𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲 || •𝐉𝐉𝐊...

By Ravendipity

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|| COLLEGE AU JJK X READER || If you looked up 'jerk' in a dictionary, Jeon Jungkook's face would be there. A... More

The Boy Next Door
A Campus of Morons
Hana and Jungkook
Paintings and Phones
The Strange Texts
Jungkook's 'Redemption'
The Locker Room
Tattoos and Secret Jobs
The "Talk"
7 O'clock
Jungkook's Big "Mistake"
The Bedroom...
The Carnival
Kim Namjoon
Showers Are Fun
Galaxy Bowling
Closets Are Fun Too
Jungkook and Y/n
Just One Day
My Bad Boy

Slow Dancing

2.1K 80 143
By Ravendipity

You stared at Jungkook, him keeping his doe eyes on the paper. "Jungkook. It's not that hard. You're literally supposed to come up with your own thoughts."

"Yeah well that's the problem, I don't think," he said with a groan, leaning back. The cushions of the couch bounced with him, you opening the textbook again. "Oh no, not again, I don't even want to look at it."


"Not a word, L/n, I don't want to look at it."

You ignored him (as always), flipping to the page where it had the comprehension questions. For some reason, three days after you and Jungkook kind of 'made up', you found yourself in your apartment with him next to you, studying for philosophy. This question, however, was kicking his ass. You weren't sure why, it wasn't actually that bad.

"What does happiness mean to you, Jeon?" you asked, plopping your finger on the question. The very first one.


You cocked your head to the side, leaning a bit closer than you intended to. "You know you don't have to be scared, if you're about to say fat asses and cash, I won't make fun of you."

"Y/n, what the fuck."

"What? That was gonna be my answer."

Jungkook chuckled, his shoulders easing with his eyes. He set his jaw and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Listen, fat asses and cash are great things, but my answer is... I don't know. I don't know how to describe it."

"Well Jeon, believe it or not, women are not mind readers. I know. Gasp. Big revelation. I can't believe it, we can't actually read your mind-"

"Okay okay, I get your point," Jungkook said with a hand wave, his gaze falling on the ceiling. "I guess... happiness is love."


"Not necessarily partner love, but that's good too. Love is a force we can't see, yet it binds us together in so many ways. Isn't that amazing? You don't even need a lover to feel love, it can be family, pets, hobbies, friends - anything. And I don't know, I'd rather die than live without passion. Love is apart of that passion." Jungkook halted, blinking and staring at you. You had your jaw borderline on the ground, his neck turning a shade of pink you had never seen on him. "But I'm rambling. What's your answ-"

"That was beautiful, Jungkook."

He scratched the back of his neck, "It wasn't, it was just my thoughts."

"Your thoughts are beautiful." Jungkook averted his eyes, you placing a hand on his shoulder. "I mean it. Jungkook, please look at me." He did. "I loved your answer."

"I see what you did there."

"Oh haha, we're having a serious moment."

"A serious moment? You were just talking about fat asses and making cash-"

"Moment ruined," you said, grunting. Jungkook was laughing like a little baby, his eyes crinkling with a giddiness that had your stomach jumping. Maybe jumping a little too much. "When's the last time you fell in love?"

He calmed himself, pursing his lips in thought. "Yesterday."

"Yesterday? What, did a fat-assed chick walk by you?"

"No, but I ate a cheeseburger from Burger King."

"I swear to God Jungkook," you mumbled, rubbing your temple.

"You asked, I answered honestly. I don't know why you're complaining."

"McDonald's is better."

"Oh I know you did not just say that," he said, gasping and throwing a hand over his chest. God, this man was so dramatic. At your eye roll, he scoffed. "Excuse you, but I'm cultured. It's not my fault you aren't."

"You're... something, that's for sure."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Jungkook hopped up and shut the textbook, you moving to stop him when he held his hand up. "Five minute break, I know we just started, but I want to do something really quick." You agreed albeit reluctantly, him strolling to the middle of your tiny living space. Jungkook whipped out his phone and typed away on it, humming as he did so. "Okay just... give me a chance."

You stood and furrowed your brows, placing your hands on your hips. "Do I want to know what this is about?"

"I um..."

"What? You just told me what you think happiness is, I think you can tell me this."

He froze at your words, glancing up. His lips spread into a smile, music playing on his phone. Slow music. And just like that, your eyes widened. "Teach me how to slow dance. Please."

"Why? And bold of you to assume I know how, I barely know how to spell my name-"

"Y/n." You shut up, peering at him. He placed his phone on the counter and offered you his hand. "Please. No questions asked. It's important to me."

You pretended to think about it, then, you slid your hand into his. "Well, if it's important to you, then fine, but you owe me ice cream." His grin told you he'd give you that, and soon enough, Jungkook's hands were on your waist and yours on his shoulders, wrapping around his neck afterwards. You went over the steps with him, the man learning surprisingly swiftly. When it was time to change songs and try without instructions, he already had it down. "Wow, you're good at this."

"Quick learner," he replied, keeping his gaze on you as you swayed. The depth behind his dark eyes had your heart jolting for no reason. It didn't help that from this close, you could see every detail of his skin. Like the mole under his thin lips, the scar on his cheek, the cute roundness of his doe eyes. He was an attractive man, there was no denying that, but from this close, he appeared like an angel. Maybe more than that.

Jungkook scooted closer and gripped your back, his forehead nearing yours. His breath shot out and danced with yours, twirling until you were left amazed, your eyes unable to peek anywhere other than at him. "Jungkook," you whispered, the single word sounding like a plea.


The moment you went to open your mouth, no sounds came out. So instead, you pretended to smile, letting him place his forehead on yours. "I hope you'll tell me why you're having me do this," you said, again in a whisper.

"Maybe one day." Then, the song ended, and he instantly backed away. Your body shook at the sudden loss of warmth, Jungkook going back over to the couch and sitting. "Come on, back to studying Miss L/n." The teasing tone in his voice had your mind turning to mush, but you couldn't let him know that. Especially since you weren't sure what you were feeling right now. And even worse: why you liked it.

You went over and sat next to him, Jungkook scanning the question page of your textbook. You, on the other hand, had your eyes only on his side profile. The beauty of his sharp jawline, his neck that seemed to have so much detail etched on every inch of his skin, his fluffy hair that shaped his face perfectly. Uh oh. Oh no.

Shit. What in the Wattpad was this feeling?

"Thanks for helping me, and for not asking questions. It's a bit embarrassing," he said without taking his gaze off the paper. You nodded despite him not being able to see, but he got the idea. "Next question: what is the definition of free will? Oh boy, philosophy is a boatload of fun today, huh?" You agreed, going back to your routine and studying with him. But, your mind was elsewhere throughout the rest of the night. What the hell just happened to you?

And why did it feel like it would only get worse?

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