Yellow Lights

بواسطة SilentDreams16

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A beta with anger issues and the youngest Martin sister with extraordinary abilities. Life in Beacon Hills is... المزيد

Mood Boards
Prologue part 1 Magic and the first encounter with a werewolf
Prologue part 2: The Bite
The Summer Before Freshamn Year
Dead Birds and An Alpha Pack
I Still Don't Like him
Werewolfs On The Loose
Catching Werewolves
Cross-Country And Twin Alphas
Maybe This Was A Bad Idea
I Hate Motels
They Crossed The Line, Again
The English Teacher Is The Darach And Hospital Visit's
Hospital Fights And Meeting Scott's Father
Finding The Nemeton
The Lunar Eclipse
Authors note!
Those Three Are Falling Apart And The Coyote Isn't A Coyote
More Bad Than Good
Illuminated/ Silverfinger
Riddled/ Letharia Vulpina

What Are We Even Doing?

125 7 6
بواسطة SilentDreams16

"So, you went to Cora and Peter to ask about Derek? You could have just asked me I could have told you he was fine."

"You knew where he was?" Scott asked incredulously as the five of us stood off to the side of the hall.

"I knew where he was...? Of course, I knew where he was! I'm me, Derek tells me everything." I snapped at him.

"Everything? As in what happened with Paige when he was younger?" Stiles asked raising his eyebrows.

"That is not my place to tell you anything about that. If you want to know, ask Derek." I shook my head as the bell rang.

"Last class of the day!" Taylor grinned.

"Movie night at yours. right Bells?" Destiny asked glancing at me.

"Yes! Definitely, Lydia even said something about taking us to get something to eat later tonight."

"What about Rory?" Taylor turned to me her eyebrows furrowed.

"She's hanging out with Stiles." I giggled.

"God they're so cute it sucks," Taylor groaned as we sat in our usual seats.

"Just do what Mason suggested and ask out Hayden." I shrugged.

"Are you kidding me? That girl is so far out of my league I doubt she'd even give me the time of day."

"You know Tay, you're pretty hot yourself. You two would make a cute couple," Destiny replied nonchalantly.

"I wonder about you sometimes Des."

"What do you mean?" She turned to Taylor.

"You're straight, but you say things like that. And that is sending me Bi signals."

"It was an observation." She shrugged.

"Let's not argue about each other's sexualities in class, yeah?" I interrupted them.

As the last class finished, we headed out to our bikes Taylor spoke. "It sucks that Mason couldn't make it to movie night."

"Yeah, it does. But he promised he would be at the next one." I nodded.

"So, what are we watching tonight?"

"Well, we can't do Harry Potter because we promised Mason, we'd watch it with him." I told them. "We can watch anything. I have Star Wars, The Matrix, Batman, Indiana Jones, Lord of The Rings, X-Men, Ghost Busters, Spiderman. You name it I've probably got it."

"Can we please watch the Indiana Jones movies?" Destiny asked as we grabbed out bikes. "We haven't watched those in forever."

"I am so down for that." Taylor agreed.

"Indiana Jones it is then." I said before we got on our bikes and made our way to my house.

We were halfway through the first one when Lydia came into my room, "You girls ready to go get dinner?"

"Yes! I'm starving," Taylor grinned jumping up and grabbing her shoes and jacket.

"Definitely," Destiny nodded as we both got up at a slower pace than Taylor.

Once we both had our shoes and jackets, we all followed Lydia out to her car. I sat up front while Destiny and Taylor took the backseat. I didn't pay much attention at first, until I realized we weren't heading towards any roads but towards the high school. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Allison.

Meet us at the high school. I think Lydia is having another dead body episode.

I glanced back at the two in the back seat, Destiny shrugged. Then Lydia parked the car and got out walking towards the building, I got out and followed her.

"Lydia?" I called out to her making her turn to look at me.

"I don't know why we're here," she muttered turning to me.

"There's probably another dead body." I told her. "We should call Stiles, Rory, and Scott."

She nodded while I called Rory, and Destiny called Scott.

"Where is she?" I heard Rory ask

"Over here." Taylor called.

"Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"It's the same thing-- same thing as the pool. We got into the car heading to get dinner and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body." She said looking at Stiles.

"You found a dead body?" Stiles asked incredulously.

"Not yet." I interjected.

"Not yet? What do you mean, not yet? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body." Stiles exasperatedly replied talking with his hands again.

Lydia scoffed as she looked between him and Rory. "Oh, no. I'm not doing that again. You guys find the dead body from now on."

"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body!" Rory told her as I turned walking away seeing Scott do the same.

"Guys? We found the dead body." Scott called to them glancing at me.

"I can't believe you actually wanted to come to school today. Your mom was totally gonna let you stay home." Destiny told me as I carefully looked around the halls.

