ON HOLD | Little Romanoff | A...

By goonerscribblesox

56.7K 1.5K 331

Natasha Romanoff, agent of shield and trained assassin, has always longed to be a mother, but that opportunit... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Rescue Mission
2. Arrival At The Farm
3. Runaway
4. Adjusting To Life
5. Back To Work
7. Run-In With Mr Stark
8. Never Trust Fury To Babysit
9. Bitter Apple Juice
10. A Spy With A Kid, Huh?
11. Can I call you Mama?
12. Surprise Visit!
13. End Of Mission Iron-Man
14. Vacation Is Over Now, маленький
15. We're Under Attack
16. Reunited
17. Clingy
18. Foam Bullets
19. Bribery
20. Mean Man In Green!
21. You Gotta Be Brave, Kid
22. A Real-Life Superhero!
23. Battle Of New York
24. Victory!
25. Conversations
not an update

6. Commence, Mission Stark!

2.8K 69 13
By goonerscribblesox

"Agent Romanoff. How's mission motherhood going?" Nick Fury questioned as the women walked into the base. Thankfully, she'd already gotten Maria to sit with Amelia just until she could talk to him so she didn't have to worry about that yet.

Natasha resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Great. So was there a reason why you dragged me out here? You know, I was just starting to get used to the farm lifestyle," she told the man sarcastically.

Nick Fury chuckled. "Funny. I never saw you as the farm girl type," He stated.

"Cut the bullshit, Fury," Natasha said, she finally had enough of his games. "Why am I here?" she questioned.

"Straight to the point, Agent Romanoff," Fury said while he smirked.

"I just want to know what the mission involves, you were pretty vague over the phone about it and if you want my kid involved, it had better not be dangerous!" Natasha said as she raised her voice.

"It's not dangerous," Fury insisted.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrow in confusion. "What's the mission, Fury?" she asked.

"Alright, so are you familiar with the billionaire, Tony Stark?" Fury questioned the redheaded agent.

"Do you mean the guy that builds the robots?" Natasha replied to the man who nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what about him?" She wondered.

"His health has become compromised and he's been doing some things that are pretty questionable. I'd like for you to shadow him and keep an eye out," Fury explained.

Natasha didn't hesitate to roll her eyes. "Oh, so you want me to babysit the rich guy," she remarked.

"I wouldn't exactly say it like that, Agent Romanoff," Fury said shaking his head.

"I'm saying it exactly how it sounds, Fury," Natasha stated.

Fury exhaled a sigh and slowly shook his head. "Okay very well if you insist to call it that then yes, I need you to babysit the billionaire," He told her.

"Go figure..." Natasha muttered and then narrowed her eyes. "And what does Amelia have to do with any of this?" she asked.

Fury looked at the redheaded agent before he motioned her to walk with him. "Well, I think it would be a good idea for you to bring her in and see him react to a child in his presence, maybe his actions might not be so... irrational then," He told her.

"So let me get this right, you want me to put my eight-year-old at potential risk for you to figure out how this guy would react to her in the picture?" Natasha questioned hastily, making sure that she had all the correct information.

"Correct," Fury agreed.

Natasha shook her head at the older man. "That's bizarre, Fury!" She exclaimed.

"Be reasonable to the idea, Agent Romanoff," Fury insisted.

"How can I be reasonable when you're being irrational, Nick!" Natasha stated as she raised her voice again.

Fury inhaled a sigh and looked at Natasha seriously. "Agent Romanoff, think of it this way. You're working undercover and you can keep an eye on her throughout," He paused as the women continued to stare at him like he had two heads. "Your kid won't be out of your sight while she is there if you don't want her to be," He added.

Natasha took a few minutes before she sighed. "Fine, but if she does get hurt then it's on your head!" She warned.

"Okay, okay. I will take the blame!" Fury agreed as he held his hands up in defence. 

"Clint also told me to warn you she has a protective uncle to watch her back now and if she gets hurt, then he said he won't hesitate to hurt you even if you are his boss," Natasha warned the older man.

"Noted..." Fury stated and then looked out the window to see Maria sitting with Amelia on the chairs, the eight-year-old was distracted by the colouring book in front of her as she talked to Maria. "So can I meet her now?" He asked.

Natasha sighed and nodded wearily. "Yes, alright but Fury, don't be mean to her!" she warned.

"I won't be mean to her, Natasha," Fury said while he rolled his eyes.

