viridian love [L.L]

By lokilauf0

15.9K 410 36

COMPLETED Aspen grew up with Thor and Loki after she was taken from her home as a child. Her and Loki's undyi... More

character aesthetics
one- I yield!
two- strange
three- firstborn
four- sakaar
five- living quarters
six- you promised
seven- invitations
eight- only when I tell you to
nine- adopted
ten-as always
eleven- valkyrie
twelve- plan
thirteen- I promise
fourteen- caught
sixteen- revolution
seventeen- home
eighteen- keeping promises
nineteen- goodbye
twenty- where to?

fifteen- revengers

430 14 1
By lokilauf0

I heard a clanking noise next to my head. Opening my eyes, I saw Loki looking over at me with worried eyes. I groaned, sitting up straight, only to realize I had chains wrapped around me. "Ow." 

"Are you alright, my love?" I nodded, wincing as a pain shot through my head. "Yeah, my head just-"

The door across from us opened with a whoosh, making both of us turn our heads. Thor, Bruce, and Valkyrie stood in the doorway. "Surprise..." Loki smirked. Thor picked up a bottle, throwing it and hitting Loki in the head. "Ow." 

"Just had to be sure." Thor shrugged, looking my way. "Wait, what did Pen do?"

Valkyrie picked up a drink, "She helped Lackey."

"It's Loki." He groaned. 

Thor shook his head, coming behind me as he unlocked the chains. I felt the hard metal release from my skin, instantly rubbing my arms. 

I stood up, about to unlock Loki as a glass cup landed on the wall next to my head. "Hey!" Looking up, I saw Valkyrie standing there glaring at me. "Not him." 

Looking down to Loki, I shrugged. "Sorry, love."

His lips formed a tight smile, nodding his head as I stood beside him. Bruce walked up to us, pulling on his pants where the crotch met. "Hello, Bruce." Loki smiled. 

"So," The doctor stayed back slightly, "Last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody...Where you at these days?"

Loki's smile dropped, "It varies from moment to moment." Bruce's eyes went wide, making me chuckle slightly as I went in for a hug. He reciprocated, giving me a quick smile. 

"And, Pen. Last time I saw you...." He stopped, trying to think. 

"You were picking up Natasha as Steve helped me onto the helicarrier." He nodded, walking over to Thor. I could hear Loki grumble beside me, making me look down. "What?"

"Nothing. Just don't like him."


He put his nose in the air, ignoring me. Laughing, I walked away to where Thor and Valkyrie were talking. 

"So, Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside of city limits." I took a drink of whatever she had in her cup, wincing at the bitter taste. Bruce was looking around, making me hand him whatever meat was sitting on the counter as he started to make a sandwich. 

"Refuel on Xandar and we can be back in Asgard in....18 months?" I rested next to Loki, leaning against the wall as he laid his head on my thigh. 

"Nope." Thor took the handle of the sword, "We are going through the big one." He pointed to the giant wormhole we had all fallen from. 

"The Devils Anus?"

I stifled a laugh, looking down to Loki who was doing the same. 

"Anus?" Bruce's head popped up, "Wait, wait, wait. Who's anus?"

Thor looked back, "For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it." Valkyrie rolled her eyes, walking past Bruce. 

I tuned out their conversation, keeling next to Loki. "Remember what we talked about?" He nodded, "Of course, my love." I looked down, "So, we're still doing that, right?"

Loki's brows came together as he nodded again, "I want nothing more." Standing up, I listened back into the discussion of escaping this horrible planet. 

"She's right. We need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity." Valkyrie nodded, drinking more from the can. "And has an offline power steering system that can also function without the onboard computer." Bruce chimed in, taking another bite of his sandwich. 

"And we need one with cupholders because were gonna die, so, drinks!"

"Do I know you?" Bruce tilted his head, "I feel like I know you." She turned back around, raising her drink in the air, "I feel like I know you too, it's weird."

"What do you say?" Thor looked at Bruce and me. I shrugged, walking over to the two. "Uncharted metagalactic travel through a volatile cosmic gateway. Talk about an adventure." I let out a laugh, "Like escaping Muspelheim wasn't adventure enough?" I asked, making Thor squint then look at Bruce with wide eyes. 

"Yes! But now Banner is with us! The teams all here." 

"What team?" 

"The Revengers."

"That's not a thing." I shook my head, "And that's strangely close to Avengers."

"That's where you got that from!" Bruce pointed to Thor who only shook his head, "Doesn't matter. It works."

They both waited for a second before fist-bumping, "We need a ship."

"There are one or two ships. Absolute top-of-the-line models-"

"I don't mean to impose-" Loki started to speak before I saw Valkyrie throw a glass from the corner of my eye. I lifted my hand, stopping it before it could hit his head. "Thank you, my love." Loki looked back to the three only to be interrupted by Thor.

"Wait, this is happening again?" He gestured to the two of us.

"Again?" Bruce tilted his head, "I thought you had a thing with Buck-"

I cleared my throat, cutting him off. "Anyways, Loki?"

He looked at me suspiciously, "Yes. But uh, the Grandmaster has a great many ships. I may even have stolen the access codes to his security system."

My head snapped to his, "When did you find time to do that?"

"We've been here for a while, darling." I tilted my head in understanding, looking to Valkyrie as she spoke. "Abd suddenly you're overcome with an urge to do the right thing."

"Heavens no." Loki shook his head, "I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster; hiding Pen and all. In exchange for codes and access to a ship, we're asking for safe passage...through the Anus."

Thor nodded, "Well it's really just you asking. We were going to bring Aspen anyway." Loki rolled his eyes. 

"You're telling us that you can get us into the garage...without setting off the alarms?"

"Yes, brother. I can."

"Okay can I just-" Bruce whistled, pulling me into the little group. I stood by Thor, keeping my distance from Valkyrie. "A quick FYI. I was just talking to him a couple of minutes ago, and he was totally ready to kill any of us."

"He did try to kill me." Valkyrie looked to Thor. 

"Yes," He nodded, "Me too."

"Well, not me," I smirked. "But Thor yes, many, many times."

"There was this one time when we were children. He and Aspen transformed themselves into snakes and they both know I love snakes. So I went to pick up the two, you know, to admire them."

"No..." Bruce whispered, listening. 

"And they transformed back into themselves. Aspen held me still while Loki was like 'Meah! It's me!' And then he stabbed me." I smiled at the memory. "We were eight at the time." Bruce looked to Loki, seeing him smirking as he thought about it. 

"To be fair he didn't cause any damage." I tried to reason, still smiling as I thought about the many times Loki and I had caused trouble around the kingdom. 

"No, but you broke my wrist from holding it so hard." Thor rubbed his skin, making me roll my eyes as I walked back over to lean on the wall beside Loki. 

"If we're boosting ship, we're gonna need to draw some guards away from the palace."

"Why not set the beast loose?" Loki questioned, looking to Bruce. I smacked his head, thinking of the time only a few years ago I had to go to Earth and try talking him out of taking over. Of course, it didn't work. 

Thor looked back, shushing his brother. "Shhh. Shut up!"

"You guys have a beast?" Valkyrie smiled, looking between the two. 

"No, there's no beast. He's just, being stupid." Thor shook his head, denying as Valkyrie's grin dropped. 

"We're gonna start a revolution."

I kneeled down in front of Loki. "No tricks." He nodded, repeating me. "And no lies." He nodded again, repeating once again. 

"Alright." I reached behind him, breaking the chains in half with my powers. "Let's get the hell out of here."

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