"I had a feeling that I needed to be here today." I shrugged. "And besides I'm pretty sure the twins are here today."

I saw Stiles walking away from his dad, so I motioned to the two girls to follow me. "Hey Stiles, you, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He shrugged.

"You're not, but if you don't want to talk about it that's fine." I told him quietly. "We should get to class. Text me if you guys decide on a plan, alright?"

"Yeah I will. Thanks, Bella."

"Of course, Stiles. Any time."

I was sitting in class when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Lydia is going to get Aiden away from Ethan. We think we can talk some sense into him or at least get him to tell us something.

I slid my phone under the table to Taylor and then Destiny so they could read the text as well.

After class, where do we meet you?

Stairwell down the hall.

'After class.' I mouthed to the girls.

Destiny and Taylor were standing behind Scott, while I stood in between Scott and Stiles.

"Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill your friend. How do you know I'm not gonna kill another one?" His eyes lingering on Stiles.

Stiles looks appalled as he starts talking. "Is he looking at me?" Before he defensively continues. "Are you threatening me? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking--."

"Whoa, Stiles! Okay, we get it." Scott interrupted him.

"You should have let him finish. I'm interested to see where he was going with it." I picked at my nails before clearing my throat and looking up. "But just so this is perfectly, crystal, fucking clear. If you or your brother, or any of the other Alphas for that matter so much as look at anyone I care about the wrong way again. I'll rip your hearts out of your chests."

"Okay! We're talking to you because I know that you didn't want to kill Boyd. And I think that if something like that happened now, you wouldn't do it again." Scott gave both Stiles and I warning looks.

"You don't know what we owe them-- especially Deucalion." He spoke his gaze strictly on Scott. "We weren't like Kali and Ennis when we met him. We weren't Alphas."

"What were you?" Taylor asked her curiosity spiking.

"Omegas." He stated, pausing before he continued. "In actual wolf packs, Omegas are the scapegoats-- the last to eat, the one who has to take the abuse from the rest of the pack."

"So, you and your brother were, like, the bitches of the pack?" Stiles asked obviously finding enjoyment from it.

"Something like that." Ethan said giving Stiles a dirty look.

"So, what happened?" Destiny asked.

"They were killers. I mean, people talk about us as monsters. Well, they were the ones who gave us the reputation... And our Alpha was the worst of them." Ethan said matter of factly.

"Why didn't you just fight back?" Stiles asked shrugging. "Form Voltron-Wolf, you know? Kick everyone's asses?"

"We couldn't. We didn't know how to control it back then." He snapped at Stiles.

"Deucalion taught you." Scott realized.

"And then, we fought. We took down the whole pack, one-by-one. And, by the time we got to our Alpha, he was begging for his life." He released a breath "And we tore him apart. Literally."

"What about your Emissary?" Scott asked, Ethan shook his head.

"They're all dead? Kali and Ennis' too?" I asked curious.

"All of them except for Deucalion's." Ethan told me what I already knew.

"You mean Morrell?" Stiles asked but it sounded more like a statement.

Ethan went to reply when he stopped, groaning in pain. "Ah!" His hand went to his chest.

"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Scott asked clearly worried.

"Not me-- my brother." Ethan replied making me inhale deeply.

"Lydia, Rory, Aiden, and Cora," I muttered before I took off into a sprint.

"Bella wait a minute." Scott called after me before I heard them following me. 

"Aiden, stop! Stop! Stop!" I heard Lydia beg from the locker room.

I saw him with a weight, Rory and Lydia sitting with Cora on the ground. I let out a warning growl and tackled him to the ground, the weight falling from his hands. He growled as he tried to pin me under him, I wedged my feet against his torso and shoved him flying. Scott and Ethan grabbing him and restraining him.

"You can't do this!" Ethan loudly spoke at Aiden glaring at him.

"She came at me!" Aiden glared at Cora before he turned to glare at me. "They both came at me"

"It doesn't matter! Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can't touch him or her." Ethan reminded him as Aiden continued to glare at Cora.

Cora let out a breath and rolled over to lay fully on her back, as Ethan pulled Aiden out of the locker room.

"Hey, guys? I think she's pretty hurt." Rory said making me hurry over to her. I could see the blood on her forehead, and I tilted her head to get a better look.

"You okay?" Stiles asked.

"She doesn't look okay," Lydia interjected.

"I'll heal." Cora said irritated, as she slightly backed away from the sink.

She stumbled slightly, "Uh... Oh." Stiles and Rory rushed to help her.

"I said, I'm fine." She shook their hands off her.

"Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was? What were you thinking, going after them?" Stiles asked her.

"I did it for Boyd! None of you were doing anything." Cora snapped angrily. 

"We're trying--.." Scott started before Cora cut him off.

"And you're failing. You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers, running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies." 

"She's definitely a Hale." Stiles shook his head.

