Bumblebee's Sister

By MerNinja_2020

7.2K 82 51

What if the transformer, cybertronian, alien robot, whatever you want to call him, Bumblebee, had a femme sib... More

Chapter 1: LadiesMan217
Chapter 2: Robot Cars?!
Chapter 3: Autobots and Decepticons
Chapter 4: Sector 7
Chapter 5: The Twins
Chapter 6: The Allspark
Chapter 7: The Fall of Megatron
Movie 2: Chapter 1: These Symbols
Chapter 2: Civil War
Chapter 3: Megatron's Return
Chapter 4: Optimus...?
Chapter 5: Robo-Warrior
Chapter 6: "Hey look! An Old Bot!"
Chapter 7: Egypt
Chapter 8: The Primes
Chapter 9: The Fallen's Return
Movie 3: Chapter 1: A Job
Chapter 2: Her
Chapter 3: A Day on the Job
Chapter 4: The First Attack
Chapter 5: It Has Started
Chapter 7: Backstabber
Chapter 8: The Night of the Horde
Chapter 9: The Horde
Good Bye

Chapter 6: Downfall

73 1 0
By MerNinja_2020

As Sam drove back through the night time city, he couldn't help but feel empty inside.  He remembered him and Carly's conversation with Director Mearing.

"You are nothing but a messenger.  That's all you were, and ever will be to the Autobots."

Her words had been nailed into his head, and it was at that moment that he realized, she was right.  He had never really fought the Decepticons, if anything he hid from them in the shadows of the decreasing numbers of the Autobots.  He was like the Greek messenger god, Hermes, only going in between reliable sources to help the Autobots.  When he revived Optimus, all he did was carry the Matrix to his corpse.  Sam had never really engaged in battle in this war...  As he drove into their drive way, he told Carly that she could go into their house first, he just wanted to stay in the car for a bit.  She looked at him sadly before kissing him on the cheek and saying, "Don't linger on her words.  You are more than a messenger, you are a hero and my boyfriend."  Sam couldn't help but smile to her words and kissed her back.

As Sam parked Bumblebee into his garage and got out, the yellow Camaro transformed.  Carly was already asleep upstairs because of the long night they had.  Sam just sat quietly on the living room couch and contemplated life.

"She called me a messenger Bee, can you believe it?  After all I've done for you guys, and I'm just a messenger..."  he said sadly.

"Hey, we getcha buddy.  Look, we used to be decepticons, but that doesn't mean that we were treated well by our comrades.  The world is always against us man." replied Wheelie from the window that he was sitting at.

Meanwhile, Bee just whirred in response as his sister finally came up the their room on the slow elevator.  "Sam... you are not... just a... messenger... to us.  We see you as... our friend." said the yellow twin in his distorted radio voice.  "WE!... love you~." Athena had decided to sing that out as well to make Sam feel better.  He couldn't help but smile to that.  He turned on the TV, with the thought of Sentinel and the Pillars still on his mind.  The first thing he saw on the TV, gave him a brilliant idea.

"What the hell are you are you talkin' about kid?  Say it to me straight."

"Well... saying it over the phone isn't exactly the best idea..."

"Dutch! Secure the line!  Make sure that nobody can hear us."

Sam waited for the person to finish up the work.

Then the man's voice came back online.

"What's the news boy?" (You have no idea how much I worked to stop the urge of typing, "Spill the tea boy."  I apologize for ruining a perfect chance...)

"Dark side of the Moon, the first Apollo Mission, et cetera.."

Sam waited as the man was silent with excitement.

"Give me your address, I'll be there as soon as possible."

Sam smiled as he cut the line, and looked at the twins who were switching through TV channels, recording more sounds for them to use.  They were very intrigued.

A few hours later, he was awoken from his nap with a rapid banging on his door.  As he opened the door, Agent Simmons with his.. friend?, Dutch, were standing in the doorway.  Sam welcomed them into his room, where Wheelie and his friend were already transformed into computers, ready for the data to flow through them.  However, just as they started working, Carly had opened the door and looked over the sea of chaos in her own living room.  "What the fuck." she whispered. 

"Who's she?  Is she allowed in here?  Can someone tell me who the hell she is?!"  As Dutch sensed Simmons' excitement, he stomped over to Carly was about to push her out before she said, "Don't touch me."  Dutch immediately put his hands up and walked backwards.  "Carly!  Carly calm down, they're my friends.  Simmons, this is Carly.  Carly, Simmons." Sam intervened quickly before chaos was born.  This didn't seem to calm Carly down a bit.  She looked stressed, and upset.  "Sam, a word with you." she said as she walked upstairs.  "Is that yours?  Hey, Sam!"  Simmons said quietly, pointing as Carly, as Sam walked up the stairs to join his girlfriend.  Only half way up the stairs did he realize that today was the worst day to be working.

"Sam!  I thought we promised that you would be ready by the time I came home!  Don't tell me you forgot, don't tell me that your friends are more important than my life!  Our life!" Carly immediately yelled harshly while changing into a navy blue dress.  "Carly, I'm sorry!  This is really important!  It just can't wait, it can't be put away for later."  Carly turned around and stared at Sam sadly.  "More important than us?"  She sighed in a depressed way, and grabbed her purse and a large white bunny plush that they shared as she walked down the stairs and out the door.  Sam stood at the top of the stairs and looked at the door sadly.  Simmons looked up at him and said, "Go.  We'll hold up here."

As Sam walked out of the house, Carly was already in her car and starting up the engine.  "Carly!  Look, I'm sorry.  I can't come with you but-"

"Save it Sam.  Your too desperate to be loved by other people with your heroic acts, but you can't realize that you already have people so close to you that love you."

She ripped off a leg of the bunny and handed it to Sam.  "Your lucky leg..."  She rolled up the window and drove off.  All the while, Sam stood on the street, watching her as she turned the corner and out of sight.

MMMMMMMMMOK, I decided that I would make a schedule.  I will update at least one chapter, if not more when I'm bored, in any book every week.  So it'll be a random book that you probably won't know, and one chapter will be updated.  I'm sorry, but my mental health, physical health, imagination, and schedule cannot catch up with the multiple-chapter-a-week act.  I realized that have to take better care of myself, especially when I fell ill earlier this week.  Thank you all for your support, and I hope you can forgive me for being such a crappy author.  :)

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