Highschool Singular Point

By dragonNecroKing132

75.7K 1.2K 955

Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... More

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 14

1.9K 42 26
By dragonNecroKing132

Aika's POV

My eyes shot open as I quickly sat up in a cold sweat, I panted heavily as I tried to calm myself down.

Aika: "W-what the hell, I-issei I had a stra-"

I quickly turned to my right and saw nothing, where was Issei? actually more importantly where was I? The last thing she remembered was falling asleep with her boyfriend.

I brought myself to my feelings and began to check my surroundings.

I saw that I was in Kuoh, or rather what was left of it. The whole place looked completely destroyed, the buildings were crumbling, there was fire everywhere and there was some sort of Red Dust.

I wanted to touch the Red Dust, but I decided against it cause who knows what could happen if I touch it, it could be poisonous.

But what happened to Kuoh? Why is everything is all destroyed?

Aika: "W-what happened?! W-what did th-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence as I felt the ground beneath my shake and rumble, I quickly looked up and saw two massive beings clashing together.

Both figures looked bipedal, but one of them had a very long tail.

Aika watched in horror and awe as the two beings clashed with each other, this went on for a few minutes before one of them spoke to the other.

???: "Why? Why are you doing this [REDACTED]"

The other figure didn't speak.

???: "Why would you spare those who have [REDACTED]..."

The other figure once again didn't speak.

???: "Step aside..."

Once again, nothing.

I then heard the other figure let out a loud and vicious growl at the other figure.

???: "Than you shall Die"

The figure let out a loud roar as my vision went black.

Third Person POV

Aika: "AAAAHHH!!!"

Aika's eyes shot open as she shot up in a cold sweat, this woke up Issei who got up and quickly look at Aika.

Issei: "My love, what's wrong?"

The black-haired boy noticed the fear in the brown-haired girl's eyes, she looked like she had seen some sort of massacre.

Aika looked at Issei.

Aika: "I-I'm alright..."

Issei: "No, your not"

The black-haired boy grabbed and held Aika's hand.

Issei: "Tell me, what's wrong?"

The brown-haired girl didn't say anything at first, she just looked down as she held Issei's hand tightly.

Issei could tell that whatever she dreamt about is now haunting her, wait was it about him?

Did she have a vision or something? No that can't be it.

Aika: "I-I just had a nightmare, that's all"

Issei stared at the brown-haired girl, he'll let this slide. But he's gonna need to do something to make her feel better later.

The black-haired boy then got an idea, he pulled Aika closer and she was pressed up against his chest.

Aika: "I-Issei, what are you doing!?"

Issei smiled at the brown-haired girl who had gained a deep blush.

Issei: "Just something that will help you sleep"

Aika blushed more as she snuggled into Issei's chest, she had to admit that it felt nice.

The black-haired boy's chest felt nice and warm, she felt...safe with him.

The brown-haired girl slowly closed her eyes.

Aika: "Thank you..."

As Aika was snuggled into his chest, the black-haired boy smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

Issei: "You're welcome"

With that, the black-haired boy closed his eyes and fell asleep as well.

(Time Skip Brought to you by Genshin Impact)

The sun began to slowly rise up into the sky, Aika laid in her bed sound asleep. Issei on the other hand was no longer in her bed, the black-haired boy was watching the rising sun.

His yellow eyes gaze didn't leave the sun as the black-haired boy's pupils suddenly changed and became slit.

Issei's gaze soon turned to Aika who was sleeping soundly, the sun rose higher and higher into the sky as light started to enter the bedroom.

Some light landed on Aika's face as the brown-haired girl let out a small groan. She slowly opened her eyes as she let out a yawn.

Issei smiled slightly.

Issei: "good morning, my love"

Aika rubbed her eyes, getting the sleep out of them. The brown-haired girl then slowly looked up at the black-haired boy, she was taken aback by the fact his pupils were slits again but she couldn't help but smile.

