BOYFRIEND DIED because you left us!" Eun Kyung stood up urgently and knocked down her chair

"Please listen-"

"Listen?!" She scoffed, "You expect me to listen? Adults sure are scary, leaving children to die. But of course, there's an excuse. Did our friends have to die? Did our family have to die? All you had to do was SAVE US!"

"Take her away."

The guards ran inside the room and grabbed Eun Kyung by force.

"Let go of me. I SAID LET GO!!"

"Stop it! She's pregnant!" Hyo Ryung said with panic

"Kill it, just goes to show how the government actually is." Eun Kyung gritted between her teeth

"Be careful, she's pregnant." The police officer said

The students stayed seated as they took out Eun Kyung.



"I'm sorry about that. Please excuse her." The investigator said

"She's my cousin...how could you treat a victim like that?" Suhyeok asked

"I'm sorry, but she was getting out of hand."

"She lost her boyfriend."

"I'm sure she'll get over it."

"You don't get it. None of you ever will. Her relationship with Wujin, was special. Don't badmouth her."

Just like that Suhyeok and the others left the room. Eun Kyung was the last one to be questioned, but they didn't get any answers from her.


At night, the people were not able to sleep because they could hear Eun Kyung sobbing at night. She began to starve herself even though the guards told her to eat because of her baby.


"Miss, please eat." The guard begged

"I won't eat. Stop telling me what to do."

The guard sighed and removed his mask. He was young, maybe 20? And very handsome.

"Miss, your boyfriend wouldn't appreciate it if you continued to starve yourself. Didn't he tell you to name the baby?"

He only knew this because Eun Kyung would talk to him about Wujin, that's what  kept her to keep going.

"Why does it even matter? The baby won't have a father." Eun Kyung cried

"How about you tell me a story about him? But you must eat." He smiled kindly

"He was going to join track. He's really fast at running. I hoped he'd get a scholarship from it, I wanted to cheer him own."

Eun Kyung couldn't help but sob.

"I miss him."

"I'm sure you do miss. He must be missing you too."

"Where are you from?" Eun Kyung asked

"Seoul. I joined the military early. I wanted it out of the way."

"Now you're stuck listening to me."

"You keep me entertained. Your love life is...very interesting. From what I heard, many men chased after you, but you chose him. Why?"

"He actually cared about me...the only one who did. Wujin loved me. He...he really loved me. He wanted to actually know me, he didn't want my body. Wujin will always be the man I loved."

"Would you ever love again?" He asked

"No, I wouldn't. They will just leave me or use me."

"Is that what Wujin wanted?"

"He knows how stubborn I am. He knows I'll only love him."

"What if you meet someone?"

"It won't be the same. Even if I tried, I can't. He's the only one. Do you want to see him?" Eun Kyung asked

"Sure." He smiled politely

Eun Kyung got up and went to her bag, the same bag she used a month ago to escape that hellhole. She pulled out her old phone and went to her photo album, every single picture they had taken together was on there, except her scrapbook she had worked on.

She showed him a picture of Wujin, it was the one she had taken of him at the Farris Wheel.

"He's very handsome, miss."

"I know right. I really did win in life." She smiled

It was the first time she had smiled in a month.

"What's your name?" Eun Kyung finally asked after a month

"Park Sung Ho, miss."

"Thank you, Sung Ho. You've been really nice. Please speak about yourself now. All I've been doing is speaking of myself."

"It's okay, I haven't had it hard like you. I just want to be someone you can rely on, miss." Sung Ho explained

"You don't have to call me, miss. Just call me Eun Kyung. I feel old when you say miss."

"Oh, I apologize, Eun Kyung."


Three Months Later

Eun Kyung's belly had grown a lot since the last time the students had seen her. They were finally getting out, but they sadly they still had to stay in the quarantine zone.

"Are you ready, Eun Kyung?" Sung Ho asked

"I am, I'm just fixing my bed." Eun Kyung replied

"Well, you should hurry, the printer might be filled with a line by now."

"I know, I know, but I can't find my old phone." She was slightly starting to cry

"I'll help."

Sung Ho entered her cell and looked everywhere for the phone.

"I found it!" Eun Kyung smiled

"Alright, let's go."

Eun Kyung nodded and grabbed onto Sung Ho for support.

She was finally out and could see and feel the sun. It was so beautiful.

