Demon Slayer: The Dragon Brea...

By IronDragon19

72.4K 1.5K 760

Y/N is one of the last dragon breather that can use each of the five elements in each form. During his journe... More

Chapter I: Breathe calmly
Chapter II: Final selection
Chapter III: Journey begins
Chapter IV: Friends or foes
Chapter V: Unexpected Companions
Chapter VI: you need directions?
Chapter VII: Recovering time
Chapter IX: Dragon vs Spider
Chapter X: The butterfly mansion
Chapter XI Rehabilitation training
Chapter XII: Lord of the land or a guardian spirit of the land?
Character Bio (Not a chapter)
Tain Arc Chapter I: Meeting The Flame Hashira
Train Arc Chapter II: Sweet Dreams
Announcement (not a chapter)
Train Arc Chapter III: Waking Up In Worst Time
Train Arc Chapter VI: Worst Train Ride Ever...
E.D. Arc Chapter I: Witnessing of the Dragon
E.D. Chapter II: Meet the former Flame Hashira
E.D. Chapter III: Too loud
E.D. Chapter IV: Dragon meets a wha?
E.D. Chapter V: The lowest upper moon
E.D. Chapter VI: Another One?!
E.D. Chapter VII: God vs demons vs ???
E.D. Chapter IV: Awakening Gift
While we wait (Not a Chapter+bonus)
Blacksmith Arc Chp 1: Upper Ranks Gathering
B. Arc Chp 2: Awaken From Coma
B. Arc Chp 3: The blacksmith village
B. Arc Chp 4: To The Great Forge
B. Arc Chp 5: Fury of the Dragon
B. Arc Chp 6: A New Dawn

Chapter VIII: Fire meets webs

2.2K 53 93
By IronDragon19

Previously on Demon Slayer Story...

Zenitsu: Now that I think of it, there's also a crime of ruining my marriage. Unsheathe his sword. And sending shoichi home. YOU WILL BE PURGED IMMEDIATELY! DONT EVER DISRESPECT THE CORPS!! RAAAAAH!

Zenitsu began swinging his sword at Tanjiro while they're both running.


Suddenly Y/N gets up and Tanjiro and Zenitsu notice it but he didn't say anything nor looking at them.

Tanjiro: um...Y/N?

Y/N then kicks Zenitsu out of the house he was knocked out and then Y/N goes back to sleep leaving Zenitsu outside knocked out.

Y/N: frustrated. Is it too much to ask for a quiet good night sleep? Sleeps.

They all went to sleep as the scene then faded to black. We now see the sun is up over the wisteria mansion. Nezuko comes out of the box to get sine fresh air.

???: Nezuko-chan.

Nezuko: Hmm? 😐

Zenitsu: How are you nezuko-chan?

Nezuko: hm? 😕

Zenitsu: Hehehe

Nezuko tries to walk away but Zenitsu started to chase her around the room until Tanjiro try to stop him.

Tanjiro: Zenitsu! Stop following her already!

Zenitsu:... Smiles.

Tanjiro: U-uh!?

Tanjiro and Nezuko started to run around the room while Zenitsu is chasing them.

Zenitsu: Smiles. Let's be friends Tanjiro!

Tanjiro: Zenitsu! Stop chasing us, I beg you!

Zenitsu: Smiles. Don't be like that Tanjiro!

Meanwhile outside we see Inosuke sitting by the door and Y/N giving his crow a paint on his beak so that they won't get confuse with Tanjiro's bird plus a small piece above its beak to make it look cool.

(I'll give you guys one good guess where this from.)

He then pet his crow and heard a stomach growl from Inosuke.

Inosuke: Man I'm hungry.

Y/N: I mean we haven't ate anything in a while.

Just then an old lady came by carrying an extra clothes

Old lady: To Inosuke. Pardon me gentleman. I notice that those clothes of your are quite soil. I can clean them for you so please wear this in a mean time while you gentlemen have tempura dinner.

Y/N: Smiles. That'd be nice. Thank you very much


Old lady: You know, the ones covered with batter and fries.

Few minutes later Zenitsu's still chasing the sibling until Inosuke barges in as he cried out. Then he heatbutts Tanjiro from behind as Tanjiro grunts.

Tanjiro: What was that for!?

Y/N: Comes in as he's eating tempura. Hey you guys gotta try this. This is really good- huh?

Inosuke: RAAAAAAAA!!

Y/N: Inosuke we're still trying to recover our injuries!

Y/N tries to stop Inosuke while he's chasing Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

Tanjiro: Hey don't start chasing us too!

Zenitsu: Ah! Save me Tanjiro!

Hours later the doctor finally confirmed that the four of them are now completely healed, after that, they all got some rest until Tanjiros crow brings a message for them.

Crow: Squawk squawk! North northeast! North northeast! Your next mission is north northeast! The four of you are to go to Mount Natagumo!

Y/N: I got a bad feeling about this mission.

Tanjiro: Why's that?

Y/N: I'm not sure, but we must be prepare for the worst.

They then get ready to leave and said their good byes to the old lady.