"I mean it, Fury!" Natasha stated firmly.

Fury held his hands up in mock surrender. "Relax mama bear, I won't be mean to your kid..." He paused. "Speaking of which, did you fill out all the paperwork that I sent you?" He asked.

"Yeah. It has all been filled out now," Natasha stated as she reached into her purse and handed over the papers to the man.

"It should all be a relatively quick process for you and the guardianship and adoption will be complete," Fury said as he accepted the different papers.

"Fantastic. I'll go and grab Amelia from Maria, she's probably chatting her ear off," Natasha said as turned to walk towards the door.

"Tasha!" Amelia exclaimed, noticing the appearance of the redhead coming towards her from where she was sitting colouring in.

"Hey, маленький," Natasha said as she smiled at the eight-year-old before she looked at her fellow agent. "Thank you for keeping an eye on her, Maria," she said to the brunette.

Maria nodded and smiled. "No problem, Nat. You know your kid is chatty. We've been talking and she told me all about her time on the farm," she stated.

"I hope she didn't chat your ear off," Natasha said amused.

Maria waved her off with her hand. "Nothing that I couldn't cope with," she said.

Natasha smiled before she turned her attention back to the brunette. "Hey Amelia, come with me," she gestured for the eight-year-old to follow her.

Amelia looked at her confused. "Am I in trouble, Tasha?" she wondered.

"No, of course not unless you have done anything you shouldn't have?" Natasha questioned jokingly while she raised her eyebrow playfully.

"No," Amelia said while she shook her head.

"Then you're not in trouble маленький," Natasha chuckled and ruffled her brunette hair. "I want you to meet someone, my boss, Fury. Remember the teddy bear?" she questioned.

"Oh yeah!" Amelia said while she nodded and held Natasha's hand to walk back to the man.

"Amelia, this is Fury-" Natasha started to say but noticed the eight-year-olds eyes go wide and she instantly looked concerned. "Amelia? Uh, are you okay, маленький?" she wondered.

"Woah!" Amelia suddenly exclaimed, not taking her eyes off the older man who looked at her, she didn't look scared though, instead if anything, she looked amazed.

"Hi there," Fury started to say.

"You look like a pirate!" Amelia stated, pointing at the man and obviously, she pointed straight at the eyepatch and then looked at Natasha in excitement. "Tasha, he looks like a real-life pirate!" she exclaimed.

Natasha can't help but stifle a laugh at Amelia's reaction while trying to keep her face straight, she thought that she would find the man terrifying but this was the complete opposite reaction. The redhead hesitantly waited for Fury to respond back, automatically expecting him to say something and scare the child.

"Well, thank you kid," Fury's reply was short.

Amelia looked at the man and grinned. "Can I call you Pirate Fury?" she questioned.

"No," Fury stated.

"Please?" Amelia pouted.

"No," Fury disagreed again.

"Amelia," Natasha said hesitantly, she was unaware of how the man would ultimately react to this.

"Pretty please!" Amelia questioned while she pouted again.

"No," Fury stated firmly still.

"Pleaseeeee!" Amelia whined while she still continued to pout.

Fury exhaled a sigh and looked in the child's direction before he relented. "Fine," He agreed.

"Yes!" Amelia cheered. Natasha had her arms crossed and an amused look on her face while she looked at her boss who gazed in her direction and shook his head. "My name is Amelia but some people used to call me Melia, not little one though as only Tasha is allowed to call me that!" she said while she held her hand out for the older man to shake.

Fury looked down at the smaller girl who stood in front of him with her holding out her hand for him to shake.

"You're supposed to shake my hand. It's not polite to ignore it," Amelia said, continuing to hold her hand out for him to shake.

Fury chuckled and crouched down to shake the child's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Amelia." He said. "Properly this time, I might add. The last time I saw you, you were asleep on the couch over there,"

"It's nice to meet you too, Pirate Fury!" Amelia said while she grinned.

Fury chuckled and shook his head. "I can see that name isn't going away anytime soon, is it?" he said.

"Nope!" Amelia insisted.

Natasha let out a laugh while keeping her arms crossed. "You had better get used to it, Fury!" she stated.

"Your kids' one of a kind, Romanoff," Fury remarked.

Natasha smirked and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, she tends to make even the toughest people act like complete softies," she agreed.

Fury didn't say anything but let out a sigh and nod in agreement, he hated to admit it but he knew this kid would have him wrapped around his finger.