"Hi, Wujin." Eun Kyung waved at the sky

"Thank you, Sung Ho, but I got it from here."

"Alright, miss. I'll see you at the cell later tonight."

Eun Kyung waved goodbye and continued her walk to the printer and found the line was short. She sighed knowing she was safe.


She looked up and saw it was finally her turn.

"Hello, miss. What can I do for you?" The lady asked

"How many pictures can I print with color?" She asked

"As many as you want."

"Oh, may you print this whole album?"

She took out her phone and showed the lady the 500 pictures of Wujin and her. She would print his individual pictures another time, but what mattered now was their pictures together.

"Of course, is he your boyfriend?"

"Yes." Eun Kyung smiled

"Is he here?"

"Sadly, he's not."

"I'm sorry for your loss." The lady apologized

"No need to apologize, it's not your fault." Eun Kyung smiled

"I'll need a name, so you can pick them up tomorrow."

"Jung Eun Kyung."

"Jung...Eun...Kyung. Got it, thank you."

"No, thank you."

Eun Kyung smiled once more and walked away, she officially had made her surname to Jung. She used the rings as evidence. She always had Wujin's ring on her neck, his ring was far too big for her so she made a necklace.

Eun Kyung looked around the area as she rubbed her belly, she was four months pregnant, she found an area filled with binders and books. She walked inside and looked around.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The man inside asked

"Do you happen to have a photo album? A small one with many pages?"

"I have a grey, black, white, and light blue."

"I'll take the light blue."

"Here you go miss. Have a good day."

"You too, thank you."

She swung the bag around and picked up snacks along the way. As she looked around she noticed someone. He looked very familiar.

She made her way to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smiled brightly.

"Suhyeok." Eun Kyung breathed

She hugged him tightly with tears in her eyes.

"Eun Kyung, I'm so glad to see you...and the baby. I'm glad you kept it." Suhyeok smiled

"It wasn't easy. I had someone convince me."


"My cell guard. Talking to him about Wujin made me realize he wouldn't want me to get rid of the baby."

"How are you doing now?"

"I miss him, you know. I still cry at night, but at least I don't cry every second. I just wish he was here. Sometimes, I forget he's dead. I always think he's on a family trip or just moved away and that we have a long distance relationship. But he's actually gone." She had tears running down her face

"I understand, I know you miss him. So, I'm here to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone."

"What is it?" She asked

"On-Jo is planning to go over the wall tomorrow night. Do you want to come?"

"I'd love to, but how would I climb over? My belly is too big and heavy. I'm scared the baby will get hurt."

"I'll make you some stairs."

"It's okay, I have another plan. I'll join you though. My mouth is zipped."


"Sung Ho, I have a favor." Eun Kyung spoke

"What is it?"

"Help me climb the wall tonight."

"The wall?! Are you crazy? I'm going to act like you didn't say that."

"Please, come on."

"Eun Kyung, I'd get fired."

"You're right, I'm sorry. I'm going to take a walk. I need some air."

"You're not going to the wall, right?" Sung Ho asked

"I can't even go over it with my huge belly."

"Okay, be careful."

"See you."

Eun Kyung got up from her bed and left Sung Ho behind.

Sung Ho sighed knowing she was going to try to climb over it.

Eun Kyung looked around for empty cart boxes. If they were stable enough she brought them to the back.

Once she was done making her stairs she walked up and climbed up the wall. She stared from up the wall and sighed. She still had to climb down.

She burst into tears, she wouldn't be able to see Wujin after all.

"Lee Eun Kyung, what are you doing?"

"It's Jung."

"Get back down here. I said I'd help you tomorrow."

"Suhyeok, I can't get down to the other side." She sobbed

"Eun Kyung...come on." Suhyeok said softly

"I can't...I want to see Wujin." She cried

"Eun Kyung?" A voiced questioned

Suhyeok looked down to see a guard without their mask. He guessed it was the guard that she talked about.

"Please don't report us. She's just having a hard time." Suhyeok said

He hugged Eun Kyung tightly, protecting her.

"Who are you?" Sung Ho asked

"I'm her cousin, I'll get her down, I promise."

"Get down, sir. I'll handle it from here."


"I'll handle it from here." Sung Ho repeated

Suhyeok sighed and hugged Eun Kyung once more.

"Eun Kyung, don't do anything stupid."

"I can't...I love you. Don't do anything stupid."

