The Vikings Payment

By War_Goddess_Nae

539K 15.9K 1.2K

I was no longer safe in my own I no longer have a home, I am nothing but payment to these monster to protect... More

Not So Happy Ever After
The Voyage
Mind Me
My heart
Take My body not my heart
New Day
The First Night On The Ship
Author Question
Arrival Of Secrets
Monster in Human Form
New Affairs
Standing For Death
Innocent Death
Run Rabbit
Lord Aku's P.O.V
Waiting Game
Passage Of Time
A Twist Of Heart
A Change In Heart
Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!
Author's Note
The Wedding Preparation
A Dark Time Ahead
The Angel of Death
A Wind of Sorrow

Flattery Gets None

17K 609 25
By War_Goddess_Nae

 I heard the bedroom door open and I turned around to see Parisa and Lillth along with Krista walking in with a big dress and different things. I lifted up covering myself with the blanket and moved to face them. Parisa turned around and faced me she smiled and her smile soon dropped as she ran to me and hugged me pushing my wild hair away from my face.

"Oh my what has happen Neania?" she asked checking me over

"She crys all the time, she just not use to a mans affection." Krista frowned and walked over, snatching the blankets from me reveling me to everyone.

Parisa stood up to her face to face "IF YOU EVERY SNATCH ANYTHING FROM MY LADY AGAIN, I WILL BREAK YOUR FACE WITH MY HANDS." She threaten her

Krista laughed and reached her hands around to her stomach "You will not touch me or Lord Aku will punish you." she moved around Parisa like a snake

"Leave Now KRISTA." Lillth spoke raising her voice

Krista frowned and turned her nose up and walked right back out the door.

"Lady Neania has not came a custom to Lord Aku way of showing affection." Lillth spoke quickly addressing Parisa

"Will you please ready everything while I take Neania to clean herself." she told Parisa and came to help me up

Once I was up I looked at the bed sheet covered in blood and fluids along with hair. I turned back around not wanting to see what damage this man could do. Lillth looked me over "Parisa please bring me a hot bowl of water and a cloth with soap."

I looked at the purple marks on my legs they were horrid some were yellow and others were purple and blue tears came down more and Lillth wiped my face.

"You stop all this crying now, You know who Lord is and what he can do if you choose to keep fighting him you will end up like this all the time. If you simple give in to him life for you will become more easier. You push him and make it hard for him to control himself, he is a savage man one of the most strongest men in this country side and we as women have to learn to calm the beast inside them." Lillth said cleaning most of the blood off my legs

I Had to fight what kind of woman just allows a man to do what he pleases. I want my freedom back and if that meant running I would if that meant dieing for it I would but I will not be used for a mans pleasure or for his moment of greed for wealth. I just nodded my head showing that I was paying attention.

"Also when things like this happen its best to just act normal, if someone brings it to the Lords attention you seem abused he will most likly become angry and exspress his anger."She frowned as she put my left leg down and smiled at me

"None of us choose this life but when you have everything you need your wants will become of little important." she rubbed my hand

The door came open, it was Parisa with a large pot of boiling water.

"Bring that here girl." Lillth commanded

Parisa brought the pot over and Lillth washed me which felt amazing, this warm water was great.

Parisa started on my hair as Lillth fixed me up it seemed we had been in here for hours when their was a slight knock. Parisa went to open the door and it was one of the Lords men.

"Is she ready guest have started to arrive and Lord Aku wants her at his side in a few mintues."He said and Parisa shut the door

"Come on Neania, we must get ready to leave." Parisa said rubbing my back.

The door opened up and it was Lord Aku he was fully dressed in his amor and proper wear for a festive. He smiled as he swiftly walked up to me "You are beautiful." He said kissing my cheek

"You all did a wonderful job at prepairing her, now you may ready yourself." He said

They both bowed and walked out slighlty leaving the door open, He smiled and walk to the door.

"Lets go, the other clans have started to arrive."

I walked to him and grabbed his hand and he wrapped it around my arm. We walked out and the halls were deceraited with different things and beautifully dressed. We came to the dinning hall and the doors open to my suprise it was beautiful their were flowers and all kind of foods set out on the table when Kon came in he was dressed in his armor looking handsome.

He quickly bowed " Lord have you seen Parisa?" he asked looking at me and I just smilied.

"She is readying herself now she will be in attendance in a few" He said pulling me closer.

We walked to two seats place at the front of the dinning hall "We are going to sit here and I need you to be as friendly as possible and I will reward you with anything you want." He smiled rubbing my hand and sitting me down in the chair next to him.

The Trumpet went off causing me to jump Aku rubbed my hand and smiled.

"Introducing Lord and Lady Onic." the young man annouced

The doors came open and in walk a very tall man and a woman with blonde hair and a slinder body type. They were dressed in blue cloths everything about them screamed high class they walked till they were in front of us and bowed.

After they bowed Lord Aku smiled and nodded then they walked away to join the rest of the party. The Introduction of all these clan leader took hours I had became board and uncomfotrable with lurking eyes of the men and the glares of women. Something shifted the room everything seemed to slow down and the air around me smelled of hot lavereder and chocloate.

I looked up as the doors opened and he walked in, he came in like a rushing storm his body was massive in muscle and hight. His skin was scared up but it seemed to have a glow and his hair was to upper back and his face seemed to tell the story of his life.

"Introuducing Lord Kai and His brother Kadri."

They walked up to us and glared at Aku and they bowed to us,  I must of been in shock because I stood up and Aku grabbed my arm tightly. I looked down at him holding my arm and smiled quikly sitting back down. Lord Kai stared at me burning a hole in my soul with his beautiful mud pools, he smiled at me and I looked down quickly I knew I was blushing. My heart felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest and Lord Aku seemed to notice that he gave my hand a tight squeezed and smiled but it wasnt a care squeeze it was a warning. I pulled away quickly and turned my back to him, Lord Kai and his brother smiled and walked away after another few hours or so the introductions were over and we stood up.

"I seen that Neania, I do not like disloyal anything." He whispered in my ear squeezing his warning made me shiver to my spine.

"Hello my Friends and Family I am glad to have returned to you unharmed and with new treasure, This is Lady Neania she is to be Lady Dunct in a few weeks and we are glad to see everyone has arrived unharmed and in good form. So please everyone eat, drink and have your feel of excitment."

After he said that we sat down and started to eat and they drunk as the night progressed it seemed the women were aggervated and going to rooms in the house for peace while the men got drunk and unrulely. I couldnt take his loud voice any more so I got up and he grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going my pretty Mistress." he said feeling laying his large head on my hip . I yanked away from him and walked quickly away he was to drunk to get up and chase me so he just kept yelling for me. I made it to the hallway and stopped, I couldnt stop myself from crying this couldnt be the life my parents had wanted for me to be used for a baby maker and then thrown away.

"Now why is such a goddess crying?" the Voice was stronge and yet sweet and soft.

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