final round - lrh

By whiskeyluke

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the story of a boy and a girl who rely on each other to keep one another alive emotionally and physically. ... More



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By whiskeyluke

"Lila, baby, wake up."

    I groan, not being ready to wake up as we had stayed up late last night and I was hoping he'd have sympathy for me and allow me to sleep in a bit. On top of staying up late, we also were up three hours ago to watch Calum and Ashton begin their grueling consequences. I eventually went to bed, too tired and not amused enough to stay up further.

    However, I know Luke stayed up because he'd be damned if he missed a second of it.

    "I don't wanna," I whine, knowing I'd rather stay in here than leave the comfort of this bed. Today is going to be filled with torture so the longer I can stay in here, the better.

    Luke chuckles, finding it humorous as he asks, "What if I told you you're working with me all day today?"

    My head immediately springs up, eyes widening in joy as I didn't expect this. Sure, I don't doubt he'll be just as harsh as Calum but it excites me that I'll be able to be with him all day. That's definitely enough to get me out of bed and actually be excited for the day to come.

    "Really?" I ask, blinking my eyes at him.

    "Really," he says a cheeky smile on his lips. "We've got a lot to do so we're taking breakfast-to-go today."

    For the first time in my life, I pout at this purely because it means I won't have a full breakfast period to mentally prepare for my hell that's to come.

    "What does a lot to do entail?" I ask, remaining in bed. After all, depending on how he answers this question, I may put up a fight to stay in the bed longer.

    "Everything you could imagine," Luke says. "We'll be working in the gun range, on one-on-one, on the pole, doing some core exercise-"

    "Yeah, I'm definitely staying in bed," I say, already closing my eyes as I cuddle to the pillow.

    Luke takes the opportunity to strip the blankets from me, leaving me bare as I shoot him a look of annoyance, already feel the brisk air consume me.

    "Up and at 'em, babe," he says, not feeding into my behavior at all. "I've got a fun day planned for us."

    "Fun for me or you?" I groan.

    "You can make anything fun with the right mindset," he says, a cheeky tone to his voice.

    "Yes because a whole day filled with torturing my body can be fun as long as I have the right attitude," I say, my tone nothing short of sarcastic.

    "That's the spirit!" Luke exclaims, wearing a big smile on his lips. "Now get up so we can get our fun day started. Grab something from the cafeteria for breakfast and I'll meet you at the pole in fifteen."

    I shoot him a look as if silently pleading for him to not make me do this but he only bids me farewell with a kiss to the lips and a departure that leaves me no room to argue further. I make sure to groan loudly to show my annoyance, which earns a chuckle from him as he walks out the door without another word.

    I know I have to listen to him and abide by his request so I get up and out of bed, looking at my blanket that he threw on the ground after stripping it from me. Knowing he'll have something to say if I don't make my bed, I take the opportunity to make it and put it back together regardless of the fact that he's the one that made it all array.

    Once the bed is all together, I go to my dresser, pulling out an outfit for the day to replace my pajamas that I'm much more comfortable in. Unlike Luke, I'm not productive when I don't get a lot of sleep so for him to expect me to be ready to go right now, it almost makes me wish I didn't stay out as late as I did.

    Nonetheless, I try to be as productive as possible while changing into the new clothes quickly, rushing towards the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth for the day. I am impressed with my speed, wishing that I stayed in bed a bit longer considering I know I can get this all done in a short period of time. At the same time though, getting up gives me more time to wake up and feel more alive than I would if I got up at the last minute.

    Once I'm done brushing my teeth and washing my face, I tug my hair up into a high ponytail in order to pull it out of my face. After doing so, I eye myself over, satisfied with the result while I figure I'm good to head out. I hope to run into Ashton and Calum in the cafeteria so I can hear about how they're feeling. I'm sure they're sore and hurting from the consequences of losing the game and I can't help but feel guilty. Regardless of the fact that we won fair and square, those consequences were awful and definitely enough to make training today a million times harder than usual.

    Guess I don't have much room to complain.

    In anticipation of seeing them, I rush out of the building and jog towards the cafeteria. The weather seems fairly nice today which is definitely something that makes me feel better about what's to come but the reassurance isn't much. Especially considering we don't do much activity outside as a lot of it is set up indoors.

    Better to hold onto any positivity that I can, right?

    As I jog past the pole, I don't see Luke there which leaves me curious as to where he is. I don't know what he planned to do with his free fifteen minutes as I wouldn't be surprised if he was setting up each station in the most torturous way possible.