Aika: "Morning"

Issei: "So, how did it feel snuggling into my chest?"

The brown-haired girl blushes slightly from Issei's words.

Aika: "I-it felt nice...you're really warm"

The black-haired boy simply chuckled at his girlfriend's comment.

Issei: "Well how about you go and take a shower, Don't worry I won't peep on you"

Aika: "O-ok"

Aika was still not used to the whole Issei not being a pervert anymore, seems like becoming a singular point has really changed him a lot.

So the brown-haired girl got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower when she arrived she took a hot shower but while she was she was still thinking about the nightmare she had.

She just couldn't get it out of her mind, it felt so real.

Issei waited for Aika to be finished in the shower, the black-haired boy was deep in thought cause he was curious about Aika's nightmare.

He knew it was not his place to know unless she wants to tell him, but a part of him was telling him to be careful cause she might figure out about the Ritual.

He didn't want Aika to know about the Ritual, he didn't want the brown-haired girl to get involved or try and stop him.

Issei: 'It's best to keep her in the dark, can't have her knowing'

As Issei waited, the door opened and the Brown-haired girl walked out wearing her school uniform.

The black-haired boy smiled at Aika.

Issei: "So, do you feel better?"

Aika: "Yeah, I feel much better"

Issei: "Good"

Issei then got an idea.

Issei: "Hey, how about I take you on a date later"

Hearing this caused Aika to blush, they became boyfriend and girlfriend like yesterday so to go on a date all of a sudden is so much.

Aika: "A-are you sure?"

The black-haired boy nodded his head.

Issei: "Yes, I'm sure. You are my love and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy"

The brown-haired girl blushed more as she smiled at Issei.

Aika: "Ok, we'll go on a date after school"

Issei smiled.

With that, Issei took a shower and got himself dressed. The black-haired boy always kept a pair of clothes on him just in case.

After that, they had breakfast with Mamako who was very decided to hear that the two were gonna go on a date later.

After they finished their breakfast they left Aika's place and started to make their way towards Kuoh Academy.

As they were walking, Aika was holding onto the black-haired boy's arm.

Both Issei and Aika smiled at each other as they continued their way towards Kuoh Academy.

But as they were waking, they heard something.

???: "EPP!"

Hearing this caused the two to turn and saw some girl who had fallen to the ground.

Aika: "Oh, no"

The brown-haired girl rushed over to the fallen girl.

Aika: "Are you ok? that looked like a pretty bad fall"

Aika helped the girl up as Issei saw her veil fly off her due to the wind. This allowed the black-haired boy to see her appearance. He saw that she was a pretty young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, her hair flowed all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top and sloping backward.

The blonde-haired girl smiled at Aika and Issei, the Black-haired boy could feel the innocent pouring off her like wildfire.

???: "Thank you for helping me up, God bless you"

Aika: "It's no problem, I just did what anyone would do"

Issei noticed the blonde-haired girl's stuff on the ground and began to pick them up.

Issei: "We haven't seen a nun around before, are you new to the area?"

???: "Yes, I'm supposed to head to the church that's in this town but unfortunately I got a little lost"

The girl giggled nervously as Issei raised an eyebrow at her words, if the black-haired boy remembered correctly that place is supposed to be abandoned.

Issei: 'strange'

Aika: "The old church? Isn't that place meant to be abandoned?"

???: "Oh is it? I was ordered to go there"

Aika: "It's ok, we can take you there. Right Issei?"

The black-haired boy knew that something was off, but he decided to go along with it.

Issei: "Yes, we shall help you miss...?"

Asia: "Oh, my name is Asia. And if it wouldn't be too much trouble"

Issei smiled as he waved her off.

Issei: "It wouldn't be much trouble, also since you introduced ourselves. It's only fair that I do so as well, the names Issei. Nice to meet you"

Aika: "And I'm his girlfriend, Aika"

Asia smiled at the two.

