viridian love [L.L]

By lokilauf0

15.9K 410 36

COMPLETED Aspen grew up with Thor and Loki after she was taken from her home as a child. Her and Loki's undyi... More

character aesthetics
one- I yield!
two- strange
three- firstborn
four- sakaar
five- living quarters
six- you promised
seven- invitations
eight- only when I tell you to
nine- adopted
ten-as always
eleven- valkyrie
twelve- plan
thirteen- I promise
fifteen- revengers
sixteen- revolution
seventeen- home
eighteen- keeping promises
nineteen- goodbye
twenty- where to?

fourteen- caught

476 13 0
By lokilauf0

I woke to alarms blaring through the room. Opening my eyes slightly, a hologram of the Grandmaster was standing outside the window, looking down to the city of Sakaar. I jumped back, feeling a grip around my waist. Loki slept, a book placed on his stomach from when he was reading to me the night before. 

He groaned, turning over and digging his head into my stomach. I brushed my hands through his raven hair, feeling the way he relaxed under my touch. 

Suddenly a thudding on the door interrupted the moment as Loki sprung to action, pulling me behind him in an instant. "Loki, It's okay. I'm sure it's just-"

"Open up!! The Grandmaster demands your presence!!" My throat went dry, knowing they were most likely searching for me. Loki stood up, flipping his hand as a shirt appeared on him. "Stay here." 

"But, Loki I-"

He shook his head, "Please, Pen. Just.." He held his hand up, "Stay here." I nodded reluctantly, conjuring up a more covering outfit than the green nightgown I had on. 

Loki walked over to the door, tracing the frame as the protection spell ceased. I cast an illusion on myself, making it seem like the bed had never been touched. 

The door opened within a second, revealing Topaz and a couple of guards. "Hi," Loki grinned, "How may I help you." The woman looked inside, searching around with her eyes, "The Grandmaster wants to speak with you." Loki nodded, "Of course, just let me-"

"Now." She ordered, "Let's go." He sighed, conjuring his usual armor before the woman led him out the door. I listened to make sure there were no more footsteps, conjuring my armor and a dagger. I knew he had told me to stay put but I couldn't. Not when Loki was around such an impulsive man like the Grandmaster. 

I cast an illusion, making myself look like one of the 'pleasuring maids' the Grandmaster kept around so much. Pressing the keypad, the door slid open. I walked toward the main room where the usual parties were. Such a big building yet the Grandmaster only used one room for his sentencing and soirees.

Making my way up and elevator and through the corridor, I heard the Grandmaster speaking to Loki and...Valkyrie?

Guards walked past me, making me nervous if the illusion would stay put. My power was strong, but I could only hold them for so long. The door opened as Loki and Valkyrie walked out, ignoring me as I still looked like a guard. "What have you done?"

"I don't answer to you, Lackey." 

He grabbed her arm, "It's Loki. And you will answer to the Grandmaster." She did the same, making him counteract her grip. She worked her way up, punching him square in the jaw. 

I cleared my throat, making Loki turn around. Letting down the shield, his eyes went wide. "Aspen! I told you to stay-"

"I won't stay put when you are out risking your life for me!" He groaned, shaking his head. "Aspen, they have everyone looking for you." I scoffed, "I can take care of myse-"

"There is a bounty on your head!" I shut up, keeping my eyes on his. "As does Thor." 

"Well, now we have one. I can wait to get paid." Valkyrie started towards me until Loki stood in her way, smiling. "I don't think so."

She tilted her head, "Watch me." She threw a hit, making him duck and swing at her. He locked her hands together, pulling back her arm guard as her tattoo could be seen. "You're a Valkyrie."

I kicked her legs, making her fall as she took the opportunity to do the same to Loki and me. 

"I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths." She kicked me in the side, making me cry out in pain from the previous injury. Moving to Loki, she pressed her knee into his neck, "Choose your next words wisely."

Loki smirked, "I'm terribly sorry, must be a very painful memory!" Loki shot his arm up, placing his palm on her head as she was transferred into her own memory. I groaned, crawling over to Loki. 

"What are you doing?"

He looked down, keeping his hand on her, "Showing her something painful." I nodded, leaning against his arm. "Are you alright?"

Breathing out a laugh, I nodded. "I guess these people just have a thing for abdomen injuries." Loki laughed, shoving her back as she fell to the ground. 

Valkyrie turned, kicking Loki in the chest as he landed against me. I formed a ball of energy in my palm, "Don't do it." I stood, only for her to throw her dagger, landing in my thigh. I shouted in pain, falling to the ground as I could hear Loki calling my name. 

My vision went blurry, making me see spots. My power was weakening, and I had no idea why. 

Suddenly Valkyrie stood over me, holding the blunt end of Loki's dagger in her hand. "night, night." She slammed the handle onto my head, making me fall into an unconscious state. 

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