    You'd think he would have some sort of sympathy for me.

    I think back to what Calum said to me about why they torture us the way they do and try to take that into consideration while I inwardly complain about the work I'm going to be putting in later. It's for the best and I can understand that but my body doesn't understand that. Instead, it suffers through every second of it and yells at me for treating it in such a way.

    It's also especially hard to be motivated when you have an insanely beautiful boyfriend who happens to be the one training you. With him around me, I could think of a million other things I'd rather be doing than torturing my body in a far from pleasant way.

    I try to put myself in a better state of mind as I jog up the stairs, leading to the cafeteria. I'm sure most people are in here by now as breakfast started ten minutes ago and most people are in here the second it begins.

    Luckily, Calum and Luke are pretty lenient on everyone's breakfast schedules. Everyone starts training at the same time so they leave it up to the soldiers to decide how soon before they eat. Well... at least Luke doesn't care about anyone but me. Every morning, he drags me to breakfast with him no matter how much I beg for extra time in bed. Evidently, he never lets me win.

    Pushing open the doors, I step in the cafeteria, catching sight of everyone chatting amongst themselves as my eyes luckily find Ashton and Calum not long after. They stand side-by-side, gathering food for their meal as Luke is definitely missing from the room. I wonder if they know what he has planned for me but then again, it seems as if they had a million other things on their mind today other than how Luke plans on training me.

    Walking up to them with a smile on my lips, I say, "Good morning, boys."

    They both snap their head in my direction, looking exhausted as they take in the sight of me who is much more cheerful than them. I showcase a wide smile, regardless of my attitude this morning and walk alongside them.

    "I've never hated you more in my life, LJ, I won't lie."

    I let out a laugh, "I made it easy for you guys, it was pretty much in plain sight."

    "You would've never let me reach the top of that pole," Calum says, catching onto my strategy further as I planned on shooting at his hands and preventing him from getting anywhere near the top.

    "True," I admit.

    Ashton speaks, "As much as I hate my life today, I'm proud of you, Lila. Luke and I just beat each other up so he really didn't do much. Seems like you carried all the weight for your team."

    I smile at his words, satisfied in hearing this as I wanted to play a big part on my team. I don't doubt that Calum and Ashton put their flag in a much more obvious spot and as a result, probably were just relying on physical strength to keep Luke away.


    "You'd think I'd get a day off or something as a reward, instead, Luke is choosing to put me through the wringer today," I say, grabbing a muffin and a banana, which I figure will suffice for the morning. Considering Luke is a psycho when it comes to ensuring I eat, I'm sure he'll make sure I eat in a few hours so I don't worry myself with having too big of a meal.

    "It's what's best for you, LJ. Just keep that in mind," Calum says to me, reminding me once more as I let out a sigh because I know he's right. It'll be worth it in the end when I'm in the best shape possible for the final round.

    "Well, if you need me, I'll probably be crying in pain on every spot of the campgrounds today," I say, taking a bite from my muffin as I shoot the two of them a knowing look.

    "Hey, you could be us and have to train after everything we had to do this morning," he continues, giving me a look practically telling me that I have no room to complain. "If anyone's lives today are going to be hell... it's us."

    He makes a good point.

    Shooting him a pitiful look, I smile in response as a silent apology for complaining. I don't have room to complain, only they do. Their day is about to be hell compared to mine because I know they push themselves just as hard as they push everyone here. They're not going to give themselves a day off just because they had to suffer the consequences of the game we played last night.

    "On that note," I say, pointing a finger towards them. "I wish you two the best.'

    Calum sticks his middle finger at me and Ashton just shakes his head in response, a smile on his lips, nonetheless. I wave goodbye to the two of them, knowing I'm running low on time and I have to run to the bathroom before heading towards the pole. I probably have five more minutes left and I want to make sure I am fully prepared to 

    Walking past the people who all have their full trays prepared, I try to finish up my muffin as I turn the corner towards the bathrooms. I usually go right when I wake up but Luke had rushed me out of the house this morning so I barely had time to think about it. I escape the noise of the cafeteria as I finish up my muffin, going to toss it out in the trashcan beside me but being stopped instantly as I feel a pair of hands grab at my wrists and push me against a wall.

    I go to scream something in response when one hand lets go of my wrists, pressing it to my mouth as their leg slips in between mine, stilling me to the wall completely as I can't move or say a single thing.

