He Was Her All 3: Enough is E...

By Skymoon6311

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[Book 3] Happily Married and Happily Wed... It's been four years since Mariana and Micah have tied the knot... More

Chapter 1: What They Always Wanted
Chapter 2: New Opportunities
Chapter 3: Dream in Progress
Chapter 4: Playing Together
Chapter 5: Fun Mornings
Chapter 6: Chatting
Chapter 7: Catching Up
Chapter 8: Followed
Chapter 9: Development
Chapter 10: Breakdown
Chapter 11: Making you Feel Better
Chapter 12: Beach
Chapter 13: Moving Ahead
Chapter 14: Baseball
Chapter 15: Partying
Chapter 16: Completed Build
Chapter 17: DisneyWorld
Chapter 18: Crisis
Chapter 19: Deceived
Chapter 20: Following Breadcrumbs
Chapter 21: Hopeless
Chapter 22: Returning
Chapter 23: Getting Help
Chapter 24: Horrible Realizations
Chapter 25: How it All Began
Chapter 26: Comfort and Pastries
Chapter 27: History Logs
Chapter 29: Ignition
Chapter 30: Pondering
Chapter 31: Conflicted
Chapter 32: Bittersweet
Chapter 33: Interrogation
Chapter 34: Deeper Outlook
Chapter 35: Nature
Chapter 36: Running Away
Chapter 37: Violent Acts
Chapter 38: Thinking
Chapter 39: A Pleasant Surprise
Chapter 40: Letting it Out
Chapter 41: An Honest Conversation
Chapter 42: Fragments
Chapter 43: Good Hair Day Turn Bad
Chapter 44: Ignorance in Innocence
Chapter 45: Unusual Location
Chapter 46: Gathering Everything
Chapter 47: Heart to Heart
Chapter 48: On The Hunt
Chapter 49: Mariana's Ultimate Revenge
Chapter 50: Uncovered Secrets
Chapter 51: Back to Normal
Bonus Chapter: School Issues
Bonus Chapter: Daddy and Son
Bonus Chapter: Out with Cousins
Author's Note
A Piece of Her Heart

Chapter 28: Cheering Up

29 3 41
By Skymoon6311

When it was Mariana's lunch break, she decided to sit on her own, away from everyone. Because of her past, she didn't bother making much friends with her colleagues, except exchanging a few pleasantries.

She had a sandwich in her hand and nibbled at the edges. Her appetite was weak, but then she experienced a flash of her kid's blood tearing their faces. Their cries and screams echoed within her ears, making her gasp and drop the sandwich. She felt bile rise up her throat and now she couldn't look at the sandwich the same way, otherwise she will throw up.

She slowly settled it down and cradled her head within her palms. Her bloodshed eyes stared at the cold blank table, like it was going to give her comfort. Her mind sent her down a whirlpool of 'what ifs?' Repeating again and again like winds of despair.

What if they couldn't find them? What if Mona is just playing games and decides to kill her kids? Whether or not they listen to her demands.

She bit down nervously on her other nails and her foot trembled with anger. She felt like a total failure of being unable to protect her kids. All was perfect but then this situation was like an unexpected wrench thrown at her plans. She was angry at herself, angry at Mona, and just angry at the world.

Just the sheer thought of Electra cackling over her babies made her fists bang against the table. She wanted it to break under the force like it was Electra's bones. But instead, it merely made her knuckles hurt.

She started massaging the reddening area while rumbling with unresolved fury. Her unwanted tears started tearing through like a needle, but because she was not at home, she had to suppress her feelings and breathe them away.

She bore her head up as she wildly sniffed her nose. Her eyes closed to hide her distress but then someone startled her.

"Hi Mariana," her co-worker Nina came with a kind smile. Her ginger hair was bound into a bun as she smiled with rosy lipstick.

"Oh hi," Mariana said. She tried sounding normal, but her voice cracked with her tensed up throat. Nina cocked her head to the side with worry and confusion.

"How are you? You seemed a bit down, so I wanted to see if you were okay."

Mariana shrugged. "Not that good. I've just had many things on my mind lately."

"Oh? Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, "or is that too much?"

"No it's okay, I don't mind. I need some company anyway..." Mariana said and scooted to make enough room. She and Nina sometimes had small talks together, so she was on of the few people she felt comfortable with.

Nina sat down and got out her lunch. "So, what's been on your mind?"

"Well, a few weeks ago my kids got kidnapped by someone I considered my friend," Mariana explained. A stifled laugh crackled out of her as she swayed her head in disbelief. She still couldn't believe she was experiencing something like that.

"Oh dang, sorry about that. That sounds horrible. I hope you get them back soon," Nina said and shoved a spoon of rice into her mouth.

"Thanks, it's just been really disheartening. I just hope I get them back soon, or I'll never forgive myself..."

"It's okay Mariana. I'm sure you will get them back and this will all be over soon." Nina gave her a reassuringly rub on the back, putting a smile on Mariana's face like a purring cat.