"Let's talk about the mission, it starts tomorrow. For the purpose of the mission, I have taken the liberty of sorting out a safe house for the two of you, and a vehicle," Fury said as he walked over to the table, picking up the two sets of keys, for the safehouse and car.

"Okay. That all sounds good," Natasha said while she nodded in agreement. "What about Amelia? It'll be difficult to bring her in straight away," She mentioned. "It'll be easy enough for me to take her tomorrow because it will be quick but what about the next few days?" she wondered.

"I understand that it would be, so until you've got a feel for it, Amelia can come here and Maria and I will watch her until you are finished for the day," Fury told her.

Natasha raised an eyebrow in amusement. "You're going to watch Amelia willingly?" she asked.

"Yes," Fury agreed.

Natasha let out a laugh and smirked. "Do you have any experience looking after kids, Nick?" she asked.

Fury couldn't help but roll his eyes and shake his head. "Agent Romanoff, I am perfectly capable of watching over a child," He insisted.

Natasha narrowed her eyebrow in thought before she nodded. "Okay, fine," she agreed, she didn't really have much choice otherwise, there would be no point in sending her to school for such a short amount of time.

"Good. I will see you both tomorrow, Agent Romanoff," Fury stated and nodded his head before he looked at Amelia. "See you tomorrow, Amelia." He waved slightly.

"Bye, Pirate Fury!" Amelia said while she grinned at the older man.

"Where are we?" Amelia asked confused, they were in the car on the way to the address of the small apartment they were but Amelia was unaware of where they even were right now.

"Malibu," Natasha told her as she briefly looked over at her before concentrating back on the road. "We're staying at a safe house while the mission is in progress," she explained to the redheaded child.

"Oh, cool," Amelia said in agreement as she stared out the window as they passed the beach. "Tasha look, the beach!" she exclaimed.

"I see it, дорогой," Natasha agreed as she smiled at the excitement the eight-year-old had on her face. "The safe house is right on the beach, so you can run in the sand and sea as much as you like," she told her.

"Really?" Amelia asked excitedly.

"Yeah," Natasha said as she let out a laugh and nodded, she continued to drive until they arrived at the address that Fury had given her, even though she had to admit she was pretty impressed with the safehouse he'd set up for the two of them. It was indeed right on the beach, the only thing that was between the house and the beach was the decking.

"Wow, this is so cool!" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes wide at the sight of the safehouse

Natasha laughed as she lifted the suitcases out of the trunk, she unlocked the door and brought them inside all while Amelia ran inside after her, still staring around in amazement.

"Are you hungry, дорогой?" Natasha questioned as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I could eat!" Amelia agreed, pulling out the swivel chair to sit down at the counter.

"What do you want to eat?" Natasha wondered.

"Hmm, chicken nuggets!" Amelia exclaimed.

Natasha turned to look at the eight-year-old and smiled. "Chicken nuggets, huh? That sounds good," she said as she looked at the freezer and realized there was no food. "Oh, crap," she muttered.

"You said a bad word, Tasha!" Amelia said pointing out the redheads' choice of words.

Natasha can't help but roll her eyes while she picked up the car keys. "Alright Amelia, looks' like we need to go grocery shopping," she said.

"Why?" Amelia questioned.

"Well, we've got no food in the house... Looks like the unpacking will have to wait," Natasha stated while she motioned for the eight-year-old to follow her out of the safehouse.

"Tasha, can we get these?" Amelia asked, holding up the box of pop tarts in her hands while Natasha stood there with a cart full of groceries.

"Go on then," Natasha agreed as she scanned her eyes over the food on the shelves before she picked up a can of beans and put them in the cart. "But you still need to eat fruit and vegetables as well, you can't just eat junk food," she told her.

"Even broccoli as well?" Amelia scrunched her face up at the thought of the green trees.

Natasha laughed and nodded her head. "Yes, even your broccoli as well," she agreed.

"I don't like vegetables," Amelia said while she pulled a face while she followed Natasha around the grocery store with a pout on her face.

"Well if you want your pop tarts then that's a sacrifice that you have to make," Natasha stated as she turned to look at the eight-year-old who huffed. "Either that or you put the pop tarts back on the shelf," she added.

"No, I want the pop tarts,"  Amelia insisted while she shook her head.

"Well then, you need to eat your vegetables with your dinner," Natasha remarked with a short smirk on her face.

"Fine," Amelia agreed still annoyed.