    Mother fucker.

    I stare at the wall in terror, everything inside of me freezing as I think about the million different ways this could go. Just yesterday Luke was choked out by someone, I'm in no position to get myself out of something like that. Additionally, I don't even know how to.

I squirm in the grip, kicking my legs back but recognizing it's no use as the man has one leg between mine and the other further back. He's definitely in a position of power and the only thing I'm capable of doing is barely kicking at the sides of his thigh.

"Girls like you shouldn't be here," he seethes in my ear, his tone far from recognizable as I try to move my head away from his palm. "All you're here to do is fuck our Lieutenant and make our army weak."

I narrow my eyes at the wall, feeling infuriation due to his words. I wish I could snap back at him and tell him I'm a million times more talented than he'll ever be, however, I have a feeling he's silencing me because he knows that.

"You think you can waltz into our army and fuck things up, don't you?" he asks, his grip on my hands tightening as I begin to silently pray someone will come by and take him off of me.

Where the hell is Luke when I need him?

I shake my head, hoping that will answer his question as he seems to genuinely believe that I'm not here to fight. If only he'd see just how hard I'm working every day and how I probably work harder than most of the people here.

"You really think you have a shot at making it out alive, don't you?" he asks, a sarcastic laugh leaving his lips. God, he's really taking his time with this and further risking the possibility that someone will catch him in the act.

Acting on my instincts, I open my mouth slightly, biting down onto his hand as harshly as I can which causes him to retrieve it instantly.

"Go to hell," I say, earning a slap from him, from his hand that I had bit. I suck in a sharp breath, preparing to scream for help when he once again covers my mouth making me wish I hadn't wasted my breath.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch," he seethes, anger laced in his words as he continues. "I was going to be nice to you but you pissed me off big time... in fact, I kind of want to make your life a little bit harder. How does that sound, sweetheart?"

Clenching my jaw, I fear what he means by this but act quickly in self-defense as I don't think about the consequences of myself, instead, how it could get me out of this situation. With one sharp movement, I throw my head back roughly, colliding the back of my head to the front of his with intense contact. Thankfully, this causes him to let go as he expresses pain, me instantly making a run for it as I scream out for Ashton.


However, he doesn't let me get another step, his hand grabbing at my arm as I barely have time to process his movements. With speed and skill, he presses one arm to the inside of my lower arm and the other to the outside of my upper arm. Before I can try to tear my arm from him, he applies intense pressure, causing a loud cracking noise to echo between the two of us, earning a loud cry from me as I fall to the ground.

And with that, he seemed to have gotten what he wanted.

He runs off, leaving me where I am as immense pain shoots through me. I know I can't sit here and dwell on the pain, in preparation for what's to come, as that's the last thing anyone should do when fighting for their life.

So with a dizzy head, an arm that I don't dare look at, and pain like no other, I stand up from the ground, desperate for someone to help me. Preferably Luke.

I attempt to grab at my wrist, only shooting more pain through me in response. For that, I let my arm hang, fearful of what the asshole could've done. If I had to take my bets, I'd say it's definitely broken.

"What the fuck is going- holy shit," the familiar voice of Ashton expresses urgently as I hear him turn the corner.   

    I look up to him, almost blinded by the pain at this point. It's unfathomable and I wish more than anything that I could say it doesn't hurt but the truth is, it hurts so bad.

    "Jesus, was that from that guy who-- oh my god, we need to get you to the infirmary. That does not look good."

    I can tell he attempts to remain calm but the panic in his voice is evident. I don't respond, my footsteps weak as I walk towards him, his eyes on my arm while he looks terrified by the sight.

    'What the fuck happened, Lila?"

    "Can we please just get me some help first?" I ask, not wanting to get into anything as I feel dizzy.

    Ashton nods frantically, grabbing onto my opposite arm in order to sling it around his shoulders so he can help walk me over. I lean into him instantly, appreciating his support as I try to wrap my head around what just happened. I was just trying to go to the bathroom and I was attacked.

    "Everything's going to be okay," Ashton tries to assure me, guiding me out quickly and slyly, to avoid attention. The last thing we need is anyone stopping us as I need to get someone to look at this ASAP. After all, I can't have a broken arm. I'm preparing to go into war. I can't have one arm that works.

I need both arms for war.

He continues to say things to me but all I can focus on is the fact that my arm is more likely than not broken and how I can't afford to have a broken arm. I need to be in my best possible shape, I'm not trained to fight with one arm.

