Highschool Singular Point

By dragonNecroKing132

80.5K 1.3K 969

Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... More

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 13

2.2K 52 33
By dragonNecroKing132

Third Person POV

Previously on Highschool Singular Point...

Issei: "Do yo-"

???: "I wouldn't say that, Singular Point"




The sudden voce that cut Issei off caused Aika to look around, trying to find where the voice came from.

Aika: "W-what was that!?"

Issei let out a sigh of annoyance as he turned and looked at a dark corner of Aika's bedroom, the brown-haired girl looked over as well as she saw the black-haired boy's pupils change again.

Issei: "I know you're there, so come out.."

A small chuckle was heard as something rose from the shadows, Aika's eyes widen as she saw a strange figure with a huge grin on his face.

The figure chuckled as Aika saw that the figure's eyes looked like something from old fashion radio.

???: "I knew that you would sense me"

Issei: "Why are you here, Alastor?"

Alastor chuckled once again as he still had a huge grin on his face.

Alastor: "As I said, You and I will be seeing each other again. Though I did not expect this"

Issei: "Expect what?"

Alastor: "You...hanging out with a human, normally you get the Ritual started"

Aika stared at the two with an expression of confusion, what was Alastor talking about? What ritual?

So many questions were flowing through the brown-haired girl's mind, she had no idea who this Alastor guy was or how he just appeared in her room.

Issei: "Well Alastor, Let's just say I'm taking things slow"

Alastor: "I see..."

Alastor then looked over at Aika as he still had the smile or grin on his face, but it seemed to gro more when he saw the brown-haired girl.

Alastor: "Ah, Aika. It's so good to see you again, It's been...well quite a while, even if your not MY Aika"

This caught Aika's attention, she wondered what he meant by that? His Aika? He's saying that as if there was another her.

Aika: "W-what are you talking about? who even are you?"

Alastor chuckled.

Alastor: "Well, as Singular Point said my name is Alastor. But I go by another name"

Aika: "And that is?"

Alastor titled his head as his appearance seemed to flicker, this caused Aika's eyes to widen in shock from what she saw.

Alastor: "Issei Hyodou~"

Aika was left absolutely speechless from Alastor's words, she couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing.

She wished that she was dreaming, but she knew that she wasn't.

Aika: "H-how, how are you Issei?!"

Alastor chuckled.

Alastor: "Well, that is cause I am from another Universe"

Aika's eyes widen, another universe!? That should be impossible, those can't be real.

Alastor seemed to have noticed the brown-haired girl's reaction.

Alastor: "I know what your thinking, it should be impossible for there to be another universe. But trust me, it is true. But there are more and more"

Issei: "So, The Multiverse Theory is true"

The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.

Anything could happen in the multiverse, there could be a universe about anything such as a universe where Issei is a female, a universe where the world is set in the medieval age, or maybe even a universe where people can be heroes or villains.

Alastor looked at the black-haired boy and nodded his head.

Alastor: "Indeed, it is correct"

Aika: "C-can I ask you something"

Alastor looked at Aika.

Alastor: "Why, of course, darling. Maybe I will have the answer to your question"

Aika: "H-how did you...end up like this"

The smile on Alastor's face remained as he sighed slightly.

Alastor: "That my dear is a long tale, one that I'm sure you don't want to hear. If anything, Singular Point's story is way better than mine"

Alastor chuckled as Issei crossed his arms.

Issei: "jeez, you find anything amusing don't ya?"


The black-haired boy sighed and shook his head.

Issei: "Whatever, can you leave now or am I not allowed to tell Aika"

Alastor took a moment and began to think to himself, but it didn't take long before he spoke again.

Alastor: "Well, since she now knows I'm you. I don't see why not, but remember Singular Point. If you tell her, she will now be part of the Ritual"

Issei went silent, the black-haired boy had not thought about that. If he told her, that means she will know what he is up to and he can't let anyone know about the Ritual.

Alastor chuckled at the black-haired boys reaction as he looked at Aika and bowed slightly.

Alastor: "Have a good day, Aika, and remember..."

With that, Alastor turned into a shadow and disappeared leaving both Issei and Aika the only ones left in the room.

Silence filled the room as Aika stared at the spot where Alastor once stood, still shocked about what had just happened.

But it didn't take long before Aika looked at the black-haired boy.

Aika: "I-issei, this is some kind of joke...right?"

Issei shook his head as he looked at the brown-haired girl, letting her stare into his now reptilian-like eyes.

Issei: "No, this isn't a joke. It's all real"

Aika: "..."

A sigh escaped the black-haired boy's mouth as he sat down next to Aika.

Issei: "I guess I should explain"

Aika: "y-yeah, please explain"

Issei: "Fine then, so it started when..."

Issei: "And so, after I defeated that so-called Primordial Mother I came here and well that's about it"

Aika was left absolutely speechless from what she has just heard, for starters the supernatural exist. How has no one else found out about this? then again Issei did tell her that they preferred to stay hidden.

Second, apparently, Issei got killed by something called a "Fallen Angel" and had to go through endless pain and suffering, only to transform into something called a Singular Point.

Aika: "I-I can't believe it..."

Issei: "Yeah, I understad. But now you know why I was gone for a whole week, I still can't believe it myself. It felt like forever"

Aika: "T-this is just a lot to take in that's all"

The black-haired boy smiled slightly as he placed his hands on Aika's shoulders, making the brown-haired girl look at him.

Issei: "I know, but take your time ok. I don't want you to end up hurting yourself, ok?"

Aika didn't say anything, but what she did do next shocked the black-haired boy.

The brown-haired girl hugged Issei, the black-haired boy didn't expect this. But it felt...nice.