Natasha continued to load items in the cart while Amelia picked up different items that she wanted, the redhead begrudgingly agreed before she decided they had enough groceries and made their way to the checkouts to pay for the items.

"Let's get these groceries back to the car and head home," Natasha told the redheaded child who held onto the cart and they walked out of the grocery store.

"Here you go, chicken nuggets like you asked for," Natasha said as she placed a plate in front of Amelia from where she was sitting at the counter, her feet swinging off the chair as she read a book. "And yes, you need to eat the vegetable as well," she gestured towards the spoonful of peas on the plate alongside the nuggets and fries.

Amelia pouted and nodded. "Alright," she mumbled as she picked up her fork and stabbed the nugget before she ate it.

"So what did you think of Nick?" Natasha wondered as she leaned over the counter, picking up the fries from her own plate and dipping them in ketchup.

"It's Pirate Fury, Tasha!" Amelia was quick to insist.

Natasha nodded in agreement and chuckled. "Right, right, sorry! So, did you like him?" she wondered.

Amelia nodded as she continued to eat her nuggets while she did her best to avoid eating the peas. "Uh-huh, sure, he seems cool," she agreed as she remembered the female brunette agent. "And so does Maria as well," she told her.

"That's good then," Natasha said as she paused and pointed towards the peas long forgotten on the child's plate. "You need to eat them. Don't think I can't see you avoiding eating them," she said.

Amelia scrunched her face up and slowly stabbed her fork in the peas. "I don't like vegetables," she mumbled.

"I know, but they're good for you," Natasha told her as she motioned to her plate which had peas on as well. "They'll help you to grow big and strong!" she insisted, playfully showing the younger girl her muscles with a silly grin on her face.

To most people, Natasha was seen as a deadly assassin, ruthless with the purpose of being highly trained to kill anyone who got in her way. Most people would cower at the look the black widow gave them, but to Amelia, she was the caring woman who although tough and firm when needed to be, she was playful and protective to make sure that Amelia was happy and safe no matter what.

"You're silly, Tasha!" Amelia said as she continued to eat her dinner.

Natasha continued to smile and then she altered her face to look serious. "You know this mission is important and Fury-" Natasha was cut off by Amelia.

"It's Pirate Fury, Tasha!" Amelia interjected.

"Right, Pirate Fury," Natasha quickly corrected herself, "He thinks that it would be a good idea for you to be involved," she told her.

Amelia looked at Natasha hesitantly. "Will it be dangerous?" she asked.

Natasha was quick to shake her head in disagreement. "No, not at all. I would never put you in harms' way маленький," she paused before she continued to explain. "Basically, I need to keep an eye on a man who is sick and doing some really dumb stuff," she told her.

"Where do I come into it?" Amelia asked confused.

"Well, Pirate Fury thinks that it is a good idea to bring you in to meet this man and see how he reacts to having a child around to interact with," Natasha explained as Amelia looked at the redhead curiously.

"What is the man's name?" Amelia wondered.

"Tony Stark, he's a billionaire who has built several robots and his iron man suits," Natasha told the eight-year-old who looked excited.

"Wow, cool! Do I get to see the robots? Can I fly in the suits?" Amelia exclaimed, full of questions and excitement.

Natasha let out a laugh and shook her head. "Okay, okay, calm down маленький," she paused while she looked at the eight-year-old who practically bouncing in her seat. "I am sure if you ask Mr Stark then he will show you the robots, but you can definitely not fly around in his suit!" She told her firmly.

Amelia pouted at the older redhead. "When can I meet him?" she asked.

"Soon. Possibly tomorrow even," Natasha told the eight-year-old who looked excited. "I'm initially going in as someone from legal and you get to come with me," she told her.

"Won't they question why I am with you?" Amelia asked.

Natasha shook her head. "I'll make up an excuse as to why you're with me," she told her. "But after that, if all goes well then I will need you to stay with Maria and Pirate Fury for the first day or so," she told her.

"How long do I have to stay with them?" Amelia wondered, she was disappointed since she was excited to meet the man and see the robots. "I want to meet Tony and see the robots," she insisted.

"I know but it's only for a couple of days, just until I can come up with a reason to bring you in properly," Natasha reassured the eight-year-old. "For the meantime, I am gonna need you to stay with them two," she told her.

Amelia pouted and felt disappointed. "Do I have to stay with them all day?" she asked.

"Yeah, just until I come and pick you up once the days are over," Natasha told her. "I still need you to behave though, alright? I don't want any reports back that you've been up to no good," she told her firmly.