"Wujin? Why can't I do anything stupid? Hm? What if I just wanted to join you? Our baby would join us. We'd be a happy family..." She muttered to herself but Sung Ho could hear clearly

"Eun Kyung...don't move." He said worriedly

"Stop...stop helping me. I don't need it."

"Eun Kyung, I want to help you. Please let me."

"No, it's my fault for asking earlier. I must have lost my mind. I can't continue without him."

"What about your baby?"

"I love my baby, but I can't. I'm being selfish, I know. But can't I be selfish for once?"

"Eun Kyung...I love you."

Eun Kyung couldn't help but cry harder.

"Don't...Don't say that."

"But I do, I'm not saying to accept my feelings or to return them. I know you won't. But...but let me do this for you."

"Sung Ho...just leave. Report me, I don't care. But don't love me when I can't return those feelings back. I will never return them back."

Sung Ho now sat by her.

"You have to move on...he'd want that."

"Maybe, but I'm stubborn. No one will ever replace him."

She got up from her spot and went back down.

"Lee Eun Kyung! Just love me back! Please."

"It's Jung."

"I don't care, I've waited so long for you. I will gladly take care of your baby."

"It's not just the baby. You should know this by now. Why do you love me?"

"Because you are you."

"Because...you...are you."

"Don't...Stop. You're...you're just like...him."

Eun Kyung fell to her knees.


"Eun Kyung, Wujin wanted me to tell you something. If you ever love again...to go for it. He wants you happy." Ha Ri said through the cell

Eun Kyung was by herself. Ha-Ri was being taken out so she could be cleaned. It wasn't her first time having a conversation with Eun Kyung like this.

"No, I won't."

"But I see the way you look at your guard. He's so much like him."

"And that's why I can't love him. I don't want to be reminded of him. I don't want to love him because of someone else. I want to..."

"You want to love him for who he is." Ha-Ri finished


"Do you love him?"



"Then love me back."

"I can't. Please, don't do this to me."

"Eun Kyung...do you really not have feelings for me?"


"Be honest, I won't be mad. Wujin wouldn't get mad. Do you love, Sung Ho?" Ha-Ri asked once more

Eun Kyung sighed and looked into Ha-Ri's eyes.

"I don't."

Ha-Ri sighed, "You really don't...I thought you would. You seem comfortable with him."

"He is comfortable as a friend."


"Sung Ho, I don't."

Sung Ho bent down and held out his hand towards Eun Kyung.

"I'm sorry, you were right. You will never fall for me...will you?"

"I won't... My heart belongs to Wujin."

"I see, let me help you up."

"No, I just need space to myself."

"I understand."

He got up from his knees and walked away.

Eun Kyung backed up to the wall and slid down sobbing.

"Come back...please...Wujin..."

That night she spent it crying all night for the first time in months.

"I'm coming...Wujin."

She walked up the stairs and tied the red scarf to a fence. She made it into a rope ladder and climbed down. It was hard as she continued to wobble down and hit parts of her body against the wall. But she used her feet to somewhat slow down the impact.

She walked up to the hill where she found the tree filled with yellow ribbons and snacks.

She pulled out Wujin's favorite ramen and candy. She placed it under the tree and pecked the tree.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I brought your favorites. Our baby has grown...I'm going to come back again with our baby in my hands. I want to surprise you with their gender." Eun Kyung chuckled

She sniffled and laughed a bit.

"I miss you...I wish you were here. I can't live without you, but I'm going to try for our baby. Because I trust you."

Tears flowed even more. She sat on the ground and took out the yellow ribbon she made for him. It read: I love you, Wujin. Wanna One is still better than BTS

She chuckled and wiped away her tears. Once she got up she tied the ribbon right next to the one Ha-Ri wrote.

"I'll come back, I promise. Thank you for the beautiful memories." Eun Kyung said


The next night had arrived, she didn't talk to Sung Ho at all. But he stayed in her hallway, he couldn't help but worry for her, but she didn't care.

Once it was two in the morning she left her cell and left to the back of wall. There she saw everyone waiting there.

"Eun Kyung..." They smiled


The group held her in a tight but not so tight hug.

"Your belly has grown so much." Hyo Ryung squealed while kissing her tummy

"I know right. Nam Ra was correct after all." Eun Kyung smiled

"Hello, little baby." On-Jo cooed

"My brother-in-law sure did a great job." Dae-Su smirked

"Yah!" Eun Kyung smacked his shoulder

Her face was a bright red.