"We'll make sure she gets home." Rory said as the two of them walked out after her.

I brushed past Scott and Lydia. "Where are you going?"

"She's not wrong. All we do is find the bodies." I didn't turn around or slow down.

"We got her." I heard Destiny say before two sets of footsteps followed me out into the hall.

"Bella, wait." I heard Taylor.

"Bells, just wait a second," Destiny said as she caught up to me. "What was that about?"

"She's not wrong! That's all we do, that's the only thing we do. All we do is find the bodies." I turned around to look at them. "It's about the only thing we're good for! I mean what are we even doing?"

"And what about all the people we've saved and protected along the way? Huh? What about them?" Destiny asked defiantly. "Do they not matter?"

I was taken back; I hadn't thought of what and who we've saved only what we had lost. "I get it. You're angry, upset, and sad about Erica and Boyd. We are too and believe me I want to see them pay for what they've done to us. But Erica and Boyd wouldn't want you to walk away, not when there's a possibility, we can save a hell of a lot more people. That is what we're doing."

"You're right," I said softly.

"Of course, I am. Now we have things we need to figure out, so we can stop the Alpha's." She grinned as they both wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

We went off to talk about what we knew and what we didn't when suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I looked around eyes wide and ears on alert.

"Bella what is it?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know but, something isn't right." I said slowly. "Lydia. We need to find Lydia." 

We were quick to jump up and hurried down the hall ways.

"He's gone. And he's gonna be the second murder." I heard her from another hallway.

"But, Lydia, you wrote that number." A woman spoke.

I heard Lydia sigh sounding closer. "Okay, fine. I'm psychic."

"Cops." Destiny whispered.

"You're psychic?" The women asked skeptically.

"I'm something!" Lydia exasperatedly said her voice raising.

"A deputy and a teacher? What's the pattern?" Ethan asked quietly as I pushed my way through.

"I don't know." Scott told him grimly.

I began wracking my brain as we headed outside. "It's not guardians. It can't be," I muttered mostly to myself.

"What do you mean?" Destiny asked.

"Tara the cop she wasn't always a cop. She used to teach middle school. It's philosophers' you guys."

"I'll call Allison," Taylor said pulling out her phone. 

"Cora's in the hospital," I spoke glancing at my phone.

"What? Why?" Destiny asked.

"She's not healing." I told her.

"My dad, Allison, and Issac just found Mr. Westover."

"There's still one more teacher and all of them are headed back into the school." I groaned running a hand through my hair. "Come on. We gotta go back."

We stood at the back, I spotted Scott and Lydia but I stayed where I was along the wall.

I heard a phone vibrate and looked around to see Lydia glancing down at her phone before it vibrated again. "It better be." I heard her mutter before walking away.

I tracked her movement with my eyes until she left the auditorium. Just as she left, Mr. Argent, Allison, and Issac walked in, Issac nodded at Scott and followed Allison and her dad. A few moments later Stiles and Rory walked in. 

I jerked forward slightly a cold chill running down my spine. 

"Bells what is it?" Destiny's worried tone alerted Scott who grabbed both Rory and Stiles and pulled them over to us.

"Lydia. Where's Lydia?" I said almost panicked.

"Bella slow down what's wrong?" Rory asked her hand resting on my shoulder.

"We need to find Lydia. Now!" I told them as we all hurried out of the building.

"Lydia?" Stiles called looking around.

"Lydia!" Scott and Rory yell.

"Anything?" Destiny asked Scott and Taylor.

They both shook their heads as I pulled the phone away from my ear. "She's not answering her phone. What do we do?"

"Scott?" Stiles asked as he continued to look around.

"She's gonna die," I muttered.

"You can't talk like that Bella." Rory told me spinning to look at me. "You don't know that."

"It's a feeling, okay? If we don't find her, she's going to die." I shook my head.

Stiles went to say something when a scream pierced through the night, I whipped my head around knowing that scream very well.

"Lydia," I breathed out. "Let's go." I nudged Destiny and Taylor as we took off. Scott, Stiles, and Rory taking off in front of us.

We were running through the halls when I heard a familiar voice. 

"Drop it!" Came Mr. Stilinski's voice.

I paused listening better, but Scott hurried past me and into a classroom where I heard him roar. We reached the classroom just as the door was slammed shut, and I saw Stiles struggling to get it open. 

"There was a girl... Years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you, wasn't it?" Mr. Stilinski said.

"Maybe I should've started with philosophers-- with knowledge and strategy." She started before a gun shot rang out as she then listed the sacrifices. "Healers."

I heard Mr. Stilinski cry out before something clattered to the floor and then a crashing sound was heard. "Warriors, Guardians, Virgins."

"Stiles move." I growled kicking the door open causing it to fly open and bang against the wall.

But we were moments too late as glass shattered as we ran inside. 

"Dad?" Came Stiles voice.

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