"I'll behave, Tasha," Amelia told the redhead.

"Good," Natasha said as she smiled. "This mission is undercover so I am going to be going by a different name," she told the small child.

"So I can't you call Tasha?" Amelia asked confused by what the redhead meant.

"You can still call me Tasha when we're here, but when we're with everyone else like Mr Stark and people he knows, you can't call me that. My undercover name will be Natalie Rushman, I will introduce you as my daughter, Amelia Rushman-" Natasha explained as Amelia cut her off.

"Can't I have an undercover name as well?" Amelia questioned.

Natasha grinned and leaned over to ruffle her hair. "You don't need a different name, you're name is good enough," she said.

Amelia pouted and nodded. "Okay, fine but if I can't you Tasha then can I call you, Mama? Just for the mission," she asked hesitantly.

Natasha blinked in surprise, she hadn't expected Amelia to say that and she felt her heart warm at the word. Even if it was just in front of people for the mission, "You want to call me mama?" she repeated for confirmation while the eight-year-old nodded. "You can call me that if you want to for the mission, маленький," she said softly.

"Okay!" Amelia cheekily said as she grinned at the redhead who smiled back.

"Eat your peas please, маленький," Natasha reminded her, while the nuggets and majority of the fries had been eaten, the peas still remained untouched.

"Can I go and sit outside on the beach?" Amelia questioned, it was around 7 now and the eight-year-old had been itching to go and play in the sand

Natasha gazed her eye over the clock on the wall and shook her head. "Not tonight, маленький it's getting late and you need to get ready for bed," she told her gently.

Amelia scrunched her face up at the mention of the word and pouted. "I don't want to get ready for bed yet, I want to go and sit outside," she said while she crossed her arms.

"There'll be plenty of time for that," Natasha reassured the upset redheaded child. "Don't try and argue with me on this one, Amelia. It's been a very long day and you need to sleep," she told her firmly.

"Tasha," Amelia whined.

Natasha hadn't missed that Amelia was continuously rubbing her eyes, a sign that she knew meant the girl was tired despite how much she denied she was. "I know that you're tired, дорогой so don't try and fight it," she said.

"M' not tired, Tasha," Amelia continued to whine as she rubbed her eyes once again.

"Yes you are, маленький," Natasha said as she sighed, she was trying to avoid a complete meltdown tonight.

"No, I am not!" Amelia shouted all of a sudden and stomped her foot in disagreement.

Natasha sighed but said nothing as she picked Amelia up with ease and took her to the bedroom that she was staying in for their time here and sat her down on her bed before she moved over to the drawers and pulled out a set of pyjamas for the child.

"M' not tired," Amelia repeated as she looked unhappy at the redheaded woman in front of her.

Natasha walked back, placed the pyjamas on the bed and then bent down to the chids' level and looked at her before she calmly spoke. "Okay, дорогой, you have two options here," she paused while the eight-year-old continued to pout. "You either get ready for bed now without any more tantrums, we can go find a movie to put on for an hour before you need to go to bed, or you can continue to pout, whine and go to bed as soon as you've changed into your pyjamas," she told her. "So, which will it be?" she asked.

"Get ready for bed and watch a movie," Amelia said quietly.

Natasha smiled and nodded. "Good choice, детка. You get ready for bed and then come meet me in the lounge. You can even pick the movie," she told Amelia before she stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

While waiting for Amelia to get ready for bed, Natasha walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of red wine, she slid her phone out of her pocket just as it started to ring as she saw it was Clint.

"I thought that I would hear of you sooner than this," Natasha spoke as she answered the phone.

Clint on the other side of the phone chuckled. "Yeah, we've been busy since you left, Laura's upstairs with the kids so I thought I'd check in. How are you both settling in?" He asked.

Natasha hummed as she drank her glass of wine, "Pretty good, Fury has set me up with a safehouse right on the beach, nice view and Amelia seems happy enough about it, even if I told her it was too late to go on the beach," she told him.

"Sounds good and well, I can imagine that went as well as expected," Clint replied and Natasha could already tell by the tone of his voice, that he was smirking. "Glad that you're settled in well. Did Fury tell you what the mission was?" He asked.

"Yeah, he went through the intelligence with me and reassured me that Amelia would be in no harm," Natasha told her best friend as she moved to stand and look out at the view of the beach in front of her, she could see in the distance the waves crashing into the sands. "It's something to do with that billionaire, Tony Stark," she explained briefly.