The whole thought makes me feel light-headed as I slump slightly in Ashton's grip, fear overwhelming me as I try to control my breathing. It's just extremely hard to remain calm as I think about the fact that I'm not too far from being thrown into something where I'm going to have to fight for my life and I'm going to go in at a disadvantage.

"Lila, are you listening?" Ashton asks, slight panic in his tone.

All I can say is, "I-I think it's broken."

I think he knows this and I definitely know it but neither one of us want to accept it. We know this is one of the worst things that could've possibly happened and it very much could mean that I'm that less likely to make it out of this thing alive.

"It's okay, it'll be okay," Ashton says.

And I'm not sure if he's trying to convince himself or me.

My head feels dizzy as this reality sets in. We're less than a week away and I have to somehow learn to shoot a gun with one arm, fight with one arm, climb with one arm...

I'm going to have to start all over.

"It's going to be okay," Ashton says one more time as we approach the medical center. Numbness courses through me as I can't even focus on the pain coursing through my upper half. Instead, all I can focus on is my future and the possibility that it might be a lot shorter than I imagined it to be.

I always held onto the idea that I could die out there but I knew I was working hard and being trained to the best of my ability. The problem now is, I was trained with both arms... not one. And I think it terrifies me the most because I refused to send Declan out here because I knew he wouldn't come home if he went out there with one arm.

I knew no one could survive war with one arm. It's impossible.

    We walk up the stairs of the office, me recognizing that I don't have much left in me. I don't know if it's due to me being overwhelmed by the pain or if I'm freaking myself and making myself faint as a result.

    Then again, I can't exactly ignore the reality currently sinking in that's far from desirable.

    As we step inside, Ashton is urgent in his actions while the doctor looks to the two of us with a surprised expression.

    "I need to borrow your walkie, now," Ashton says, walking me over to the bed and helping me sit down. I gently take a spot on the bed covered in paper, being careful with my arm that I'm terrified to look at.

    "What happened-"

    "Where's the walkie?" Ashton cuts her off.

    She goes to her side table and grabs it, handing it off to Ashton, recognizing the urgency. I can't help but allow my eyes to drift towards my arm and instantly gasp in surprise. If the instant bruising wasn't a sign of the injury, the shape of it certainly is. After all, it looks like nothing is in place.

    Fuck, this is bad.

    "Hemmings, are you on?" Ashton asks into the walkie with panic in his voice. "Hemmings, tell me if you hear this."

    The doctor rushes to my side, desperate to examine the injury as my eyelids begin to feel heavy.

    "Can you tell me what happened?" she asks me, a gentle tone to her voice.

    "What's the issue, Ashton? Is it important?"

    I can't answer the doctor because I'm too caught up in Luke's voice and how I desperately want him here. I want him to hold me and tell me everything's going to be fine. I need his comfort more than anything.

    "Uh, yeah... it's pretty fucking urgent. Meet me at the infirmary."

    Luke doesn't respond, accepting the urgency while the doctor continues to try and get my attention. I don't know what to focus on in this moment— the pain in my arm, the doctor in front of me, the fact that Luke's going to be here soon, or the fact that my fate for the final round has been sealed.

    "Lila, you need to tell us what happened?" Ashton asks, acknowledging my silence.

    I look to him, not knowing how anything happened or why anything happened. I was just going to the bathroom and getting ready to meet Luke. I didn't plan for any of this to happen.

    "I-I need Luke," is the only thing I'm capable of saying.

    Ashton lets out a sigh, grabbing a plastic chair in the corner of the room in order to tug it towards me and sit down.

    "he's coming, Lila, but we need to take care of you in the meantime. You need to tell us what happened."

    I still can't form proper thoughts.

    "I'm going to die out there, aren't I?" I ask, my tone terrified.

    Maybe this is the moment of my own pre-war breakdown. Maybe this is the part where I accept my defeat and stop dreaming about my future. instead, I dream of what little life I have left.

    "Lila, don't fucking say that," Ashton seethes, his tone turning dark. "Don't you dare fucking say that. You're going to make it out because your family needs you, Declan needs you, I need you."

    I just look to my arm, seeing how useless it is and how I don't see my opposite one being enough to get me out of there in one piece.

    I just shake my head, not thinking clearly at this point. All I can think of is death and how it's approaching a lot quicker than I thought it would be. I just couldn't have figured in a million years that this would be the cause of my downfall.