Asia: "It's nice to meet you both"

Both Issei and Aika smiled back as the trio started to make their way towards the church.

As they were walking, Aika was talking with Asia while Issei remained quiet.

But then the trio noticed a little boy up ahead crying, Issei saw that the boy had a scratch mark on his leg.

Issei: 'Ouch, that's gonna hurt'

The black-haired boy saw that the little boy was probably 5-6 years old so he probably wasn't used to pain.

Asia ran over to the boy and said something to him, Issei and Aika didn't hear what she said. But what they saw next made their eyes widen, they saw a green glow appear from Asia's hands.

Aika looked at Issei.

Aika: "Issei, is she a devil?"

The black-haired boy shook his head, he can tell that Asia was human. Issei then remembered Rias telling him about the Sacred Gears and pieced it together.

Issei: "No, she must have a Sacred gear"

Aika: "Sacred Gear?"

Issei: "Artifacts created by God, it appears that Asia's is used to heal people"

They watched as the little boy's injury vanish, this made the little boy smile as he thank Asia. Both Issei and Aika walked over as the little boy stood up and ran off while waving.

Aika: "That was amazing Asia"

Asia: "Thank you, I just really like helping people and doing the right thing"

Issei: "Can I ask you something?"

Asia: "Of course"

Issei: "How are you able to heal people like that?"

Asia looked down as she smiled.

Asia: "It's a gift from God, you see I'm an ophan. I was raised in a church when I was very young and so I pray and pray to God every day and one day, I found an injured bird. I rushed over to help it and...a green glow appeared. God saw how kind and gentle I was and he gave me this gift"

Issei: "I see. So shall we continue to the church?"

Aika: "Oh, I nearly forgot that. Let's go"

The trio continued their way towards the church, they walked the rest of the way in silence.

After a while, they soon arrived at the church.  The place looked abandoned, the walls were discolored with holes in them, the windows were shattered and it gave off an eerie feeling to Aika.

Asia looked at Aika and Issei, she then bowed to the two.

Asia: "Thank you both so much, if it wasn't for you both I would have been wandering around lost"

Both Aika and Issei smiled back.

Aika: "It's no problem, Asia"

Asia: "Would you like to come in for some tea?"

The brown-haired girl looked at Issei, wondering if they should go in.

Aika: "Should we?"

Issei: "Hmm, I don't see wh-"

The black-haired boy then sensed something as she grabbed onto Aika and Asia and jumped back.

This was cause some sort of bullet nearly hit them.

???: "Damn, I missed"

Issei's pupils became slit as he looked at where the shot came from, the one who fired the shot was a young man with short white hair and red eyes.

He was dressed in clerical clothing and often had a disturbing smile on his face.

???: "But don't worry, I won't miss a second time"

Issei growled at the man.

Issei: "Who the fuck are you"

The man grinned evilly.

Freed: "The names Freed, your not-so-friendly neighborhood Psychopath!"

Aika looked at the man.

Aika: "Why did you attack us? What did we do to you?"

Freed chuckled.

Freed: "Well, I was bored, and plus if you two are devils then I gotta kill ya"

Asia's eyes widen when freed said that word.

Asia: 'D-devils?!'

Freed saw the rage and fury in Issei's eyes, despite being a psychopath he had to admit that it was kinda scary.

He swears he could see a raging fire within the eyes of the black-haired boy.

Freed: 'w-who the fuck is this dude!?'

Issei: "You nearly hit my lover..."

Freed decided to play it cool and scoffed.

Freed: "That brown-haired bitch is your lover? wow, you must have poor taste. She looks like a slut"

Aika looked down as she felt hurt by those words, Issei saw the brown-haired girl's upset expression, and boy...he was pissed.

He looked at Freed and let out a loud roar.

This caught Freed off guard as he began to sweat, Issei glared at the man.

Issei: "Now you fucked up!"





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