"Did you tell Fury that I wouldn't hesitate to hurt him if Amelia was in any danger?" Clint questioned.

Natasha let out a laugh. "Oh yeah, I told him that," she said as she spotted Ellie come into view dressed in her pyjamas and carrying her plush elephant under her arm, which made her look younger than eight. "Amelia's here now if you want to speak to her," she told him.

"I'd love to speak to her," Clint agreed eagerly from the other side of the phone.

"Hold on a second," Natasha said as she pulled her phone away from her ear and looked at Amelia. "Clint's on the phone if you want to say goodnight," she said to the eight-year-old.

"I do," Amelia agreed as she accepted the phone that Natasha passed her. "Hi, Clint!" she stated.

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you, are you being good for Nat?" Clint questioned.

Amelia moved with the phone against her ear to sit on the couch and get comfy. "I'm good. I miss you all but I am being good, Tasha made me eat vegetables for dinner but I have pop tarts as well," she told him.

Natasha couldn't help but roll her eyes, of course, she knew the child' would mention that of all the things.

"And we're right on the beach and it's so cool! Oh, and I met Pirate Fury and Maria as well!" Amelia exclaimed. "Can I talk to Lila and Cooper, I miss them as well!" she told him.

Clint let out a chuckle as he heard the eight-year-old ramble on the phone. "It sounds like you're having fun and we all miss you two as well," He told her, it hadn't even been a day and the presence of the two of them was missing. "Cooper and Lila are both upstairs with Laura but you can talk to them another time," he told her.

"Okay. Tasha and I are going to watch a film now," Amelia said while she pouted. "Do you want to talk to Nat again?" she asked.

"Yeah sure sweetheart, go ahead. I'll tell everyone that you said hi and you miss them," Clint told her on the other side of the phone. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He said.

"Okay, goodnight Clint!" Amelia said as she turned to look at Natasha. "Here you go, Tasha," she said as she handed the phone to the woman.

"Thanks, дорогой," Natasha said as she accepted her phone back.

"Pirate Fury?" Clint questioned while he chuckled amusingly.

"That's what Amelia insists on calling Nick and surprisingly, he is okay with that," Natasha explained as she felt amused by it herself. "He can be a real softy when he wants to be apparently," she added.

"Well, that is a shock, considering how Fury usually is..." Clint stated and Natasha hummed in agreement as she drank another sip of her wine. "Alright well Amelia told me you two are watching a movie so I'll let you go, but I will call and check-in soon, alright?" He spoke.

"Okay, Clint. Take care and send love to Laura and the kids," Natasha said to her best friend, she did miss the two kids and the woman as well.

"You two, Nat! Make sure to keep that child safe, and don't feed her too many vegetables," Clint said as he joked.

Natasha rolled her eyes at her best friend's comment. "Speak soon, bird brain," she said.

"Bye Nat," Clint said amused as Natasha ended the phone call on her end.

Natasha placed the phone on the coffee table in front of them before she looked at the eight-year-old. "Let's watch this film then. Have you chosen one?" she asked.

"The Smurfs," Amelia said as she pointed over to the movie that was already on the screen.

"This one?" Natasha questioned as she clicked on it.

"Yeah, it looks good!" Amelia insisted while she smiled.

Natasha chuckled and nodded. "Okay then, we'll watch this," she said as she pressed play on the movie and the two of them got comfy on the couch to watch it.

It wasn't even ten minutes into the film before Natasha glanced down to notice the eight-year-old was already fast asleep, she smiled in awe at the sight as Amelia slightly shifted to lean in closer to the redheaded woman. Natasha didn't want her to wake up so she made sure she was fast asleep before she attempted to lift her off the couch.

Standing up slowly with the eight-year-old in her arms, Natasha carried Amelia down the hallway to her bedroom, she lifted the covers and tucked her in alongside the elephant to which Amelia was attached before she leaned down slightly and kissed the top of her head.

"Sleep tight маленький," Natasha whispered to the redheaded child who was fast asleep before she moved to walk back over to the door and left it slightly open in case the child woke up through the night so she would be able to hear.

"Night mama," Amelia mumbled quietly enough that Natasha was able to hear it before she nuzzled her face further into her pillow. 

Natasha's breath hitched, it shocked her to hear her say that but she couldn't help but smile hearing their words.

Another update,

Let me know what you all think!

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