"Thanks, I try thinking like that to keep my hopes positive," Mariana said, "but sometimes I find it hard, and I'm just prone to thinking the worst."

"I get that. I'm not a mother myself, but I can imagine it feeling like that at times," Nina said, "but try and keep your head up and think of how wonderful it will be to see your kids again."

"Yeah, I know," Mariana admitted and looked to the side with a blush. "I think of good memories to help me stay positive and it does work."

"If that helps, how about we do that now? If that'll take your mind off things," she suggested.

"Alright," Mariana happily obliged and got out her phone. She was always thrilled to talk about her family to whoever she felt secure with.

She turned on the screen and there was a wallpaper with Micah and their two dear dumplings laid on the grass. Mariana smiled when she set her eyes on it. She remembered capturing this photo on a blazing summer day when they were in their backyard.

"This is my amazing hubby with them. He's my everything and I love love him so much," Mariana explained and used her thumbs to caress over Micah's cheeks. Seeing him joyful with their kids they created made her heart leap out of her chest. She was filled with explicable happiness looking at his face, and how much she adores him.

"Your husband is very handsome, and your kids are gorgeous! How old are they?" Nina said while leaning in.

"Well my daughter is 2 years old, and my son is 22 months."

"Wow. They sound pretty close in age."

"Yeah I wanted it like that, so they have someone to play with around their age," Mariana said but caressed the back awkwardly, in case she wanted to know the age gap between them which she didn't like mentioning.

"That's a good idea, and they also grow up together."

"Exactly. See how cute that sounds?" Mariana said. Her tone lighted up as she was enjoying this conversation. She then swiped to a video of her holding Axel at a few months old near the window.

"Oh wait, this is a really good video." She quickly tapped Nina's arm like a flapping bird.

"So I used to sing my son when I was pregnant with him because I found out that babies can hear your voice in the womb."

"Really? That is so cool!"

"I know! But I wish I also did it with my daughter but I didn't know it back then." Mariana sighed and propped her head against her knuckles.

"Well, at least you know now," Nina said, trying to sound supportive.

"Yeah, I'm glad I found out sooner before I have any more," Mariana said and played the video. She remembered the day very well. Axel was crying unconsoling while she was trying to settle him to sleep, so she rocked him gently while singing to him.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in," she murmured softly while he continued crying. She calmly caressed his head and laid him on her chest. She quietly shushed him and bounced him within her arms.

"But I can't help falling in love with you..." she muttered those honeyed words into his tiny ears which fluttered like a butterfly. The sweet melody of her voice soothed him to sleep, like a sweet lullaby, he gradually closed his eyes.

Mariana sniffed and wiped her tears away, while Nina's eyes were glued to the screen. She was slowly dozing off as it even put her to sleep.

"That is the sweetest thing I've ever seen," Nina mumbled, "you can actually pinpoint the moment where he goes to sleep. He really is used to your voice."

"Thank you," Mariana chuckled and turned off the video. "I love that video too. Things like that make me know my kids do love me, even if I think they don't."

"That's right Mariana. You shouldn't be too hard on yourself, because I'm sure you work hard to give them everything they need," Nina said while eating more of her rice.

Mariana swayed her head between nodding in agreement and disagreeing. But she did appreciate it.

"Anyway, I'm feeling much better now," Mariana said and placed her phone back into her pocket. With her face new and refreshed, she picked up her sandwich and started eating, nausea wearing away.

When she got home, she found Micah sitting cross-legged on the couch, holding Rio and watching TV. She smiled towards him as she flung her bag on the floor and slammed the door.

"Hey," she said softly while he and Rio got startled by her presence.

"Hey Mari, how was work?"

"It was okay, how was yours?" She sauntered over as Rio jumped down from his lap. She laid down and spread out her legs across his. She let out a peaceful sigh as she snuggled against his chest and wrapped one arm over him. Even though she had a stressful time at work, coming home and hugging her hubby like this made it all go away.

"It was alright," he said and enclosed her tender body within his. So she was now snug in his embrace. The sun's gentle light settled its glow on them.

"Also Mason texted me today and said he's got some more information on the case."

"Really?" Mariana rose her head up as she stared at him with glossy eyes filled with newfound hope.

"Yeah, so I'm gonna meet Aidan tomorrow to discuss it."

"Do you want me to come with you to give you support?" She asked and gave little nibbling kisses under his chin,

"It's okay, I'll be fine on my own," he said and gave her a reassuring kiss on the forehead. It was pleasant and gentle, which made her grin and tuck herself into his chest more.

"I'm glad we are making more progress. I was extremely worried about them at work," Mariana murmured, with her black eyelashes gently fluttering. Her whole face was glowing again despite the cloudy mood she was in earlier.

"Me too. Hopefully, it takes us a step closer to finding Mona."

Mariana nodded, but it looked more like she was dozing off. But in reality she could relax for now because they are going getting some updates concerning the whereabouts of their children. So hopefully it will lead them a step closer to their location.

A/N: At this point my story is mocking me saying "you wish this was you?😂😂😂😂" but I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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