    "We're going to figure it out, Lila, but you need to tell us what-"

    It isn't long before the door to the infirmary is thrown open roughly, grabbing all our attention as Luke steps in, his eyes on mine within a matter of milliseconds. I go to stand up, desperate for his touch and his comfort but Ashton places a hand on my thigh, preventing me from rushing over as I have a broken arm that has yet to be attended to.

    "What the fuck happened to her?" Luke barks, seeming to be well aware the urgent matter concerned me.

    I can't gather my thoughts or my words, allowing for someone else to speak for me.

    "We think she may have broken her arm," Ashton says.

    I see the fury take over Luke's features, this news being clearly just as terrifying to him as it is to me. He knows no one can make it through war only with one arm. He must be accepting defeat.

    "This is a fucking joke, right?" Luke doesn't fail to ask.

    "Take a look at her arm and tell me whether you think it's a joke or not."

    Luke's eyes drift towards my arm, instantly widening as he realizes just how bad this is. His jaw clenches and his eyes give away everything... he's terrified of what this means.

    "What happened?" he asks harshly.

    Ashton looks to me, knowing I'm the only one with the explanation. I only keep my gaze on Luke, wanting to read every emotion of his. I want to know if he's accepting my death. I want to know if he's rationalizing his life outside of this that doesn't include me. I want to know if he is even thinking about training me further at this point or if he's giving up on the idea of me lasting more than five minutes out there.

    "I— I was just going to the bathroom and someone came up and-"

    "You're telling me someone did this to you?" he roars, that seeming to send him over the edge. It's clear he was hoping that I had done it to myself by potentially falling or engaging in a dangerous work out.

    "It must've been Henry Brown, he was running out of the cafeteria when I got to Lila," Ashton steps in.

    "And you didn't stop him?" Luke bellows.

    "No, because I was too focused on the girl who called to me for help."

    "Where is he?" Luke seethes, seeming ready to march out and ruin his life.

    "I don't know, he just ran off... didn't exactly stop him to ask him where he was going."

    God, I could really use some advil.

    "Find him for me, now," Luke commands of Ashton. "He wants to break people's arms... I'll show him a broken fucking arm."

    Knowing that is a terrible idea due to the fact that that means he'll have two soldiers out there hardly capable of defending themselves, I immediately speak.

    "Luke, he won't be able to make it out of there."


    And his response is the worst response he could've possibly given me.

    My heart sinks, having hoped that he would've said that he'd be able to make it out there. A part of me was wishing that he'd tell me he could survive, it'd just be more challenging. I wanted him to tell me I'm wrong and that he just wanted to make it harder for him, not impossible.

    "Of course, he can make it out there, Lila," Ashton speaks, seeming to recognize the way my face falls. "Being down an arm doesn't mean anything. It just requires more work."

    I don't say anything, seeing the realization cross Luke as his features soften and turn to guilt. He practically admitted that he doesn't think I can make it out alive due to my injury and that's when I know I'm screwed.

    "Lila... I didn't mean—" Luke tries to defend himself.

    I cut him off, not stable enough to hear an explanation. I feel sick to my stomach and my head is spinning. Not only that but my pain is incredibly evident and not dying down in the slightest.

    "Can I please have some advil?" I ask, throwing my head back while closing my eyes.

    I hear the doctor rush to the other side of the room, seeming prepared to step in and do her work as we've all been too caught up in anything but the pain in my arm. I bite on my lip, hoping to suppress the pain as I hear another chair being dragged over. I assume it to be Luke as it isn't long before a hand grabs my one that's not attached to the broken arm.

    "Ashton, go find him," Luke orders of Ashton. "I want to have a word with him about his actions."

    Ashton sighs, probably wanting to be there for me but knowing Luke has the final say. Especially as Luke is insanely heated right now, Ashton probably knows it's not worth arguing against him. So he gets up, probably hoping to find him quickly so he can come back in here.

    The doctor hands me off some water and advil, taking a seat beside me on her rolling chair. I don't hesitate to take the advil, throwing it back and anticipating for it to kick in quickly so I can rid myself of the immense pain.

    "Let's take a look at this," the doctor says, grabbing my arm gently in order to pick it up and lay it out. I suck in a sharp breath, her actions being far from comfortable. I especially don't want to overreact though so I try to suck it up as much as I can.

    While she does this, Luke picks up conversation once more.