Those moments flashed through her mind, she couldn't help but smile.

"If it's a girl you should name her after me." Mijin said

"No offense, but I'm not naming my daughter after my boyfriend's sister's girlfriend."

"Y-Yah...we're not dating." Mijin stuttered


"I'm going to an aunt." Ha-Ri smiled

"A good one." Eun Kyung smiled

"Oh! I'm going to be an uncle too!" Suhyeok jumped in joy

"You all will."

"So, are you all ready?" On-Jo asked

They all nod.

"Dae-Su and Suhyeok go first so you can help Eun Kyung down." On-Jo explained the plan

They nodded and headed up.

"Thanks On-Jo." Eun Kyung said

"You're welcome." She smiled

Eun Kyung arrived at the top of the wall with Dae-Su and Suhyeok at the top.

"Alright Eun Kyung, you're going to hold on tight. Wujin will kill us if we hurt you." Dae-Su joked

Eun Kyung laughed and nodded.

Suhyeok grabbed onto the rope, that he brought especially for Eun Kyung, and threw it down.

"I'll be joining you while going down the rope ladder."

"Oh..." She smiled sheepishly

"Alright let's go."

Suhyeok went down first and then Eun Kyung. He kept her stomach from hitting the wall, while Dae-Su was at the bottom ready to catch Eun Kyung if anything goes wrong.

Once everyone was down they all paid their respects to their friends and family.

"I guess I really am your wife." Eun Kyung laughed

"I can't believe he proposed." Ha-Ri deadpanned

"That's what I'm saying. He didn't get my approval." Suhyeok complained, "Trying to take my poor baby cousin away from me."

"Nam Ra stole you from me too." Eun Kyung said

"That's different." He replied

"Mhm, I'll let you believe that."

They were talking as they made their way to the school. Apparently, Ha-Ri saw fire lit up on the school rooftop.

"Did you actually change your surname to Jung?" Suhyeok asked

"Yes, we wanted to get married, so it was his birthday gift."

"Your birthday already passed, right?" Ha-Ri asked

"Mhm, about two weeks ago."

"Oh, here."

Ha-Ri pulled out an envelope.

"What's this?"

"He made a list of names. This could help you."

"Oh...I...Thank you."

"Anything for my sister-in-law." Ha-Ri smiled


They walked up the stairs of the school, everything was destroyed, the only thing that stood up was the school.

Once they arrived to the rooftop they could see the fire lit up.

"Someone was up here." Dae-Su said

"Obviously." Eun Kyung replied

They glared at each other for a second and laughed.

"You came." The group turned to see Nam Ra

"Nam Ra..."

Suhyeok was the first to make a move. She looked so different.

"I heard your baby...that's why I came to check it out." Nam Ra said

"I...Nam Ra...We miss you." Eun Kyung said

"I miss you guys too. I wanted to see you, but I can't." Nam Ra smiled sadly

"Why? You can come back with us." On-Jo reassured her

"I can't, I have things to do here." Nam Ra explained

"What do you mean?" They asked

"There are others like me. Some of them ran away from the school, but some stayed." Nam Ra explained further

"Don't say that, you're not a zombie." On-Jo said

"You know how we're not really kids, but we're also
not adults yet, either? That's me, I'm neither human nor a monster."

"Don't say that." Eun Kyung spoke

"We're still friends even if we're apart, okay?" Nam Ra asked

"Yes, wherever we are, we're still friends." Suhyeok responded

"That's good." Nam Ra smiled

She looked behind her and spoke up.

"It's them."

Nam Ra zipped up her jacket and ran to the edge of the rooftop, jumping off.

Their eyes grew huge and ran to the edge. They sigh once they noticed she was okay, but when they look out to the field they couldn't help but stay in shock.

"It's..." Eun Kyung started

"Cheongsan." On-Jo finished

"Eun Kyung..." Suhyeok tapped her shoulder

"Yea?" She questioned


Eun Kyung looked back out to the field where Suhyeok was pointing.

Her eyes widen from the sight right in front of her.

How is this happening?

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟹𝟼𝟿𝟶
I had to edit this a lot because it was way too long. I will post a epilogue and that will be the end for this book. I know many of you are disappointed with Wujin's ending. I wanted him to live, but I really want Eun Kyung's character to develop. Right now you might not see it but you'll see it soon.

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