Aika: "I'm so sorry...You shouldn't have to go through that pain..."

Issei hugged Aika back as he rubbed the back of her back.

Issei: "it's ok, I survived it all"

Aika: "But you were taken from the ones you love"

A sigh escaped Issei's mouth as he continue to hug Aika, if he was gonna ask her about the letter then now was the best time.

Issei: "Speaking of love...you remember I said I found a love letter in my locker"

Aika: "Yeah? What about it"

Issei: "Well, I know who the love letter was from?"

Aika: "Oh? Who was it from?"

The black-haired boy let out a small chuckle as he smiled at the brown-haired girl causing her to blush slightly from the smile.

Issei: "It's you, I know the love letter was from you"

Aika's face became bright red as her eyes widen in shock, it was true that she was the one who placed that love letter in Issei's locker. But she didn't expect the black-haired boy to find out about it so fast, she thought it would have taken a week or more before he figured it out.

Aika: "H-how did you know?"

Issei chuckled.

Issei: "Let's just say that my old self figured it out"

Aika blinked as she remembered Issei telling her about him being frozen in ice and meeting his old self.

Issei: "My old self discovered the little writing that you left in the corner of the letter"

Aika blushed more.

Aika: "S-so, are you gonna tell me that we can't be together cause of this Ritual thing?"

A smile grew onto the black-haired boy's face.

Issei: "Normally I would, but I got all the time before I do the Ritual. So that means that I cou-"

Aika cut Issei off when she kissed him on the lips, this caused the black-haired boy's eyes to widen in shock.

A small blush covered Issei's face as he didn't expect this, he didn't expect Aika to kiss him.

Issei: "W-Woah"

Aika blushed as she looked away.

Aika: "S-sorry, I shouldn't have done tha-"

Issei: "No"

This made the brown-haired girl look at the black-haired boy.

Issei grew a small smile.

Issei: "I liked it"

Aika: "R-really?"

Issei nodded his head as Aika was left speechless, she then smiled and kissed Issei on the lips again. But this time the black-haired boy kissed back, wrapping his arms around the brown-haired girl's waist.

Before long they separated and looked at each other.

Aika: "So I guess we're a thing now?"

Issei: "Yeah, looks like we are a thing...my love"

Aika giggled slightly.

???: "Hey you two! Foods ready!"

Both Issei and Aika heard the brown-haired girl's mother calling for them.

Aika: "Well, I guess that's our signal"

Issei: "Yeah"

With that, both Issei and Aika made their way out of the room. They then began to make their way downstairs while holding each other's hands.

When they arrived in the kitchen and saw Mamako who was holding some food in her hands.

The brown-haired woman looked over at the two and smiled when she noticed they were holding hands, she found it really cute that her daughter was holding a boy's hand.

Mamako: "Aw, that cute"

Aika blushed from her mother's words, Issei on the other hand simply chuckled.

Mamako: "Well, you two sit at the table. I'll bring the food over"

Issei/Aika: "Ok"

The duo then walked over to the table and sat down in two chairs, there were four at the table just in case they had guests over.

Mamako soon walked over and placed two bowls of delicious food in front of them.

Issei: "Woah, that looks good"

The black-haired boy had never seen such food before, it looked like something out of cooking shows.

Mamako smiled at the black-haired boy.

Mamako: "Thanks, now eat up you two"

Aika: "Ok Mom"

With that, both Issei and Aika began to eat the food that Mamako made for them.

Meanwhile in Hell, Sirzechs Gremory had entered a lab to see some devil scientist doing some experiments on the Rodan corpse.

While Sirzechs is happy that he got to name a new species of creature, the red-haired devil king is also very worried about something.

Are there more of these creatures? Where do they come from? Why did it just show up now?

Sirzechs waited as the head scientist soon walked over to the red-haired devil king.

Head Scientist: "Lord Sirzechs, we have some information about the Rodan that you may be interested in"

Sirzechs: "Please, go ahead"

The head scientist cleared his throat.

Head Scientist: "well we discovered that despite Rodan's digestive tract being wired properly, it seems that it doesn't need sustenance"

Sirzechs: "So, you're saying that it killed that stray devil for fun?"

Head Scientist: "Yes and No"

This got Sirzechs attention.

Sirzechs: "What do you mean?"

Head Scientist: "While it doesn't need sustenance, what it does use the food for is something else which leads into what we discovered about its gender"

That's right, Sirzechs wondered if there were more Rodan's. So would it make the one on the examining table a male or a female?

Sirzechs: "So, what is it?"

Head Scientist: "It's genderless"

This shocked the red-haired devil king, the Rodan was genderless. He then realized something, what did the Rodan being genderless have to do with it eating food.

Sirzechs: "What does this have to do with it eating food?"

Head Scientist: "Well you see, we believe that the Rodan can reproduce by consuming food despite it not needing food to survive"

Sirzechs nodded in understanding, he now understood what the scientist meant. But he still wondered one thing, why did it just die?

It had no injuries from what his sister told him, so why did it just suddenly die?

Sirzechs: "There's one final thing I wanna know, why did it just die? from what my sister told me it flew into the air after tearing the stray devil apart and just died"

The head scientist scratched the back of his head.

Head Scientist: "We're not sure, my Lord. But what we can guess is that there are more out there and they may end up attacking"

This was bad, if more Rodan's attack than who knows what will happen.

Sirzechs needed a plan, he needed a weapon that could deal with these Rodans.

Suddenly, an idea came to the red-haired devil king.

Sirzechs: "Thank you for all your work, but I have a new assignment for you"

Head Scientist: "yes my lord? What is it?"

Sirzechs: "I want you to build something for me, something under the code name...Jet Jaguar"





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