Tanjiro: Smiles. Thank you so much for everything.

Y/N: Bows. We'll be heading out.

Old lady: Bows. Now then. Held our a flint and steel. For good luck.

Tanjiro: We appreciate it.

The three of them turned around except for Inosuke who's confused of what's going on. Just then the lady made some couple of sparks causing Inosuke to shout.


Inosuke was about to charge her but Tanjiro and Y/N holds him while Zenitsu is shielding the lady.

Y/N: Inosuke stop!

Zenitsu: Are you crazy!?

Inosuke: What did you say!?

Zenitsu: She's striking sparks for good luck with our journey!

Y/N: Can I just knock him out with a rock again!?

Tanjiro & Zenitsu: NO!

30 minutes later they travel to Mount Natagumo while Tanjiro is explaining about the old lady praying the four of them with luck. But that just confused Inosuke more as he kept asking, making Tanjiro run faster than the three but then they're trying to catch up as if this is a race. Soon nightfall came and they arrived at Mount Natagumo. As they're near the mountain, Zenistu stops them for a minute.

Tanjiro: Zenitsu what's wrong?

Zenitsu: Nervous as he sits down. I'm nervous! Now that we're at our destination, I'm starting to get scared!

Inosuke: Why's he sitting down!

Y/N: Hits his head. He just told us! But seriously, how are you even scared to go?

Zenitsu: How is it that you three are not scared? Aren't you guys getting any spooky vibes from that mountain!

The three of them look at the mountain for a moment and look back.

Tanjiro: Even so we can't just wait here.

Y/N: He's right Zenitsu, the longer we wait here the more it'll get worst.

Inosuke: Told you guys he's not normal.

Zenitsu: I am completely normal! Its you guys are the strange ones!!

Suddenly Tanjiro picked up a sense coming from the mountain and they all got closer to the the trees. Then they all saw a demon slayer member down probably injured, Y/N rushes to help him.

Y/N: Hey are you alright!?

Member: Help me...please.

Tanjiro: Something must've happened!

The next thing happened something pulled him back but Y/N immediately grabs him as well as Tanjiro who join and they both try to pull him back.

Y/N: Grunts. Hang on, I got you!

Member: Ah its attached to me! Please don't let me die here! The strings behind me, its attached!

Tanjiro: Cut it!

Y/N saw the strings and cuts it with his sword freeing him.

Member: T-thank god, I thought I was a goner.

Y/N looks at the remaining strings attached to him and examines what it is.

Y/N: Guys, these strings look like...spider web?

Tanjiro smells a demon sense coming from deep to the mountain.

Tanjiro: I'm going in.

Y/N: Wait we can't just leave him here.

Inosuke: Are you telling me that you're afraid to go in there?

Y/N: I-I didn't say anything about that!

Tanjiro: No ones saying you have to come with us.

Y/N: I said I'm going in too! Zenitsu, we'll leave him with you!

Zenitsu: O-ok, you can count on me!

Inosuke: I'll head in first. You two can tremble in fear and follow me. This is making me hungry for battle!

Tanjiro: Inosuke...

Y/N: I'm not nervous! (Spiders...why does it have to be spiders...why can't it just be butterflies?...)

Inosuke: HAHAHA! Let's go!

The three of them entered the forest while Zenitsu stayed with the injured person. Meanwhile, the trio are scouting the are while Inosuke is leading them. Suddenly he felt something on his hands.

Inosuke: Eh? The hell is this?

Y/N: Looks like spider webs. But doesn't look like the same as- oh shxt....

The all look around and saw a lot of spider webs.

Inosuke: Jeez this place is full of them! They're in my way!

Tanjiro: Yeah you're right. Guys, thanks for coming to check things out with me. I was relieved after catching a sent here, even though Y/N is afraid to tag in.

Y/N: H-hey I said I'm not nervous nor shaking! Its just getting cold here!

Tanjiro: Smiles. So thanks.

Y/N takes a look around the area and spotted someone at uphill. They head uphill and met another member of the demon slayer who looks nervous.

Tanjiro: We've come to help. I'm Tanjiro Kamado, rank Mizunoto.

Y/N: And I'm Y/N L/N, same rank.

Member: Mizunoro?...are you serious!? They should've send a hashira because no matter how many they send your rank it won't be enough! Its pointless!

Suddenly Inosuke punches him right to his face.

Y/N: Pulls Inosuke away. Inosuke!

Inosuke: Shut it! If it's pointless then your existence itself is pointless!

Member: Because it is pointless! They keep sending us because its like they see us as weakling!

Just then Y/N got frustrated and punches his face too and Tanjiro pulls him back.

Tanjiro: Y/N!

Y/N: Then you should spend another years of training brat! Now tell us what's going on you big baby!

He then started to explain what's going on at the mountain that there were ten of them but they started to slaughter each other one by one. As far as Y/N recently learn, something must be controlling them like a puppet. Meanwhile back with Zenitsu who's still sitting next to an injured person and he was chatting with his sparrow wondering why he didn't go with them.

Zenitsu: Least you have to care in the world. You don't understand humans, do you?