    "Lila... what I said, I didn't mean that-- I just-"

    "It's okay," I cut him off, not wanting to hear a forced excuse as I know this isn't good for me and I know it makes me that much more likely to be killed out there.

    Luke sighs, hopefully not forcing himself to continue the conversation as I'd rather focus on anything other than what this means for me. At the same time, I'd also like to not focus on the doctor who's twisting and turning my arm in the most excruciating way possible.

    "I need you to tell me everything that happened," Luke says to me, his voice soft as his thumb rubs against my hand, providing comfort while I reflect on the horrid memory that I'd like to forget. However, I know Luke isn't going to let me forget it until he knows every detail.

    "I just was going to the bathroom and he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. Was mad about our relationship and mad about me being out here and he had his leg between my legs, with his hand around my wrists. I head-butted him in order to get him off me and when I tried to run away, he grabbed my arm and broke it."

    Luke's jaw clenches, "How'd he break it?"

    I swallow harshly, not exactly thrilled to recall the incident but knowing Luke's going to prod for the information.

    "He snapped it right behind the elbow by putting his arms on the inside and outside of my arm and popping it, in a sense."

    Luke squeezes his eyes shut, throwing his head back as he drags his hands over his face in frustration. I just watch him, not knowing how to respond as I can tell he's distressed. He's not pleased by this information and I don't doubt that he'll make sure Henry won't be walking for the next few days.

    Once the news processes, he shakes his head, removing his hands from his face.

    "You're not going out there, Lila."

    My eyes widen, my mouth opening as I immediately ask, "What?"

    "You're not going out there... I'm not sending you out like this," he says, standing up from the chair and letting go of my hand. "I'm calling up Declan."

    I go to stand up with him but the doctor keeps me down, continuing to examine my arm as I retaliate.

    "You-you can't do that!" I express, panic in my voice and in my body language. "You can't just- you promised! You said you wouldn't send him out here after what happened-"

    "Yeah, well if I send you out there and you die, I'll have to live the rest of my life knowing that I not only was the reason for his arm being blown off but I also was the reason his sister died. And he'd never forgive me for the latter."

    My heart starts racing furiously as I refuse to accept this. No. He can't call Declan. I didn't come all the way out here and work my ass off just for him to send me home.

    "No, I'm not going home."

    "You don't have a say in this, Lila," Luke says to me, his tone exasperated. "I'm not sending you out there and that's final. I'm packing your bags and you'll be on the first flight home this afternoon."

    My stomach drops and I feel nothing short of sick.

    "You can't do this to me, Luke!" I yell, knowing he's going to be stubborn and have his way whether I like it or not. "You can't just- I've worked my ass off here and have earned my spot. I'm not just walking away just because I broke my arm."

    "I can do this to you, and I'm absolutely going to," Luke says, his tone serious as he proves he's not budging. "You're not going into war with a broken fucking arm. I won't have it."

    Poor doctor. I hope she enjoys the entertainment.

    "Why don't you have confidence in me?" I fight back, feeling frustrated. "I've gotten over every single obstacle since being here and this one is going to be no different."

    "This isn't just a small obstacle, Lila-"

    "If you send me home and bring Declan out instead, Luke... I'll never forgive you," I say to him, deciding to be blunt with him as I won't ever move past that.

    I did not put myself through hell here just for something like this to happen and him send me home because of it. I worked my ass off so Declan doesn't have to be here. For him to just throw that all away and bring Declan in, who hasn't had any training all summer, it'd be nothing short of evil.

    Luke hardly seems phased as he just looks me in the eyes and says, "Yeah, well I'd rather you be mad at me for the rest of my life than dead."

    My jaw clenches, staring into his eyes with anger and frustration. The truth is, he's going to have the final say at the end of this and I don't see him budging.

    Before either of us can say anything further, the door to the infirmary is opened and Ashton appears once more. He takes in the tense surroundings around him as I'm currently glaring at Luke and Luke looks unphased. Nonetheless, Ashton dismisses it as he just looks to Luke.

    "Henry's outside."

    Luke takes that as his excuse to leave as he storms out of the infirmary without another word. I watch him all up until the moment that he steps out with a slam to the door behind him, leaving me alone with Ashton and the doctor.

    And for the first time in a while, I fear that this really might be it.


hmm whats gonna happen? is lila gonna make it out to the final round??

has the plot to this story just taken a complete turn??

lmk ur thoughts! hehe hope u guys liked this

love u all, thank u so much for reading and being so good to me! enjoy your weekend!

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