The sparrow was offended and angrily started to bite Zenitsu.

Zenitsu: OWOWOWOWOWOW! You really think you're cute right now!? Well you're really not, seriously not cute!! Why can't you be cute like how Nezuko is! She's adorable even though she's a demon!-....AARGH!! HE TOOK NEZUKO WITH HIM!

He runs fast into the forest to save Nezuko while his sparrow tries to catch up.


The member of the demon slayer was still laying down injured.

Member:....Did he literally forgot about me?

Back with the other, they started to fight the one who were being controlled like a puppet but what's worst is that some of them are alive. Of course they cut the strings that were attached to them but then they were attached to them again. Tanjiro notice that there's small spiders trying to attack them too. Y/N had enough and uses his dragon breathing 6th form to burn the strings but still not enough.

Y/N: Dammit these things will keep coming if we don't do something! Tanjiro, Inosuke! I'm gonna go find the source! Puts on a blindfold.

Tanjiro: Got it! We'll cover you!

Y/N: Dragon breathing 2nd form! Inhales. Brown dragon ground sense.

Y/N stomps the ground with his foot using his seismic sensing. Not too long he founds the source.

Y/N: I found it!- huh!?

Just then he saw a aura above them and the others saw it too. It reveals to be a demon walking on spider webs, but this demon aura is unlike any ordinary demon aura.

Y/N: That aura...

Spider demon: Smiles. Its your friendly neighborhood spider man.

Y/N: Eh?

Tanjiro: Eh?

Inosuke: Eh?

Murata: Eh?

Spider demon: Eh?

Readers: Eh?


Y/N: That aura...

Spider demon: Don't disturb my family's peaceful life...mother will kill you all right away...

Tanjiro: Mother?

Inosuke: Raaargh!

Y/N: Inosuke don't go after him! He's too-

Inosuke rushes towards the spider demon to slice his head off but the demon was too high for him to reach and he falls to the ground on his back.

Y/N: Too high for you...

Tanjiro: He got away, but I don't think that's the one pulling the puppet strings!

Y/N: You guys focus on freeing them I'll go after the one controlling them!

Tanjiro: We'll buy you time but hurry!

Inosuke: Don't tell me what to do W/N! (Wrong/Name)

Y/N: Just shut up and do it!

Y/N dodges the attacks by jumping high and the other were surprised to see him go far enough.

Inosuke: He can fly!?

Y/N: Shout from distance. No! Jump good!

He landed far away enough from the fight and through his blindfold he sees red line from above which leads him to the source but suddenly a demon appeared from above and it looks to be control by strings. What gets worst is that its a headless demon.

Y/N: A headless demon!? I'll have to cut its limbs.

He tries to get close to cut its limbs but its arm swift fast when he gets close and it then kicks him away where he flew towards the tree on his back.

Y/N: Dammit, this'll get me nowhere if I don't do something.

He grabs his third and puts it on his mouth as it charges towards him. He then gets ready to swing.

Y/N: Dragon breathing 5th form. Inhales....Yellow dragon thunder roar!

He spins once causing his swords to release thunder blade towards the demon

The blade hit the demon and it slice the demon body in half. He goes back on finding the demon and he sees something red not too far which means he's close. He then jumps again to kill the demon from surprise. The demon was a girl who has spider webs on her fingers and her eyes widen when she saw him.

Msd(Mother spider demon): No no no! I can't fight him! But...then I can be free from this suffer...yes...I want to be free...

Y/N: Dragon breathing 1st- huh?

He then saw her aura sad as she let her guard down and closes her eyes waiting for her end. Just as he land instead of slicing her, he stops and landed in front of her with his blades close to her neck.

Y/N: Why da ya noh efenn ohelf?

Msd: Opens her eyes. W-what?

Y/N: Oh horry. Removes his sword from his mouth. Why do you not defend yourself?

Msd: I-I didn't wanted to become a demon. I just want to be free from this...

Y/N: So you were captured and became a demon?

Msd: Yes...please...end me...

She closes her eyes and waiting for her end. Y/N, still holding his blade to her neck took a moment about this and remembers what his uncle said.

Uncle: Then you may not like it but you cannot deny it, there are few who did care.

He then remembers something else, something that could help her. He then move his blade away and she opens her eyes confused.

Y/N: You said you want to be free from this correct?

Msd: Y-yes.

Y/N: You help me and I'll help you. Release everyone you have attached with your strings and I'll help.

She release everyone who were attached as he sheaths his swords.

Msd: I-I did what you want. What now?

Y/N: head north, once you near the city head west a few miles. I don't know what's there but its your best chance.

Msd: Why are you helping me?

Y/N: You never ask to be a demon, so I'm offering you chance escape from this.

Msd: O-ok, thank you-

???: So there's my little sister.

Y/N draw his swords looking around and another demon landed in front of them, revealing her lower body a arachnid as her upper body a person and msd was trembling fear.

Spider demon: Once again, you're making this family disappointed again.

Y/N: Spiders, why did it had to be spiders.
We're so fxcked...

-End of Chapter 8-

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